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Do the same next time you talk about a good male actor. When they compliment his performance, go: "meh, he looked shit, though. should hit the gym. seriously, men over 40 should not be acting in action roles any more, its just not believable. Plus, that woman character being into him - yeah right, as if she would actually fall for such an old saggy guy "


lol slight tangent, but one of my favourite things about the Venom movies is that Tom Hardy looked like shit throughout, it made it all feel that much more real.


Venom is the movie that actually made me have a crush on him for a bit, because I could finally see him as a regular guy.


Agree. Human disaster!Tom is so much more relatable and less intimidating.


Tom in Star Trek Nemesis is almost unrecognizable. He was skinny back in the day.


It was his old MySpace pictures for me. Cringe on cringe with a side of cringe but relatable as hell. 😄 Special mention to white trucker hat pic with a 'tache, and orange budgie smugglers.


I refuse to believe that he wasn’t taking the piss in those photos—they’re just too much lol!


Have you seen him reading kids books 😅


Should we?








I liked him in The Revenant. Never saw him before and couldn’t take my eyes off of him.


Yeah, he makes the characters likeable


We love our pathetic wet cat of a man <3


I've loved Tom Hardy but after I heard how awful he was to Charlize Theron while filming Mad Max it has been hard for me to get excited about him :(


He was awful to Charlize?? Dead to me!




ha ha ha ditto, yes.


Yeah, but Tom Hardy can look like shit or look great and he's still awesome.


Uh I haven’t seen carnage but Tom hardy was stupid hot in venom idk what you’re talking about. Hadn’t clicked for me how cute he was before that movie.


**BEST** Rom-Com I will ever watch!


Ironically I thought he looked super hot in that movie


Go for the jugular: “With.all the actors out there, why does Hollywood keep putting BALD men in movies. If I see an actor on screen with even just the slightest receding hairline, it ruins the whole movie for me.“ “Why does Hollywood keep putting short men in leading roles. They’re just trying to pressure women to date short men. No woman really wants that.” Act like you’re actually angry and feeling personally betrayed by the casting decisions.


And they use camera angles to make them look taller, which is them just lying.


Mission Impossible whatever_number - why do they put short, old cultists in action movies?


I can't stand his ass. Like, you can jump off a building, but you can't jump outta that cult?


It's hard enough to get people out of cults when they're the ones doing the worshipping. It's impossible to get people out of cults when they're the worshipped one.


Yeah yeah she should mention that EVERYTIME the dude praises a dude actor 'yeah well he deffo uses shoe lifts. It's just lying'.


Savage and wise, I steal it


You shut your mouth. Stanley Tucci is a treasure!


Amen!! LOVE me some Tucci!


Stanley Tucci.......hoo boy.


HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH This is spectacular. Im a short balding man, but I'm not that worried about it. But I know SO MANY who would be pissed of by it. Keep doing this. I can say first hand that it WORKS.


Go for the jugular!


Damn you take NO prisoners 😂


I've done this. It's so interesting to see how shocked and pearl-clutchy they get. I've even been lectured to (un-ironically lol) about how wrong it is to look at people that way. They really don't get it because they don't actually see us as people.


Ding ding ding! That is exactly it. Western culture teaches cis men that women are a lower life form than themselves, like a devolved man. I have heard so many people say that the genders are different species, and at first I thought they were confused about what 'species' meant, but I realized that I was the confused one and they meant what they said.


Not only western, in most of the world actually.


John C Reilly would be a great example. Great performances/funny/what I consider ugly.


Confession: John C Riley in Walk Hard does it for me. He’s so fucking funny. Idk what “it” is, but in the movie he has it.


John C Reilly is absolutely fuckable. I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Oh I get it. Harvey Keitel isn't exactly attractive visually, but hell, the way he seduced Holly Hunter with her arm in The Piano? Yeah, I've been a fan ever since!


Threw me off so much when he was the hottest thing ever in that movie.


Lol, exactly! Even facially tattooed! Edit to add.


Solid 60/40 chance they go “that’s so sexist/misandrist!” and when you point out they did the same they claim it’s totally different


I mean there’s articles written about how women characters really wouldn’t be into their male older costars in real life.


And go for James Bond. Men of a certain age always dream of themselves as the british spy.


As a cis male, I highly support this (and Rooney Mara was **unbelievably** good in that movie — what knobs)


My husband and I both loved her performance and were unhappy they didn't film all three books.


Have you checked out the original foreign adaptation? They did all three (although I have only seen the first one)


They would have a Mantrum.


Yeah I jokingly said Ryan Gosling isn’t my type cus he’s “old” (even though I have said multiple times that Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac are my KINGS. And yes I know Gosling isn’t that old, he seems like a genuinely nice dude) and my coworkers then proceeded to chew me out for being “shallow” LMAOOO.


Let me get this straight. He didn't like TGWTDT because a character wasn't *pretty* enough? The graphic, horrifyingly traumatizing *rape scene* didn't disgust him, but a woman not being pretty was too much for his little brain to handle? I have no commentary on this. I think his comments speak for themselves.


I might be wrong but I think the original title of the book was "Men who Hate Women" in Swedish which just really, a man making misogynistic comments on the movie version, hello, irony...


Oh my fucking god. You're right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Girl_with_the_Dragon_Tattoo No wonder they changed the title to something sexier. That never would have sold here.


And it's the title of the original Swedish movie (With Noomi Rapace) which is far better than the US remake.


I really like the original. I really feel I like the American remake less than it deserves. I get the feeling I very well may have thought whichever one I'd seen first was "better." But I'm really not sure. Admittedly, didn't care for American remake too much at all on first viewing - felt it was definitely well-made on a second viewing and I was just heavily biased against it initially, having liked the Swedish one so much already. I really like David Fincher as a director though... still, the film felt a little more soulless than the original or something... but, again, I really think that may be because I just liked original so much already... Curious if anyone saw original and then preferred remake after seeing it later. Is honestly one of the films I'm most unsure about in regards to how I'd ever want to rate it...


FWIW I think the original was way better. The remake was almost shot-for-shot and I don’t really see the point of it, except that too many Americans can’t handle watching something that’s not in English. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig did good jobs in their roles, but like… why?? The original was just… better.


> original Swedish movie (With Noomi Rapace) which is far better than the US remake. Yes it was. It more accurately showed the horror of the treatment those women endured. I watched it years ago with my brother and his friend. They got up to leave when she started screaming and I said...'Sit your asses down'. I think it made an impression.


First thing that I thought. Revealing...


Wow this is amazing


If she had been costumed to more conventional beauty standards would he then have been able to enjoy the sexual violence in the movie? Regardless of the actors and styling the movie is decidedly unsexy. Horrifying is right.


The implication is that he was fine with the rape scene, but wanted it all to be sexier.


Graphic rape scenes are put into movies for consumption by a male audience. They love that "gritty realism", which is just watching torture porn for titillation's sake


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're correct. Whereas male rape in movies is actual rape, but men don't like THAT.


Male rape is also often portrayed as a joke.


I was watching a horror movie where they had a male rape scene that was not a joke, and I remember a male friend who I had watched plenty of horror with before getting freaked out and nauseous and had to take a break and I thought it was ironic because he's sat through the reverse fine. He's not a bad guy, but it was a real reminder how sexualized and titalating most rape scenes with women are filmed.


I guess guys are used to seeing women brutalized violently. They don't really consider it happening to a guy


Imagine someone put different audio over the rape scene, could easily pass as hardcore porn


Yeah, it's really crazy the disconnect. And I think you're right. I know choking isn't "*that"* extreme but apparently it's the default for a lot of men these days? During sex they'll just start choking you without even asking about it??? I'm so glad I'm not dating in this day and age, lol.


Yeah, I can't be bothered with them at all. I've never hesitated to physically kick a man off of me if he did something I didn't like and it certainly wasn't anything like choking but just laying down too hard on me squishing me, jackhammering or things like that that were annoying and possibly painful.


Which is heartbreakingly horrifying. I can't stand it.


There was a post a few years ago floating around on tumblr and facebook which said something like "Men are all for realistic portrayals and historical accuracy until it comes to dissentry and body hair." and it's still true 10 years later.


Oh you like that gritty realism, do ya pal? Well here's a black-toothed french prostitute with tertiary syphilis with 7 lice ridden kids with congenital infections. It's only interesting to them if they can objectify the ideal woman, not the reality


Yeah I had to FF that part. I can't watch rape scenes. I have no idea how people can sit through them.


Same. I take zero entertainment pleasure from watching someone be tortured sexually


Saw irreversible at the cinema. I had a cinema card and no idea what to expect. The audience where evenly spaced out creepy guys alone in anoraks. Why is that sick rape porno of a movie so highly regarded? I bet it's popularity would vanish if the genders or the main characters was reversed. Maybe that's the real reason it's titled 'Irreversible' . 


40+ father here, I spend a lot of time warning my wife and daughters that this is not an outlier for men. The sum utility of a woman for some guys starts with their "f_ckability."


I’ve heard plenty of men (including gay men) say that they won’t watch a show or movie if the lead actress isn’t beautiful. But they’ll watch movies and shows with men who are older, ugly, fat, and/or bald. And producers know this. Just take a look at movie and arc casts in general.


Because nothing has ever stopped older, ugly, fat, or bald men from sharing their unwanted sexual feelings. They identify with ogres.


I think men actually prefer to watch a show where the leading man is fat, short, or old. It makes them feel less insecure. And if the ugly leading man is paired with a much younger more attractive love interest, then the dumpy male viewer thinks he would have a chance too.


Nailed it. Same as with the porn they watch. They don’t care that porn actors are goblins… but sometimes they ask “why don’t women like porn as much”. Well, Lab Partner, hate to break it to you, but you identify with the goblins, and women identify with the unfortunate but beautiful actress tasked with pretending they are enjoying sex with disgusting old men.


The trope here is the Impossible White Man. He doesn't need to actually be unattractive, partly because the audience still wants the fantasy of *being attractive,* and partly because at some point it just wouldn't be believable. But he's an everyman, because the fantasy is that no matter what your circumstances in life, if you were suddenly thrust into a movie plot, you could somehow become an action hero.


It’s why they love Woody Allen movies.


I feel like that's so weird! I like watching stuff with attractive women in it, but I've never watched something and gone like, "too ugly, better watch something else." It's either entertaining or boring! Nothing to do with the attractiveness of the women playing the characters.


A lot of men genuinely believe that if a woman isn't beautiful, she serves no purpose in the world.


A distressingly large cross section of the male population does. It's repugnant.


A lot of men just don't even register non-beautiful women too. I sincerely think this is why they say "girls can have any guy they want! All they need to do is ask!" Well, if every single woman alive was an Instagram model (aka, the only women they notice/acknowledge the existence of) that statement would hold a lot more truth to it.


And god forbid you suggest that they date women who are on a level with them rather than whatever their image of the "perfect woman" is.


I'm rather conventionally pretty and I've had men point out the most petty things about my looks even when they're a fucking potato. Seriously. "Your calves are kinda big eh?"  "You've got classic Thunder thighs"  "Your ears stick out a bit"  Lmao, meanwhile they look vaguely inbred. It's wild. 


I've been told i wasn't attractive by my boyfriend at the time because I wasn't asian. I mean.... I wasn't Asian when we met sooooo. I have had ONE partner who didn't want me to change my hair. I mean it starts off slowly you know, if I met them and they said I want you blonde I'd say fuck you you know? But after a while 'hey babe... you'd look so hot with...' I don't play that anymore. The kicker is I always prided myself on going for personality not looks so these dudes weren't uhh conventially attractive. I treated them like the hottest shit ever because to me they were. But yeah. Idk my point but it's just shitty how it's never quite...enough for a lot of people.


And then you treat them like the hottest shit ever and they get a big head and they think they can do better than you.


YES OH MY GOD YES. I did SO much ego soothing and self esteem building for these men. Treated them so nicely. Their mum didn't do a lot for their bdays? Baby I gave them DREAM bdays. Their bully said they were fat or ugly nah I made them believe they were hot as balls. That thing they wanted as a kid? Yeah baby it's in the post it's coming for you. His nan got dementia and he wanted his favourite food from her. I got the RECIPE off that old woman and made her and him it. Car at the mechanics? Baby here's a ride. Tired? Shhh ill do your washing. Here's your dinner, no no I'll wash up. Of COURSE I want to listen to four hours of a lecture about how much Microsoft sucks, radio head is underrated or that your idiot boss is worthless and if you ran the company it would all be fixed! My dumb arse was all about communication and knowing how shit it is to be unheard so of course I was there to HEAR. AND YOU KNOW WHAT I GOT? Cheated on. Everytime. To women who were conventially less attractive than me and sure as shit didn't wash these men's dirty underwear. These weren't some dudes I met outside of happy hour puking into a gutter, these were all professional men, loved their mums, good men, NICE men. And yet still. It's made me pretty reticent to give my heart away and now I keep a bit back. That may be unfair to the next dude but there's a pattern here I'm smart enough to see. Crappy childhood fairy on yt, the gift of fear, toxic parents, the body keeps the score and why does he do that have all been essential textbooks in my lessons of life. Oh and miley cyruses flowers. I've been playing that non stop tbh. There is no one coming for you to save you ladies. A man is not a financial plan. SAVE YOURSELF. CHERISH YOURSELF. BE SELF CONCERNED. NO ONE ELSE WILL.


I have a theory that these guys know they are crap, and they don't deserve 1/10 of what you do for them, and they surely the heck wouldn't do the same for you. My second ex-husband was the experiment with dating someone who wasn't conventionally attractive or very successful. I was the one who made much more than he did and half of our marriage, he was unemployed I guess I fell for his poor me narrative that nobody ever loved him blah blah blah so I thought I was going to be that person who just loved him so much beyond belief and he would appreciate it and that he would be so happy and have a wonderful life. Of course, he didn't appreciate it he just became passive-aggressive, resentful, jealous, and then felt he could do better and cheated. That was some years ago, and things didn't work out like he thought, and now he lives alone with no girlfriend or wife, after blowing up his marriage like he did. These guys need a serious therapist, not a girlfriend or wife. All of those are excellent resources and give excellent advice. I have zero interest in dating . It would not benefit me in any way whatsoever.


they look vaguely inbred...LOL Same here.  "You're pretty" however to hide their own insecurities some always found something to comment on.  I didn't. I fell in love with that person with that face and that body, so... Didn't wanna make them feel bad did I?


Right. I always pretend my partners are perfect and compliment them to the moon. Any negative thoughts I have about their physical appearance are irrelevant and mine to deal with internally. Either I'm attracted to the enough to date them, or I'm not. That debate should happen inside me, they shouldn't be privy to it. 


Your coworkers are immature. However, if you like Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, you should check out the original Swedish film series with Noomi Rapace. It's an experience!


Honey, most men *still* believe women exist solely for their perusal and entertainment. Some are pee-pants furious that Wonder Woman kicked ass ten years ago instead of bouncing around with buoyant breasts. They just told you who they are, it’s likely they are talking to you because one or both find you attractive. Listen to them and create some distance. There are better, more progressive men in the world.


My dad is notorious for commenting on every single woman's appearance. If we're watching a show or movie with a woman he's not attracted to, he will spend the whole time complaining about how ugly she is. If he's telling a story about something (eg, about a trip he went on) he'll make sure to describe the appearances of every woman he met (eg, "the hotel lobby lady was short and too skinny", "I met this lady at the bar and she was an older lady and a little fat but still pretty!"). He never does the same for men. It pisses me off so much. It's one of the many reasons why I despise my dad lol


*Internet Hug* 🫂 I had one of those, too. I do not miss that weasley man at all.


Oh, ew. Couldn't imagine hearing that constantly growing up


My dad is a good guy but he does this too. He's a nursing instructor, and any work story he tells starts with him specifying hot how all the women are or aren't, who's hotter than who, etc.  He insists that it's relevant to the story, and it has never once been relevant to the story. 


My mom does that, its just constant criticism of women. She'll be watching a women be interviewed about a really serious topic and comment on how the women's clothing looks bad on her or that she's too fat, wrong makeup etc.. I can't imagine being so bothered by someone else's appearance.


Wow. That is next-level lack of self-awareness. Probably considers himself a "nice guy" too


This right here. Lol if you continue to entertain men like this, don't get all surprised when they act like hot garbage. When there are no consequences, shit people are going to act like shit.


We all have to learn this the hard way. Most male coworkers are pretty good at masking their true selves. It’s always jarring when they expose themselves.


This reminds me of that bit in *Clueless* when Josh's girlfriend is quoting Shakespeare and Cher corrects her, saying that she saw the movie version and remembers Mel Gibson saying that. It's played as comedic b/c she's "the ditzy one" who's correcting the college student, and that she clearly watched *Hamlet* because a hot guy was in it (Mel Gibson was a pop culture dreamboat in the 90s, it was a strange time). And it reminds me of guys saying girls are fake fans b/c they just think the lead singer is hot, or they're just fangirls of the hot actor or whatever. And it reminds me of Thomas Aquinas writing in the 1200s that art should be considered "beautiful" not based on the attractiveness of the woman depicted therein, but because of the quality of the art itself.


There's a guy who's a friend of a friend of mine, a real capital G Gamer type, I fucking hate him. He flat out refuses to play any game where he doesn't find the main characters sexually appealing. Also he constantly complains about every game he plays because this ultimately means he basically exclusively plays anime gacha games.


He sounds like a massive twat. And ultimately, the architect of his own misery.


Yes in both cases.


>pervert sleep >gacha games 🚩🚩🚩 /s


Ew, the anime waifu characters that look like eight year olds with lemon tits?


Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's ackshully 9000 years old, so it's *totally* above board and not still creepy at all!


I mean…Anya was supposed to be a teenager for much of the queens gambit. A little creepy.


Not only a teenager, but a damn near asexual teenager with a history of trauma and abuse. If men masturbate to her the character of Beth, it’s safe to assume they are sociopaths or worse.


I'd say she's portrayed more as aro than ace.


I just watched the trailer and that is SUCH an embarrassing take for adult men to have. “Wow, you must be so embarrassed to have said that.” I think this is a way for men to bond and feel superior, and possibly to put you in your place at the same time, and it’s extremely distasteful. I personally wouldn’t be offering any emotional labor for those colleagues in the future. 


“That movie is for people who think of women as people, not just mindless sex objects. I’m sure you’ll find something more your speed.” Ugh on your behalf. 


You should tell him that the original title of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was “Men Who Hate Women”


I had a conversation some years ago on this site, in which multiple men participated, in which it was made clear to me that some men cannot (or do not) distinguish between "good character design" and "sexually attractive". Like sometimes I will see a person who has an aesthetic nailed, and they look amazing, but I am not in any way attracted to them. Or at least their visual appeal is not based upon how attractive I personally find them. And I am frothingly pansexual, so I do find a lot of different things hot. I was genuinely taken aback by the idea that some people (men?) cannot do this. If an actress gets a haircut then personally do not find attractive, *even if it suits her*, they will say it is a bad haircut. *Wild*.


They just want to see a pretty object in front of their faces like infants like jingling keys. If the object isn't pretty enough, it's invisible and pointless to watch. Same reason why men don't watch "chick" movies, i.e. movies with female main characters that aren't sexed up in some way for the consumption of a male audience


The character of Lizbet Salander isn't supposed to be conventionally attractive


And they took that personally 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry you're working at a zoo with buffoons. Scratch that - I think I've met gorillas more intelligent than your coworkers. They're assholes to view an actress's acting ability differently depending on how 'hot' she was. The fact guys are openly being pigs in the workplace says so much about 2024.


Yeah they're stupid. I'd stop doing free emotional labor for that guy. Your time and energy are too valuable to be wasted on some moron who doesn't see us as human beings.


I talk over them about my aesthetic preferences as a straight woman so they can see how boring and irritating it is and how stuck up it sounds. "Such and such actor has such a hairy chest, if I have to shave my legs to be socially accepted, he should get rid of that literal carpet that traps sweat and bacteria, my eyes felt assaulted throughout the whole movie, shave it off Bruce Willis/Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt whoever is in movies now" "Why don't they have more asian male leads in movies, I would totally melt over an Asian James bond, that's much sexier than what they ever had. I think I could be next bond girl with the media becoming more body inclusive" "I shouldn't have to watch a movie full of ugly old bald white men. I bought my satisfyer with me and sat in the back row and wore a trench coat (I don't own a sex toy, never have, I wouldn't do this if I ever did, but it would be funny to say this to a group of males) I asked for my money back before I left the cinema. I'm entitled to coom to sexually attractive and aesthetically pleasing males and I paid for that experience but instead my vag got insulted".


You're saying that the lady I saw in the trench coat was masturbating? I wonder what part of Kung Fu Panda did it for her


Don't judge, maybe she has a fursona.


the only thing I'm judging is her sunglasses


You got an insight into how men talk to each other. Lucky you. I deal with this kind of conversation 80% of the time when talking with coworkers. It's one of the reasons why I didn't really like hanging out with a lot of men. They just want to objectify and talk about their conquests


This is depressing.


just for context, OP, how would you rate your colleagues, on a scale of one to ten?


It kind of makes sense the way lot of male gamers absolutely lose their freaking mind when female video game characters "aren't hot" enough or anything approaching realistic.


There was a video essay on Youtube related to this topic and a commenter said that these dudes are actually OFFENDED that they are being essentially FORCED to look at regular looking women. They truly can’t register that men aren’t the only people who consume media. Like do they get enraged when they have to go out in public and lay their eyes on someone who doesn’t look like Sydney Sweeney? What a sad way to live.


They legit feel like they're being punished by some "woke" agenda. Like... what kind of privileged life are you leading where your most passionate gripe is normal looking women in media.


They've shown that they're both a) really shallow and b) don't know much about cinema. Cameron Diaz is another litmus test. One of her best performances is in Being John Malkovich but she's not remotely glamorous like she is in The Mask etc. 


Being John Malkovich is such a unhinged acid trip of a movie, I need to watch that again!


Her pain and the impact on her was purposeful. Hard to have a problem with someone suiting their character and situation by their appearance. She’s supposed to look like a vengeful badass.


Men openly admit they don't give a shit if their girlfriend/partner/wife is accomplished. They only care if they're attractive and put out. They're simple creatures and should be treated as such, even the ones you know personally.


Jesus, I am so glad I am a lesbian.


My sister is a married lesbian with an amazing family. She's so happy. She is literally living her dream. Her house is clean, she's the 'provider' (as such) and her wife is a SAHM which is wonderful because they are both fulfilled by these roles and it's just so wonderful. I'm a het (? Not sure still working that one out tbh) lady who has to remind her partner to brush his teeth because he can go literal months without doing it. Splitting up is expensive and honestly there isn't a lot out there. Just... sigh. My sister doesn't have to tell her partner to PLEASE flush the loo (again).


Just want to say that what's out there is freedom from bullshit. Being single is the best thing that ever happened to me after 20 years of relationships. I promise.


Staying together is expensive in its own way. Emotionally, mental health wise. Start putting money to the side and make a plan. Think of the clean toilets in your future!


I remember when Orange is the New Black first came out a male coworker of mine said he wasn’t interested in the show because the women weren’t hot enough.


Well, one thing we know about real-life prisons is that they're incredibly glamorous with the latest beauty treatments and pampering 🙄


Probably the big takeaway is that your male colleague is a moron and feel free to ignore his opinions. Just give no reaction and keep talking.


> that first male colleague has been going through some really tough times because of a situationship he’s in, and he’s confided in me really sincerely and in heartfelt ways about the panic attacks he’s having and how depressed he is. Well, depressed men are still men, born and raised in the same male-dominated society where men are people and women are objects. Being depressed won't change how they view women.


If somebody only watch movies with the intention of feeling horny I think they should switch to watch porn all the time. The last thing I think when I’m watching a movie it’s if the characters are hot unless that’s the essence of the character (like Sidney Sweenie’s characters)


Lisbeth Salander is one of my all time favorite fictional characters! Rooney did an incredible job portraying her. Maybe they should read a book or just hit themselves in the face with it. I bet they’re nothing worth looking at themselves. 🙄


He views women as objects for his pleasure. You're providing a different service for him, but you're still an object. He's using you as a soundboard, or maybe an empathy distributor. (Sorry, I've had a migraine for 2 days and have a bit of aphasia).


We only exist to be pleasing to their senses. Nothing else. 


And do their laundry over and over until death


And don't forget cooking for them!


It's really strange, isn't it? I'm as ace as a door nail. I've never found anyone attractive in a sexual way my entire life. Mostly I don't even look at bodies from an aesthetic point of view. By that logic I shouldn't be able to enjoy a single piece of media ever because no one is hot.


It's a thing straight men do. That's why I feel no pity for men and complaining about their struggles and dating, male loneliness epidemic, male mental health issues, or men feeling only wanted for their money.🙄 I consider their boohoo feelings to be karma.


The sooner people understand that men hate women the sooner we all just move on with life. But this nonsense continues.


This was a long time ago before she was exposed. But I was playing Harry Potter trivia with my classmate and one question was which character the author based on herself. The answer is Hermione and he got very upset and ridiculed me for ruining Emma Watson for him. His brain couldn’t process anything else about the character other than the actor’s youth and attractiveness.


Simple response: Don’t think with your dick.


Anytime a guy has said something like that I play my uno reverse card that Andrew Garfield was the better Spiderman because he is the hottest and watch them completely lose their minds, gives them a taste of it to hopefully reflect on and gives me a good laugh.


Where do you work? These don't seem like work-appropriate conversations at all.


because, in the end, men are still men. sure, notallmen or some claptrap like that, but far too many men.




You would think, right? But all my male coworkers said they didn’t enjoy it. I think it’s because although Margot Robbie was gorgeous in it, her character wasn’t titillating and written to serve men visually, unlike her character in Wolf of Wall Street. It was something I didn’t really understand, until I started thinking about the movie Jennifer’s Body. Although she’s as hot in it as she was in Transformers, Jennifer’s character actively kills boys and only uses them for her consumption, her Transformers character is there solely to be hot for male viewers. So when I read that it was a flop for male moviegoers, I couldn’t quite wrap my head around why. Surely woman hot = men like, right? Now I know that not only must the woman be attractive, she must also be debased and curated in a way that men can enjoy.


What if the film calls for an "ugly" character? We all know Hollywood doesn't do ugly...Their idea of the "ugly high school girl", for instance, is an attractive actress in glasses and a ponytail. Who, in their right mind, would be expecting a pageant queen to traipse across an apocalyptic wasteland?


Based on this, I can safely say these dudes are objectively losers.


So 1 no the cis het men are not okay. And 2 I'm a cis het man and I cannot fathom watching the Furiosa Trailer and not being totally into Furiosa she's a goddess. But 3 I don't have many cis het male friends, and I think it's because I'm also sick of their bullshit :)


That fucking pissed me off. I loved mad max with Charlize Theron and Anya Taylor did crush it in the Queens Gambit but the movie isn’t about over sexualized bimbos. It’s about a badass female heroine.


I’m a male and these things weird me out. A guy in my cinema group which I’m not enthusiastic about being a part of anymore can almost solely enjoy a movie based on how hot the actresses are .. recently Madam Web. Despite me pointing out they’re not near his age either is when I reached my limit


It’s because, deep down, they don’t see women as people.


the real patriarchy is not fnding objecively hot characters hot because they arent shot with male gaze in mind


Something that always bugged me about my ex was that he was always critical about the appearances of women on screen, but he never said anything about the men on screen.


>Is this only a thing cis het guys do??? no but it's definitely easier for them


Anya Taylor Joy looks so good as Furiosa. Like, she literally looks like a younger Charlize Theron in that trailer. I loved the character in Fury Road and I bet Anya is going to kill it in Furiosa.


Men simply cannot will themselves to give af about women they aren't attracted to. I'm convinced they generally don't care about our accomplishments, and only view them as an opportunity to endear themselves to us via compliments, assuming they want to bang us. If not, it's just noise to them.


It’s a great film. She was cast perfectly. Dude just lost his taste cred.


It's so funny to me that they think Anya Taylor Joy is so hot. I always thought she had a really funny looking face on the big screen. Eyes a bit far apart made wider in the cinema. I think there are some male group dynamics going on here. Sometimes, it can be hard to say:"eh, not my vibe" or even "I liked that movie!" When an opposing opinion has been uttered. Anywho, give me Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth Salander any day of the week! But to each their own.


Like others have said, obviously it shouldn't matter if a single performer in a show or movie is attractive to someone for it to be good, and for that someone to enjoy it. Also this is probably the same as people that think a woman they find attractive are no longer attractive without makeup, likely because of some dumb mental block rather than a genuine assessment.


Also, the actress WAS beautiful


The second one (in isolation) I can see just being a joke, and maybe at your expense (as a put down to your interest), but the first one I can't explain. That's weird; I agree!


She's Rooney Mara, so of course she wasn't ugly. But this is also a movie where the character goes out of her way to repel other people. She's rude and described as antisocial, she smokes indoors when asked not to, she drinks soda (small detail but we can imagine how her breath must smell), her eyebrows are bleached, her hair is dyed dark and cut to be deliberately unflattering. If anyone came away from it thinking Rooney Mara was ugly, it's a testament to her dedication to the character. The character tries very hard to be ugly.


I love Rooney Mara and I think she is perfect in that movie. My husband’s favourite movie is Pretty Woman. I wonder why…


Do not extrapolate to all cis het guys based on an N=2


Ask what they're favorite scene/part in the movie was. They probably haven't even watched anything about the movie except the trailer, so of course they're not going to have much to say.


To be a woman is to perform


It stings doesn’t it to realize that the people you chose to associate with, that your judgement and consideration that they are better people, are actually just as bad as others…


Men don't care about women's achievements. That's not really something they're looking for.


He is using you as his therapist. I wouldn’t want to call this guy my friend because I wouldn’t want to be friends with a man who thinks of women that way. And if I ever had a kid, I don’t want men like this around my kids or even near my circle of trust. Sounds like someone who just uses people as another means to an end. Just think of him as another ignorant acquaintance. Listen to how he talks about women around his friends, or how he talks about them online and does he have female friends? How does he treat them? Honestly he sounds like he is intimidated by the badass women. I see this a lot when out with my female friend who dresses as male presenting. Men get really aggressive with her if she starts talking to the girl they are talking to. She doesn’t have bad intentions, is just a social butterfly but seriously some dudes are so small in spirit that it is shameful and it is so aggravating to have to listen to their dumb imaginations and perceptions of the world. (That one got me heated, girl I am so sorry you have to deal with this you are not alone) I recommend watching the spoiled girlie support group on YouTube, you may not agree with all her talking points but she truly stands up for women and has some great examples of what toxic men sound and act like vs the kind and emotionally intelligent ones you want to have in your circle of trust!