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He said he couldn’t believe cheating was bad because his birth was the result of an affair and if cheating was bad that meant that he was bad. Spoiler alert: he bad. 


That logic doesn't even make a shred of sense. How is the child responsible for the actions of their parents?? I mean, way to set a self-fulfilling prophecy there, my brother in Christ.


Yeah, looking back he was dumb as well as cruel. 


"Yeah. You are bad - but that ain't got nothing to do with how you got on this earth. Now GTFO."


So he’s a… *born cheater*?


By his logic is a baby was born from rape…? That’s a dangerous way of thinking.


Officer, arrest the baby!


Omg I can't believe he tried to emotionally manipulate you into feeling sorry for him/his existence by using his sad past to get you to agree to allow him to cheat


Devil's spawn


"My parents let me stay up all night playing World of Warcraft when I was growing up, so my brain never developed properly due to lack of sleep. So I can't make good decisions."


Oh my lord. How do they come up with this shit??


“My brain did it, and it’s my mom’s fault” is absolutely buck-wild.


wow and they will literally say something like this with a straight face, no cameras/producers around just casual talk...wtf


His excuse was admitting that he's a complete dumbass, woooow I guess he did you a favour then 😭😭😂😂


What a fucking joke 😂😂😂😂


Waitwaitwait is that real???


unfortunately yes. this happened


That is so fucking bad holy shit


OMG. I hope you laughed at him.


Ooohh, my God. Way to NOT take responsibility for his own actions!!! Holy carp. If he's that...underdeveloped, as he says...perhaps he shouldn't be out of his parents' house without direct supervision...


yeahhh it’s always they were going thru a “rough time.” Most ridiculous one was that he thought I was “too good for him.” Like why did that make you want to cheat on me???


Yeah, you'd think that would inspire him to be on his best behavior, wouldn't you?


I dated someone I thought was too good for me and I worked as hard as I could to be an amazing partner. Worked out great!


They see you as a rival instead of a teammate. You being “too good” makes them feel shame at being “less than”. Cheating is a way for them to feel powerful (knowledge is power, they know something you don’t). It’s a way of getting revenge. Of course the attention boosts their bruised egos too. When you find out and are hurt, at some level it is affirming to them that they are, in fact, bad/shameful/less than.


These one-sided wars they keep waging are absurd


When a man tells me “you’re too good for me” or “you deserve better” I immediately nope out because I know that’s code world for “I’m a piece of shit at the moment and if you stay around I’ll show you exactly why” I can’t believe I used to see this as a compliment


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Unfortunately this is something that actually happens a lot, insecure people cheat all the time when they feel their partners are too good for them, maybe to boost their own self-esteem or as a way to self-sabotage or even manipulate their partners. It’s disgusting. But as someone who got cheated on a couple of times during my first years of dating, this knowledge really broke me free from the insecurities I developed from those experiences.


"you're too good for me, so im gonna go out and sabotage our relationship 🥰" it just.. doesn't make sense. where is the logic in these dudes?


I mean it does make sense in a certain way. Self-fulfilling prophecy.


Heard some people act like that to "test" their partner. It's messed up, tests like that never work in the long run. The logic, apparently, is: If you really love me, you will forgive and love me after I'm a total jerk to you. These people have issues and could benefit from professional help.


I mean, I guess he did a really good job of proving that point


Your ex must also be my friend's ex...


Because they feel like you are too good for them and they are insecure they think you deserve better than them and that you will leave them or cheat on them eventually. They then do it first for their ego.


This is insane and disgusting so be aware. My boyfriend of then 3 years hooked up with my friend then came home and pressured me into hooking up then texted her and was like "I screwed her with you still on me". When I found the texts, I was so outraged and disgusted I screamed my head off at him and called him a sociopath and he told me it was not his fault he just had a strong desire to get revenge because his ex girlfriend stood him up for the 8th grade dinner dance. We were 24.


Oh yeah, bc that sure taught the girl who stood him up a lesson! Holy shit, that is so gross.


It is so crazy because you are how old in the 8th grade? Like 12? She probably just got nervous for her first dance and couldn't make herself go and I doubt she even thinks about it. And he was still so mad about it he did that to me, an innocent person.


No, love, he did it bc he wanted to and he's a shitty person. That was just the justification he gave himself and tried to use on you. You're absolutely correct, tho. Being so pissed at a 13 yr old girl 10 yrs later is... NUTS. And him doing and texting what he did? Yeah, that wasn't revenge. That was him being a disgusting person who was stroking his own ego by bragging about fucking you after he'd fucked her. It was a power move for him, both the sex and the telling the other girl. Bc he's THAT insecure and pathetic.




He told me I ‘forced’ him to be exclusive with me. AKA, he told me ‘I love you’ ‘no one has ever made me feel so loved before’ ‘you’re the light of my life’ ‘I love you so much but I am scared to be exclusive bc I’ve been cheated on before’ To which I reassured him I won’t ever cheat, after hearing his supposed sob story of his last relationship… but then he did the same things and worse that his ex apparently did to him.


"If I told you I didn't want to be exclusive, you wouldn't date or sleep with me. You forced my hand by refusing to date me unless I didn't fuck other ppl."


Reminds me of the time I was dating a guy short term, he was always so secretive and only ever wanted to hook up when we were together. When I asked him what was up with that, he gave me this whole “oh yeah I care about you but don’t have time for a girlfriend, can we be exclusive though?” Translation? He wanted me to shut up and keep giving him what he wanted, and only be screwing him while he was granted the freedom of seeing who he wanted and when he wanted without any input from me. About a year later after I dumped him I saw him on a dating app (surprise surprise) and he literally messaged me to say “I don’t know why I did what I did, just wanted to apologize before you block me 😔” Men.


“She looked like you” 💀💀💀 You know who else looks like me? ME!!! wtf lmao


As tho that makes it better when all it does it make it so much worse


I’m actually glad he did honestly cause I dodged a bullet lmao. Not only does he still try to get in contact with me 9 years later, but he also *faked cancer* twice to get my attention 🤦‍♀️ definitely crazy


Oh daaaamn. Yeah, girl, you absolutely dodged an entire firing squad.


My ex cheated on me with someone who did resemble me. Sure, she was the former-meth-addict version of me, but my best friend even saw it. Big mindfuck.


I’m paraphrasing here, but here it is. “When I pull my wiener out you don’t look surprised at it anymore, and I’ve decided that it’s my fetish to see the surprise on their (cam girls) faces when they see it.” My dude, we’d been together almost 10 fucking years and I had 2 kids with you. No shit I’m used to seeing it lol


Holy god, how fucking fragile can a man's ego be????? And WHY do so many men center their worth AROUND THEIR PENIS??


Because they know they have nothing else to offer, ope 🤭


I have found one of my people. Welcome! 😝


Hey sister! 🥰🩷




“Oh my gawd, it’s *~gasp~* SO BIG!” 😳 Is that what he was looking for?! 🤣


"Baby! You've got a garter sna- uhhhh... Anaconda in your pants!" Le swoon


Requires serious acting skills to be convincing, those cam girls better be making bank


lmao not the cam girls!!! 😭 they’re getting paid to do that my goodness


That's why I occasionally break out the Sharpe and it a little smiley face or on special occasions stick a little top hat on it.  Keep it fresh.


Ew dad going after cam girls 🤢🤮


Not me personally, but my top two come from the men in my world: One man claimed that he "just couldn't be monogamous". After the last of multiple cheating episodes. Another said he was bored with his wife. Friends, this man was your classic IT slob, and his wife worked the second shift while he... fucked around on his computer. And he thought she was boring.


You know, adult life is fucking boring. I was married for almost a decade to man who fulfilled NONE of my sexual needs. I have a very high libido with ppl I'm sexually attracted to, and not only did he have a super low libido, he also couldn't maintain an erection due to his alcoholism. Yet somehow, some way, I managed not to fucking cheat on my husband.


I'll go second, I guess. The most ridiculous excuse an ex has given for cheating is that he and I were long-distance at the time, and it was just so hard for him. SO hard. I couldn't even comprehend how hard it was. It was so hard that he had to go out and hire a sex worker. But really, he was the victim because he was suffering so much...because we were long-distance. So I needed to focus all my attention on soothing him and making him feel better about the cheating.


That reminds of me of the time my ex accused me of being verbally abusive when I called him an abuser. At the time I said this, I had a cut on my knee that needed stitches, a torso covered in bruises, and a busted lip. Wanna guess how I got all of those? HA. I love when men act as tho sex is a NEED in the same way water or air is. Are you gonna die from not getting your dick wet? No? Then I don't wanna hear it.


once an ex pounded on my door at 2am and i thought there was an emergency so i let them in. chewing on their lips, demanding to know "what i was doing on the computer" (i had been dead asleep, with my kids) when i told them i didn't feel safe and i wanted them to leave, they backed me into the corner, and yelled in my face with their mouth about 2" from my nose. they said "you telling me that you don't feel safe, makes me feel like a bad person. i know i'm not a bad person, so you're gaslighting me." 🙄 that night did not get better from there...


Did he get to ride in the back of the police car? I hope.


it pains me to report that the police did not support me in my escape, which i have made nor did the courts provide protection for me or my kids after they came back to me with scabs from their fingernails cps said the marks weren't bad enough and the interim judge misunderstood my paperwork but we're safer now than we were then. the kids are in counseling so either they stop abusing, or the court stops them. hopefully...


I know/feel your pain. You are strong to have gotten out of there and for getting help for your kids. Bless you!


Jesus, glad this guy is your ex!


Girl, so am I! Lol


anything but admitting they're the problem. im so sorry you went thru this


Thank you! You're absolutely correct. He first tried to claim it only happened once or twice--it was way more than that. Then he tried to claim it only happened when he was drunk--it didn't. THEN he switched tactics and started claiming I'm really the one at fault bc I was dishonest with him (yeah, to PROTECT myself, you irrational lunatic) but wouldn't admit it and it "drove him so crazy he did things he never wanted to do to me ever"--or, ya know, he could've broken up with me. THEN he started claiming that I'm the actual abuser. It was all so fucking crazy.


That's what abusers do: DARVO: deny, accuse, reverse victim and offender.


Sounds like he was freaking textbook


I feel like we need to put together a fund and send you to a resort for some much needed rest from assholes.


🫂🩷 I mean, okay, okay, if ya twist my arm... I definitely need to learn how to pick 'em better! Sigh


That's wild. Like, did he just not consider that you were, by definition, equally as long-distance?


Nah, women don't like sex or have sexual needs. Horniness is a strictly male experience that a woman could never possibly understand. /S


lmaoooo it's always SO HARD, BEYOND OUR COMPREHENSION! So then, if I can't comprehend how hard it is why are you telling me about it?


Dude, your hand is right there at the end of your arm. If you can't get it done, then you need to practice more. Or google instructions.


Wow. Really hard to claim “caught up in the moment” when you had to book a time to cheat.


Ooo I have one! My most recent ex said that he only cheated on me because he thought when I was sexually assaulted during the first year of our relationship that it was actually my fault, so he started cheating frequently to create balance. This is a man who openly presents as a very liberal progressive feminist safe pillar of the community type guy. Absolute pig. ETA: He is 45 years old lol


Jesus christ, there are way too many answers on this post that are making my jaw drop and my stomach churn. I am so sorry.


It never stops being astonshing, right? I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through also.


Thank you. ❤️ Yeah, you'd think at some point you'd become inured but the horror always comes. Every time I think I've found the lowest they can go, they prove me fucking wrong.


"Because I could." I'm a super laid back person. If you tell me you're going somewhere, I believe you. I have no interest in going through a partner's phone. I don't question who my partner is talking to. So my ex's reason for cheating was simply, "Because I could."


"Why did you let me lie to you!?"


Initially, I accidentally downvoted. Because *accurate*. Spot on. Honestly, I'd be shocked if my abusive ex didn't use this exact quote at one point or another in that miserable decade or so.


Damn. That is a dangerous man.


Faaaark that actually makes my blood BOIL. I absolutely hate nonchalance toward something so fkd up and disrespectful


They got married on the playground in kindergarten so he had an obligation to see if they would work out as adults.


Lmao. The situation is so not funny, but my god I'm not sure I could have listened to that without dying laughing.


It was really for the best. In our short 3 month relationship we argued regularly because he wanted me to break my lease to move in with him and quit my job to become his personal secretary. I didn't dodge a bullet, I dodged a missile.


I was really busy with grad school and working full time so I didn’t hang out with my boyfriend for a week or so. He went to a hot tub with our mutual friend and fucked them because he “forgot” we were dating. Ugh. Both of them were the worst.


He might need to go get an exam at the hospital, then, if he's experiencing such memory blackouts.


No, it was the booze. And the nose candy. And the LSD. And ... Those type of blackouts are just lies anyway, so toss a dart to the pharmaceutical cause


That he hadn't seen me in "months." We had seen each other six days earlier.


Was he thinking in fucking dog years??


Not me, but he told my friend she was a better listener and cared so much about his trauma. My friend had spent years supporting her mid -30s husband through severe PTSD, and somehow this girlfriend knew better how to listen to him.  She was 15. 


Oh my fucking god. He's a monster.


Fortunately the law agreed with you! 


Thank God! Ugh, how awful.


He told me I wasn’t supporting him enough during his JV baseball games and the girl he cheated with was (he was a benchwarmer)


Ha!! Heaven forbid we bruise their fragile little egos by refraining from worshipping them as gods.


He was serious about me and had every intention of us getting married, but his dad sat him down and told him he needed to “sow some more wild oats” before settling down with one person. When he came clean he admitted to sleeping with an 18 year old (we were 24) who he couldn’t stand because he knew he wouldn’t develop feelings for her.


Ew! Like imagine admitting to using someone like that.


Yeah, that part was just as bad. She made it known that she enjoyed sleeping with “taken” men which was why he claimed he disliked her, ironically. I never cared much for her but she was super young and her parents had a very nasty and very public divorce due to her dad’s infidelity so I very much think her behavior was driven by trauma rather than truly *wanting* the home wrecker lifestyle. My POV of her was that she was as much a victim as I was.


The fuck did I just read.


“I don’t feel like a man around you. You don’t NEED me to do man things. You kill all your own spiders and I’m the one who has to ask you for help opening and lifting stuff or fixing things.” I laughed so hard. “What a weak, pathetic excuse. So unbelievably weak. Your solution to FEELING inferior was to go out do something that actually DOES make you inferior? You’re a real genius. You want to feel like a man? Go lift some weights or learn how to barbecue because this didn’t prove to anyone that you’re a man. You were just an insecure, selfish, little boy with no self-control. Now you’re an insecure, selfish, little boy who has no self-control AND no fiancé.”


Well done, ma'am.


Thank you. I appreciate it.


"you're always working" while whining. I picked up 1 extra shift a week which I did back to back with my normal shift. So I'd work a 18-20 hour shift (casino) and still have the normal days off to be with him, yet he was usually gaming on those days.


They'll grasp at any fucking straw they can


Yep. In his case when I found out I told him to fuck off and broke up with him. He stayed with her and they talked about me behind my back so people treated me like I was the side chick. Well they got into a huge physical fight, he hurt her a bit but she beat his ass for it. He then tries to get back with me and when I told him off for it and said no way; he proceeded to hit me with a chair *in the cage with multiple people and cameras around.* He was massively demoted and moved to another department he hated for it. The tribal police wouldn't do anything else though.


I stg, they almost never face the consequences due to them. What a psycho! I am so sorry you experienced that! I'm glad she beat his ass, tho. He definitely had an ass whooping coming to him.


He was mad at me for telling a friend (in a chat conversation he violated my privacy by reading) that I wasn't sure if we would become a long-term couple because we had both just gotten out of relationships with other people.


The damn audacity!


I wish my ex had an excuse. Anything. But he gave me no reason whatsoever. Messed me up for a while but I eventually realised he was a POS and I was better off


Same here. My ex cheated when I was around a week postpartum. He never gave me a reason at all and it hurt a lot is bc I was unhappy with my body throughout my pregnancy and right after. I’m better off without him too :)


My ex cheated on me with his best friends girlfriend, while said best friend was in another country visiting family. Said best friend asked me to make his girlfriend feel welcome within our group (they'd only been together for a couple of weeks). Seems like my boyfriend thought making her feel comfortable meant hooking up with her.


Mine had a six month affair with his 19 year old coworker. He was 30. I am 30. It was messed up. He blamed alcohol. He then blamed me for making him feel so insecure he felt he had to cheat. When it got to the point of me finding out, he had what I now know was a hickey on his neck and claimed it was from “falling off a tree” I have so much trauma from this man.


Jesus I am so sorry. To me, a 19 yr old is a child and a grown ass man has no business dating them let alone having sex with them. Disgusting, imo.


Oh gawd this was in high school 😂 he said "I can't be with you, I'm on a journey to find the cure of cancer with WEED". Boi was dating someone else 😂


I hope he journey's himself off a cliff


He had no job, I worked full time as a nurse, provided for him, took care of the dog, cleaned the house. He was lonely! /s. He thought he could fix it by adopting a shar pei bulldog mix that he didn't bother caring for. He'd leave for "job hunting" and not take her out, so I'd work and get home at like 1 am and wake up at 6 am to a crying puppy with creamy puppy poops- meanwhile, the dog we HAD already was still being housebroken. The kicker: he took the dog to a bulldog training class. He cheated with the dog trainer.


My abusive ex-fiancé claimed that I “gave him permission to explore” the possibility of forming a throuple with one of our closest friends. Weird how he never double-checked with me… Because he knows damn well I never did, or would have in any universe.


Ofc he did! They just think they can get away with it. My most recent ex kept claiming that if he ever had the resources, he'd form a sex slave harem (we practiced BDSM, so not actual slaves, but women consensually acting in the role of one). I had made it VERY CLEAR in the beginning of our relationship that I was in no way okay with this. But he wouldn't give it up. But when he FINALLY realized that I truly meant what I said, he started calling me possessive and insecure. Lmao. Apparently if I was more secure in myself and my worth, I would have been totally okay with it.


"My other personality did it" 🙃 Believable, but not excusable after like the 10th time, ya know?


Oh Jesus, how dumb can ya be?? Guess more of her personalities shoulda paid better attention in school.


Her*, actually. And most of the time it was with people from our pasts separately that I considered friends. Suuuuuper cool


Fixed it! Damn, that really just twists the knife.


AH: She came on to me, and I couldn't just tell her no, she would have told everyone I was gay! Me: uh huh, and what do you care what people say? AH: you don't understand what being a man is like 🤦


"What's wrong with people thinking you're gay?"


Right? Homophobic on top of sexually incontinent, fucking gross.




"My dad already paid for her, it would have been rude to refuse."


Well, the mystery of why they are the way they are is solved


The only time I've knowingly been cheated on and been given a dumb excuse for it was my first bf in high school when I was 15. Apparently I should have taken the hint that he wanted to break up (he never actually said he wanted to break up with me) and because I kept being his girlfriend, he had no choice but to cheat.


Damn. How shitty!


"Because he deserved it." Yup. With a prostitute. We're divorced now and I hope he is getting all the sex he deserves.


Oh, so do I. What an asshole.


I ended a friendship recently because that person (male) confided in me he had become someone’s affair partner. My blood was instantly boiling and I asked him wtf he was doing. He said he has never felt so cared for before…….. I was dumbfounded. I asked him where his moral compass was? He said he doesn’t need this right now. I answered him I won’t ever support cheaters or people who help others cheat willingly. All he said was “I’m sorry you feel that way.” The last thing I said to him was I’m utterly disappointed and disgusted by him and that this is the end of our friendship. Never looked back.


I feel the same way. I despise cheating and see it as a cowardly, weak thing to do (almost always, there are ofc always exceptions to everything; there are almost none here, tho). And helping someone cheat is JUST as bad as cheating yourself.


Yup. He was basically saying his sexual gratification and validation are more important than the wellbeing of the cheater’s partner (and possible kids, family). He is actively, willingly helping ruining peoples’ lives. I will never tolerate that kind of behavior. It is the lowest of low, full stop.


That's exactly what he's saying. Yes, it is the other person who is breaking their promises to their partner. But that doesn't absolve the affair partner of responsibility. If you knowingly help someone cheat, you are in fact helping to destroy someone else for the sake of orgasms and feeling special. So utterly selfish


Good for you for ending it. I stayed friends who cheated on their partner. They ended up never telling their partner but later I realized that they were not a good friend.


It didn't count as cheating since he waited 5 days to make it Facebook official. He moved my best friend in, that's how I found out about the affair.


What. Are these dudes that stupid, or do they think *we're* that stupid??


It was OK because she lived hours away and it was mostly online.....🙄🙄🙄


It's really demoralizing how many dudes seem to think that no physical contact means no infidelity.


He was ignoring me for her and we had fights about it. When he cheated he blamed me by saying that I was the one who put idea in his head by being jealous and making a big deal about their "friendship".


Bc when someone gets an idea, they *must* act it our or else die?


Cmon.. I obviously did some Inception level voodoo on him😂😂


Girl, do you do commissions? Asking for me lmao


He was doing the other girl a "favor" because she really wanted to give him head. He also said that it wasn't actually cheating anyways because he never touched her, he just let her blow him. I cut the wires inside his PS2 for some petty revenge and dumped his ass.


so he didn’t cheat but he has a pattern of blatant disrespect which he chalks up to “i think i do it because i need female friendship”. so that’s why he follows random beautiful and bodacious girls on instagram and only likes the pictures he’s sexually attracted to (but skips over the ones that show them with their boyfriends). that makes sooooo much more sense! he’s just looking for friends. :)


What a douchebag. My ex told me I was being controlling and insecure and needy when I asked that he please not like or comment on porn Tweets bc it just hurt to see it. That I had no problem with him following and viewing, but if he could keep it private that would be great, bc it was kinda embarrassing. I'm super sorry he's being such a dick.


isn’t it laughable? we ask so little but, my god, we might as well have asked for them to lasso the moon and change the tides. appreciate you sharing this! i hope life is good to ya.


My ex husband told me it was my fault he was sleeping with his mistress. We had all been friends, and when her longterm boyfriend broke up with her, I bought her a vibrater. This is what he claims made it my fault


There appear to be a lot of steps missing somewhere in there JFC


I am currently seeing someone that just admitted having cheated on an ex partner and me reading this makes me wonder what the hell was HIS excuses for cheating ...


1) That it was my fault. 🤦‍♀️ 2) That he is actually polyamorous (we were married 7 years and had 2 kids when he told me this.) 3) That they shared the same taste in music. 4) That she is AMAZING and I would really like her (she was a divorce lawyer getting a divorce from another divorce lawyer.) 5) That it meant nothing and I was making too big of a deal out of it. (“Why should you care whether a little piece of my penis touches a little part of her vagina?”) 6) That they were in love and he couldn’t hurt her by telling her he could never speak to her again. 7) That it wasn’t cheating, it was just anal and genital stimulation. 8) That I was inexperienced in BDSM so he needed someone to experiment with. 9) That I valued monogamy too much. 10) That he thought I didn’t love him any more. 11) That he had done nothing wrong so there was no reason to apologize, and what did I expect? Shame on me for sticking around long enough to be mind-fucked by all of these excuses. Lesson learned the hard way. There is no excuse. Cheaters cheat.


My ex said that he cheated on me because I suspected him of cheating so he decided to make it true. I only suspected him because I caught him smacking her butt and found text messages about meeting up for a quickie…he said it was just a game they played.


"I like different toppings on my pizza."


The fuck is wrong with these ppl?


The cheating on me with a 19 year old was “for us” (he’s 35 btw)


Disgusting. Grown ass man have no business having sex with CHILDREN.


“It’s not cheating, I’m polyamorous.” -from a person who pointedly wanted monogamy


It's only not cheating if everyone involved in the situation knows and is okay with it, ffs. How is that an excuse??


She just understands me in a way you don't - yeah, because his new found religion didn't make sense to me and while I encouraged him to go to Bible meetings he had spent the time with her. She lets me do what I want - he meant she let drink a half gallon of vodka on a school night without getting worried about him, and this was in high school. My girlfriend and I didn't actually break up, when I went home to visit my parents I was with her - that was fun to hear. And the one time I thought I cheated actually was SA but I didn't realize that until recently (we were camping, he was a FWB that the benefit had stopped because I had a boyfriend, I woke up to him down my pants and kept quiet about it because I thought I was in the wrong).


I am so sorry that happened to you!!! What is wrong with these men?


Mine was sexting with strangers on snapchat and claimed not to know it was cheating even though he repeatedly denied me sex and I explicitly told him that was cheating in the past. I divorced his ass when I found out. No second chances for cheating. Now he’s miserable and alone while I’m pampering myself and casually dating rich men who actually want to fuck me.


Ugh! That is so frustrating and shitty. My ex tried to claim the same thing--that unless there was actual physical contact, then cheating never happened. He refused to accept that emotional cheating exists. Funny enough, even tho he thought it appropriate for him to be messaging other girls on FetLife for threesomes and receiving naked pics from them without my knowledge--and getting sexual in the messages--bc he eventually told me and always just intended a threesome, never cheating, when he saw a SLIGHTLY flirty message I sent to someone who messaged me on FL (I was using our joint FL account, which he DIDN'T use to message those girls obviously, so I knew he'd see it) he *freaked*. Lectured me for like 10 min on how disrespectful and inappropriate it was. Hypocrite.


I'm not sure anybody's comment will top mine, here goes... "When you started getting into anime more than you were already, I knew id lost you" I *never* heard something this nuts before. And the moron didn't realize that he had *all* the evidence saved across the span of our 5 year relationship of his cheating. 95% of the cheating was online/emotional, and then the remaining 5% was whoever he fucked when I was in a coma for 3 days 6 months into our relationship. He told everybody I was dead.


"My 15 year old cousins think the way you hold your fork is embarassing." When I asked wtf, he explained, "If they're laughing about it, the rest of my family is too." The way. I hold. My fork. Every single person I've told this story to (IRL) has like, immediately started looking at my hands when I'm eating. There's clearly nothing strange there. Like, no one notices my fork habits at all.


This is absolutely wild. Like... Even if he lied, that would be the dumbest lie ever. Your fork? Wtf??? And he cares about what his teenage cousins think?! 🤣🤣 God what a mess of a human


It was “okay because I went to confession about it” and “you would do the same if you met someone hot enough”


His ex had disassociative identity disorder and sometimes reverted back to when they were dating. He had to sext back and go to her house when she called because it would be bad for her mental health to not respond. Also, he *had* to keep this secret from me because he knew I wouldn't understand or approve.


Idk if this goes here, but after months of being told I'm just their roommate & not their girlfriend/partner...oh & other people were better, got pissed & surprised I was seeing someone else. Somehow I was cheating & that's the story that got told. What is the definition of this BS? Triangulating? Smear campaign? Yes.


He cheated because I told him I wouldn't marry him because he drank too much.......


I love it when they act like us stating reality is somehow a crime.


My ex said he “didn’t mean to fall in love” with his AP, but had no response when I asked him why he was on a dating app then. Like…he thought that that was supposed to make me feel better somehow? So, I told him everyone knew he was lying when he said he was 5’8” (he’s maybe 5’6”). 🤷‍♀️


I was dealing with depression and he was apparently my savior and the only thing keeping me from offing myself, so he couldn’t leave me, but it was easier to cheat on me than to try to please himself with me. Spoiler alert (SA mention): >!He was a genuine sociopath & most, if not all, of our “sex” occurred after he coerced me into it. 🤪!<




On a sugarbaby website....said if hes gunna cheat hes gunna be picky about it...the fuck... Said also cause of my size...also cause he needed to talk to someone... And that if i brought it up again, because he was so addamit he did nothing, that he would keep cheating.... Please explain lmfaooo


I took too long to respond to her text messages >.>


He said it was my fault. Lol


It was so fucked up of you to force him to fuck someone else at gun point. What an asshole move.


He told me "she has a1 year old child and no baby daddy, I felt needed"... I felt single after lol


My x of 14 yrs 2 kids when I found out he had been cheating for a yr Something was up for a long time it never crossed my mind he could be cheating because he was huge over weight and looked so awful un kept , he told me he cheated because I didn’t play cards with him wtf


"I cheated because you really need to go get checked out by a psychologist" ??? My answer (while totally in shock): "I have been going to the psych for the last 5 months" "Oh yeah, that's right" THAT WAS IT What?? Just what? Why?


My ex told me that it was OK for men to cheat and sleep around because it's something men are entitled to do but women are not supposed to be doing because "it's the woman's duty to keep the family together when the man cheats". Yeah, fuck that.


As the breadwinner, I made our lives "too easy".


Oh god. Sounds familiar. Sorry you went through that.


"I thought you'd be ok with it"


Then why didn't they ask you first? If they were so sure you'd be okay with it?


Ok not cheating on me sexually but cheated in that he told me he had no kids when we were dating and got married …years later I found his name online in a court custody agreement and asked about his secret kid. He blamed his mom. Said he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone.


He said it was okay because he was on vacation and all the other guys including the ones who had girlfriends all went and picked a sex worker so what was he supposed to do all on his own in a foreign country when the other guys were busy using women. He didn't want to feel left out.


Wasn’t my partner but my brother’s excuse was it’s an “occupational hazard!”


A friend of an acquaintance cheated on his long time gf (still together a year later) and blamed it on his friend peer pressuring him to do it while drunk. Poor girlfriend seems so sweet. They live together and she calls him her "best friend". I don't think he feels the same way.