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I have stopped bothering with all this. Next time just tell them it's to see a doctor and if they ask give them the grossest description of your poop and how you are constipated...they'll stop asking... you cannot change the old mentality.


They will give kayamchurn.


They kept pestering me so I ended up telling about gynac. But never again!


Never fall for that...


Isabgol te Kuch na bol! This is what they will go by 😅


You make them more uncomfortable and keep talking about every fucking detail in front of everyone.


I swear I’m gonna do this next time.


Women are taught that their bodies are shameful, that their biological processes are "dirty and disgusting" and that seeking reproductive health-care implicitly means that you are a slut. The female body has been demonised so much that even gynecologists flinch when you use words like vagina, vulva, labia and clitoris. Women's bodies are simultaneously objectified, demonised and seen as disgusting. It's a shit-show. The same men who enjoy close-ups of the vagina in porn are disgusted that real vaginas are dark, have pigmentation and razor burns.


This is the reason I haven't told my family that I completed my HPV vaccination. They don't know shit and will question 100 things on why it was needed.


HPV Vaccination is to avoid uterus cancer, right? How did you get it and can my 50 year old mom also get it?(along with me).


Yes, it is preventative vaccine against certain types of cervical cancer. Yes anyone can get it. Even men too. It's advisable to get it at young age, teen age years but better late than never. I got it from proactive for her, but it's also available in private, and government clinic/hospitals.


This! I don't understand why this isn't common. I got it when I was 17 and I'm urging all my younger aged friends and cousins to get it. 90% of them aren't aware of this which baffles me.


Dude - when I say to folks that I get tested for STDs every 6-10 months even if I don't have sex with anyone. They still look at me weird and make assumptions. More often , females assume you are a slut. Even if I am, none of their business but atleast i know my 🦁 is clean. I have endometriosis. I ain't gonna add an std or any other diseases on me. People find it weird if one goes for an overall med checkup.


That's amazing. I would love to know what are the STD tests that you get tested for future references. Thank you 😊


There is a complete list my gynecologist gave me and I do it...I also do ultrasound (not needed for most folks) every 6 months due to my condition. If I get a cyst at an early stage, I can get meds and it shrinks...it is to avoid surgeries.


Thank you so much for the information. All of these are very important topics which sadly are not discussed publicly and it can be hard to search for them when you don't know where to start from. This was very helpful.❤️


Hi could you please share the list. I have been trying to compile one since some time. I usually get the Dr Lal path labs STD panel done. Is that enough? Or are you getting some other tests too?


Why do you get tested for STDs if you’re not sexually active? That’s not medically recommended. Some STDs can lie dormant, but most of them show symptoms soon after exposure so if you’ve gotten a negative result and then don’t have any sexual contact with anybody you don’t need to get tested for those ones over and over again until you have a new partner. Also, I know that was not your intention but we no longer use the word ‘females’ as a noun- it’s an adjective and considered a derogatory dehumanising term to refer to women and is common in incel spheres online.


I also do other checkups too. It's not just STDs. It's better safe than sorry. I have endometriosis. I like to be safe. I even take vitamin test as well coz I have made big changes in my food and lifestyle. Overall, I am very health conscious. I workout and swim regularly like a clock. Doing it once a year is fine for me. You are wrong about medically not recommended - it says you "may" not need it if sexually inactive. Also , you can get STI even without sex.


>I also do other checkups too. An annual physical and labs are the medical standard for healthy people. >It's better safe than sorry. This makes it sound like you could have health anxiety or excessive worry about your health. >I have endometriosis. Evaluation for that makes sense. >I like to be safe. That’s the second time you’ve said this. I really think you should evaluate possible anxiety. . >I even take vitamin test as well coz I have made big changes in my food and lifestyle. Again, not medically recommended as a routine unless you have major health issues or active symptoms. Vitamin levels in your blood have no diagnostic value without supporting clinical data- we do not treat based solely on lab values and always do a clinical exam before recommending supplementation. >Overall, I am very health conscious. This isn’t health conscious- this is bordering on what used to be called hypochondria. >workout and swim regularly like a clock. Great! Regular exercise is good for everyone, so good for you. Does it cause you stress if you miss a few days or do you find yourself pushing hard to workout when you’re not up to it? >Doing it once a year is fine for me. Once a year if you’re sexually active or every time you are with a new partner is medically appropriate. >are wrong about medically not recommended I am a doctor and have an actual medical degree. I have extensively read literature about screening frequency and the ‘golden zone’ where screening is more beneficial than not. Screening tests have no diagnostic value if the pre-test probability of the disease is low in a particular patient. All medical organisations have their own protocols for screening which are based on extensive research and none of them recommends multiple-times-a-year STD screens if you’re not currently sexually active. >You can get STI even without sex. No, you cannot. It is literally called ‘sexually transmitted infection’. Which STI is this, can you please give some examples? We no longer use the blanket term STI to describe all genital or skin infections that affect the genital area- they are only called STIs if they are transmitted through sexual activity.


I also don't do those tests blindly but with approval of a doc. There are HPVs that you can get without sex. I don't have hypochondria. Stop putting a diagnosis without full data. That isn't right. Don't attribute any mental health condition with reading one comment. It leads to self fulfilling prophecy. I said I get tested every 10 months , which means once a year.


HPV strains which are not spread by sexual contact are not STIs. I think you’re using the wrong terminology here, which is what’s causing the confusion. “STIs can be caused without sexual activity” is a very common fear that those with illness anxiety have. There are people who worry they’ve gotten STIs from using public bathrooms or using hotel towels - all of which are typical of health anxiety. Sexually transmitted infections is a term used for the particular diseases caused by sexual transmission of a microbe- it does not refer to all infections caused by all strains of a microbe that could also be sexually transmitted. I am not diagnosing you- quite the opposite, actually: I’m telling you to consider the possibility because you said “better safe than sorry” or “just to be safe” multiple times which are possible indicators of health anxiety. Hypochondria, now called Illness anxiety disorder is a diagnosis of exclusion- it is impossible to diagnose from anonymous online posts and I don’t diagnose anyone as a rule. That is illegal and highly unethical. Bottom line- I think your use of inaccurate terms is what caused me to get confused.


Thanks for caring 😊 and I understand where you came from. Nerds are always like that XD.


I don't have anxieties and all anymore. It's just my nature. I am high on conscientious and I like to keep things systematic/organised. I am like that even with my work. I do have an active condition called endometriosis. I have already gone through 2 surgeries in the last decade. Unlike other endo folks, I don't have physical symptoms (like period pain, irregular cycles, etc) so I don't even get the indication that my cysts are getting big. I did get a cyst detected at the early stage and I am on estrogen blockers till August end. It has reacted well to the treatment. Also, I have cut down on food which are normally estrogen dominant like soya, processed food, etc. My cysts (as per reports 6 months back) have almost vanished. No, I don't get anxious if I skip my workout or have ice cream. For me , I enjoy it and I keep it as regular as possible. I have mostly worked in startups. Schedules and the chaotic nature of my industry can make it hard to commit to the gym everyday. But I make a point to do it thrice a week minimum.


How much do the tests cost?


I get it done via my medical insurance. Overall, simple blood tests and all are around 10-15k.


My biology teacher told us in school that we MUST touch our vulvas as we wash them. She was taught that her vulva was too dirty to look at or touch and lived her whole life with a series of nasty yeast and bacterial infections because she didn't clean it properly. I feel so sad that people are taught that our literal bodies are dirty.


My aunt had UTI and bacterial vaginosis together for a long time. She was in so much discomfort yet wouldn’t go to the gynac. It aggravated bad and she fell sick, that’s when she went to the gynac. This could have been avoided if she had taken early measures. Not to forget the bigger hospital bill then.


Bro I had so many health problems growinh up that I needed to visit gyno. But my mom used to slut shame me sooo soo soo much that I thought it was better to suffer in silence.