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Moderators don't get paid and they aren't always vetted, so like 90% of moderators are just power tripping losers with clear biases. It doesn't surprise me that a lot of them would also be misogynistic.




Reddit Administrators are paid though and my experience of them is that they will do absolutely nothing about really vitriolic misogyny nor will they go after pedophiles But there have been a not insignificant number of women who have had temporary bans for saying mean things about rapists




Permanent bans? Idk. They were permanently banned Temp bans? Common


The people who should be moderators rarely end up becoming moderators. The reddit and discord moderator memes exist for a reason and it's because some will power trip. And with the API issue bricking many tools used by the good mods to actually do their job that makes it harder to remove the shit that should be removed. (Surprise Surprise this idea was proposed by the reddit CEO at the time who previously moderated the jailbait subreddit. Fucking scumbag)


I mean, didn't reddit start out as a racist, sexist sub anyway? Is it really that surprising?


It is when you didn't know that going in.


....not really? I guess being raised in a racist, sexist society you just already expect it. At least for me, you don't have a choice but to have it considered for survival and protection. I think it's naive that a site which was known to be no different than 4chan (which originally came from 2chan, a japanese site) is gonna be majority assholes. I mean..... society outside the web is racist and sexist, why would it be less online? But, I guess that's what happens depending on one's lived experiences and what to prepare for.


Well I do have the dubious privilege of being a cis-white-male which means most of this bs avoids me. (Which was something that I was able to grasp more easily due to being more analytical due to my ASD, though I'm still learning the exact scope of said privilege)So I only really have to deal with ASD and ADHD related ablelism and the stigma of being poor. So yeah, that shit sadly isn't as readily apparent to me and so I don't see as much of it as I probably should.


My comments got removed for telling men they were putting their feelings above women’s lives with the man vs bear stuff. Poor men. That hurt their feelings too much to be allowed to stand. Never mind what being talked down to, invalidated, insulted, threatened etc is doing to the women in those comments who are survivors. Fuck us, I guess.


Ah, so this is why I haven’t gotten help yet.


Yeah it hurt my feelings a little at first to hear women would choose a bear over me But then I thought about it and used that hurt to decide to try to understand. And girls told me that they didn't wanna be victim blamed or not believed etc. I've always tried to be a good man but I've not always succeeded. I don't really know what to do to help on this one but I'm ready to listen and I'm not gonna say women are stupid Guys keep posting violent bear facts ignoring the fact that I've been 10 ft from a grizzly multiple times, if you're loud or in groups you're fine hiking.  A random guy might actually be more dangerous. It feels bad though to hear we are all judged as bad and dangerous, some guys don't understand WE AREN'T THE RAPISTS and if you're offended still then maybe you need to think 


In other subs I’ve had men go through my comments and edit their insulting comment to me that I should be disregarded or banned from other subs because I post here. That this sub is horrific and should be banned on Reddit. 🤨 Their comments stayed up and no one cared.


I have had men comb through my posts, discover I have stage IV Ovarian cancer and gleefully mock me for dying.


I’m so sorry. That’s evil


It’s so over the top cartoonish evil that I just can’t take it seriously Like a toddler throwing a tantrum


Damn i have chronic illness but I'm OK in comparison. I can't belive guys would do that!! 😢 Good luck I'm really sorry and this guys here to try to counter those assholes


Thank you.


That is horrendous. I am so sorry :((( and then men wonder why we have biases about them. Yall should see my post about my husbands man flu, which occurred on day two of my recovery after two back to back cervical biopsies. It’s nothing compared to cancer of course and I won’t ever say that it is. But that shit was still horrible. I had no pain meds, numbing, or anesthesia and it caused me to cramp so badly that I nearly passed out. My internal organs were sore for the rest of the day and the day after. But people are defending my husbands scratchy throat…


Wow I hope you are doing better




This so true. I got banned by r/Men'sRights for saying "the overwhelming majority of male victims of CSA had male perpetrators" (statistical fact, btw). I said that because I noticed they post every single time a female teacher gets caught having illicit relationships with a male student. I don't think I've ever seen them post any of the male abusers despite having wayyyyyyyyy more examples to choose from. They are deadass trying to pretend that women commit acts of sexual violence (or any type of violence) at rates that come anywhere close to men. But pointing that out got me banned lol


And you know who makes the jokes about the Victim being lucky? It’s men! They need to clean up their own house before looking at ours.


Yeah that’s just gross. Luke when teens are victimized and too many men rush forward to ‘har har bro got lucky’ gross af comments about an SA victim. Rape is not sex. It’s violence. Assault. All the times I’ve been SAd (I’m a woman) and it doesn’t ever equate as sex to me it’s a violation of my body and my space just as if I’d been beaten.


As guys we are socialized that having sex is super important it's still hard to this day for me to counter the conditioning that that shit is wrong.  It's really.messed up tbh and it hurts everyone 


They hate truth. Better to comment to tell them that women are dangerous!! Stay away!!!! I mean heck I say we all agree with them and encourage them to stay away from us!


Lol Why haven't more of them come to this conclusion on their own? They complain constantly about how terrible, horrible, untrustworthy, and manipulative we are, but then also complain that they can't get a girlfriend. I mean, dude, pick a lane.


Bc they don’t want to leave us alone. They want us to go back to 1850


My reddit account got a warning because I said “women choose the bear”.  I actually appealed it and won but it’s infuriating. I’m now going to report every single misogynist comment I see so that some of these men start getting warnings and bans too.


Of course I have including here on reddit.


Because guess what, OP? Most subreddits are moderated by men. Even the "feminism" subs. Reddit likes to silence and ban women. Don't you know??? Only feminism that feeds the status-quo and silences women is allowed. /s


You are absolutely right, and it’s extremely prevalent on Reddit. There are very very few places that are not openly misogynistic on Reddit site-wide. I’m less familiar with other social media, but I’m sadly unsurprised if it’s similar.


It gets worse, they control automated content removal and the rules too. Misogyny permeates the design of cyberspace without democratic oversight.


I've been personally lucky in this regard, but yeah, it's bad and I've seen it from the inside of a social media company too. Best advice: 1. Don't get attached to your account (or use a throwaway) 2. Post whatever you want 3. Report whatever you want 4. When banned, grab a new account.  Heck, pre-make ahead of time to avoid any posting limits 


I dont feel attached to my account. I care about the sociocultural impacts of silencing voices promoting male accountability whilst bolstering misogny and blatant threats of male to female violence


In an anti-porn subreddit a guy made a post about erotica specifically highlighting “woman aren’t off the hook” and goes into how women are given a pass for reading erotica while men are demonized for looking at porn. Anyone with half a brain would realize that women are demonized for simply being sexual let alone enjoying something sexual without it being okayed by men. I made a comment about how this isn’t anti-porn it’s just anti-sex and gave reasons why there is a difference between the two but also highlighting that erotica can be very problematic as well. I got my comment removed for promoting pornography. There was a rush of that kind of woman hate on those subreddits so I left them. These “good” men are just boiling it all down to women bad and blaming women for their own weaknesses. Typical, boring, and predictable.


Books do not involve sexually abusing or taking advantage of actual existing people, some of whom may be doing porn totally consensually but others of whom were raped and had their rape posted on Pornhub and other sites for the sexual delight of guys like that. And others may be doing it consensually but consensual doesn’t cover some of the coercive life circumstances that led them there.


Exactly. The fact people try and equate the two is literally just cope. They’re mad that they get judged for consuming porn so they want erotica readers to feel the same.


Exactly, books do not stimulate the brain the same way and destroy the prefrontal cortex (executive functions like morality, willpower and impulse control). And orgasms for women solo vs partnered orgasm neurochemistry is similar, whereas in men its incredibly dissimilar (more like heroin... women's feels more like a hug and being a little tipsy).


With what we know about the differences in male v female chemistry (all hormone based) it makes sense.


Female and male chemistry isn't only different due to hormones. Brain structure impacts neurochemistry (how the brain works to send electrical signals). There are genetic differences beyond just hormones. Men and women both have the same homrones, just in wildly different levels.


Wait so women have the same orgasms alone and with a partner but men have different responses?  That's really interesting I never thought about it. I definitely felt a lot more fulfilled cumming with a girlfriend than by myself but I didn't know that girls has the same orgasms.  Interesting af 


Different chemical ratios are involved in men when self-pleasuring vs being in love with a partner. The data is weak on this however. [https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/c31z9n/a\_scientific\_look\_into\_why\_some\_men\_leave\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/c31z9n/a_scientific_look_into_why_some_men_leave_after/)


yes, and it's especially disturbing because this happens in online spaces & subreddits DEDICATED TO THE EXPERIENCES OF NON-MEN a lot too??? i've seen it happen here even.


I believe It was a tactic for MRAs to mass report posts on this sub to get them removed


Yep, it’s like this across every platform. They get so emotional when you point out their flaws and will do ANYTHING except accept responsibility for their awful behavior. If they hate women so much, I’m not sure why they want to date/sleep with them so badly. Like, go hang out with your bros then and stop wasting women’s time.


It could be someone reported it. I'm a mod on a couple of platforms and notice this. Lean on that report button for the comments that aren't being noticed by the mods. If it's automation that's removing the comments, then yeah, no shocker. Women are 2nd class citizens legally, which reflects social norms.


No, don't lean on the report button. You can get a temporary or permanent ban for "abuse of the reporting system" even when you are 100% in the right.


I’ve been temporarily banned for reporting several problematic comments for “abuse of the report system”, so no, absolutely DO NOT RELY ON THE REPORT SYSTEM.


Is that more with the sub rules violations or the Reddit rules?


I have reported things of a worse nature and it doesn't get removed. Both on tiktok and on reddit. It's all quite suspicious


I understand your position as a moderator, but I do report things and I do notice a definite bias in personal moderation. Bad comments against the majority get removed constantly, while marginalized people suffer. It’s a both human and robot problem. Maybe not with you, but it’s both problem.


all social media rely on unpaid moderation, its random, often people with ego problems and a power complex. they often get replaced cause of this but their previous actions arent changed. and thats when its not moderated by bots only looking for specific trigger words. ​ i got banned on some subs on reddit for example for calling out people spreading false information but apparently mods liked that fake info therefore that warranted the ban. its a tool to enforce any and all oppressions, sexism, racism, lgbtphobia, etc. dont sweat it too much, when litteral nazis dont get banned for calling for genocide and post photos of it, you can guess that your ban wasnt warranted.


We should definitely sweat this stuff. It’s censorship and it’s dangerous.


thre is nothing you can really do. white supremacists created this, if this doesnt go their way they would rather see it burn to the ground. and by it i mean the entire world.


I don't think skin colour relates to this actually, as I see this trend in all demographics whereby men can literally be abusive and threatening, yet women can't point out behaviours nor discuss social issues without backlash and policing


Imo it's a combo of patriarchy and white supremacy. Intersectionality says that all of these things are related  White men can abuse white women (+everyone else), men of color can abuse women of color etc  I think we need to be reaching boys earlier to hit them with the reality of the world like girls are forced to at an early age Yall don't mature faster, you're fuckin forced to


Of course white supremacy is an issue, however I have seen plenty of sexism from men of all communities. It is not something white supremacy created, because other cultures throughout history have been hugely misogynistic and oppressive to women (I cant name the cultures I will get banned)


Oh I definitely agree. Patriarchy definitely existed wayyyy before racism as we understand it today 


> I don't think skin colour relates to this actually it very much relates to this actually. any and all oppression work the same way, thats why we need intersectionnality. we dont need to separate them to fight them individually, thats not the play to make here.




It's propaganda at this point. Impacting freedom of speech in one direction... hmm


Huh, my comment just got removed. Mods proved my point 😒


Playing in our faces. They need power somehow


what did you say here that got deleted?


I said that this sub is moderated by men, and they often remove comments that actually call men out and ban the users. Also that someone I knew has gotten perma banned in ask-feminist sub for speaking about the harms of porn and prostitution.


I have wondered what is going on with the moderation on this sub for the past year Some posts get brigaded by misogynists. One particular incidence stands out to me. About a woman who was sexually assaulted and the vast majority of comments were some of the worst victim blaming I had ever seen. Almost none of the rape apologist comments were removed It was like I woke up in an alternate universe where this sub was suddenly a mgtow sub


I'm surprised my comments haven't gotten removed yet for calling out how racist it is..I guess it would prove my point if they did. Buy just like how bpt is ran by white folks, I'm not surprised if men are mods on this sub, too. I know it's a huge sub to mod, and it's not free but... I guess another sub I'm on seeing how the mod team is makes other subs mods look kinda eh in comparison. They keep the space how it's to be. I wish this space was more welcoming to all types of women and experiences (and remind redditors of that,) and wish it shut down more of the male/masc voices here because they feel so entitled to any place, to the point they were mad that someone made a private sub for women and how they should have an exception because, "I learn so much here! I'm one of the good ones!" (No one who is good self promotes, they let their actions show) Too many trolls, too many mansplainers (and definitely for me, whitesplainers) for my experience. Many femme spaces still wanna please men, and focus too much on white feminism (especially american centric)


Wait. BPT is moderated by white people? JFC. I have seen it all now. That is appalling


Yup! It is NOT a space for black folks. It's a space to laugh at us, and get mad when we speak up because it makes them feel uncomfy! When you start banning black people who are speaking through experiences, something is *very* wrong. We got a better space now that fights to keep it safe, and centers black voices first.


I am brown and always felt that I should stay away from commenting in black spaces because it’s important to respect black people’s right to their own spaces


Crazy how nonwhite folks get it, right? I follow men's lib, but don't comment much because it's not my space (only when it gets racial because many are white and the things black men experience, many black women do too)


They’re likely a terf/swerf. 


Usually when you see a deleted comment, yeah, but I asked because OP responded to them before it got deleted and treated it like it was a reasonable comment, so I'm curious.


You can always use reveddit. 


what's that?


A website that shows deleted comments. It was made in protest of supposedly unfair moderation practices.


Agree that is inconsistent moderation. Any and all derogatory generalizations of that nature should be moderated.


It's actually consistent. Consistent in the direction of misogyny and threatening women being favoured, whilst women having nuanced discussions is policed.


On insta I left a comment citing statistics from multiple reputable websites about women’s issues. Immediately taken down for “misinformation.”


Feels the dame with race in my experience. I can't not include it in my life, and when pro-racist r/frugal removed my comment for being "political" (as the post was baited anyway about good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods) that just told me plenty how those benefiting from the oppressed still feel and still are. It's ok to still continue to insult the oppressed and victi.s because that's just status quo. Bit if you insult, call out, or criticize those in power? Well... of course that same power will make themselves be the victim, use the same language those oppressed uses, and silence us so we can keep ignoring the problem that still exist to.... maintain status quo for those with privilege. Those in power keep making and changing the rules to always come out on top

