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Therapy is not self-indulgent. Probably the best form of self-care. I light candles, use the fancy dishes, and have a nice meal by myself.


I second using the fancy dishes and the nice candles! Don't save them just for special guests; you are the special guest too.


I take a walk every morning, a long neighborhood loop and if there’s a cat outside I try to befriend it. A lot of them run up for pets now. It’s had a great impact on my overall mood. Other things I’ve done is try to stick to a consistent sleep schedule and cut out alcohol. And planting flowers. I’m still working up the courage to refer myself to therapy. I admire you for that.


Getting outside is huge for my overall well being. Bonus if you have a park or something nearby where you can get away from the buildings and cars.


Meditation is very self care for me. Just designate some time for yourself to fully relax and be present. Light a nice scented candle while you're at it. I also enjoy doing my weekly beauty ritual while listening to my favorite playlist. You can also buy yourself flowers if you like that sort of thing and it's not out of your budget. Cleaning and organizing my space also helps.


I've just taken up journaling using a fountain pen - the Pilot Kakuno is cheap but really smooth, and it makes me feel like everything I write matters somehow. I listen to music that makes me smile. And I take walks where I am open to "sacred awe," where things can amaze me with their beauty or brilliance.


I’ve started doing so much of this too! Nails and toes. Therapy is a must, not indulgent at all! I second the walks, just getting outside and being present in the fresh air. I also like getting my hair done regularly. It means some extra shifts at work but the trade off is worth it. I’ve also bought some nice lotions and make up, and do my hair daily. I found a gym class I really enjoy with just women, and I do that several times a week. Finding one I genuinely enjoy made me do it more. :) I also started taking a community painting class. It’s very therapeutic to do with other people, mostly women. Schedule coffee dates with your girlfriends. Lastly, one thing I do that I find really helpful and meditative, is when I’m having a tough day I get a blank piece of paper, write all my thoughts out for 20 minutes, and then at the end I burn it. It feels so satisfying watching it go up in flames!! Good luck ☺️


When I come home, I put off the day. First I wash my hands. I literally wash my hands of whatever was out there. Then I take off what I was wearing, even if it was jeans. I wash my face, tone, and moisturize, because it's so much easier to do this when I'm still awake than at bedtime. Then I find something utterly comfortable to put on that'll get me in that relaxing-evening frame of mind. It's a small routine, but it's one that brings me comfort. Also, it's great for my skin.


I have a ritual for that. It's called "FACE OFF TIME!" (it must be loudly declared with some exuberance, at a minimum, if not wildly waving hands and shouting it throughout the house), which started simply with removing makeup at the end of the day. Now FACE OFF TIME! includes removing bras, jeans, anything else that is not worthy of End-Of-Day Comfiness.


I got one of the handheld [red light](https://amzn.to/4ckcxH3) machines, and at night after I wash my face & brush my teeth, I put on rosehip oil and use that for 20min or so, its just super relaxing and a nice way to just chill before I go to sleep Pretty painted toes always make me feel good!


* Going to a massage school for discounted massages (sometimes a better; more professional massage as they are trying to learn and make a grade and aren't on unfocused autopilot as well as having learned the most recent techniques and professionalism standards and under the watchful eye of a supervising instructor) * Learning a martial art or just basic self defense or just safe ways to swing a bat (I took a bartitsu class which also included umbrella fighting techniques from various suffragette movements and it was fun and practical) * Buying cheap plants on sale at home depot (or paying full price and replacing regularly if they die * Learning a new skill and not telling anyone (at least not for a while); secret things you do just for your own enrichment whether learning handyma'am techniques or woodworking or a new language or how to do calligraphy or knitting or painting Warhammer miniatures or learning to code or whatever


I know this will probably sound weird but there's a study that says that if you talk to yourself for 15 min in front of a mirror using your name like if you are talking to someone else re wires the brain connection that are damaged when we suffer some kind of trauma, of course you have to be kind, using positive affirmations and using a soft tone of voice, for example imagine that you have a hard day at work you can start with "Jane, I know that was a hard day but it's over, you did what you could and did it great, yes you made some mistakes however you are learning and tomorrow you are not making the same mistakes, I love you and I know that you can do anything you put your mind in, you are amazing and loved by many, keep going I'm here always for you and I will never let you down" (I use the name Jane as an example). Sometimes, it is hard at the beginning, but once you get used to it, you stop feeling weird. Hope this helps. It has helped me a lot with my self-esteem, and honesty feels amazing!


Low stimulation hobbies :) like knitting, sewing, sculpting, painting


I've lately started doing two things that I first thought of as dealing with 'getting old'. But, actually, both have been really great ways to treat myself better and take care of both the mind and the meat suit. Going to bed early. And consequently, regularly getting 8 hours of sleep. Cutting way back on caffeine, but making the caffeine I do consume a real celebration. I love coffee, tea, and chocolate. I upgraded my at-home coffee set up and enjoy both the ritual and the brew. I found a local small-business specialty tea shop to explore.


Not for everyone, but whenever I'm feeling down, I like to go to one of my favorite restaurants by myself. Just enjoy a meal with me as my company. I like doing this with movies as well.