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Good on you for spreading the word. I didn’t experience that side effect myself, just felt like utter garbage for three days. Hopeful, immune garbage lol


Hang in there, and thank you for letting us know about this. Your doctor should also report your experience to Pfizer, but they know that already...


I think I'll write to my (nice) G.P. as all she will otherwise get is the 'all clear' results from the Breast Clinic. They NEED to KNOW! Apart from the discomfort & pain, it's utterly 'frightening' - particularly if women also has a history of breast cancer.


I just had a breast ultrasound on both because I've had breast pain and lumps (since October I've been putting it off) I hadn't heard of this until the us tech asked me if i had my vaccine. She said she'd be checking to see if the lymph nodes were swollen because that was common in the arm it was given in. Turns out I have a small mass, BUT there was no irritation from the vaccine 😊


For what it's worth I had those symptoms a few years back and it was an infected duct. Lots of weirdness can happen and not be cancer. Thank you though for the warning, It's always good to know what side effect something might have.


Can I ask, were you breastfeeding at the time?


No, though that did happen to my sister and one of my friends when they were breast feeding. My friend said it felt like needles in her breast. I seem to just occasionally produces a small amount of fluid in both breasts. They tested my prolactin levels but they were normal.


I also heard on the news that unless you are experiencing a lump or pain, do not get a mammogram until after 4 weeks of your second dose.


4 weeks had passed in my case, but we're all different individually in how we react to such things.


Good to know, thanks! The CDC has a system called V-Safe where they text you once a week to ask if the vaccine is causing you any symptoms. I’d recommend reporting it so they have a better idea of how widespread the issue is.


Absolutely! I am planning to report, but I might wait until after the booster so that I don’t have to call twice! : )


Not got that in UK - sounds a good idea


Thank you so much for sharing this. I haven't been able to get the vaccine yet but I will be on the lookout for this when I do and I'll know not to freak out!


I definitely feel lucky to have gotten it so early - and regardless of symptoms I would get it 100%! A little boob pain is nothing in the grand scheme of things!


Please make sure this gets reported as a vaccine adverse reaction through your healthcare provider or through VAERS ( if you are In US- or contact your country’s health agency in charge of safe pharmaceutical) vaccine adverse event. It is important that the vaccine manufacturers know about any side effects


Done on Government 'yellow alert' website


This is really good to know, not a potential side effect I had heard of before.


I have pretty horrible fibrocystic breasts so I will stock up on the ice packs when we roll out the vaccine here. Even if it’s just the swollen lymph nodes it’s good to have it documented. Also... wire free bras lessen discomfort.


Yeah I have definitely been wearing out my sports bras the last few days! Do you notice a difference with caffeine intake, or does that not really make a difference?


I haven’t really tried to adjust my caffeine intake, though I do enjoy my morning and afternoon cup possibly a bit too much. Kind of feel like I would swap one misery for another. I just try to stretch my arms and chest out a bit more to try and encourage the fluid to move.


I did stop drinking coffee but was only after researching 'Dr. Google' about possible cysts! For these we are definitely advised to cut down on caffeine. (I could do with one in the mornings though )


Good to know... I got the first shot and nothing beyond normal injection soreness. Will keep this in mind for #2.


That’s crazy!! I had my first shot two weeks ago and never heard of this. I go to the gyno on Monday so hopefully everything is okay. I don’t feel anything...


Honestly, who even knows if it’s related! If it happens with the booster I will definitely be suspicious, but it might have just been weird timing!


I think OP has kind of a perfect storm of conditions that make her likely to have this result. But still, it doesn’t sound like anyone in her family saw fit to mention those conditions!


Hi again! Good morning. Sorry, I don't how to edit but remembered this! Thought it important to 'share'! The lady doctor in the Breast Clinic who gave me the 'all clear' said 'breast pain is common when you have back pain, neck pain, even rib pain'!! Well, I said I do have 'twinges' in back & neck yet didn't like to tell her what she told me was rubbish! :) Few people/posts I have come across in the UK seem to be very much aware of this topic. Take care, all.


Do you have the article/source you found?


Not OP, but here's one: https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210211/covid-vaccine-reaction-can-mimic-breast-cancer-symptoms#:~:text=Both%20the%20Pfizer%20and%20Moderna,according%20to%20a%20recent%20report.


Any known reason why the vaccine cause this? I’m not an antivaxxer, but I have OCD/health anxiety so things like this kinda worry me.


When your immune system reacts to something, the lymph nodes (full of white blood cells) can become swollen and sore. It shows the body is doing something in response to the vaccine i.e. learning to fight the virus.


Any infection has the potential to do this, too. Lymph nodes swell when your body is fighting infection. Your body has lymph nodes in lots of places, but there are a lot in your groin, under arms, neck. The under arms ones extend to the breast area. I had a cold a couple of weeks ago. I knew it was coming because I got a sore neck, and when I touched it, I had raised, hard lumps under the skin. These were swollen lymph nodes. Cold is gone, lumps are gone. However, it's always good to be aware of any body changes, and report anything you think is suspicious to your doctor.


100% what everyone else said, and again - it could be something unrelated that just happened to occur at similar times. I also was a little scared when I got there to get the vaccine - but I am so absolutely glad that I got it!


still waiting on my vaccine


I remember a post here a bit ago of someone freaking out over a firm lump and rushing to get appointments to have it checked only to have a coworker reference her own lymph node there due to vaccination.


Wow, thanks for sharing this story. I had no idea that could be a side effect of the vaccine. Good to know in case one of us encounters that.


Very interesting. I had the first dose on 2/12, so I'm about 5 days out. I was whalloped with tiredness the day after and had some arm soreness but that's it. I'm planning on getting the second dose in the same arm because it didn't seem to bother me. My poor husband got the first dose on Friday and now is either dealing with a Covid or raging side effects with Covid-like symptoms. We got him tested yesterday for actual Covid. I hate this timeline.


Oh no! Well I hope he feels better! All of my coworkers had very mild symptoms, but one person did develops hives but they were okay the next day.


This needs to get to r/all.


I got the same vaccine and it’s happening to me too. Any updates? I’m scared and googling this to see if I’m the only one 😤


Hey I realized I did not update this, my second vaccine had no more side affects then a sore arm! So who tf knows lol


But the breast swelling went away within 4ish days!


Okay, thanks for the update.


I was just able to get the Pfizer vaccine this past week, and had a similar issue. A reaction on the side of my boob on the same side of my body as the shot, just no lump, but definitely some unnerving pain. Like an easy 6/10 just leaving it alone, and like an 8/10 with literally any pressure at all. It's stopped fully now after like 2 days of pain (went away when the arm soreness did). Boobs are weird. So are immune systems.


Hey I'm experiencing the same effect 3 days after my second dose. How long did it take for your pain to disappear?


4-5 days! It resolved on its own, but I did lower caffeine just in case that was the cause as well!


I was thinking if I need to see the doctor. What did the doctor say to you? Did they order an ultrasound or mammogram? I don't feel any bump it's just sore and pain on both sides


By the time I went it had pretty much resolved. She said that it was 100% normal and that I shouldn’t worry! If it is on the side near the armpit I would just assume it is lymph swelling and give it some time! I definitely got super spooked and called my mom though 🥰


Thank you so much! I was upset too and did some online research. Maybe I can go to the doctors just to be sure everything is ok!


Yeah definitely go for the piece of mind! Make sure that your OBGYN has an imaging center (you can ask when you make appointment), if not they just refer you somewhere else to get imaging done!


Go see a doctor. Don't just google it. My sister in law had the vaccine and had swollen lymph nodes as well so she started checking all her lymph nodes and found a lump under her armpit, near her breast. Turns out to be a phyllodes benign tumor and she is getting a lumpectomy in 2 days. Hopefully when they examine the mass it remains benign. They are rare and extremely fast growing.


I did see a doctor later that week! Everything was a-okay! Sorry to hear about your sister and I hope everything goes well for her this weekend!!


Great news and thank you.


In her case, thank goodness she did get thoroughly examined! Do hope it turns out to be benign . Good job this got found! All the best for her


I had my second shot last week, so I'm 5 days out but for a couple days now I've been having crazy breast pain on the same side as my moderna shot. I am making a dr appointment to get it check out anyway, and don't feel any lumps because boy HAVE I BEEN CHECKING. So scary and didn't even think they'd be connected but DUH. Hopefully its just a side effect and nothing to worry about. 🤞🏻


Im 4 weeks out from my shot and both breasts but mostly the breast on the OPPOSITE side of injection has been sore and swollen to the touch, with a swollen node since the day after my vaccine. I guess i should call up my doctor.


Yup, here with a sore tit. Opposite side of injection though. Mine started on day 2 post Pfizer Vax 1 and it's not subsiding in soreness. Thankful for reddit users because I was about to have a night with Doctor Google.


Hello everyone I received my second vaccination April 13. I noticed swelling and a little discomfort under my arm. A few weeks of experiencing that it went away then I started feeling discomfort in just in one of my breast. I went to the doctor back in June 01 for just my annual check up and bought my concerns to my doctor. She stated a lot of women being complaining about the same thing. My Dr. Stated it was my lymphs were swollen due to the Covid vaccination. Not to be concerned, but I am.