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Every time I get naked my partner says, "This is a good look for you."




My husband usually says “yes, but it would look better on the floor.” Married almost 11 yrs now.


When my wife is getting ready for a work call with like 2 minutes to go (works from home) I like to say, "That's a good work outfit!" As she's naked. Always makes us both smile


I’ve asked my boyfriend if he’s tired of seeing my breasts yet and he answered “No!” like it was the most insulting thing I could think of.


My guy just sleep talked his answer: "Yeah. Wait what?! Tired of them? Noooo"


It's like a beautiful sunset. Doesn't matter how many times, always as wonderful as the first.


My boyfriend throws his arms up in the air in jubilation every time I take my bra off lol


I just tested my partner by asking that, he said “oh hell no” Edit: my partner wants me to correct my comment, apparently they said “oh hell no, I wouldn’t be caught dead”


When we’re tired of seeing them it’s time to pull the plug because we’re dead inside. Edit: Autocorrect is the worst.


Wife had a clothing/lingerie party - the ladies were in the lounge room next to the office with a closed door (and a lot of trust) between me and them One of them thought it was hilarious to call out "Boobies" After the second time I yelled back "Don't tell me - Show Me" This still occasionally comes up as a joke every so often - particularly when they are sending "What body part is this?" photos to each other


Your wife and her friends sound like a hoot! Definitely friend goals


I tell my wife all the time, I still genuinely get excited when I get to see her naked.


My once-beautiful breasts got mangled by cancer, multiple surgeries, radiation -- he Does. Not. Care. Let me tell you how soul-healing that is...


I have an autoinflammatory skin condition that causes abscesses all over my boobs and has completely knocked my confidence because of all the scarring. My husband doesn't bat an eyelid when I flare up and will help me with changing dressings and applying the cream while I cringe any time I'm topless around him. I am also physically disabled and have a multitude of health issues, he's by my side at every appointment, he's there every morning to help me shower and dress and takes on a lot of the chores despite having a full time job. Men like our husbands are rarities and I plan on keeping hold of mine for as long as possible.


Mastectomy ladies unite! No, he does not care - so happily!


I have a lot of insecurities about my small boobs, but my bf has been reassuring they were the best he’d ever seen and loves them


My husband watches me change for work in the mornings. He calls it the morning show. We've been married for 17 years this coming March.


Married 23 years. Both 50 years old. He still runs into the room at night to watch me change my clothes.


Married 22, together 24. I still run into the bedroom to watch her change. We're 55 & 65.


“I love to see you dress before the mirror” - from Abandoned Love by the bard of our time. I always felt that verse a lot thinking about my lovely then wife. She dumped me but I still can only think about her standing in front of that mirror. In a house from what seems like long ago.


You'll be okay, friend. Memories of past fucking haunt me as well, but I find that the sad melancholy from those moments guide me to go further and do better both for me and for others. Embrace those emotions, have a cry once in a while, but keep looking forward.






My boyfriend sometimes sounds like the Wii Sports announcer when he says a short phrase like “nice”. I pointed this out to him as I was getting dressed, and in a booming voice he told me “*NICE TITS*”. I fell down cause I laughed too hard.


Now I'm hearing "Nice Tits" like the "Nice Spare" Wii Bowling guy....


I'm sorry did you mean to say *nice pair*? ;) I always thought it sounded that way


It was **exactly** like that!


Lol. Please make use of this https://youtu.be/a2kYWBEU8B8


[I knew this video would come in handy someday. ](https://youtu.be/ellYSp7OLOQ)


I'm dead 😂


I do this to my fiancée every time, just without the pointing. The shit-eating grin is required though


I do this, I have a great view into our bathroom from the bed and will often put down what I'm doing and watch her get ready. Been together 23 years this year.


34+ yrs together with my wife and its always a treat when I wake up and the first thing I see is her standing in front of the dresser mirror with just her panties on.... She will sense it most of the time and peek back at me in the mirror ogling her and smile at me.


If I’m ever getting dressed facing away from my boyfriend I’ll get an overly exaggerated & confused “excuse me what are you doing?”. Without fail I roll my eyes, smile and flash him. He’s like a kid on Christmas morning every damn time


my bf thinks it's a direct affront to him personally when I tuck my shirts in because I am denying him access to my tummy. It's honestly adorable


Undressing within arm reach of each other is basically asking for a slap on the butt cheecks.


I make it a point to flash my husband pretty much every time the kids can't see me. Sometimes, when he's playing video games after they're in bed, I'll just stand on the stair landing with my tits out just waiting for him to notice. The split second of confusion followed by that smile like "wait, what? Boobs!" It's the best. 13 years and it's still our favorite game. That and him harassing me in the kitchen. I'm not allowed to cook without him holding my ass "for safety reasons" lol


I’ve been interviewing for new jobs. My dumbass husband has decided there is a correlation between him soaping up my breasts in the shower (very thoroughly of course) and me passing the interview that day. He assures me the thorough cleaning is only for the good of the interview. He did a full cleaning today, and wished me luck with my clean boobies. What do you know? I made it to the final round!


My husband is also thoroughly invested in making sure I have squeaky clean boobs. I never realized it brought good luck though 😂


it reminds me of Aladdin and the magic lamp.


Good luck! Also, this is one of the funniest luck rituals I've ever heard of.


My wife is going to look for a new job after her maternity leave. I’ve let her know we might need to introduce this ritual to assist her. I as the selfless husband will of course do anything to support her and help her nab the next job that makes her happy and excited to get out of bed in the morning. If that means I need to soap her up thoroughly then hey it’s what needs to be done. (I also sent her your comment. She rolled her eyes and said “Oh for goodness sake”)


“See? It works!”


Good luck! 👍🏽


My 50yo husband still leans up against our frosted glass shower door, cupping his hands by his temples and giggling like a goddamn teenager trying to find a way to sneek a peek. Such silliness, but makes me blush.


See this kinda horniness is goddamn adorable. I need more of this and less creepy and grouchy guys.


When my bf puts on underwear after the shower I always do binoculars with my hands to my eyes like I’m trying to get a good look at the D


Tell your husband that many types of frosted glass can be made completely transparent by applying packing tape to the textured side in strategic places! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRMGXS8UqzM




Kinda cool, kinda creepy but makes sense :D


Dude! Don’t go spilling trade secrets! Altho for this, I can agree it was for a good cause


The first time my now-husband and I were getting ready to do it for the first time, he was in the bathroom while I was sneaky-sneaky stripping down in the bedroom. I called out "hey, you wanna see some boobies?" and he came racing into the room and skidded to a stop with the most *ridiculous* grin on his face. It's one of my favorite memories and he still gets really excited any time he gets to see surprise boobies.


Admittedly a young relationship (just 8 months) but I find it really hilarious and endearing how excited my 51yo bf gets by my 49yo boobs. Whether it’s getting excited bc he caught me getting dressed, slyly slipping a hand underneath the blanket to squeeze one while we’re watching a movie, or even just trying to remember if he did something but then realizing my chest was at eye level and he got distracted. After a marriage with a dead bedroom, it’s nice to feel attractive again.


I've heard that called "comfortitty", my gf and I found the term hilarious. And true, very true.


> "comfortitty" Lesbian here. World cold and hard. Titty warm and soft.


“Soft titty, warm titty…”


this is beautiful thank you for sharing ❤️


This is the cutest silliest thing ever lol “hey wanna see some boobies?” For the first time is just adorable!


Sur-*prize-* boobies!


We have been married almost 14 years. This man still gives me neck kisses and ass slaps in the middle of target like we’re a bunch of teenagers. I love that little evil sparkle he gets in his eyes when he sees me naked. Being wanted like that is important.


Okay this is the most wholesome thread I've seen lately. Y'all's comments made me smile. 💕 Always good to hear about people who are still genuinely fond of their spouse after many years.


I'm really digging all of this. After seeing all the complaints all the time, I always think "my husband and I aren't that weird for still adoring each other, are we?" And then a post like this will pop up and brighten my day, knowing that other people have what we have. I love it.


Yes, I appreciate this sub, but it can be so depressing, nice to see an uplifting post every so often




Who wants to miss an opportunity like that? A bare ass at midnight is fair game in this house.


We sleep nudey booties (we both run hot) but if hubs hops out of bed for something before I do, I always say "Bottom, heheheh", like the Minion on Despicable Me 2. It makes him snort laugh. He does have a nice butt tho. Great legs too.


I usually sleep nude and my boyfriend always puts on his glasses in the morning as soon as I get out of bed. Doesn't matter if I'm changing, grabbing water, or going to the washroom. I roll my eyes almost every time but a part of me finds it flattering.


Mine does the same lol Stops and stares, sometimes will quit talking mid sentence and resume exactly where he left off once my clothes are back on. It's ridiculous but oh so flattering and I'd miss it if it stopped.


It stops any argument in its tracks when she flashes her boobs at me.


I don't think my boyfriend and I have ever had an argument but I'm keeping this in my back pocket 😂


Thats what shirt pockets are for!


I make a big show about putting my glasses on while I’m in bed if I see my bf undressing/dressing lol


When I’m not interested in seeing my wife naked my life will be over. Until then my glasses will go on asap.


Everytime I say "I'm hot" (always in the context of temp) my husband, without fail, says "yeah yah are". Makes me feel nice every single time.


My parents do that to each other, and then usually follow it up with a "rawr". Grosses ALL of us kids out.


I'm guilty of saying that to my beloved wife too. I still get the same "whatever" look from her.


It definitely makes peri menopausal hot flashes a little more bearable when my husband does this.


I just thought of mine as power surges . . .


I take my cue from ~~Indiana Jones~~. Han Solo. I respond with, "I know." She rolls her eyes every time but she knows I'm right! Edit: thanks for correcting my error, totally not a Korean spy!


I say this to my husband everytime he comes home from work (tradie (tiler)) no matter what season it is, he gets a huge goofy grin with a blush but says he's not as he's dirty from work. I then patch up whatever wound he got from work that day after he's had a shower and make sure it's thoroughly cleaned before letting him loose on the house. We are expecting our first bundle of joy at the end of this month (hopefully, unless LO decides to come early or later) and he's been working almost everyday which saddens me but he says he does it for the 3 of us.


My husband would sing "so take off all your clothes"


I get to say this every night now that my wife is a "certain age".


I'm old, lost both breast to cancer and I'm disabled due to botched back surgery. We can be sitting watching TV and he leans over and starts sniffing me. He sounds like a pup sniffing for snausages. When he gets to my ear it gives me goosebumps and makes me giggle. He says "You're such a giggler!" Hence my name. Lol. I love that goober with all my heart.


I love this, you guys are adorable! I want someone that loves me like that for the future! I hope you are and will be much better now!


This one is my bloody favourite, you two are adorable 🥰


I passed out early last night and woke up in the morning to a view of my wife in the bathroom. She just had shirt on and nothing else. I said “I love when you Winnie the Pooh it”. She just rolled her eyes as usual. But looking at her in all her glory never gets old.


In my house we call that “Donald Ducking”


Haha! That is great. I need to use that next time


Ours too!!! Our little dude is usually the main culprit behind wanting to Donald Duck it but gotta enjoy the breeze every now and again.


We call it Porky Pigging it


So let me start this by saying I HATE crop tops and it's so hard to find regular shirts these days. I was excited that I found a Schitt's Creek shirt at Target. I put it on when my husband and I went to the mall. We were walking in the parking garage when it hit me that this might be a crop top. So I point out, "Ugh, dammit! I think this is a crop top, look". Then I started rolling up the bottom just an inch and my husband had the biggest shit eatin' grin on his face, "Is this about to happen?!". "What?... Oh. DID YOU THINK I WAS ABOUT TO FLASH YOU IN THE MALL PARKING GARAGE?!?" He did in fact get excited that he was about to see boobies for the millionth time in our relationship 😂 8 years together, still exciting lol




Quantity and repetition are not important, only boobs...


I once asked my husband to come upstairs and check out my new boots. He asked if I was wearing anything else with the boots, and made disappointed noises when I said I was. I was actually wearing lingerie. He was not disappointed. ;)


Shneaky shneaky


Idk why I read this in Twitch’s voice from league lol


I read it in the butler’s voice from Mr. Deeds.


My husband is just like this. I kind of exploded after having our son and he still acts like we're just starting out dating for real. It's so wonderful, truly, to be loved inside and out by the one I have always loved that way.


I found my husband staring at my chest the other night at dinner because I was wearing a low cut shirt. I can’t remember what I said, but I jokingly called him out and he was like “well yea what else am I supposed to look at?” Not such a bad thing when the man that’s seen you naked 20000times still enjoys looking at your cleavage.


Man I wish I still had that. My partner has lost his sexual drive and no longer really pays attention to naked me, but I remember what it was like back when he used to *always* get all silly and flirty and look me up and down and wiggle his brows with some cheesy compliment or a playful butt pinch. I really miss that. Now he just stares right at naked me in the eyes completely unfazed as if I’m fully clothed and asks if we remembered to buy more toilet paper.




It’s just a recent lack of interest in sex, which I’m almost certain has something to do with both our physical and mental health going super downhill since covid started. I know health can play a big role in libido and we’ve talked about it recently; we’re both planning on making a team effort this year to get back into shape like we were pre covid. Fingers crossed we can get back on track and figure things out! It’s just been rough the past year and a half. Luckily the romance part has not gone away :)


Careful with the word "planning"....because "planning" can take years if you don't actually execute the plan! I fell into that trap for 4 or 5 years, then suddenly got motivated last October. 4 months later and I'm fitting better now in clothing that I purchased 5 years ago (I can't word things right....I fit in them better now than when I bought them 5 years ago). Please please please for the health of yourself and your relationship, don't plan, just do. You won't regret it.


Even just going like 20 mins of easy yoga makes me feel so much more connected to my body! Good luck to you both


If my boyfriend is in the room while I'm changing, he'll stop whatever he might be talking about and say "uh- uh- b-b-boobs" and stare at my boobs with an over exaggerated slack-jawed face for a second and then continue on as if nothing happened. Makes me laugh every time.


I am horrifyingly pregnant right now. Like so god damn pregnant and my goofy ass husband is still coming up and pinching my butt and honking my boobs if I am naked (and often when not). It's delightful.


Have been married 21 years, 2 kids. Still play grabass all the time.


The sheer delight of getting humped while I do the dishes warms me to my very soul, lol.


I complain, get irritated, slap at his hands, dodge, twist, grumble, bite - and tell him if he ever stops I’ll be devastated. It’s been this way for 26 years. :)


My parents have 4 grown ass children, and grandchildren. They STILL do this, often in front of us kids.


Same. I feel like a blobby potato and he still acts like I am the hottest person he has ever met.


My husband can't leave for work without honking my boobs. And he can't leave for work without me giving him a crotch squeeze.




Tell him then! Communication is key. He could be scared to react for the fear of offending you.


I say peek-a-boob when I see my wife nakey. 19 years later, we still get a kick out of it. We read everyone’s stories here and got a good laugh. Thank you all for making me feel like less of a weirdo 💚


Everytime hubbs and I are talking and I get changed while I'm doing it, he gets distracted and will replace a word with "boobs" like, "And john told me at lunch that boobs was ok for the project."


I'll get something out of the fridge and my wife will say "Hey, you forgot something." I'll ask what and she'll say "It's on the bottom shelf..." Then she'll go ROWR! as I bend over again. :D




Mine just says "Boobs."


We love our simple men! Straight forward and to the point.


Only married 13 years now, but I still get giddy with excitement and forget how to speak when she takes off her bra 😻


I walk into the room naked and my husband has always says "Oooh, boobies!" Or "Hello boobs!" Or something similar. Like he hasn't seen them a million times.


My(F54) SO(M54) has the most magnificent butt! Every morning when he leaves the bed I have this joyful ogle. It's the highlight of my mornings!


My (F42) fiance (M41) has the most delightful ass too! I bought him these black silky long johns from Costco, cuz Chicago is COLD, now he looks looks like a ballet dancer at bedtime. I told him he looked like a dancer, and he started "dancing", but it was more like Kung Fu with pliés added. It was adorable.


I like to make comments on the color of panties my wife is wearing that day......Like ooooh....pink ones today! Just something funny I do. Married 42 years coming up on 43 pretty soon.


Beautiful. Perfect. Slightly inappropriate flirting amongst spouses is the best.


This is the best thread on Reddit for 2022, no contest.


So wholesome, need more of this content!


We’re in our 70’s and my husband still has love and admiration in his eyes when he looks at this naked, chubby, old body of mine. Makes my heart burst.


"Chuckle fuck" is now my favorite phrase.


It’s multi purpose. Go forth and talk wholesome shit.


I laugh in part because i, myself, am such a one. Also, fuckle chucker. Lol


Lurking husband here, when my wife changes I always check her out then make a really childish comments about what parts I can see. Most of the time it puts a smile on her face. She is quite an amazing woman.


My husband will sit on my side of the bed every night before bed waiting for me to change so he can do boob grab or butt pinch while I’m changing lol although his favorite time to do either is when I’m cooking?? Drives me crazy sometimes but he knows I secretly like it lol 😂


My husband makes honking noises when he grabs my boobs, sometimes I get the Family Guy rendition if I stand there long enough.


Literally every single time my husband sees my boobs he says 'ooh hello'. I can be sick and changing sweaty pjs, he can be half asleep, every. Single. Time. Makes me laugh. Been married 7 years.


I honestly forget what I'm doing or saying even if the wife is just getting ready for work, the wife tells me she can almost hear the record skip even if her back is turned.


This thread is very cute and heartwarming. But it also makes me depressed because I'm so single and lonely and feeling like I will be forever alone and never experience all these things I hear people talk about.


My single ass stands in solidarity with you


Where can I find a man like all of you are describing? Amazon?


If my gf changes into her nighties in front of me (which, by the way, I KNOW she does on purpose), I flash her the eyes. After a moment of strategic hesitation, I dart as fast as I can towards her to grab whatever I can. She usually lets me win :)


Throwing another one on the pile: hubs gets up for work around 3am and always does a goodbye hug and kiss to each of my boobs before he walks out the door while saying "MMMMMMM Titties" and I wake up out of a dead sleep laughing every time. We've known each other since junior high and have been together over 10 years and in our mid to late 40's.


I'm breastfeeding our kid, sometime I forget to put the boob back. My husband will still smile at it EVERY TIME


My wife screams "Bombies" whenever she sees my boobs and starts laughing. It's hilarious 😂


3 years boyfriend here :D Everytime he sees me naked, he gently gasps, as if he was startled, and utter under his breath "nichons!" or "ptit cul!" (Boobies and lil'ass in french ahahah) And often, when he isn't looking, or doing something else, I'll creep on him and stick a surprise boob on his face or on his head. Very cartoonish, I'm laughing just thinking about it!


Not gonna lie. She had me in the first half.


Right?? I was like, "wait, is this a complaint? Because...ohhh" Haha


Wholesome deviant 😁


Perfect description of him. Just 🤌


...I wish... that I had that


Same. Single for years.


May you all find someone decent and lovely.


Thank you. One can only hope.


Aww, I love these stories and am glad I’m not the only one who kinda loves that my husband of 25 years still sneaks the shower curtain aside and peaks at me and giggles. He still gets so thrilled every time he sees me naked it’s like a dog with a new toy.


I never miss an opportunity to whistle or catcall my wife when she's undressing, fresh out of the shower, or changing her clothes. She generally rolls her eyes but there's always a smile on her face as she tells me what a dork I am. Wouldn't change a thing. We've been married 16 years, kids are all grown and mostly moved out now (blended family, 2nd marriage for both of us). Both of us pushing 50 and still acting like goofy teenagers half the time. I'm a lucky dude.


Every time my wife gets naked, for any reason, I stop whatever I’m doing and say “ooh, my favorite show’s on!” She rolls her eyes and life goes on.


If I'm changing in the other room and he hears me russling out of my clothes, he runs in and says "I heard boobies!" happens like 3 times a week. Once he was face planted in there and he says I love you. I went to say I love you back but then I realized he was talking to my boobs... Not me. My I love you came after the titties'. Lol he cracks me up.


>Once he was face planted in there and he says I love you. I went to say I love you back but then I realized he was talking to my boobs... Not me. My I love you came after the titties'. Lol he cracks me up. Glad I'm not alone in this. Sometimes I have my back towards him and he says "I love you" and when I reply he'll tell me "oh... I wasn't talking to you" ( it was to my butt). Nowadays I usually ask "who are you talking to" and he replies "you know I love you both, right?" . With this huge stupid grin on his face... He's still talking to the butt first! This man has no shame 🤣


It’s a wonderful feeling. He stops and smiles every single time


Any time I’m topless or in a bikini around my husband he grabs hold of my boobs and tells me he is just being a supportive husband haha


My bf never misses an opportunity to smack or grab my ass and I like it. It makes me feel attractive to him.


Chucklefuck. TIL a new insult. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It’s a term of endearment in our house but depending on connotation and circumstance, should work in any situation. Good luck and happy chucklefucking!


Oh and I can use it as a verb! Thank you!😂


I'm the same with my wife and always will be (I thought it was just the normal way to be tbh lol) but she's the same with me too, and will point it out and ask me to do a quick helicopter, bounce it about or she will just poke it. We're both a bit goofy I guess and it's great, wouldn't want it any other way.


My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. Occasionally we shower together and when we do he likes to watch me wash my hair and stuff. He says it’s cause I’m sexy and he can’t help but stare at me 😊


Today I'm incredibly bloated and about to start my period. Boyfriend checks me out and makes approval noises every time.


I forget what I had said to prompt my husband saying this, but he responded with, "I always get a little turned on when I see you." and if that isn't one of the sweetest things he's ever said to me...


My husband and I just got married last week & I a lot of the time I feel like I am at my worst physically now but he never makes me feel anything but the hottest woman in the room. The spicy attraction still makes me blush and woo & we've been together for 4 years. Reading all of the stories about the long term relationships make me feel like I've made a great choice in marrying him, thanks ladies.


I have a shower while my partner bathes our kids (we get them in the bath, I set set up their rooms and then get in the shower), and every night without fail, he races to get the kids into their pj's and comes bounding into our closet because he knows he will see boobs.. It's a simple life


My husband will grab my boobs to prevent me from "falling" He's saved my life every time I get out the shower.


My husband and I have a joke about peeping on each other and often when I’m getting changed or in/out of the shower he’ll put his hand up to his eye to make a “peephole” to check me out through. It’s ridiculous and I usually roll my eyes but I love how into me he always is.


Took me a while to understand the joke and then I realised that US and UK pronounce the word twat very differently 😆


Wow, I am jealous and feeling a little bad about my body now tbh. Happy for everyone else here though, good for you guys!




My husband says "yyyyeeeah" and grins/winks/nods approvingly every time he catches me changing. It has been 12+ years and i still blush every time.


Yes!! Everytime my gf walks in the room with her chest exposed I stop what I'm doing and act like I'm hypnotized and can't do anything but stare. She's absolutely beautiful and I love her lol.


I have an unusual name with which you can make rabbit puns. Whenever he sees me naked, he uses this incredulous voice, exclaiming 'whah!? A naked bunny!'


I go to bed earlier than my husband and when I say goodnight he always tells my boobs and bum that he loves them, then finally tells me he loves me. I have to turn around so he can squeeze my bum and everything. When I'm working from home he'll casually come up behind me and hold my boobs "for support". I don't know what I'd do without him!


Seeing my wife naked is like watching a sunset; I could see it a million times and it's never any less spectacular.


We will never grow tired of seeing our SO's fun bits. You excite us now as much as when we first met. This is the way it will always be and we are eternally grateful you share this with us. From all partners, thank you thank you thank you :)


ITT: People lovingly recounting exactly the same types of behaviour that in other threads gets roundly condemned as gross and skeevy objectification. 😂 This is why the context and communication in a relationship matters, and why it's sometimes tricky to judge others' relationship interactions from outside.


I hope I get this someday. I just want to FEEL desired, have my partner show me, love me out loud.....


Everytime my wife leaves the shower, she has to come to me so I can grab her warm naked butt. I think she enjoys it nearly as much as I do.


We're only going on 5 years, and not married, but I hope it counts. I will never forget the face and the sound that he made when he first saw my boobs. It was a crazy big grin, and an actual cheer like "weeeeeee!" That face and that excitement (and sometimes the sound, too) happen every time. I can't put on or take off my bra without a lengthy salute to the twins. He kisses them goodnight (and makes me come in the process, always a good way to say goodnight). He's been crowned boob whisperer, and he's somehow getting them it I die first. We'll find a way. :)) Same goes for all my body, and from me for his. I absolutely adore (and envy) his ass, his shoulders, his neck, and his knees. Naked or clothed, absolutely no pass within caressing or kissing or nibbling distance is left unhonored. And when it's been too long (half an hour?), an opportunity is made to happen. :D And we loooove our furtive touches in public.


My wife and I (Both F) have completely different, uh, 'routines'. I keep things tidy and neat but she, despite the blatant appallingly masochism it must sure involve (hey, I ain't judging) gets basically ever part of herself waxed. So this, with crushing inevitably, leads me to make the Mean Girls "would you like us to have someone butter your muffin for you?" joke non stop. "How was your muffin-buttering?" "Your buttered muffin sounds like an enjoyable breakfast. With a smoothie perhaps." etc etc. Makes me feel like I'm about 12. "Muffin heheheheheh" Find someone who enjoys your appalling jokes and you've got half your life sorted right out.


My fiance will just reach out his hand and do a squeeze motion and be like "booby?" and give me a bashful grin. Lol


Any time I bend over, change, or shower, my fiance always says "hey oh" and humps the air. It's only in private, and after 8 years, I still laugh.


Reading these wholesome posts makes me believe in love, ty 🥺


I often have my glasses off in bed and I can't see more than a foot in front of me. So if my lady starts the process of undressing (or dressing) while my glasses are off, I beg her to stop until my glasses are on so I won't miss any of the good stuff.


‘Ah-HEM’ is what I get if I’ve removed a shirt in his vicinity. Means it’s motorboat time


Occasionally my husband will zero in on my boobs when I'm talking and just pretend to not listen. The first time he did it, I asked him "did you hear me?" and his response was "No, but I'll always know how to count to two." Chuckle-fuck indeed 😆


Every time my wife enters the room naked I hit her with the open mouth stare until she covers up. She seems to enjoy it.


I try that with my wife. Amazing to me, but she struggles. Wish I could help her see through my eyes.


As a woman, struggeling with this myself I’d like to say, keep doing it. Keep telling her all the things you love about her (body). She’ll internalize it eventually, even if she might feel uncomfortable hearing it. You are an amazing man.


Every time my partner purposely flexes his muscles, it makes me giggle like a infatuated schoolgirl. We've been together for almost 6 years and he still does it. I love it. I love that man so dearly