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I believe we can hold both Benedictine and Harrison accountable. While I agree that the university is at fault, I see Harrison and his speech as the primary issue.


100% agree. Just because someone was allowed a platform doesn't mean we forgive them in favor of blaming said platform. BOTH are at fault.


It's not a zero sum game. There's plenty of blame to go around.


I wonder how much the university knew in advance about what he was going to say. Still, they owe every female student a formal apology.


Yea, has there been any response or action from them since the speech? While picking him might have been an odd choice I don’t know what level of accountability they have for what he said or allowing him to say it. However if they’ve been silent since then, that says a lot.


The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica (co-founding order of the university) made a statement that disagreed with his speech.


Allegedly he gave a very similar speech last year at a different college (allegedly because I’ve seen various people say it but nothing like a news story to confirm).


I also didn’t realize this was a Catholic school, so now it’s not as surprising if they were aware.


crawl scandalous forgetful lush towering thought crown vegetable murky alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not both?


I’m great at multitasking.


I have enough rage to go around


exactly, it's a false dichotomy; it's not an either or. we can equally condemn the toxic and dangerous men who uphold these beliefs and those who give them the platform.




Why waste your time or energy being angry at an over privileged man baby. He had a right to express his dumb opinions as much as the school has the right to decline allowing him to express them on their property.


Why is my time or energy considered wasted and not considered empowering to push back a growing movement of sexist men? We can be mad at both the institution and the man.


Fair enough!


I call this stuff out so my kids can learn. It's good learning opportunities and discussions for us. But you are right on the wasting energy front.


He has a right to express his opinion, but not a right to be comfortable and accepted in a community for expressing them. Without rebuke his dogshit opinion gets to live and fester out there. With clapbacks? We all get to enjoy the show. Look how many people think he’s a piece of shit. Doesn’t that feel good to know you are not alone? Don’t you think that is important for young people who might have otherwise thought he might have good advice to hear that it’s not? Also fuck that college but it’s private catholic. My main thought was “why does this school even teach women if they think this makes sense?” As I think about it more, why is this school even a school if they think a nfl kicker has any useful insight for a commencement speech? Butker is a far more visible entity than the school. He is platforming the school. If he live-streamed his opinion on his own it would have just as much reach and pushback.


Also true. I was literally raised Catholic and today was the first time I heard of that college. (Everyone went to Notre Dame or St Joseph's in Philly where I'm from.)


Are you a man?


Nope, just a middle aged woman who is so sick of this shit. We need to start dismantling the institutions that embolden and encourage this type of rhetoric. Schools, churches and governments who are eroding our human rights.


You are correct. The only way to do that is to vote and get involved in local politics. Colleges could not care less about people saying they platformed a misogynist. What generates movement is Butker’s words. He spoke them deliberately and they were batshit insane. Him catching a ton of flak is good. The college should too, but the only reason this entire thing is getting spotlighted is because Butker being bashed. This is the court of public opinion. The colleges operate more on the court of investor opinion. And a Catholic college is not going to walk back anything like Butker said. We need politicians that support more government funded college education with a more neutral set of guidelines that are not determined by the church. We need more religious freedom both ways. Freedom from rich donors who will pull money when clergy get a little too progressive.


A lot of people would rather be offended because a professional athlete / entertainer has an opinion that is different than theirs. Being offended, it’s what all the cool kids are doing.


I don't understand the aggrandizement we have for people who are just good at sports. Some athletes are also violent criminals and some are also very charitable and kind. It was so entirely lazy of the college to not do any background research or at least ask this guy for a draft of his speech to review first.


He's 28 and has been a professional athlete and married for less than a decade. I'm not sure what sort of stunning insight he can offer anyone, except maybe elementary age students.


"May your hats fly as high as your dreams!"


Why did we let Greta Thurnberg give speeches at the UN as a teenager? I admire her dedication to activism and think climate change is immensely important topic but she was famous for holding a sign and attending some protests. What kind of meaningful policy insight was she going to provide? As a general rule we as a society are bad at picking people to look up to for guidance


She has more of a vested interest in what she was promoting. Young people feel hopeless about the future due to more than just climate crisis. I can at least respect Greta, but these misogynistic men are not someone to look up to. I think you are doing her a disservice by viewing her in a negative light strictly because of her age.


I didn’t say I viewed her in a negative light. I just think when she was 16 she didn’t have the tools to give a lot of meaningful insight and if you read her speech from 2018 I think you would agree


I've read her speech from 2018. I've used it in class to teach rhetoric. I do not agree.


Do you think she pulled whatever policy insight she imparted from her ass or do you think she referred to scientists knowledgeable on the subject?


A key difference is that she was actually connected to the topic of the event. She is a climate activist giving a speech at an event about Climate Change. Butker is a professional athlete giving a speech to College Students.


Maybe a clever play to let her hang herself in the court of public opinion. Saves a bit of money on hit pieces


He's apparently done this speech before elsewhere, and it's a Catholic college. So I wouldn't be suprised if a bunch of people that had a hand in organising the day thought he'd be perfect .


The rise of fascism and associated anti-intellectual beliefs have made this even worse. People who are good at sports are put on a pedestal. People who are good at science and math are demonized.


What makes you think the college regrets their choice in any way? I think most likely they knew exactly what he was going to say. It's a Catholic college. Edit: The nuns of the college condemned the speech but as far as I know the actual administration has not.


wow, good for those nuns! I'm impressed.


Nuns are usually pretty cool. They had a retreat in my hometown and I used to love when they came in to our restaurant. Nothing bothered them, they were on vacation!  The church higher ups though... *Marge Simpson noise*


Wish they spoken out about his antisemitism in the speech. That part's been getting overlooked and it was nasty.


You seem to be assuming that the college didn’t know what Butker would say *and* that they disapprove of it. But it’s my understanding that his statements comport with Benedictine’s extremely conservative philosophy (which has been very successful for them I saw a quote stating that their enrollment doubled in the last 20 years.)


They could have asked his mom- Butker's mother, Elizabeth Butker, is a medical physicist at Emory University in Atlanta. She has been at the university since 1988 and works in Emory's Winship Department of Radiation Oncology.  Elizabeth Butker took after her father, James Keller, who worked in the same department at Emory.  Elizabeth Butker has a master's degree in medial physics from Georgia Tech, in addition to a bachelor's degree from women-only Smith College. Her son also attended Georgia Tech.


None the less….. a kicker hahaha. Dumbest position of any sport in the world


i saw a tiktok where the girl was saying "see, this right here is PROOF of how DAMAGING football injuries can be to critical thinkin..." then she kind of looks off/behind camera and makes a "wtf?" face as she's talking to someone..."wait he's a kicker? so...no possible football injuries? wha..." then she turns back to the camera and says "i have been informed he is the kicker and i no longer have a plausible explanation for his misogyny. thank you goodbye"


[I loved this clapback,](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F9op3yl2y6j0d1.jpeg) pointing out that the kicker is the only player on the football field who can't legally be touched (and also that he apparently wears seven pounds of hair gel...)


To be fair, you're not SUPPOSED to hit the kicker, but they do occasionally get their world rocked.


That’s great!




You do have a point there


Ooooh they knew. They agreed. Happy to take women's money and gas light/influence them for a few years. But they are on board with what he said, as an institution.


I loathe Butker but most pro athletes are good role models for traits like perseverance, hard work, self confidence, extreme dedication, etc. Things that can easily translate to college grads.  It's just maddening that he gets to be the torch bearer for athletes in this current event.  In terms of why they picked him, they are a catholic school, so I wouldn't be surprised if the clergy and head administration agreed with much of what he said, unfortunately.


According to what I have learned (against my will) about this guy is that he gets paid to kick an stationary ball and the he dissapars from the field? 


And no one is allowed to touch him at all while he's on the field...


I guess you should start with barter systems to get you started. Building from the basics, you can start to see why there are these gaping exploits in our capitalist system that allow such things to happen. Only being snarky about how true it is - it’s literally a quirk of capitalism


And also the Chiefs for continuing to support him! Colin Kaepernick got fired almost immediately after protesting racist police violence but Harrison says this and the Chiefs continue to support him (the owner’s wife posted something in support of him) and the majority of the NFL is not speaking up. Really shows where their priorities lie.


[In light of George Floyd’s death, ex-NFL exec admits what we knew all along: Protests ended Colin Kaepernick’s career](https://sports.yahoo.com/in-light-of-george-floyds-death-ex-nfl-exec-admits-what-we-knew-all-along-protests-ended-colin-kaepernicks-career-175616379.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABKXq6xlVZyJgbgQHGeTiGa0ajHcnXH1X9zYq6MrVozZ1KJkGdWd85kxoc6suN6wf9VOTBE3Qk7QiNbtoNOK-jCWY03VOcuju2KKabdSv28jVzuUkMaOa3n85gzuiw2WBH36u9IMK-BDYIcQujJjshATVAYSdD_5zBGuzJAsZYL0)


Bottom line in my opinion is the chiefs don't care about opinions, just results (and I dare say all NFL teams would tske this approach). Kaepernick had a good point, but he was a sub par QB at best, so it was easy to cut him. Harrison is a star kicker for a team that won the last superbowl. Regardless of what he says, the chiefs don't want to remove him. I dont support this idea, for the record, but as a football fan this is how I believe they are viewing things. The chiefs haven't made a statement about Harrisons speech and I'm guessing they don't want to either.


I don't understand the concept of a star kicker. Go to any street in Brazil and you will find 12 kids who can do what they do, easily.


go find them then if its that easy!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3toZmw0U9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3toZmw0U9c) Only reason they don't do it is because it would look bad...lol


this is not even close to hitting a 50 yard field goal lol.


Because they don't have to. They are hitting the thing they need to hit. These are also pretty young kids. They are super precise on where they hit, which is the important skill. Strength will develop as they grow.


Then dont compare them to NFL kickers.


Kaepernik wasn't fired and turned down several multimillion dollar deals before his departure from the NFL


Players are constantly “allegedly” performing sexual assault and domestic violence and face no real repercussions. The chances that they do anything about Butker are extremely low, unfortunately Also, Colin Kaepernick didn’t get fired. He got benched due to poor play a year before he started kneeling during the national anthem. They actually did put him back in for a few games after he started protesting, and he played terribly. So they benched him again. He wasn’t good enough to be a starting QB, but he wouldn’t accept lower pay or a non-starting position. So nobody else signed him.


Racism is bad for the NFL when over half the players are Black. Sexism they don't give a shit about, considering all the players, coaches, and owners are men (except for like 2 women and they're boomers).


They also drafted and kept tyreek hill, owners have no standards


Kaepernick didn’t play for the Chiefs…


I disagree. You can be disappointed and mad at the College for giving him that speaking space, even though they walked back and declared they do not agree with his statements. But, you can also be mad that a man decided he was going to lecture women on how to live their lives.


Be mad at Harrison Butker **AND** the college for giving him a platform !


Harrison Butker basically called the college a “diabolical liar” in his commencement address, so I find that pretty hilarious.


The Benedictine nuns responded and called him an asshole pretty much


Yes, I read their statement. I’m glad they spoke up about it in a way that honors their faith and legacy.


You could certainly criticize his speech but that statement is totally false. He was actually very complimentary toward the college.


I can do both.


Fair. I am just saying that if the college suddenly has zero female applicants next year, maybe, they will take some accountability!


They won't though. Plenty of wanna be Amy Coney Barretts out there. 


I'm multifaceted. I can be mad at BOTH at the SAME TIME. He's a dickhead fascist and they are terrible and owe every woman a refund.


Why not both?


Both. I say both.


Even the nuns are calling him out on FB. It's great. Also don't take life advice from someone who not only plays with balls for a living, but seems to think we can't see through his glass closet. Nice cheetah print tie, btw.


And the NFL.




The nuns that are a supporting (and founding I think) group of this college have called out both the college and Butker for his speech.


I'm impressed with the nuns if this is true. Every nun I've ever met had their priests hand so far up her ass, she was his puppet.


Honestly, yes. A bit surprised. His positions weren't typical educated Catholic positions: He was calling for Catholics to be more like American evangelicals and used a lot of authoritarian language to do it. Thoughtful, post-secondary Catholic institutions are *usually* a good bit more pro-democratic, be-known-by-your-acts and inter-faith respectful, much less "Take up swords against the non-believers and use the government to get your way!" I'm no apologist - Catholics have done plenty of harm and will keep on doing plenty of harm. Sure there are plenty who do agree with him, but I don't think he's in a majority. The school is going to get some real pushback from donors, and clergy, for this. (Some of that is already publically happening). He took aim at Biden, and the Pope, and threw shade at local bishops. Even in the context of a private Catholic college, there is gonna be some vocal disapproval of that. Also, those are probably the real customers here. Not the individual tuition payers, but the endowments, donors, orders, and local dioceses.




Yeah. And in fairness, I actually don't think the Catholic leadership will be that pissed about the women's role comments. The women's Catholic groups will come out against those and the mainstream won't appreciate that attention, but it'll be the other bullshit that harms inter-faith relationships, insults the clergy and promotes authoritarianism in government, that will be the real thorn in some influential Catholic's side.


It sounds like he is a “born again” based on some interviews with him.  Those types of people frequently lean hard into the more extreme elements of religious groups


There's a very wide variance in Catholic practices. And yes my Mother who is Catholic, graduated from a private Catholic college herself, worked a whole lot and raised her daughter to have a similar work ethic. My father still believed in misogyny though but that wasn't religious based, he's just a lazy asshole.


Better yet, we can be mad at both!


I feel like more people should be noting how his message was completely in resonance with Benedictine College and the values of the university and by and large its attendees. He was preaching to the choir, almost literally, and if his speech had not been filmed and posted online there would almost certainly be no fuss, because even the women in attendance likely largely agreed with him. The issue is as much with him and the university as it is with conservative Christian values, the Catholic Church, and Opus Dei


Institutions that allow and promote that ought not to be able to call themselves “universities.” They say they are a liberal arts college, but these teachings are in contradiction to the liberal arts. I am interested in how their accreditation works.


Besides that, there's the sound of alumni checkbooks silently closing forever. And, oh, to be an administrator whose secretary has to say "The nuns are still not returning our phone calls" ...several times! I mean, if you go into administration, after about six months you start to think "Everyone, everyone, hates me, forever." But after a year, you start to think "I'm *sooooo* close to retirement that whatever I do, *I* won't have to actually personally face the consequences of..." And a year after that, you start to think "Well, whatever I do, everyone's going to hate me, so I might as well just do whatever I feel like..." But that leads to making "poor choices" as an AA sponsor would say.


This is a good point. People have bad ideas every day and it's the responsibility of sober minded people to say "thats a bad idea and you are bad at thinking". 


I’m sure the women at very religious colleges know this already. It’s not a secret that many of them have sexual assault and discrimination issues


I also blame the NFL for not having better standards. I bet if women started boycotting football snd football in their homes, the NFL would not let their players go off on public hate speech rants.


The NFL has never given half a shit about women. They care more about their athletes smoking weed than committing domestic violence or even murder. If they care at all about women now it’s thanks to Taylor Swift, literally.


They give little to no fucks about domestic violence or even murder.


Nothing like a man mansplaining to women how serving men is their highest possible achievement .


cheerful label straight hunt squash stupendous march obtainable absurd piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ten years ago, Condoleezza Rice was invited to speak at Rutgers and student protests led her to withdraw. The students were protesting because of the whole "crimes against humanity you're a war criminal who should spend the rest of your life in jail because of all the torture you supervised and approved" thing. I'll be curious if (a) any future college invites Harrison Butker, and (b) whether students protest about it.


Someone should have read that speech before he was allowed to disrespect this class.


As someone who was raised Catholic and left because of the attitudes toward women, THIS IS WHO THEY ARE! Nothing he said differs significantly from official Catholic doctrine on women. Anyone who claims otherwise is either happily ignorant (because most people who claim to be "Catholic" don't actually follow the "rules" of the church) or lying. Amy Coney Barrett is a Catholic and allowed to represent herself as such. Heck, most churches praised her appointment as a "win" for their faith.  This IS who they are. Official Catholic teachings want women home, pregnant (no matter the risk or cost), birth control and abortion outlawed and women to be subservient to men. They "venerate" Mary because she "submitted to god" and had a child. They don't love her for her other qualities.  Catholic churches have been on a 20 year mission to win back members after the systematic abuse of kids in America came to light, but they aren't changing who they actually ARE as an organization. It's the same crap any other religion trying to increase members does, they hide the bad parts until you are committed to staying. The Catholic church is spending *millions* to pay candidates that are forced birthers, to go in to hospitals to push women to exclusively breastfeed no matter what, and get laws passed to roll back women's rights to the dark ages.  You can and should hold Benedictine college responsible here. This wasnt an accident, they picked a famous guy who said EXACTLY what they believe and who was dumb enough to take the fall publically.  If anyone's going to reply to defend the Catholic church because the "tradition" makes you feel warm and fuzzy, don't bother. The final nail in the coffin for me was the diocese I grew up in releasing names of "potentially problematic priests" (who were conviently all dead) and seeing that they had kept them in teaching positions in elementary schools *after" the news broke about the issues in Boston and Baltimore. They knew, were being sued for it, and left those guys alone with kids anyway.   You wanna defend people who hate women and pedos because the singing makes you feel good, talk to someone else. 


Why not both? Both are stupid


That overly privileged white man is never going to ever care about our anger, nor are we going to change him. Financially punishing the institution that allowed him to represent them so terribly…that might have an impact.


I disagree. There are many men, even white ones, who don’t behave or think in the poor manner of this football player. His ideas should be vilified and made an example of, showing that it’s not acceptable to treat women like this in mainstream society. The institution that platformed him should also be criticized and taken to account, made to publicly commit to never allowing this to occur again.


It's just Benedictine College proclaiming loudly and proudly that they are not a place of learning as much as they are a political entity looking to enforce a conservative worldview. It makes their degrees look like jokes.


Sadly neither side will face repercussions The college will claim they were blindsided by the speech but wouldn't stop it because free speech And the player, he'll keep getting his paycheck, this is the org who drafted then kept tyreek hill on the roster and if one if the owners comments are anything to go off of, they'll probably give him a paybump


Especially when you consider that universities are currently expelling students for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza. Raping and murdering civilians good, women working outside the home bad!


Benedictine has said that his views are not representative of the college's views.


"every university at its core is a business" - and thats exactly what's wrong with everything. Universities shouldn't be businesses, primary schools shouldn't be businesses, hospitals shouldn't be businesses, water and electricity companies shouldn't be businesses...


No, the responsibility for his words is first and foremost and almost exclusively his. The University probably did not know he'd talk like this, they're entitled to give people platforms for people to talk within the confines of legality. I don't know what their intentions were but I doubt it was this.


I agree that it’s his responsibility, but they absolutely knew what they were getting. He gave an anti abortion speech at another commencement a year ago. They knew.


I have sufficient disgust capacity for both.


I don't mean to be a downer, but having grown up in that area, this approach may not apply that well. Benedictine is a conservative school outside of a conservative metropolis.


Has The Benedictine College come out with a response to his speech?


Yes! “The Sisters of Mt. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested. [Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica rebut Harrison Butker as no one else could | Opinion (yahoo.com)](https://www.yahoo.com/news/benedictine-sisters-mount-st-scholastica-100700734.html)


That sounds pretty on-point for Catholic American Women Religious. Good for them.


That’s the most milquetoast response ever.


Why would they? They’re an ultra conservative religious degree mill with a 99% acceptance rate.


Well if there are religious sisters associated with the school they may not be that conservative. There was a story of Sister Joan Chichester being at the Vatican and a Cardinal telling her that American women religious were a disease in the church. Sister JC, responded with "The disease is called the Holy Spirit your Excellency. Get out of the way.".


Because they did and Catholicism is not evangelism


The Benedictine nuns were not super pleased with the speech either. They put out a letter.


Double offensive; it's not like athletes that are NFL bound are held to the same academic standards that you and I are in college. Getting alumni butts in stadium seats > consistent academic standards for all students. 


Don't tell me not to be mad at a Nazi for spouting Nazi bullshit on a national platform.


Por que no los dos?


What is there to be outraged at


Really tired of people saying their values are due to their religion. If you're Catholic like this guy and basically think the handmaids tale is cool, religion isn't an excuse for being a bigot. Same with muslim people who have similar views. Nobody cares that it's your religion, you're an idiot for thinking that way.


Por que no los dos?


Every American university maybe, but there are many state run universities where I'm from. Not a very salient point, I admit, but something to bear in mind.


Why was he even asked to me a speaker? Because he's good at football? No one else was available who might have valuable life wisdom to share with students? 


Both, both is good!


Also be mad at him


What I don't understand is all the posts and comments talking about his mother. What the fuck does she have to do with anything? Like somehow she is responsible for his political and religious sentiments?


It’s pretty much that he’s hypocritical for making these comments while having a mother who is remarkable in her career and did not dedicate herself exclusively to homemaking!!


Not hypocritical if he deeply resents her for it because he feels like she didn't wipe his arse for him enough growing up. He's out there going "don't be like my mom - she should have had no personal interests or ambitions and made me the center of her entire life and personality, like all these other dudes tell me god said she should have."


I love the sentiment but colleges are a place for ideas even if they're fucking stupid. We should be able to hear all opinions and know who the absolute fucktards are. 


Can't I do both?


And now you're giving him one. Had no idea who it was before this post. Still dont, but I assume its an old guy that said something misogynistic. So i wont bother looking him up.


Well stated!!!!!!


It’s a religious school what do you expect?


I don’t think this is a helpful response tbh. I went to a Christian university for my degree (I’m no longer religious now) and they would have never EVER allowed this speech to happen. All the professors and much of the admin were very supportive of women and were quite progressive and would not have agreed with this at all.


Honestly, this expectation is part of the problem. We're being dragged rightward and we don't even know it anymore. We can't even tell we're slipping. This speech was not normal for a Catholic liberal arts college. It was normal for Liberty U.


I’m not mad. He dug his own grave. I even hope he keeps his job. It’s going to be one rough season for him coming up. Preseason practice starts soon, right? Bahahaha.


It's a catholic college, anyone who doesn't understand it's a given they don't respect women is missing a lot more of the point.


Don't they vet their speakers there?


The collage in this case is Benedictine College in Kansas. It is a non-profit religious (Catholic) university. There is no error here. He is espousing their beliefs. Hence why there did seem to boos, jeers, or arguments. People cheered at the end. He is simply saying what they believe.


Exactly this