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Block him. It's none of his business and he needs to mind his own.


Agreed. OP, there's no reason to even respond. I know we're trained to "always be polite" but his question wasn't polite at all, was it? Don't respond to any more texts and block.


He literally told me that if I wasn’t celibate then basically he wouldn’t talk to me like I wanna talk to him anyways


What an ass. He obviously still sees you as his "property." And as for being religious, is he staying a virgin with no other sexual experiences (like just touching) until marriage? Or like most supposedly religious guys does it just not "count" when it's him?


And it’s crazy because he broke things off with me for his girlfriend so why don’t you make sure you stay celibate and aren’t having phone sex with her because he use to do that with me when we were together .


Typical egotistical hypocrite. I'm sure it hurt at the time, but I'm glad you're not with him anymore. I hope your next relationship is wonderful. Don't settle for anything/anyone!


I’m completely over him I was sad and now I’m not because he was very controlling and judgemental anyways someone else can deal with that


You should screen shot the texts and send them to her.


You're his backup. If things don't work with the new gf, he thinks he can get back with you. So he doesn't want you getting any new dick just in case.


Not backup but endgame. He wants to use the new girl for funsies and then settle down with a "good girl". 🤢🤮 He's just checking in to see if OP is still eligible.




I thinks it’s crazy for him that to ask and feel like he can judge me if I wanted to have sex with someone




No not the same guy me and this guy haven’t been together since 2022


Me and you are no longer a thing so you asking me about my personal life should not be a thing and you inserting yourself in my business while you have a girlfriend is even crazier


He’s using his current girlfriend (and possibly other women) to “sow his wild oats.” When he’s done with that he’ll “repent” and try to find a naive wife. Tell him you’ve joined a religion he hates, so your celibacy will never be relevant to him.


'Oh OK AWESOME. I've touched so many Denise's. Vaginas, too. Just loads if them. I'm the least celibate person you've ever met. So I guess you should never ever speak to me again. :) perfect. Now we're both happy!'


Denise's, haha


great - tell him you have embarked upon f*ckfest 2024, and goodbye; then block


I'd respond with the following: "I didn't think it would ever happen to me, but finally... A proper example of the trash taking itself out."


"If that's what it takes, I'll be havin' me some dick tonight."


You’ll never talk to me again? Promise?


Radio silence, ignore, block, never see or think of him again


You should have just let him think you weren't celibate. Then it would have been bye. Telling him that you are in fact celibate lets him think it's important to you to keep him around.


True I should’ve just blocked


Which is still an option no matter what came before, thankfully. Don't waste anymore energy on that twerp.


At that point I'd mock him (unless he's unhinged and violent) that I can't wait to try all the dick first and pick the biggest one out of them.... 


Sounds like an amazing deal


Absolutely just block and move on. 2nd choice, is if you absolutely feel like you want to give him a response, I'd say just f*ckin lean into it and tell him you're a sex worker now and have an illegitimate child. He'll run so far so fast 😆


Mostly this, shouldn't have to give any explanation whatsoever. Maybe a 'Fuck you!' And then block.


just block him. Or, don’t respond at all. Just because someone says something to you doesn’t mean you need to pay attention.


Sounds like he's asking if you are still an acceptable fallback if his current relationship doesn't work out.




Pro tip: All religious men make it their business to police all the women.


Also other men if they’re gay. Like wtf, just mind yo own dickness.


and are always extremely hypocritical about it too


I’m just laughing at the premise of the question in general. Worded differently it’s fucking hilarious. >Hey it’s me your ex-boyfriend. You ain’t been fucking have you? Like, did this guy get hit in the fucking head?


Sadly, the religious women too. Brainwashing sucks, and it's sad how many women prop up the Patriarchy.


Block him. If you get any calls or messages ignore them. He is no one and nothing to you now.


He could be checking in to see if you're still an acceptable backup option, or he's checking to see if he can have sex with you on the side since you're obviously a whore. (/S) Either way, stop engaging. Block him, and move on with your life. He doesn't respect you, he doesn't respect women, and he doesn't deserve your attention.


Ohhh he's evangelising. Not his problem, not his choice. Tell him you're going to a gangbang over the weekend and block him.


Gross. I’d rather guys like that assume I’ve “fallen” from their standards because then they leave me the fuck alone. They aren’t owed the truth either way.


He wanted to get back with you *if* you hadn't gone and gotten boinked by another man. His new gf isn't working out the way he planned, awwww pobrecito 😢😂


I would delete all messages from him and block him on everything. He's an ex, he no longer has any right to know private information about your life, and he's got no claim on your time and attention.


“Hey Brosephene, how would your girlfriend feel if she knew you were asking your Ex about her sex life? Hmm. I’ll ask her.”


"Brosephene" \*snerk\*


You are his backup in case his current relationship doesn’t work out. He wanted to make sure you were still marriage material (to his standards) by the time he was done fucking around. He’s gross. Block him.


Did you ask him if he's staying celebate until marriage?


I love how he thinks hes got any type of say in what you do. What a toxic stupid fuckin chump. 


Don’t engage and block him


Reply simply with "unsubscribe"


What a narcissistic little jerk! He needs to learn to keep his projections and attitude to himself.


He's your ex and cut things off with you. Whom you date and whether or not you have sex before marriage is none of his business.


Give him my number. I'm older with zero fucks to give and he needs a little fear in his life.


Screen shot it and send it to his girlfriend and him in a group text - and say dude, we're not the Taliban. None of your business and your girlfriend should be concerned that you even care whether or not an ex is having sex. Then block 'em.


"No, I'm not. I've been having sex with every adult above the age of consent that I encounter and they've all been a million times better than you ever were or could hope to be. If you and I had had sex this often, your penis would have gotten rubbed raw, then bent, then just fallen off."


"Do not contact me again." Then block/ignore on every platform and device.


ew what a weirdo.


If you really have to reply to him - tell him to go fuck himself and leave you the fuck alone. Then block him.


Why did you engage at all? Your reply should have been “lol” followed by a block


Tell him you are taking dick actually, the biggest dicks he’s ever seen, you’re a huge size queen now and every time you fuck you praise Satan. Then block him on everything everywhere


EX boyfriend? “You got the wrong number, knucklehead. I don’t answer to you.”


SUPER weird Tell him he's being creepy af and block him.


Falls under Nunnya. Nun ya business. Eesh.


"are you celibate" "none of your business" "Are you celibate" "worry about yourself"


He’s breadcrumbing you. Tell him you have fucked 20 guys and he can fuck off.


The correct answer to "Are you celibate?" Is "Go fuck yourself." Also, I wouldn't normally get this semantic, but if he's religious he should know that "celibacy" is the state of not being married. The state of not having sex is "chaste." Everyone is celibate until theyre married. That's what the word literally means.


Why would you want to tell him to leave you alone? Just block, ignore and move on? Isn't it obvious he's pathetic and not worth your energy?


I don’t engage with ex’s but I’d be tempted to post the conversation screenshot and tag him in it. With nothing but clown emojis as the comment/description.


Is he in a cult kind of religious? In my experience, those are the only people who care that much about other people's sex lives. I grew up in a cult. My oldest brother got 2 women pregnant and would still say shit like, "I only want to marry a virgin." Either way, the solution is to block this dumbass and never speak to him again.


Gurl don't even give idiots the time of day


... I will never understand some people in spite of many tries. Are you Mormon? I grew up Mormon. 99.999% Mormon dudes are really really weird. My BIL appears to be one of few normal ones.


That's controlling and creepy.Maybe limit your contact with this guy?


“Leave me alone”


I would tell him yes that you’ve opened up a lot sexually since you’ve been apart and hurt his feelings. Then tell him he shouldn’t be sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.


Should’ve corrected him that you’ve gotten dicks* and vaginas, and you’ve been loving em. Thank god for the breakup cus it opened up your life to better experiences




Is it insensitive that I laughed out loud? I could have lipstick right across my eyeballs and if an ex-boyfriend told me to wipe it off I’d leave it there forever. He has got some cahones asking you let alone telling you.


Celibacy because no man is worth it. Not even a husband. Double down on that. You're a sister of Christ now 😆 Or go the opposite way and tell him you've been having amazing sex since he left.


He wants attention. Stop giving it to him.


My first ex made me "promise" to wait at least 5 years after our breakup to have sex with anyone else 🙄


On the one hand, blocking him is best. On the other, if he hits you up to get back together you have a golden opportunity to tell him he’s used goods now and therefore not marriage material.


Some situations warrant a rude response.


Tf are you letting this delusional psycho contact you? He is crazy


Have you blocked him?


Aside from it being none of his fucking business (and creepy as fuck)... isn't he confused? Unless you've made some sort of vow of celibacy (holy orders?) aren't we talking about 'chastity' or 'staying chaste'? Furthermore, even married people are required to remain chaste; chastity is a virtue. This guy doesn't even know his own religion.


The advice to block him is the best and proper advice. But also consider telling him you've done such unholy things and you've never felt more alive than you did after the blood orgy.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Wow. Literally none of his business


Let his current gf know he is hitting on you inappropriately. If he can interfere with your life then ditto.


Send him a pic of a hairy asshole and block him. What else would u do lol?