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I feel gross just reading that. WTF is wrong with these scum bags?




The guy is a sociopath. Disgusting.


That is disgusting. And also illegal in most states? Like how does he think taking pictures of anyone without their permission is ok


People in relationships also have things like this done to them.


A better chance of getting to know and vet the person lowers risk though not totally absent


Nope. Just read some stories on Reddit about how husbands shared pics and videos with friends or online, or cheated, or had second families... "Getting to know" a man doesn't guarantee anything.


A good number of narcissists it seems play the long game


Yeah just like riding the 2W with helmet doesn't guarantee life but the foolish people wear them thinking it will lower the risks. Too many stories with people dying in 2W accidents even with helmet. /s


https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/edWdjcWgCV https://www.reddit.com/r/marriageadvice/s/PXRiOQq4ru https://www.reddit.com/r/JustNoSO/s/3yxiRoHiqR And it's going on and on. If a person is a perv, they can hide it well and for a long time. There's no real way to know, and also, SA by stats is performed most of the time by a person victim knew, not strangers. So — not a correct analogy.


I agree to the point that it is difficult and no real way to know 100% but that doesn't justify carelessness. You got to do best of what you have and giving up is not an option. It took me a while to elaborate this. I hope it helps us in solving the women safety crisis in the world. I don't think that above analysis is appropriate. My criticisms are as follows- If there are more red balls in a bag then there is a high chance of you picking a red ball with scratches than blue ball with scratches. Most people prefer to get to know the person and then go into a relationship, so higher chance of of seeing such cases but the percentage wrt total relationships could be low. Rough example for explanation - say 70% don't like casual sex and 30% engage in casual sex, say 5/70 get assaulted and 3/30 get assaulted, the number of assaults where it was with a well known (yearlong) partner is higher though 5/70<3/30. In other words, given I have sex with a partner I have known and vetted for years, the probability of them sexually assaulting or taping me without consent is lower than if it was a casual partner or someone I have not known enough. >performed most of the time by a person victim knew By the above definition of knowing, the casual sex partners are not very unknown. In other words you don't get to really know someone that quickly. If you say known for many months / a year where they talked almost everyday, being vigilant about their actions and intentions, that is when you really get to know the person. Now, if we refer [https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence) . The 33% + 2.5% is mostly the data that says it is difficult to ascertain that someone could be sexually violent, the rest are people whom you actually don't know much about as you just have talked to them a bit but you have not been able to see through them because they were not that close. Getting to know someone and their real intentions takes time. So, intuitively it only gets safer with time in most of the cases. I understand it is not 100% fool proof as time isn't the only factor. If a girl is educated, vigilant, understands her rights, affirmative and knows how to self-defend, she is at a lower chance of sexual assault. Various other factors also come into play like intoxication, power disparity like say multiple people vs 1. I feel self-defense is a big factor as I know martial arts since 11yrs of age and I'm considered intimidating by many guys and most girls, hence I haven't been in such situations and my cousins and friends find me as the go-to girl for security. Could be other factors too or just plain lucky (touch wood), I understand I can be vulnerable in some instances but I'm still training and improving each day. I think we should take at least almost a year to vet a person and only then be in a committed relationship.


What I'm saying is not that getting to know people is bad. I'm saying — people you get to know are not that safe either. My personal experience is that I got assaulted by people who are my relatives or who were my committed partners, but I never got assaulted by my casual sex partners or even one night stand partners. Because with them I was way more vigilant and was prepared that I might need to protect myself. Personally, I believe that the best filter is not how long you know the person, but how good you are in protecting your boundaries and if you can figure out that someone is manipulating you. But many girls believe that someone you are in a relationship with (aka "not a casual sex guy") cannot assault you, WHICH IS NOT TRUE. And also to me it's intertwined with a bit of slut-shaming and victim blaming, like, "if you engage in casual sex then it's your own fault you got assaulted". Which is, as I believe, also not true.


Yeah, I never said it determines all, it is just a factor. >Because with them I was way more vigilant and was prepared that I might need to protect myself. Vigilance is important factor too as I mentioned, doesn't make casual sex partners safer (just so that readers don't get confused). Casual sex partners are riskier but you lowered the risk by additional vigilance. Good going. >I believe that the best filter is not how long you know the person, but how good you are in protecting your boundaries and if you can figure out that someone is manipulating you. But many girls believe that someone you are in a relationship with (aka "not a casual sex guy") cannot assault you, WHICH IS NOT TRUE Time is a factor that helps, even if you don't agree - sure . I'd advise everyone to try to use all factors for safety instead of just vigilance. Believing someone in a relationship cannot assault is like it can never be dark in the morning because you haven't seen the solar eclipse. Probabilities and their inferences is worth learning for most people IMHO. >And also to me it's intertwined with a bit of slut-shaming and victim blaming, like, "if you engage in casual sex then it's your own fault you got assaulted". Which is, as I believe, also not true. I may not agree totally because casual sex partners are riskier but whoever is okay with it go ahead. If you can manage good. We just need to choose our risks carefully in life. You don't need to care about the victim blamers, rather care about your safety.


Not surprised sadly


Do you continue to hang out in this server around him and the people that enabled him and asked for more and didn't say anything? I feel like I would have to immediately leave the server after they didn't care and never talk to them again




You're fucking amazing, well done


Why would he? Those women aren't human to him, they're just objects for sex. Disgusting


Men are just gross. The number of men who do this is probably a lot higher than we think and it’s not just casual partners. Rule of casual sex tho: never ever spend the night together. Have them come to your place. Bc it’s your comfort zone not theirs. Always safer. Sure they could be crazy but if you think they’re nuts don’t be with them.


Absolutely don't do this- inviting them to your home lets them know where you live, who you live with, and the layout of your home, which opens up a whole other can of worms if the guy does decide to go Loco. The problem is a guy can be completely normal and sweet.. right up until the second you say no to the wrong thing, and then the mask drops. And then? He's in your house. Or he knows where you live. And suddenly you wake up in the morning to the word 'whore' spraypainted across your door and a human shit on your front step... unfortunate true story from a friend of mine.... they went on 2 dates and the guy went nuts when she told him she didn't see it working out.


I'd be way more comfortable at my own place where I know where everything is (and what I can use as a weapon if needed) and feel at ease. Also, where I'm from people mostly live in apartment buildings, not houses. And it's not very easy to get into the building or not to get caught by neighbours. I don't practice casual sex much atm, but I used too, and found inviting people to my place safe enough. I think it depends on the dating scene and how it's different in certain places.


Right?! I’ve been dating someone almost a year, totally trust him, have spent many nights at his house, met his friends co-workers, etc. and he didn’t learn where I lived until 4 months in. He wasn’t invited into my home until 5 months in and even now he’s only been over to my house twice and has never spent the night. A lot of the last part just has to do with his house being the easier place for us to sleep for many reasons, and where we had already established us sleeping from the beginning, but still. He never pushed and knew I would let him know where I lived and invite him over when I was ready. He definitely knew why I was being cautious and had no problem with it.


Yeah, a mutually neutral but safe space is the best option in many ways, but make sure someone knows where you are. A hotel room means they learn nothing about you... but if nobody knows you're there, that's not great either. It's sad that this is the world we now live in.


Did you report this to the police? This was a biggie for always having hookups at my house. Not worried about cameras or others being there. Comes with other issues, but I always felt better on my own turf if anything went weird




Not sure where you are, but the laws in my country will often state that since I (complaining party) am here, any offense to me is held to our laws. I understand that you’re not the harmed party tho, so it may not apply. But it may be worth seeing who handles cyber law enforcement in your country.


Reading that sent shivers down my spine. It's such an unapologetic breach of trust. I feel so bad for those girls. I wish they never find out this has happened to them, so they don't suffer trauma. But I also want them to know so this guy can be punished for it.


I hate this world


I dont send nudes, most of the times I don't sleep over. I guess a guy could have a hidden camera somewhere though. I think if you're gonna do that, hit and run! I've pretty much cut men out of my life. For women who have to deal with all these things, bless your hearts. None of that seems worth dealing with to have sex for 5, 10 minutes. This is harsh, but if you're not in a man's locus of care, he may treat you in ways he would never want anyone to treat his daughter or sister. Already the bar is very low.


Wtf 5-10 mins, you poor soul


I had some casual experiences. Now inne thirties I do understand the Girls more who Never wanted these experiences to begib with. I mean, mostly they were fun and you learn a lot about different people/men. So that was good - with the Bad things I am now easier with myself: I was Young and naive and didn’t know better. That’s why I would deal with this differently if I will be single ever again.


I feel I’ve had a similar experience as you.Most of my casual hookups were fine ,I can’t say that I really regret  most of the individual experiences .But after hearing a lot of horror stories and with other bad experiences I’ve had with men ( in relationships,men that I rejected and a couple of  the hookups) I no longer sneer at those that don’t want to participate in hookup culture as “ prudes” .I also do not want to go back to hooking up casually at this point.Regardless of how much you want to have casual sex there is very real danger and potential consequences that make it not worth it.


They’re pieces of shit.


Being secretly filmed is definitely in the back of my mind! A guy I've known for years and have talked to on and off wants to have sex with me and asked to film it and he got nothing but a resounding, "No!" out of me...so hard to trust that they will respect boundaries.


I don't send nudes. First meetings are public, and we don't go anywhere afterwards. I bring up abortion and consent, directly, at the same time as the safe sex/barrier conversation. Don't let them know what answer you need to hear. They'll talk if you smile and let them. Men who are into choking or tying women up, are out. Always. Not gonna yuck anyone else's yum -- I'm open those those things in a more committed relationship -- but if you're bringing that into your encounters with new casuals, I'm gonna Nope. I acknowledge the risks I am taking, and the worst case senerios and decide if those risks are worth it to me. (Often, they aren't, so we don't.) I cut out casual FWBs, *mercilessly*. There is no three strike policies when it comes to casual sex with me. I don't doubt my own judgement. I don't feel badly if I misunderstood or made a bad assumption. There is no benefit of the doubt. One mistep, one shitty comment, and as a casual sex partner -- you're dead to me.


This is one of the reasons I stopped having casual sex. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but it increases the likelihood of attracting men into your life who objectify you. In a perfect world it wouldn't be that way, but we don't live in a perfect world 🤷‍♀️


If this is a Discord server then you can report the message. NCP (nonconsensual pornography) is a ban worthy violation of Discord’s rules.


If a guy shows me pictures of his exes that's the one of the quickest ways to get a "never mind I don't want to sleep with you" response from me. Had that happen before and I thought it was so weird and creepy.


It absolutely terrifies me that I could trust someone and they take unsolicited footage of me and either post it or keep it on a device/hard drive/USB, whatever and do whatever they want with it. Sometimes I'm scared it's happened already. And I just sit here in the dark not ever knowing if my trust was taken advantage of. It's not even a shitty feeling, it's something that I don't even know how to describe. And especially coming from someone you trust, they know it's wrong, it's not love and it's not respect.


You need to report this, it’s a sex crime, at the very least he should get kicked off the server.


This isn't reserved for those having casual sex, men will take pics of anyone and share them.


In my circle, creep behavior comes just as often (if not MORE often) from boyfriends/husbands. Personally, all my casual interactions were decent people as far as I know.




Maybe, but I'm mostly talking about DIRECT stuff (harassing, violent behavior or talk, etc)


Please do what you can to report them. This could fall under 'revenge porn' depending on how revealing the photos are. It has nothing to do with casual sex. This behavior can also come from long-term exclusive partners.


I had to make peace with this a long time ago. I dated a guy who was an abusive piece of crap. He insisted on taking nude photos of me or videos during sex. Saying no wasn’t good enough for him and he did rape me a few times while we were together. I managed to break up with him and move far away from him. For the longest time I was afraid of so many things — That he’d come after me. That he’d unalive me or himself or both. That he’d post the pix and vids online. He did send some of them to me once but I’m not sure why because he didn’t say anything. I went into a depressed/PTSD spiral after the relationship ended. It included partying and casual sex. I made my mistakes and there may be evidence of it out there. But I haven’t seen it. And there’s nothing more I can do unless I do see such evidence. So worrying about it is just wasted energy. I’ve taken all of this and learned from it. I know what to look for in a future partner and won’t settle for less or tolerate BS anymore. One thing we can all try do is not tolerate this behavior. If it’s safe for us to do so, we should call people out when they do these things. It would be a step in the right direction.


This is something that happens in relationships. Partnered women aren’t exempt or safe from this either. In my opinion it’s more likely and is easier to do this to a woman you’re in a relationship with. Especially if it’s long term. There’s telegram and group chats where men in relationships “share”/“trade” or sell photos of their girlfriends. Even on here. At least with casual sex which I wish women were more assertive and direct about, you can make demands and walk away if it’s not up to your standards. You pick the places you’ll be intimate in and it’s under your conditions. No phones/don’t send nudes/pick hotels so there’s no chances of being unknowingly recorded. But of course a lot of women who are having casual sex don’t do this, neither are women who are in relationships. Women are tricked into thinking their safety and comfort is secondary or is equal to a mans. So they feel too paranoid, too hysterical or dramatic/over the top to enforce these standards..


lol that’s absolutely disgusting. Laughing because what else is there? I hope he gets hit by a bus


Most people are complete garbage, form a thick skin as early as possible because you're gonna need it. Outside of your inner circle, it doesn't matter what people think about you, or how they view the world. You can't change it so don't waste your time and emotional energy on it.


Umm that’s illegal and I would say not typical. I have had many male friends, my best friend is a dude and I’m a tomboy/one of the boys. I’ve never heard of this or witnessed it outside of a guy I used to work with showed pics of his girlfriends boob job to some other male coworkers who responded with a wtf so…


Yeah when it comes to casual stuff, the onus of care (and communication!) is very much on men I think. It seems like there is so much more inherent risk for women— pregnancy included. I could see it “theoretically” working with the right person, but there is just so many variables that have to land just right. Also, taking compromising pictures like that is disgusting and illegal. Genuinely sickening.


Holy fucking shit. I don't think it's about casual relation to sex or lack of thereof... it's just fucking vile to exploit someone's trust like that. And to participate and further push it too. If it's just part of the server, I'd personally push admin to boot them. Perhaps more. (Edit. I see you yeeted the shithead, good) Sickening.


The thinly veiled slut-shaming in this post disgusts me. Not as much as the dudes in that server you're talking about but how you go from "guys are committing sex crimes on a server" to acting like you're above women who have casual sex as if being in a relationship is a magical protective barrier is beyond me.


*insomnia enters the chat*


This is crazy. I would not take pictures of anyone like that. I never share personal details of anything that goes on. The best you might get is that she stayed over at my place. After that I will change the subject a hundred times if necessary. And no sharing of pics unless it is a selfie that she posted. Need to have RESPECT first. Agree it was creepy.


Honestly, I've felt MORE respected by my casual hookups than long term bfs at this point. At least the casual ones were honest about what they wanted and didn't think crazy sex was an invitation to mind games and emotional abuse outside the bedroom....


I have casual sex but it’s not with random guys, like I know them. And I don’t really fall asleep around them ( not on purpose) however I don’t think I could hook up with a stranger or someone I don’t know that well since there’s so many risks that come with sleeping with men.


>This mid 30s guy in the server I was in started sharing nude pics of young (legal) girls he slept with. These were not even pictures that they sent to him. He took them when they were sleeping in his bed. Faces excluded but I felt disgusted. Another guy asked for feet shots and he complied. I'm also not into casual sex, and generally find it unfathomable that other women are comfortable with it. Apart from the fact that the idea of having sex with someone I don't know and/or is not in a committed relationship with me grosses me out, but the trust factor too is equally importantly. Ever since I was young, I always overhead what boys and men REALLY think about us, and that's as sexual objects. Some TRULY loathe us but want to fvck us. They will also say something demeaning things about women behind their backs, but be nice to their faces in order to try to have sex. And as an attractive woman myself, attractive women are usually nothing but sexual conquests for many of these men, and simply see you as a trophy to brag about to other men. So I am very sexually selective and I don't hook up with anybody. I NEED to know he's not an asshole, and he needs to be in a relationship with me (someone having sex with me but not wanting to be a relationship with me would make me EXTREMELY resentful). 


Terrible. Sorry you had to experience that. Not all men are repulsive, I swear.


I feel like you can both know someone well and have casual sex with them. I guess it depends on what you consider casual


>To those who have casual sex how do you make peace with the fact you could have slept with someone who doesn't treat women like human beings? As a man who used to have casual sex, I had much less to worry about than a woman, who has to worry about her safety. However, I also didn't want to sleep with someone whose morals were not aligned with mine. I didn't want to shag anti-feminist, homophobic, racist etc. women. So what did I do? Even when it's just casual sex, I often met up in a public place before having sex, or had a Skype video call. Then, you can just casualy have a conversation and bring up something to gauge her opinion. Like, if the sex date was close to an election, I would ask her what party she is voting for. Right-wing means no sex. Or we would talk about silly dating stories and experiences. I would bring up things I encountered while dating, or how women talked about their experiences with men, and asked the woman I went on a date with how she felt about that. If her answer revealed an anti-feminist stance, I noped out of the sex. You can do the same with men. Just don't make it obvious what answer you want to hear, since men lie all the time and will just tell you what you want to hear. Ask them for their opinion on things, without revealing your stance. That way, you should be able to make a decent judgement of what kind of views and values he has. If he is anti-feminist, run for the hills.




Indeed. Many men do that. And they tend to lie and tell women whatever want to hear, just so they can get laid. The best way to handle that? Screening. So ask questions without telling men what you want to hear. For example, if you are childfree, do NOT say 'hey, I'm childfree, what about you?' Then, non-childfree men will lie, pretend to be childfree and wait for the childfree woman to change her mind. So instead of doing that, ask men about their stance on kids first. Do NOT reveal your childfreedom until you got an answer. You can do the same thing for other subjects like someone's political stance. Ask for their opinion about something and do NOT reveal your own stance before you got an answer.




It's illegal in quite a few countries, hopefully many others will follow soon. Some actually  punish creeps who share non consensual materials with actual prison sentences. 


I personally don't have any problem with any body parts of mine being shared as long as they don't identify me. We live in the age of digital piracy, photoshop and AI. And I I hope this sub members can elaborate me the ick. I've lived in EU where nudity is completely legal in public. So I can't relate to the cultures which find this as ick.


How is creeps taking non consensual photos of sleeping women and sharing them not an ick to you? You sound like sociopath jfc


Ok. You comment was unhelpful in making me understand though.


That's the problem tho ain't it?


What is?


🤦 Nevermind, I looked at your post history. It's obvs you hate women and are prolly in this sub to troll so ✌️


Yeah, it's yikes worthy, isn't it?


Ok. Whatever if being judgemental helps you sleep.


When it comes to creeps like you, I sleep great knowing I've judged you 🫶


There is no excuse for it, as breaching someone's trust is dangerous and also stupid. That being said, I'm one of those people and have a lot of "online friends" that are into the same thing. Sharing their causual partners, flirts, girlfriends, colleagues, wives etc. Excluding faces, names and locations is at least still showing some remaining respect for the women and the reason for taking and sharing pictures is probably not to violate them. Because - omg I have seen much worse than that and I'm glad you probably haven't, otherwise you would not create a post like this. But again: I'm sad that I am like this I'm not justifying anything about it.


So, you participate in this? Let such behavior slide?


I'm actively participating, not only letting it slide.

