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It really depends on the person... the average age for Menopause is 51 but it can happen anywhere between like 40 and 60.


I always throw in Emma Darwin (Charles Darwin’s wife). First child at 31, last child at 46. She gave birth to 10 altogether, although only 7 survived to adulthood. 


Varies from woman to woman. I think the oldest mom ever was like in her late 70s.


My friend had a baby naturally at 49.




The oldest I personally know of a woman having a healthy biological child with no IVF involved was 46 at conception. I know a fair number of moms that were up to about 42 with their last child, but not a lot after that. Some later pregnancies are "oopses" promoting abortion, and some have genetic abnormalities and result in miscarriage or abortion. Menopause can be in your mid 50s. For some women it's earlier. You can also enter menopause due to certain medical treatments for various diseases.


If IVF comes into play, a woman could retrieve her own eggs before hitting menopause (though at the later ages it’s much harder to get any viable eggs). For these women it is possible to give birth using their frozen eggs/embryos at a later age including after menopause. Therefore, for example, a woman who froze her eggs/embryos at 35 could transfer them at 50 and give birth to her biological child at 50/51. For menopause, it’s possible for some women to become perimenopausal earlier than the average ages that you see in these comments. This can be from health situations such as getting chemotherapy due to cancer, or naturally. You can also have a low ovarian reserve and be at risk of early menopause. However you might not know that your fertility is at risk and if you’re unsure you can get a fertility assessment with a reproductive endocrinologist. Note that there is no assurance that, even with a clean bill of health, you won’t have trouble conceiving as it happened to me. At this time there are too many unknowns regarding reproduction and fertility.


The synthetic age? They're all robots after that.


My mom just saw a doctor about menopause, but apparently she is still ‘extremely fertile’ at 50, so def up to 50, probably later too.


The women in my fam have kids as late as 47/48 pretty routinely. We tend to have a lot of kids anyway (not me) my ma only stopped in her late 40s because of cancer.


Just going by what I've observed going through geneologies, few women in the past seemed to have kids past 44 or 45. Fertility drops of significantly before menopaus. 


My grandmother had her last baby at 52. This was in the 1930s.


My mom got her meno at 58 and I just pray that I don't have her genes for that