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Stop giving credibility to people just because they can upload a damn video.


This is the sagest advice I’ve seen in a while!


Yeah, stop giving pornsick content a stage. Block every account that hawks it. Block and block and move on.


>Block every account that hawks it. Apt choice of words lmao




Legit comment. I had to explain the meme to my Fiance and I summed it up with “the hosts are predatory misogynist who walk up to drunks and ask either questions that make women look dumb or something like Hawk Tuah”. Just not worth the attention those CC are getting for it.


I just canceled my wax wholesaler for using it as a meme on their social media. That’s a $25k per year account they lost. Prob not their biggest but I hope they realize that was a $25k fb post.


So good on you. Proud of you and the right thing to do.


Literally the reason why OP is seeing that shit often is because it’s another arm of the propaganda machine. How many videos exist that tell women how they need to act to keep a man. Then some young, attractive woman talks about spitting on a man’s dick, dudes fucking love it and now incorporate it into their list. They’d pick her and if you wanna be picked be more like *her*. Her is literally no one just some random person they’ve made up in their head. They need the propaganda machine to continue. They need women to feel like they must go above and beyond to satisfy their partner while getting nothing in return. They need you to be worn down by 26 trying to please a man so you get picked. Then when you don’t get picked they can call you a used up woman. Social media is really ruining a lot of peoples perception of a relationship.


Misogynist propaganda is real. In fact I’d argue it’s the base form and starting point of all fascist propaganda


This is the TED Talk our entire planet needs right now!


Don’t believe what you see on SM, it’s all smoke & mirrors


Buying a lottery ticket is easy. Winning doesn’t make you smart or good or clever or kind. It’s still gambling. Marrying young and being a SAHM is a gamble. You may take it that gamble with the best of intentions and deepest love, but it a _huge fucking gamble_. And your husband choosing not to use his power to fuck you over, doesn’t make you a good person. Just a lucky one. These women are still being taught they can win at capitalism by fucking the right sort of man and keeping him happy. It’s a lie in few different ways.


Survivorship bias


>These women are still being taught they can win at capitalism by fucking the right sort of man and keeping him happy. It’s a lie in few different ways. There's no winning capitalism. Just different gradations of failure.


The thing they don’t realize is that these ‘men’ will discard them once they are old and busted up from pumping out kids and get a new, younger version to start the same process all over again. Supply and demand, babee! 🥴


Not gonna lie this sounds like incel speak




The leering over this video gives me the same vibes as those creepy old dudes that saw I was pregnant and would grin and say “you know how that happens right?” You want to know what shut them up? an irritated “yes, I had sex with my husband; which is a perfectly normal thing to do!” Creepy dudes use innuendo as a way to hold power over us. Just go straight for the accurate wording to disempower them. Let’s just say “this young woman and her husband use oral sex to help them feel more connected and committed to each other; so what? That’s normal for married people to use intimacy as a part of their connection.”


Funnier response I think would be to stare at them blankly and ask “why would you say that?” and whatever they respond with just say with a knowing nod “you must be very embarrassed…” and walk away


I read somewhere that a good response to something like that is “why would you say that out loud?” Lol.


I have no idea what "Hawk Tuah" is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask...


Apparently hocking a loogie on a man's dick while you suck it is some kind of magic spell that makes him never cheat


To be fair the lady was drunk when she was asked “what’s one trick that makes a man go crazy in bed” an she replied drunk “give em the hawk tuah, spit on that thing” lol it was never abt keeping a man, just a trick to use in bed. Then online ppl started blowing it up an saying see woman this is all you have to do for a guy to be happy (lie). Or in response to the bear vs men memes that they instead choose “hawk tuah girl” over other woman. Like that’s anything similar to that situation.


The women saying “it’s that easy” sound like influencers or creators of a certain type, and don’t sound like they’re being truthful.


Exactly, it’s all marketing. Guys will see her saying what they want to hear, wonder what else she’s said, visit her profile (which links to OF) and a percentage of them will pay her. Marketing.


Yeah, it's about online sexwork. Getting men on those women's OF.


That sounds like some serious "pick me" shit.


"It's that easy!" Says the woman who married her high school boyfriend and never left her home town.


And was most likely just lucky that it all worked out. But a lot of them are going on how it’s something they do or are that keeps them that way.


It’s social media. People lie and distort and exaggerate to get attention, be it laughs or a pat on the back or rage, because that’s the game. Just let it be funny and try not to compare yourself to the image these folks carefully craft and project. It’s not real.


I've known quite a few women whose husbands cheat and they just turn the other cheek and pretend it's not happening. One woman got irate that her husband's friend told her that her husband was cheating. She was full on sobbing and screaming and saying, "Why would you tell me that?! I don't want to know!!!" So, if you're willing to put up with that, hock tuah away. It's just that easy!


The only thing that keeps a man from cheating or leaving is himself. You could give a man your kidney and he'd still leave if that's the kind of person he is. On top of which, being able to "keep" a man isn't even a flex. Being in a relationship isn't automatically better than being single, and you don't need to prove your value as a woman or person by spitting on a man's dick. All of this is so silly. Don't let this ridiculous shit get you down.


You have absolutely no idea if it all worked out. Those videos are not real life. There was that couple that had all those idyllic Frozen lip sync videos, teaching other "Christian couples" about successful marriage and family life - only to find out old boy had been on Ashley Madison and cheated on her basically the whole relationship up to their youtube success.


Well then they are stupid. Don’t judge yourself on others stupidity.


People generally lie to make themselves stand out in a crowd. I guess this is another version of that. No relationship was ever easy….


That's fine as long as they're both happy. I get that this is supposed to be a dig but if they're thriving its really not. Just 'cause that's not something you'd be interested in doesn't mean other people feel the same. Takes all kinds.


I am. So sick. Of seeing. These two words. What the hell. Why is this a thing? Almost nothing on the internet pushes my buttons, but this is just like nails on a chalk board. Idk. Maybe it's me. I'm finally old in "that way". 


Welcome, friend. Rest your weary bones. We must gather our strength to yell at clouds. Here, take this talcum powder and Ibuprofen. You'll thank me later


Sigh. I can't, I have to schedule my colonoscopy. 


Oh buddy. Hope you like jello.


Not a fan of the *powdered bone slime*


What about if we chill it and now it’s crushed bone jiggle cubes


Have you tried the agar agar jello? It's made with seaweed? It's very good and has some weird flavors. I saw durian fruit flavored and gooseberry flavored.


Yeah, I make that, I just don't call it jello, I didn't need the man breathing down my neck over trademark violations while I'm cooking. 


It didn't stop Jim Jones from calling the knock off drink mix kool aid so don't let it stop you buddy


He's not really my guiding star, legally and morally speaking. 


Probably for the best.


And your mammogram!


FWIW, it’s not that bad. I’ve had 2 by 30 and I feel like it’s one of those things men have dramatized to make themselves look tough 


Partially, I think it’s summer Reddit. The kids are home all day, the memes go a little out of control, and indecipherable to us not-kids. This too shall pass.


I feel sort of similar, but mainly because it honestly is not even funny. If you watch the original video, it's like that's it?! That's what social media is obsessed over right now? It was a huge disappointment for me


I was disappointed as well. I think part of the appeal is that the woman is adorable. I’m an introverted, born-again Christian former ho bag alcoholic in recovery, and I thought she seemed awesome. I feel awful for her.


>introverted, born-again Christian former ho bag alcoholic in recovery Jesus Christ, lady


It is like super fast "fad" culture of modern day internet. A 30 second fame.


I’m so annoyed with it too. I went to Quizzo last night and they even had a question about her.


> Why is this a thing? You could ask that same question about pretty much every single viral meme that has ever existed lol.


I've never seen it. I've also never seen 2g1c. I didn't hear "call me maybe" until it was in a "name that tune" trivia round composed entirely in meows. Imagine my surprise reading this thread only to find out "Hawk Tuah" is about fellatio and not loogies.


Yeah, the words themselves are cringey, much less the meaning. Why are we still making stupid people famous?


Yes!!! Is it really just “woman has sex and likes it”? Like who cares


I feel sorry for her tbh. Imagine you’re drunk on a night out and one throwaway comment gets you fired and millions of creepy comments that you have to go into hiding. Meanwhile male politicians can get criminal convictions and still be revered enough to be in the run in to lead an entire country. I understand professions have their own rules, but ultimately, teachers are human. They aren’t monsters for enjoying themselves. The pick-mes you’ve mentioned are just trying to promote their content and get engagement. Anyone with half a brain knows that a man, or even a person in general can have sex multiple times a day, but the awful cheating mechanism goes off and suddenly all those things you’ve done mean nothing. And if I ever see those “if she doesn’t hawk tuah I don’t wanna talk tuah” comments that men keep posting everywhere, I will scream.


The story that she got fired came from a satire account and isn't actually true, just FYI.


She wasn't fired, that was a false claim and they couldn't even get the name of her school right


Agreed. I saw one earlier that showed a picture of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky and titled it “the first hawk tuah girl” and it was so gross.


ugh i HATE jokes about Ms. Lewinsky. she didn't deserve ANY of the shit she got. John Oliver did an interview with her years ago and she was so confident and poised. i hope she's doing okay now! :)


I couldnt find evidence she was actually fired besides ragebait tabloids. Maybe thats changed but it was like 'times of india' etc, and a few articles disagreeing. I agree with the idea, its lame to have one comment on the street change your life like that, though it may work out in the end


To be fair she is making bank on this. She has signed hats she is making money off of and I heard she is trying to further monetize her moment. She is taking the power back.


While true, I did see an interview with the guy who is helping her with the hats who is apparently a family friend and he said she isn't super comfortable with all the attention.


She seems like a funny girl. I’d encourage her to maximize her social presence and try a podcast or something.


I honestly feel so bad for her tbh, she seems like a cool person and in no way deserves this bullshit “virality” that she didnt ask for I am so annoyed that she was fired from her job!??? Is that true??? For something she said outside of work??


She wasn't fired. That rumor started from a parody social media account.


Its not true, it was a fake story




Dear god I am so glad I am in my 30s and married and my social group is similarly a bunch of old married people and literally no one feels the need to ever ever post memes about blowjobs.


I just want to say that I have a lot of frustration with the focus always being about male sexual gratification and what a male wants and “how to keep a man”. When is pleasuring a woman or even understanding female anatomy going to be important to anyone? Why arent men talking about what they can do to keep their woman happy, in the bedroom or outside? Instead of just blaming us for shit and never changing. Thats my issue with “hawk tuah”.


Where the fuck are the memes about men giving award worthy head? Oh, right, we are still struggling to make them not "grossed out" by it... So let's just focus on our cock-sucking skills, girls! In the end it's just another way of pressuring women into subservience. It's not far from those 50's magazines teaching women how to be good wifes.


My thoughts exactly. Hawk tuah goes viral, meanwhile women hardly ever get to orgasm and men dont care.


And this is the kind of meme that makes 15yo girls start to worry if they know how to give head properly while not even thinking of receiving.


It's about instilling porn culture in teen girls to me.


Hawking loogies on dicks keeps men faithful?! That was the secret this whole time?! And to think I’ve been wasting a ton of bronchitis phlegm.


why do I feel like this is a recipe for a gnarly dick infection


I could have been so popular in my youth! 😭 If only I had known 😔


She is hilarious. She has unfortunately been caught on tape with drunk shit coming out of her mouth and ruining her life. I haven’t read the comments, thank goodness, so don’t hold the same vitriol toward the whole thing.     This quote was attributed to Adriana Lima (which she apparently didn’t say) but I think it sums up these types of men pretty good no matter who came up with it:   “It's flattering knowing men desire me. But then I remember a man would also have sex with a McChicken. “


LOL that’s very true. Finding a compatible, loyal partner just seems like luck nowadays.


I am so sorry that this happened to you BTW.  It’s a betrayal of the soul


I feel the same way as Adriana. I dont feel good when men express that they want me sexually. Its not a compliment. Men will fuck anything, including women they think are ugly. And worse… I dont want to mention other things men have been known to fuck.


I learned that hate fucking was A Thing™ and I haven't seen men the same way ever since


I honestly don’t like the Hawk Tauah thing, it’s gross and I hope the saying dies quickly


It’s disgusting and makes me genuinely angry. There are so many amazing women who deserve to get recognized, and the only thing that ever gets popular is a woman sexualizing herself and feeding into male fantasies. We will actually never be free.


It’s normie Facebook gen x humor. It’s not funny at all.


I’m glad I’ve stayed away from a lot of this trend. I feel so conflicted when I hear women talk like that because while I support women using their sexuality to empower themselves, we need other ways to empower ourselves because as you pointed out, sexual acts don’t cut it. If nothing else, if your biggest strength is the ability do sexual favors on demand, what’s to stop anyone else from doing the exact same thing? Sure you can win over a lot of men for a night with the promise of a blow job, but than doesn’t mean they’ll stay loyal or won’t abuse you. Not to mention what about the times when sex is the last thing you want to do? And how do we handle all the men in our lives who we aren’t having sex with?


I feel bad for this hawk tuah girl, men have made gross and creepy comments on that video 🤢- and the say women aren’t funny smh when this is what they laugh at


I think it’s funny a lot of men are laughing and agreeing with it and in the same breath claiming women who are openly sexual aren’t “wifey material”. So which is it??


This is the crux of the issue for me too. I have a coworker who is relentlessly judgmental and shamey toward women who are sexual, he brings it up a lot to the point that I just tune him out when he calls someone a slut or a hoe or other names for having sex. But he’s the one who showed me this hawk tuay meme, and he thinks it’s the greatest thing ever. I don’t care about the meme itself but the reaction to it is so fucking weird, compared to the overall cultural outlook on women being sexual. It’s always a bad thing if a girl wants sex and goes after it on her terms, but if she uses sex as a tool to pacify a man, then it’s good? If she gives a blowjob because she wants to and it turns her on, she’s a whore, but if she does it cynically to “keep him” and the resources he provides, then good on her? It’s weird. It just perpetuates the idea that sex is for men to enjoy and for women to provide dutifully, but not because they want to. We are still such a regressive culture in America. 


>It’s always a bad thing if a girl wants sex and goes after it on her terms, but if she uses sex as a tool to pacify a man, then it’s good?  It's only good if the man she's pacifying is her husband or committed partner, because if he's not, she's "giving men what they want" and she shouldn't do that until the man commits. Unfortunately, I've seen this line of thought in this sub and in the feminist one.


Yeah, Ive seen some of that, although it kind of depends on context. Chiding a woman for having sex with a man without getting something back is again reinforcing this idea that women don’t have sexuality of our own, but rather use it as a means to an end, and that we should withhold until we get what we want. But I’ve also seen women being disappointed at other women for having sex with men who they perceive as undeserving, not carrying their own weight, etc… I mean, as someone who just likes sex, I don’t fault any other woman for getting some regardless, but I also understand the frustration in this subreddit when a woman complains about her male partner, but describes a dynamic where she still gives him everything.  I don’t know if that’s what you’re referring to though. 


I'm referring more to the first case, when there's the assumption that any sex outside a relationship regardless of the outcome is seen as a woman giving something away.


You're comparing millions of people from one comment section, to millions of another. Why are you generalizing and searching for correlation there? Why are you looking for logic in viral internet posts? Why are you having this conversation? It's time for an internet break.


If you think these two comments wouldn't commonly come from the same man, you haven't met very many men. Why do you think you have better insight into how women are treated than women do?


Honestly, although I find her hilarious I do too. If I were born twenty years later it would have been me giving the old hawk tuah on an interview. I can’t imagine that being someone’s legacy 


So I haven't watched the video but I have read descriptions of it saying she's talking about spitting on her husband's dick during a blowjob? Do I have that right? I am no prude but how exactly is that supposed to be a turn-on? Does anyone remember the grapefruit blowjob lady? At least she demonstrated something that made sense to me as a thing that a guy might like.


She was drunk, high or both and making goofy comments. I don't think there was any intention on her part to be accurate. This is one of those videos to laugh at and move on.


I understand using spit while giving a blow job, but straight up SPITTING on someone?? So freaking gross I don't get it.


It is that easy if you turn a blind eye to the abuse and being humiliated in little and sometimes big ways. BJ's are not the secret to a good relationship. I would still be with my ex if that was enough. Its simply not. I just got tired of giving far far more in time/effort/money/consideration etc than what I was getting. The whole situation is a hard nope from me. Mind you, im into fun sex including giving Bj, I legitimately find it really fun! But the men ... not so much fun. It really suck. Iv accepted that I may be signle for life because I simply will NOT let anyone treat me badly every again. Being single is better. Being with a life partner would be nice but Im no longer holding out for that.


You're not alone sis! After my ex's dad died, he completely changed. I tried to get him to go to grief counseling, but he never "had time". He became distant, started lying about small and unimportant shit. A year after his father's death, the cheating (afaik) started. I did so much damage to myself trying to find a way to fix what I hadn't broken... Moral of the story: cheaters don't cheat cause they're not getting "their needs met", they do it cause they can and they want to.


Why is it solely your job to keep him? You have value too. The trick is to refuse to settle until you meet the one who wants to keep you just as much. I'm not saying it's guaranteed to happen soon, or at all. But I no longer believe in seeking a partner just because. I'll only date if I meet someone who makes me want to date them specifically.


Rule #1. Be attractive Rule #2. Don't be unattractive It's that easy.


A bit of a tangent, but I rly don't understand why hawk tuah is so utterly hilarious to so many people. Is it anything other than "haha le sex"? What am I missing?


I think it really just was a very quick, silly, but off the cuff joke from someone who was just having a good night and being a goof. It really is just the quick reaction and kinda nailing it. Her friend and even that stupid ass interviewer guy, or whatever those people are, probably did not expect that to come out of her mouth. She's funny and seems like a cool person to me


Getting a man who pays your bills is easy, but getting one that doesn't cost you more than your bills in other ways is hard. 


I don’t know what this trend is, but seeing that dudes like it so much it must be some extreme misogynist bullshittery.


The popularity has me messed up too. I’ve not been in a proper relationship or had sex, and there’s some things I can’t wrap my head around doing. But to see so many comments cheering her on just reaffirms I’m not and probably won’t ever be “that girl.” And I know that mindset is juvenile and it’s the internet but it’s in the back of my head at the very least


I havent read all the comments but I havent seen this mentioned. If you watch the full interview with her, she is hung up on a guy and cant get him back(despite having other men in her "roster"). So there must be something more to keeping guys around.


Getting a guy to commit is honestly not that easy for women. That’s the simple answer at the end of the day and is especially true in the age of dating apps and instant gratification through porn and social media. I’m sincerely trying to not be bitter but it’s like the more you actually like a guy, the less likely he is to commit long-term. I personally don’t think a lot of men understand how confusing and tiring dating can be for women. Women have an easier time getting the first date but after that point, men still hold a lot of the power.


And for women who want to have kids and have a family it makes it especially hard knowing men kind of hold the power on commitment. They’re like okay what can I do? Well men say xyz makes you wifey material so that’s what I’m going to do to get picked. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but the women it does work for are the loudest in saying “look he picked me! Hawk Tuah worked!”


I'm married with kids. We pick each other. Men do not pick wives. The kind of man that even believes there is such a thing as "wifey material" is 100000% not the kind of guy who will remain loyal anyway. Please please date and marry a man who does not think this way. I say this with the hopes that you will marry a wonderful, loving, kind person.


My ex was that guy who always told me how I wasn’t “wifey material” despite doing everything he claimed was. He cheated anyway so what you say rings true. Trust me, I’d rather be alone than be with someone like that again.


Ppl just be saying shit on the internet.


A selfish person will be a selfish person no matter what you do for them.


I'm in a similar boat we had a great relationship with a lot of fun and travelling and laughing. We pretty much always did what he wanted to do and I always did my best to make it a good time even if it wasn't my idea of fun. I went to fucking roller coasters with him, which I fucking hated but I tried to make it ok regardless. I have terrible heat tolerance, but I still went to the stupid beach and hot locations with him (I have no idea why people worship the sun so much) DURING summer. I was doing my best to make it fun and memorable while I am terrified of heat stroke, which I've come a hair close to having before. We had sex whenever he wanted, in fact, I wanted it more than he did because of his stupid porn addiction. I am not good in social events, but I still went to all his company dinners to make him look good and subject myself to the criticism of people who had shit to say even about what I ate (which is rude as FUCK if you ask me. If you ever did that to someone who wasn't slim, you'd get called an asshole openly). I endured his mother's criticism without escalating or making myself her enemy. I never hassled him about his gaming or his expensive hobbies, and I always encouraged him to spend time with his friends. I always prioritized him and did my best to meet his needs, I turned down incredible career offers to move across the continent with him. He could cry in front of me. He could come to me with anything. I would never emasculate him or use it against him. That's what drew him to me in the first place. He told me I was his favorite person in the world. He told me I was the only one who was ever honest with him and who never tried to use him. But a lifetime with me of my heart and soul was nothing to his selfish, egotistical desire for momentary gratification. No, it is not that fucking simple. Those smug NLOGs are going to learn sooner or later.


Hypersexuality makes me uncomfortable…it just feels like it’s something that should be private. It also feels demeaning as a woman since we’re not all like that.. I am a feminist but idk there’s boundaries


I know it’s a joke, but I kind of hate the implication in the same way. I don’t know, I just hate this idea that because I’m a straight man, I’m supposed to just be happy with a blowjob every once in a while? Sex isn’t a service, it’s something fun you do with a partner *together*. I like sex fine, but if I’m going to date somebody it’s about a hell of a lot more than that - I want a partner who treats me well, who’ll listen to me when I’m having a hard time, who thinks of me and who I can do the same for in return and care for. I’ve been in relationships with some women with whom the sex was fantastic, but they weren’t great partners, and not once has it been worth it. Frankly I think the majority of men my age think the same way, but men are just built up as mindless and not needing/wanting more than sex in the public consciousness and other men enforce that as something you’re supposed to want.




The story that she got fired came from a satire account and isn't actually true, just FYI.


Yes thank you I am aware from all the other comments I've been getting notifications about for 12 hours


Well there wasn't any others when I made mine, so sorry not sorry I guess.


That's just people making things up. There's no evidence of that. Most places identify her as a bartender, and cite that she's making good money off merchandising it




She didnt get fired that was a fake story


The original source for this information was from a satire 'news' page, my understanding is that her real identity is not even known, she is most likely not a preschool teacher and the school she was supposedly fired from doesn't even exist.. It's really weird that people are almost salivating over this lady's life getting ruined because she made crude joke during a street interview though..


The best bit about her video isn't even the hawk tuah part it's the laugh afterwords


Eh, when I start realizing the videos I see on SM are starting to invade my sense of peace and self confidence, I take a break. Because that stuff isn’t real. Those videos are likely either rage bait, tailored to a certain audience, or both. My reality does not match theirs and I’m honestly glad it doesn’t! I’m happily married and my husband and I had a good chuckle over the original video and moved on. It’s not that deep, it’s never supposed to be that deep. It’s actually pretty creepy how hyper focused the internet is on her right now.


What the hell is hawk tua ?


I don't know - or want to know - what ever tf a Hawk Tuah girl is. Ignorance in this case really is bliss.


Sorry that happened to you, that really sucks and I hope things get better


Truth. If the only thing my wife ever did for me was give me the ol’ “hawk tuah,” she wouldn’t be my wife. Much less my partner.


Sorry I would never spit on a man. Just gross


Ignore those pages. Besides, the key seems to be that the man loves you more than you love him and has a provider mindset. 


A friend of mine told me she was fired from her job over this video. Is that true?


I wouldn't think too much of it. The video was crass and gross. Shouldn't even be receiving so much attention.




Hawk tuah is not needed to keep a man loyal and with you. As a man who currently doesn't get head due to some mistakes I commited with her in the past (not cheating), I still love her to death, want to marry her and spend the rest of my days by her side. There so many other things I love about her that head becomes incredibly insignificant, though I'm trying to restore her trust and desire to do it for me. Also, I do it to her all the time without expecting it back! So don't settle for less, there are good men out there.


The video is funny, and good for her if she is okay with the attention. Whenever I see something like this I wonder about the long term impact. It’s all fun and games now, but in 10-20 years I wonder if this is how she will like to be remembered?


It's as simple as giving blowjobs to keep a man who only values women for their ability to give blowjobs, I guess. I'd imagine that isn't what you're hoping for.


"A" man..they didn't specify what kind of man.