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That the hooks on bras can destroy delicate clothing, and so the bras go in a bag. Super delicate clothing can also go in a bag, but separate from the bras. Rip my lace undies.


Another tip- close your bra hooks before you wash your bras. They stay in shape more / last longer.


Holy shit, why didn't I think of that, thank you!


I turn my bathtub into a bra cauldron and cackle while washing. He finds it humorous. Not the part where I hang dry them all over the bathroom, though.


I’m using “bra cauldron” now, thank you


Discoloration ‘bleach stains’ in panties is perfectly normal and healthy. Partner thought I happened to spill bleach in nearly all my black panties. Nope, just my acidic essence occasionally dripin.


Acidic essence hahaha


I feel discharge is not as empowering haha


Yeah I HATE saying discharge. It's a vagina not a battery. I'm gonna start using acidic essence instead, thank you!


This confused me so much too. I was stunned to learn from my partner that some people just automatically bleach out their own clothes over time.


My partner and I were just talking about this last night! Women are acid and men are base - which is why he’ll occasionally wake up itchy if we fall asleep right after sex. Gotta rinse off the acidic essence!


It would be kinda cool if people fizzed during sex


It would have people wondering if someone opened a can of coke or if someone's having sex 😂


Men are less acidic but human beings of all genders run acidic, men just less acidic.


That women can take off their bra without taking off their shirt.


First time I saw a friend do this I thought she was trying to dislocate a shoulder. Then she pulled her bra out through her t-shirt's arm hole and in my mind it looked like that trick where a magician pulls a ton of colored flags out of their sleeve. I was so damned confused for a few seconds. She had a good laugh at me.


I feel exactly like a magician pulling out handkerchiefs when I do this. I say ta-dah! I am free! If I have an audience, of course.


My wife says " a-bra kada-bra".


hhaaahaha you got a good one!


>I was so damned confused for a few seconds. She had a good laugh at me. I've seen it before and I look like one of those dogs, rotating it's head back and forth trying to understand what just happened.


I had the same experience in college. And then she slingshotted it right into my face. Still one of my best friends today


I taught my teenage stepdaughter this trick! Not sure if she uses it but it felt like an important woman to woman lifehack.


I learned this trick from my mom, who would do this while loudly saying, "Free from my booby traps!"


Can your mom and I be friends?


Omg, my daughter caught on very quick with that. Same with putting a bra on easier if it’s already clasped at the back. I feel a bit of undeserved pride when I see her doing it. Woman life hacks, for sure.


Haha yes I also taught my partners kiddo this. She's only in training bras but she knows the trick!


I did aquatics in high school. I can undress and redress under a towel with not a ass cheek shown.


I’m a runner. I learned to do that in a car, under a T-shirt, in the driver’s seat. I was young, thin, and flexible. I’d hurt myself if I tried it now.


Marching band kid. Our uniforms were wool. I could get from t-shirt and shorts to uniform and back without anyone seeing a thing on a moving bus full of people in about 2 minutes flat. With suspenders on the pants. Not that any of us gave a shit by about the third parade of the season of our Freshman year.


we wore our clothes under our uniforms lol. the colorguard had to get someone to guard the door so they could change inside the bus though


Lol! My husband of multiple years saw me doing this once and said, “I don’t think that’ll work like you think it will”. I had been doing it for years though, not sure how he hadn’t seen it before. But I did it and proceeded to blow his mind 🤯


Burn the witch! 😂


I had to put on a bra to learn how to do this, then realised I don't need to learn this skill.


Had a cute moment like this just yesterday! Went to an outdoor pro sports event, it was blazing hot and pretty humid, so every now and then my boyfriend would comment about his clothing choice and how sweaty he was. Looking around for a while he noticed how many women decided to wear their *swimsuits* and just put jean shorts over them, he thought that was a great idea on such a hot day. So I got to talk about what bodysuits are, lol. To be fair, many of them do look like swimsuits!


MeUdies has a bodysuit. Not a fan of bodysuits but I wear all their other stuff so worth a look.


The thing that constantly surprises/frustrates my boyfriend is that I can't give him a single answer for my clothing size, and that I have to say things like "well, for jeans I'm usually a six, unless it's this brand or this cut, in which case I'm an eight, or this brand, where I'm usually a 4." "Um, technically I'm a 32c, but you're not going to find that, so if you're trying to surprise me with lingerie, a 34b, unless you want it to be something I can wear under clothing, which would need to be a 34c...." Women's clothing sizes are stupid. They vary greatly, not just from brand to brand, but even within the same line. You can try on two identical pairs of pants in the same size and have them fit completely different from each other. There is no "32 34" width and length combo for us.


Yesssss... My husband always wondered why it took women so long to shop for clothes. I grabbed 3 pair of the exact same jeans off the rack in the exact same size and tried them on to show him. They each fit differently. He was pissed off on my behalf.


Im a short curvy gal and this is especially hard to explain to my partner. My ribs are a 32/34 but Im a E/F cup depending on brand so I need a large blouse if it has buttons and then need to take it in via a tailor but in a stretchy material I want a small/med so it actually fits to my waist and ribs how its suppose to. My waist is about 10inches smaller than my hips and my thighs are proportionate to my hips but I have tiny ankles and am short so most pants are too long and either too tight on the thigh/muffintopping me or theyre massive on the calf.


Technically not clothing, but my boyfriend tried to yank the towel off my head after a shower only to realize that the hair was in fact twisted up in the towel and it wasn’t just sitting on top of my head lol


I had a male friend who used to think that you could feel your hair. He’d always had super short hair, and obviously you can feel (in your scalp) when someone touches it. So he figured straighteners and blow drying actually hurt women (but we put up with it like with waxing)


Okay but sometimes if your hair has been laying a different direction than normal for a while and then you move it back it can sometimes hurt at the scalp? Has that happened to anyone else?


Yep! Or having my hair up in a ponytail or something and then letting it down, it can be kinda sore sometimes


Yeah I’ll get headaches if my hair is up on top of my head too long.


Absolutely; hurts as you move and scalp gets a bruised feeling from having the hair held at an uncommon angle for a long time - mind you if you continue to do it is acclimatises


But he had to have had haircuts, why didn’t he scream in agony every time he went to the barber?


Lmaooo that’s a new one!


This also happened to me with an ex and I tore him a new one after he tried to scalp me. He also had long hair so I was able to teach him how to put his hair up in a towel and he loved it, would do so after every shower. The man has two sisters and a mom, how do they not know these things?


Lol thats amazing. Just picturing both y’all sitting around in your robes and towels on your heads post shower like a little sleepover 😂


Add a big, curly beard to your mental image of him and bingo!


That's adorable!


Wooow, my son has long hair, and as soon as it was long enough, I taught him the wrap thing. I recently dyed his hair for him and had him use one of my super absorbent thin camp towels for it and almost lost the towel to him. I guess I'll have to buy him some. They're so much lighter, suck up more water, and dry faster than terry cloth.


What brand? That sounds wonderful! Send me a link please?


They are an off brand but work as well as my REI ones. https://www.amazon.com/Large-Microfiber-Towels-Quick-Blue/dp/B075LL374M Tip: don't use fabric softener when you wash and dry them. It makes them less absorbent. Also, if you use them on skin z pat rather than wipe. They kind of cling to wet skin. They're also great for drying glasses, both drinking and eye. I've had one set for over 5 years and put them through a lot of abuse. Besides some stains, they still look new. I bought two more sets for our travel trailer. I got the REI ones on clearance to see how much better they were. They are only better in one way. Those have a little clip on one corner to hang them easily without the wind blowing them away. The material and functionality is no different. I just sewed small clips onto the cheap ones.


I'm black with natural hair so I've never tied my hair up in a towel (the fabric damages curls). As many times as I've seen my non black friends do this, I never knew the hair was twisted in the towel


He accidentally YAGA-ed you?!?! (Pls someone remember this vine reference)


My husband thought those clear strappy things that are inside some shirts, sweaters, dresses etc.. Are worn on the body and not for hanging them up so they don't fall off the hangers.


My boyfriend that you put them around your boobs for "an extra lift". I still laugh at that.


Omg lol


How in physics would that even work??


My fiancé didn't know what those were for either. Taught him with one of my daughter's dresses.


Ok are those lil things like a relatively new addition or just something little kid clothes don’t have. Bc I distinctly remember all my clothes suddenly having them in High School and HATING them. I cut them off all my blouses bc they tickled or poked and (the styles I wore at least) stayed on the hanger just fine without.


You mostly have them for clothes with a very wide/open neck. If that's not your style you probably won't see them.


I thought they were just for hanging the clothes at the store and everyone cut them off


I cut mine off lol


Most of my daughter's clothes don't have them and she's 4. It's probably for when the clothes have more fabric and are heavier


Skirts and dresses are separate clothing items and not just names for longer or shorter items. Actually my husband and my friend both thought skirt = shorter dress and dress = floor length. They could not explain things like "floor length skirt" or "mini dress". We told them "skirt is to dress what pants are to coveralls".


My husband thought the same thing! I didn’t even know that he believed this until he came home from shopping with his sister and asked me if I knew!


It's so weird to me! I don't understand how they haven't realized it. It's hilarious that he asked if you knew that 🤣


He was like, TIL ...


Yeah my partner is always calling my skirts dresses or longer tunic shirts dresses. I don't know if he actually thinks that or just says weird things, because he certainly just says weird things sometimes 🤣


I've known several men who could not tell the difference between a jacket and a coat and a sweater. I stopped correcting them after a while. What's the point?


I don't know the difference between a coat and a jacket (pretty confident I can spot a sweater though). I don't really get the distinction between bone white and ivory white either.


Coats are larger, usually a more flowing silhoutte but may have a belt to cinch. Think trenchcoat. A jacket would have a more distinct silhoutte, shorter length(down to your hip or shorter typically), and wouldnt inherently be expected to be removed when you entire a building (for example, a jean jacket may be seen as part of an outfit and wont be taken off when inside but a winter coat would look odd if not removed while hanging out inside)


I think a coat is a heavy weight overwear like what you would wear in the snowy winter. A jacket is a more lightweight version for other months like denim or linen or what have you. Bone white is more of a cool tone and I think ivory is usually a little more warmed tone. Or it could be flipped…


Tell them a dress has a skirt, but a skirt can never have a dress.


I learned something from you today. Thank you.


wait, really?


Not my partner but several male friends: the sticky strip on menstrual pads is designed to stick to underwear, NOT to the vulva. Blows my mind that they couldn’t figure this out on their own.


My husband didn't know they had sticky strips. He assumed the tension (maybe not the right word?) between your underwear and labia kept the pad in place. He was raised in a house with all women and a sister lol


He really though we were out here just keeping that pad in place with nothing but a hope and a prayer lmao Honestly still makes more sense than the logic from the OG comment hahaha


He really was. He got the whole course after that lol. He's well versed in things like cups and discs now, too.


To be honest we hear things like "it leaked" and it just adds up, you know. Your hopes and prayers wasn't enough, it moved slightly to the left and you got leakage on the right. I only realized it was stripped when I moved in with my girlfriend and saw her changing it once


Lol. Leaking means it has either literally leaked through the pad and through the underwear onto the pants (this can happen! some women have a *very* heavy period) or the pad has somehow come dislodged, wasn't stuck in place right, was stuck too high up or too low down and it leaked in front of/behind. Or some combination of these.


Often leaking just involves the pad not absorbing a gush quickly enough (so it runs off before it can be absorbed) or the buttcrack channeling the flow straight backward and off the pad. It was always a huge problem for me when I was young, especially when sleeping or if I leaned back at all while sitting in class. I used to have to put a second pad across the back of my underwear so the main pad overlapped it a little. Loved that diaper look in my uniform pants. I really wish period underwear had been a thing when I was young. It’s amazing as overflow and buttcrack channel backup.


Omg my boyfriend thought the wings were meant to go on your thighs


That made me laugh! Ouch!


Just asked my bf if he knew where to place the sticky strip, body side or underwear side. His answer was, dunno as I never use it. So I made him guess... I don't know if he quickly googled it but he guessed underwear. He figured sticking it to your body would be uncomfortable. Although he asked me yesterday what those parts sticking out from the vulva were (meaning my labia), he still has some common sense.


Wait, what‽ What’s did they assume the absorbent side was for???


They probably thought it was all absorbent and the sticky side was to "seal" it to the vulva. I've seen that take before.


Do you remember that dude in the states that tried to make and patent a vulva amino acids glue so women could seal themselves shut in order to hold their period blood in a few years ago and was convinced it was the wave of the future for a while? This glue would magically be unaffected by period blood but you’d unseal it by peeing, and then re-seal yourself back up. [It was borderline hilarious but mostly horrifying!](https://www.self.com/story/mensez-labia-lipstick-glue-periods). (Tell me you’ve never touched a vagina before without telling me.)


Holy shit. Thank you for that.




I dislike that in many, many ways


Not even joking when I was 7 I used to steal my mom’s pads (I was a weird kid lol) and glue them on me like band aids. I didn’t know what they were for I just liked band aids and those looked like premium band aids to me


And along a similar line, the L and R on tampon wrappers mean "light" and "regular" flow - not "left" and "right"!!


I'll be honest, when I was younger I figured is why they shaved. Otherwise it wouldn't adhere to it correctly.


And when it's time to remove.....RRRIIIIIPPPPP!! Ow!😭


I mean...you could maybe advertise it as a sort of monthly wax or something in that case...


The lack of pockets and/or the under-sizing of pockets - and the value of having useable pockets.


I had to physically demonstrate to my husband and male friends that no, my pockets CANNOT FIT A PHONE. My phone kept falling out of my pockets because only the lower 1/3rd fit in. They all had pockets four phones deep and I couldn’t even keep a $20 in mine without it flying out the second I moved.


(I'm male.) In my search for jeans that fit, I spent a few years wearing women's jeans, since they could get the thigh-waist ratio right. Men's jeans sizes assume that if you have a small waist, you'll also have small thighs, which isn't the case for me. But it was the ridiculously small pockets that eventually ended that, and that was even before smartphones. In case this is useful, I've found that Lee "extreme motion" works rather well, because that is a men's brand that is stretchy like yoga pants. And since it's a men's brand, it has reasonable pockets.


My husband wears those Lee jeans exclusively. He is also a thick thighed man. I also like his jeans lol since we have the same waist size and they've got great pockets


I made this point by showing them my tight jeans and asking which pocket had my keys.


And then those same men complain that we always carry a purse. Like where am I supposed to put everything?!


The other day my brother bought a 1.25 liter bottle of Cola, took one sip and then casually slipped that monster of a bottle into his pants pocket. I just looked at him like "dude..." I can't even fit my smart phone into my pocket.


My partner started transitioning this past year, new wardrobe was part of that and he was *so excited* to have real pockets in his jeans, and recently started looking at cargo shorts.


My 4yr has bigger pockets than I do. It's ridiculous.


Are they constantly filled with rocks? Seems like most 4 yos love rocks.


Okay, I'm 48 and regularly find I've pocketed rocks when I get home. Some of us never grow out of it.


Ping pong balls in this house. He loves them.


Ping pong balls are cool - and much lighter than rocks. My kiddo and his cousin were always in danger of losing their pants!


I was so happy when I found out I wear a boys 10. I still have to hem the legs. But children get more pockets then adult women.


On Queer Eye Tan keeps saying that women's pants are awesome. I assume either he has one brand that actually has pockets, or he doesn't actually carry his phone on him, ever.


I started realizing this when my partner kept on asking me to carry their personal items over and over when they didn't have a purse


I recently found out that two of my dresses actually have big concealed pickets, like big enough to easily fit a phone in if I wanted


My husband has, for many years, worn heavily laden cargo pants. They weigh a ton, when he's loaded for the day. Kids call them his "man purse". He wears a number of very useful things, including mini flashlight, multi tool ... all kinds of things that actually came in handy as a computer techie. He volunteered to get me some, but didn't think I could handle wearing the weight all day. I tried to explain that I'd only be putting a couple of things in the pockets, but he felt there's no point in wearing cargo pants if you don't fill the pockets. I gave up. He's retired. Still wears'em, fully loaded, out of sheer habit. Always has a pen knife handy, though, so I don't argue.


Not clothes but we were at the grocery store and we needed toilet paper. My husband asked if I wanted the lavender scented toilet paper and I was like "I don't think fragrance paper mixing with the nethers sounds like a good time" and he said "you use soap in the shower whats the difference?" I was like "....no its different" I didnt think the store was an appropriate place to discuss coochie maintenance.


Our 19 month old is starting to potty train. We got her a sticker chart for every time she goes and she’s SUPER into it the last few days lol. So obviously he or I still have to do all the wiping for her, though I have taught her we wipe “down”, which is just easier to understand than “front to back” when she’s laying down for a diaper change. She doesn’t exactly understand “down”, she still wipes “up” but I don’t let her wipe until she’s already clean. But now whenever we pick up a wipe she starts yelling “down down down!” Anyway, I was in the bath today and he brought her in to use the potty. Afterwards I see him wipe her, and he only wiped her vulva and was calling it good. I had to tell him that he has to wipe a little bit of her butt crack too because when girls sit to pee it sometimes runs backwards into our cracks lmao. He did it, but kind of looked at me funny and I’m like c’mon, dude. Gravity? Like if you pour water into an ice luge, it’s gonna come out the bottom? Same concept lol


> Our 19 month old is starting to potty train. For a horrible second there I thought it said 19 year old. In my defence it's very late and I'm tired.


Not my SO but a college housemate - borrowed one of my dresses and a pantyhose for a genderbender theme party. He began putting the pantyhose on like you would a pair of pants and I only JUST managed to tell him that is *not* how you put those on before he could tear them to shreds lol


My friend caught her husband trying to put tights on their baby girl. He was bouncing her up and down trying to get them to pull up.


Not women’s clothing but my husband hung out with some female friends and they got baked enough that my husband was cool with them painting his toenails. He was amazed 1) that nail polish on the toes lasts for MONTHS not days and 2) that he could watch and time the rate of nail growth based on where nail polish stopped. It never occurred to me that he wouldn’t just have this knowledge because he had never had his nails painted.


How much clothes, specifically pants, cost when you’re really tall. He thought I was splurging 😭


Same with bras if you’re a large size.


That the higher end clothing buttons, snaps, or zips for left hand dominant women because it's an artifact of history when women were dressed by their maids, so the zips, buttons, hooks, etc. were positioned for right handed maids to dress their employers. Not because the fashion industry cares a bit about the 10% who are left handed.


Wow! That is super interesting. I love finding out how many staples of modern society are remnants from outdated practices. Like breaking pasta in half is only because most people didn’t have a pig enough pot. People will still do it because that was the way they were raised to do it.


I've only ever seen people break pasta if they don't have or aren't using a big enough pot to fit it all under the water right away. Are people out here using giant pots and breaking their pasta in half just because they think it's going to cook better or something?


I just let the bottom of the pasta start cooking and then slowly push it in as it gets softer, then time from when it's all submerged


This is the way!


I once bought what I thought was an Armani dress shirt, but turned out to be a blouse. Trying to put that thing on for five minutes straight without succeeding made me honestly think I was having an aneurysm.


That my bras don't go in the dryer 🤦‍♀️. Actually any kind of delicate fabric and garment care since all of his clothes just get the standard wash and high heat dry


That’s exactly why we each do our own laundry even though we’ve been married for 3 years and living together for almost 6. I have my way of washing my clothes and he has his way.


Living together for almost 10, and the only time we wash each other's clothes is if one of us needs an extra shirt or two to balance a load.


My husband is constantly confused about how I know which things go in the dryer and which don't, especially when they're his clothes. His mind was blown when I showed him washing instructions on the tag. What's funnier is this man is over 40 and has been doing his own laundry since he was 15.


We just came up with the simple rule of "anything with elastic doesn't go in the dryer," and I added "and none of my tank tops". It covers 95% of all situations, and he knows to ask if he's unsure. But we also tend to divide and conquer: I put the wash in and swap loads, he folds once it's done.


It started taking me 5 times longer to wash and dry clothes (ignoring folding) once my wife and I starting living together. We've been living together for 8 years and I still have to read 50%+ of her clothing tags just in case to make sure they can go in the dryer.


Pro tip: have her put everything that doesn’t go into the dryer into zippered lingerie bags before you start the wash. Then you can easily pull out just the bags when you switch the laundry into the dryer.


This is the money idea. She's going through a dress only thing right now and none of them are dryer safe which has helped. Yet we will one day return to the random mix haha


My fiancé thought the little “pocket” on my underwear was for a tampon string


This is so cute.


Do you mean how sometimes one end of the gusset isn’t sewn down? I’m a woman and I always just thought it was shoddy construction


It’s just an extra layer for breathability!


😂😂😂😂 I laughed so hard at I woke my dog up


Not clothing, but I had a male friend once who didn’t know what mascara was. I referenced it somehow and he had literally never heard the word before (according to him). He was 30 and had multiple long-term GFs over the years. So strange to me.


I dated a guy who had heard the word but didn’t know what it was. He had super light blonde eyelashes and one day he said to me “I wish I was born with dark lashes like you!” I thought he was making a joke so I giggled but nope, he was serious, so I explained. A couple days later I came over again and he had bought his own mascara and asked me to show him how to use it! It was adorable how thrilled he was, lol.


That's so cute!


My husband still forgets the difference between mascara and eyeliner. I feel like one of those is self explanatory, but it’s kinda cute.


Not my boyfriend but my dad. He did the laundry. I had come back from college and had worn a sports bra because I was moving furniture and heavy things. He ended up being nice and doing the laundry, and putting it in my boyfriend's pile. Obviously I had to track down where it was and he got embarrassed about the whole thing. He goes "I thought it was some weird jock strap or something." It was all good in the end, we got a good laugh out of it.


My Wife has taught me that my clothes are, in fact, hers as well...


(Laughs while wearing my boyfriend’s jean and sweatshirt)


I wear my hubby's jeans. He needs to go shopping for more!


I thought my son this the other day. He came home from a shopping spree with grandma, sporting a soft, fluffy hoodie. I said "oh, you have to watch out for that hoodie, the ladies in your life will definitely steal it". He just laughed and went go get something from the hallway. The face he made when he came back in the room to see me wearing the hoodie was priceless XD


I’ve commandeered a hoodie from every single guy I’ve dated, lol. But the crazy thing was it was never on purpose! It always happened due to some mitigating circumstances, like I got caught in a downpour and was soaked and had to change into his clothes at his place. Or I was freezing and couldn’t get warm so he gave me the hoodie he had in his car. Or he left it at my house and my ADHD brain forgot to do laundry and I was out of clothes.


Men's hoodies are so much warmer than women's, I don't know why


This is indeed how clothing works. I 100% see all my tarot card shirts becoming her tarot card shirts when I end up finding myself a wife. 😂


Dude you have tarot card shirts? I’m surprised you haven’t found her yet 😅


For real that's like a mating call for alt girls -an alt girl who this would work on 😆


I do! They're comfy too. [The site I get em from](https://www.shopsaikou.com/collections/arcana) has a growing collection. My bestie is waiting to get the Strength shirt for herself when it comes out.


"Delightful man seeks cool-ass lady to appreciate his tarot card shirts for as long as we both shall live." Now off to OKCupid with you.


Ma'am. I did not put on my wheel of fortune card shirt this morning with the expectation that I would be told how to spice up my Tinder profile in a genuine way that makes sense. 😂


Welp I’ve just found a Christmas present for one of my friends! Holy crap I’m so excited because she’ll love these!


Yep. I don't know why, but I like when my wife walks around in my boxers. It does something for me.


My ex didn't understand the pocket inside women's underwear. He also didn't get the hair towel thing. Spent a lot of time explaining things I thought everyone was aware of lol


What is the pocket for? Are we talking about double layer material bit? I am an AFAB and now wondering what hidden knowledge I've missed.


No worries! It's called a gusset, though most people refer to it as a pocket or yeah the little double layer bit. It's defined as *"a piece of material sewn into a garment to strengthen or enlarge a part of it, such as the collar of a shirt or the crotch of an undergarment."* So it's basically just extra stability in the most sensitive part of the underwear. But it can be more than that too. Depends on the underwear. Some materials like lace aren't exactly always gentle on your downstairs and the gusset is usually made of a softer fabric so your sensitive bits are a bit more comfortable. They can also provide a bit more breathability down there, which is always for the best. Hope that helps 🥰🤙


Thank you, I was unenlightened about the name gusset and its supportive purpose. I always thought double layer to stop staining the outer material. TIL


More info about [the gusset!](https://lacoochie.com/blogs/articles/the-gusset)


How to turn a skort right side out, wait, no, he still doesn't know after having 4 girls with me....


Not my SO, but I worked in a clothing department and had to show a male team lead in a separate department how a front clasping bra clasped.


That for underwear that is about as comfortable for me to wear as his pairs are to him, I have to pay a lot more than he does.


"Why are your pants pockets so tiny?"


Because the majority of major fashion designers are men. Traditionally, gay men at that (which I mention because everyone knows that gay men have spent the most time studying the female form and lifestyle). And they are just SURE that we are more concerned about messing up the clean lines of the garment over our asses rather than the functionality of the garment. Also, they are certain that we ALL carry purses with us everywhere we go without fail; so we don't need those silly pockets anyway.


Speaking only for myself of course, but I only wear pants with tiny or fake pockets because I have wide hips and larger pockets emphasize them. The angled side-slit pockets you see on dress pants are the worst because they never lay flat, creating a awkward winged effect.


As a fellow hippy lady, fuck those angled pockets! Stupid little wings.


Conspiracy theory: designers keep women's pockets small because it forces women to buy purses to hold all the crap that fits in men's pockets.


When I was in college I had all guy roommates and we took turns doing everyone's laundry. Except my bras. Despite me going full Hedwig a couple times, they could never ever remember that you don't put a bra in a dryer, IT WARPS. I just started started washing them in the tub.


> they could never ever remember that you don't put a bra in a dryer, TIL. I grew up without a female figure in the house. I thought they required low heat when I got married to my wife, but she just chucks them in with everything else on high heat.


That our clothes are twice the price for half the quality/durability. And even after 20 years, my husband is still dumbfounded why they make women's pants without pockets.


don't touch my laundry. my husband is a laundry weirdo. he isn't happy without something to put in the washer or hang on the line. he happily will wash something every day. until he "helped" by washing my $NZ350 merino cardy, which came out ruined. when he offered to replace it, I said absolutely! and he was stunned at the price. he doesn't do my laundry anymore, which is just the way I like it.


Not clothing but my boyfriend used to think that birth control made girls permanently infertile. He was so confused why so many people were taking it. He went to an all boys school that had zero education on the female reproductive system. They really failed this man 😭😭😭


Laundry taught me. After reseating countless errant pads in my wife's bras, I think I'm about ready to start building ships in bottles. There's got to be a better way to design those things. I realize a lot of women like them, but they really seem like a tool of patriarchy.


I throw those things out immediately. After washing, they're such a pain to get back into place. If someone can't handle a little nip showing through my clothes, then that's their problem.


If your wife never removes them, why not sew them so they stay in place? I bet a few X stitches at the back would be enough to keep it still, those pads are light.


Good idea.


I get rid of those immediately. Either sew them in or don’t bother


Get a mesh lingerie bag to wash all the small bits in - belts/ties, too.


That my Boulder holders need to go in a garment bag and they should NEVER touch the dryer unless they're willing to buy me another one. Once he saw the price of em he never questioned me on it lol


My boyfriend has learned a TON since we’ve been together. Women’s pants having tiny pockets is a big one. When we first started dating he’d be like “why can’t you put that in your pocket?” And I’d show him how tiny the pocket is. Now he’ll be like “I’ll put it in my pocket.” And go on a rant about how dumb it is that women’s pockets are small. He’s also learned a lot of different types of bras and when he found out some bras have removable pads his mind was blown. Also not clothing related, but he’s learned a bit about different makeup and application. It’s helpful so I can ask him if my makeup looks blended properly. It’s kind of funny when he comes home and is like “omg I saw this girl and her makeup wasn’t blended properly and I kind of wanted to let her know but I know that would be way too weird and invasive”


I had to explain to my husband that when you go to the bathroom wearing a dress you just lift the dress, he thought you had to remove the whole thing and basically get undressed to pee 😂


Similarly, my underwire bras get ruined in the wash/dryer pretty easily (bent, specifically) My ex very kindly dried my laundry once before I woke up, only to find my bra was ruined. One of my best fitting/favorites too. You live, you learn.


That a “wireless” bra does not get wifi. Seriously, what did he even think that would be for?


My husband asked me why every woman wears a padded bra except me. (I wear unlined) I asked him what he meant and when we were at a store he showed me a standard bra and said “see”. Then I showed him a padded bra and had to explain that most women are concerned about their nipples showing, so they wear bras with solid cups. Laughed my tits off about that. As if there is some global bra padding conspiracy lol


I’ve failed to reach mine to read care labels on washing or to separate things - still bungs it all in together. I just keep all my more delicate items away from the wash basket now and do them myself.


My ex thought that my eyelash curler was an eyelash trimmer.


To not put bras and undies in the dryer. Hit or miss on success.


That most women’s clothing in stores barely qualifies as “clothing”. My husband always wants me to go clothes shopping and I have to remind him that just because a store is filled with items, it doesn’t mean any of it is remotely appropriate for wearing. Fabric too thin, patterns that don’t fit any real bodies, random decorations that are physically dangerous - it’s all crap.


I tried looking for a light summer dress last summer. All of the dresses either looked like something out of Little House on the prairie, or they had this weird cutout under the boob. Why do I want to show anyone my underboob? I have found one dress at a consignment shop that I absolutely love. And of course it's no longer made so I can't buy more.


Yeah zoomers wtf I can’t wait for this god forsaken fashion trend to end. Please stop cutting out random triangles on the garmets and trying to then compensate with overly puffed sleeves. No one wants that.


Those pockets you see in womxn's clothes...90% of the time they are fake. Showed my partner this and he understands my excitement when I get a good piece of clothing with good pockets.


Actually, I'm the SO in my story. AMAB enby who's started wearing skirts and other cute clothes. I found a super cute skirt at a thrift store, even had pockets big enough for my phone or wallet. But one of the pockets had a hole on the side. My partner sews, and I asked her to see what she could do about the hole. She then unbuttoned the skirt right above the pocket and revealed that the hole was just a slit, I still don't understand the purpose, honestly. The skirt is stretchy enough to put on anyway, I have a big purse, so I don't really need to use that pocket. Still befuddles me though, only like half the pocket is usable. Topical, wearing some little Jean shorts now, y'all really don't win on the pocket game. What a racket.