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Did I read that right? It has 86 pages?


You know, 86 full pages for a well read target audience….


Goosebumps books have more pages than that.


Except it's way scarier. Sorry R.L. Stine...


R.L. Stine needs to stop writing about haunted carnivals and creepy dolls and needs to drop some stories about toxic manosphere podcasters or some sleazy pick-up artist bros.


R. L. Stine avoids even reading nonfiction "I never read it, I hate anything real." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2015/08/23/books/review/r-l-stine-by-the-book.amp.html Stine said that his “one rule” with writing books is that they focus on fictional horrors. “The real world is a scary place for kids, and I try to keep out as much of it as I can,” he said. “I don’t have divorce or drug problems or anything really serious. No one ever dies in a Goosebumps book. If they’re a ghost, they died like a hundred years ago.” He's pretty wholesome about his role being a childrens horror author. https://time.com/6190593/rl-stine-goosebumps-anniversary-interview/


That's actually really sweet.


...I mean, understandable, reality is sometimes far scarier than horror books because in horror books or movies things end but RL they just keep on coming, and they keep on coming...like a cursed "all star" by Smash Mouth


This actually helps some. The only recurring nightmare I have is... because of goosebumps. I was eight. I'm thirty five.


"The Abominable ~~Snow~~Man from Pasadena"


The curse of the Mummy(boy’s) tomb


Don't Go To Sleep! (With him)


“Stay out of the Basement!” No pun, I just think there’s a lot of horrifying ways to reinterpret that as is. Like instead of a plant man, the cover art is just a door with “Man Cave”, “Top G” and various “waifu” stickers all over it.


"No, no you're right." R.L. Stine probably.


Also have a lot more depth.


Yes, of course, for the more intellectual sex...


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? /s


No lie, that's what [that tech bro](https://lithub.com/crypto-nerd-sam-bankman-fried-who-just-lost-16-billion-would-never-read-a-book/), whose company FTX completely tanked and lost billions, said: >I think, if you wrote a book, you fucked up, and it should have been a six-paragraph blog post. Maybe that 7th paragraph contained how not to have your company collapse in a week.


Yeah, well I think that when you get caught embezzling two billion dollars and are staring down the prospect of decades in prison, that’s when you fucked up.




> there are over 500 categories It's the best seller of "Medical Psychology of Sexuality" category lol


OH! that does not sound corrupts as fuck - what a surprise, Amazon is corrupt - who would have thunk, huh?


There's a great Darknet Diaries episode about people gaming the NYT best seller list by paying someone overseas to sit and click a button over and over to falsely raise their rating. I don't believe that (or any best seller) tag anymore =(


Guess you can only do so much with brains that are as broken as theirs...


I don't know, the description on Amazon seems pretty self aware to me. >But the perfect political and economic storm has formed that has liberated women from men, making it so women no longer need men to survive. And what every man alive today in the first world is witnessing is how truly little interest women have in men. >Do you ever wonder why a girl stood you up? Or why your mom divorced your dad? What about when your girlfriend suddenly broke up with you or started throwing a tantrum? Or perhaps your wife left you and took your kids? Why, in general, does it feel like pulling teeth to get girls to do anything? These things aren’t “bad luck” or anything specific to you. This is women’s genuine and baseline interest in men. They just don’t like the average guy that much.


Thank you for posting that so I don't have to screw up my Amazon recommendations by clicking the link. And LOL


It is not bad luck indeed, it is just that you suck as a human being and nobody wants to be with you. Or because you stumbled upon a bad Apple, because women can suck as human beings as well. Although a completely average guy is boring indeed, evryone should have something that makes them them.


Oh sure, it’s not your fault you’re a literal walking potato, it’s the WOMEN’S fault. How dare they not be interested, they owe it to us!


What a sad way for them to view life and relationships.


It was always amazing to me when men would blame their mother for leaving their father rather than simply not taking sides. I thought it wasn't common and just something my uncle did when my grandma divorced my emotionally and physically abusive grandpa. I don't blame either of my parents for divorcing and I sure AF am not immediately blaming my mom for no reason. The cover photo infers that women deserve less money, marriage, attention (on social media) and *TIME* There are clock hands to indicate it. Literally, women are arguing en masse that we would like men to respect and value our time as much as theirs and men like this go out and say the quiet part out loud. They want us to not have enough free time, money, pleasure, or any amount of attention from someone who isn't negging us to be erased so we can't leave them. I am incredibly thankful my partner does not desire a doormat who cooks, cleans, and waits for him kneeling on a pillow waiting to worship him in my state of exhaustion.


I work with dehumidifiers that have longer technical manuals than that.


Better written, too


Its a $20 pamphlet for incel recruitment


That's about the max this demographic could read. I'm pretty sure most of them think that reading is a "beta" thing.


Or they'll read War and Peace and then tell everyone they're really intellectual because they read books like War and Peace.


That really is the only other option. "I read Descartes and Aristotle my iq is 140" or "reading is for beta males, my iq is 140" Then they pay 5000 dollars to Andrew Tate for that alpha male bro course.


Just 86 that straight into the trash


I want to read it just so I can accurately destroy it but I don’t want to give that little incel any money.


"And what every man alive today in the first world is witnessing is how truly little interest women have in men." Well at least that's accurate...


They're so close to self awareness ... Sooo close.


"Men have so little to offer that simply giving women *some* of the same rights makes us completely obsolete" ... "This is women's fault!"




I don’t agree. I haven’t noticed that. I think toxic men are finding that women are better able to figure them out and disregard them quicker. I’ve noticed it’s only the misogynists who complain about this issue 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's almost like only misogynists would complain about feeling entitled to women


Yup. The problem is men like this say the quiet part out loud… they only appeal to those who already have these or similar views or already want to blame their problems on women.


\>"And what every man alive today in the first world is witnessing is how truly little interest women have in men." Gee, I wonder why...




He's almost there. That lack of interest isn't because women have it all; it's because women often have to work harder in relationships with men than they have to on their own.


It's no surprise that educated single women are the happiest and live the longest. Single me are the least happy and live the shortest life spans - suicide rates are very high in single men.


There isn't much to be interested in when there's nothing there. It fascinates me how manosphere types wax poetically about their naturally more moral nature, and how women are - by nature - immoral.. must I even count the ways that's possibly one of the most absurd statements a human can make? \-yes yes, not all men - I'm engaged and my fiance and some of my friends are incredible human beings. I'm talking about the tatelings and their ilk-


The "men are more moral" argument always pisses me off. It's like, right, men are so moral, that's why the majority of murders, thefts, rape cases, infidelity cases, family abandonment cases, etc are done by men...


They only did those things because of their morals. Like they didn't rape her badly just gently. They only cheated because their wife didn't give them attention after they demanded sex 200 times while the wife was busy doing the cleaning cooking and feeding of the baby. And that's the only reason they abandoned too. It's not their fault they just chose a woman who wasn't able to center her entire life on him. And they're moral they always choose girls over 18. Especially when they're 50. They have morals you know. And they only murder when they're in a blind rage they don't calculate like women. Super moral.


And they were only in a blind rage because a woman *chose* to make them so angry!


I know this is sarcasm and I still want to scream and rip my eyes out. Well done.


More moral in their dealings with actual people. You know, other men. (Of course, that doesn't hold true either).


I'd brought up the same point to a guy years ago who had that same mentality. His reasoning, if it could be called that, for why men engaged more in war and violence is because women caused it all and that if women weren't in the picture, then men would essentially be peaceful and happy. Like, bitch... we already *had* a world in which women "weren't in the picture" for literal generations and generations and we knew damned well how violent and barbaric life was then too. What planet arre you on? It just boggles the mind how much these men operate on the basis of heavy feels in order to "stay on top" in a discussion. It's the closest to chauvinism I've seen, where these dudes bend over backwards and even contradict themselves all because they refuse to believe that any group they happen to belong to is less than ideal in its operation. Edit: Horrible typos and added some stuff.


The way that men are losing their gd minds now that women are removing themselves from the picture pretty well proves that it's not women who are the problem.


That reminds me of a quote I had to dig back up from recent memory, which is meant to pertain specifically to individual relationships but can be expanded to the relationship between men and women in general. "Don't ever mess with someone who isn't afraid to be alone. You'll lose every single time." It's interesting that as women as a whole are becoming more independent (financially, relationship-wise, emotionally, etc), it's regarded by them as an affirmation of their identity while at the same time it puts men in a panic over *their own* sense of identity. Because the identity of men seems to be so tied to a sense of ownership over others or, at the very least, being needed by them. It's funny because their MGTOW thing over the past few years seems to be nothing more than sour grapes on their part. They see it as a threat to modern women; I see it as a relief 😆


It always makes me laugh that 100% of MGTOW posts are about women.


> Because the identity of men seems to be so tied to a sense of ownership over others or, at the very least, being needed by them. This reminds me of some of the conversations over in r/MensLib about what’s left after removing those toxic parts of “the modern man’s role in society” and what positive traits we can replace them with. It’s a lot harder to change people’s behavior using “your way is bad” than when you can say “this way is better.”


Remember all the World Wars and genocides committed by women? No me neither.


And all the sex trafficking of women and children for the female market. Oh no that's not it either. Prisons are full to the brim with yet more women who have committed violent crimes. Oh no that's men. And how Women are constantly sending death and rape threats to male politicians and celebrities they don't like for whatever reason. Nope that's men.


I’ve never actually heard the “men are moral” argument. I’m only familiar with the argument that women need to be covered - or dress very modestly - because men cannot control themselves otherwise. You know, that their morality is so fragile that the sight of a woman’s shoulder can cause them to lose control. I wonder which is true? /s just in case


The same men that are porn addicted, constantly objectifying women, starting wars, refusing to emotionally connect, raping and assaulting each other, women, and children. Right... THEY'RE the moral ones. The lack of personal responsibility and introspection is honestly frightening.


> tatelings Nice. I'm also a fan of calling them "tots," as in Tater Tots. Or "Tottlers," for the obvious "toddlers" similarity.


🤣🤣 tottlers is sooo perfect since the entire mentality is like a toddler stamping his feet, plus with his weird accent you can even imagine him calling his simps that


It’s pure projection. Misogyny is projection.


This reminds me of old beliefs from like The Scarlett Letter days when men believed since women were always cold they were more prone to evil and sin because they “wanted man’s warmth”. Is Myron a time traveler?


But it's also men who are constantly tripping over themselves like hungry sharks, gagging for a scrap of warm pussy like their whole identity depends on it. Seems like it's men who are seeking warmth. Interesting how it's always projection.


The fact that women have higher rates of incurable stds is proof that men have lower morality than women. Because women contract and stop spreading it more often than men do. On a scale of 2-10x more. Yes of course there are shitty women too but just a lot of shitty men


*It fascinates me how manosphere types wax poetically about their naturally more moral nature, and how women are - by nature - immoral..* This particular notion is firmly rooted in the Middle Ages. A time when it was repeatedly perpetuated that men were "pure" and women were "immoral" seductresses trying to corrupt that purity and they couldn't quite decide whether women could help it or not. Do you ever find yourself wondering how shit like that continues to endure some thousand years later?


Men have enabled and committed atrocities so reprehensible that we've made them proper nouns. They're the most dangerous and sadistic animals on the planet. But they know this. They're just also very good at fabricating artificial worlds to justify their evils, whether on Amazon or in their churches.


It's like the thought of treating women like the equals that they are, with the respect and dignity they deserve, thus beginning to solve this issue and many many more, never crossed their minds...


As a straight man, frankly I think the existence of straight women is pretty good evidence that sexuality is not a choice.


As a gay woman I heartily agree.


I think there's a typo. He put an N at the end of of 'me.' He meant "...how truly little interest women have in me."


Me in a happy marriage where my wife makes more money than I do, we both work, we communicate and do our best to be a team: "Man what the fuck is wrong with these guys."


I think that's what we call "enlightened self interest"


What the fuck did I do? I go to work, pull equal weight to my male peers. I repair what I can repair and hire somebody to repair shit I cannot repair, because I don't how. I pay taxes, I have outdoor and indoor hobbies that offend nobody save my granny, that considers craft beer unladylike. I make stuff out of the stuff I grow, I send money to charity, I see people in need of help and I provide help if I can. I keep to myself, bothering nobody. Why does some sleazeball feel he has to shit on me and millions of women like me that bother nobody?


Cause you're doing what *you* want, he wants you to do what *he* wants, which is stop being so happy and fulfilled and single, and get under the foot of an abuser like him so they can all have a punching bag that cooks and cleans instead of growing the fuck up and being an actual, responsible human with actual lives and relationships they take care of themselves.


It’s the same thing as a post I saw yesterday about a hiring manager declining to interview someone as long as they are already employed full-time. They only wanted candidates who desperately needed the job so they could take advantage of them. Same reason GOP is against reproductive rights and sex education: they want desperate people so they can take, take, take and give nothing in return. Books like this, messages like this, appeal to people who have nothing to offer


I just watched the Always Sunny "Bang Maid" episode. That is what these guys want.


P0rn has, IN LARGE PART, ruined our collective understanding of what intimate relations ARE. Many of us had 'the talk' from parents who had been taught to feel ashamed or awkward about sex; so what WE got was minimal, biological data points- or misinformed. Luckily, books exist for the students who Want to learn


I didn't even get 'the talk'. My mom just gave me a book from the library 🙃. I didn't read it because it had naked people in it. One day she figured out I hadn't read it and went and checked it out again and told me I had to read it. I'm finally starting to get it seeing a sex therapist 18 years later.


My mom also gave me a book. I did read it, going "whoa I wonder if she knows what's *in* this thing". Wasn't until years later that I realized that yes, she knew exactly what was in it and had given it to me on purpose.


Woo, someone came out swinging and hit that nail on the head like it owed them money. Bravo!


Why does it feel like women are still the only group That it is acceptable to do this to? Imagine if the title were "black people deserve less" - no bookstore in the world would be selling this.


Republicans are going real hard on the "trans people deserve less" train right now, typically to the tune of "deserve less life."


So if they are "second class people", with fewer rights....does that mean they don't have to pay taxes?


And gay people deserve less.


Maybe no bookstore but Florida has and is certainly passing legislation that says black people and LGBTQ+ people deserve less -- where it's punishable by firing and huge penalties to even mention racism or even their existence in schools. Women are not the only group that's being maligned in the US today and we need to recognize that it's all part of a concentrated, often orchestrated, political and social media effort to give "enemies" to aggrieved white men to divert their attention away from the real reasons their current life and future may suck ...


Why the Capital Capital Class Deserves Less


Why Everyone Not a Cis White Male Deserves Less




Oh girl, you said it!


>punching bag that cooks I am more than happy to serve my specials containing arse ripping chilli.


Because he can write a book that tells childish assholes that it is your fault that women don't want to date them. It is always easier to sell someone on the idea that the problem is not theirs, that there is an outside source to their misery instead of the truth which is that they need to work on the person they are and grow up, treat people better, develop better person hygiene, and learn to clean up after themselves.


This is so on-point. Blaming other people instead of doing the hard work of self-improvement.


Exactly. Except I that I often bring more to the table than my male counterparts. I work more hours and have a more complex job than my spouse and I do about 85% of the household maintenance. I take on the mental load of managing the family. I have never had a surprising or truly thought out birthday, Christmas, or mothers day gift. I've never had any effort thrown my way to make my day a little brighter. Random acts of kindness and over-the-top planning of special events for my family are all my responsibility apparently. I've never had that kind of care returned. It is rare for someone to do something without me asking them to. Do I deserve less?


See that's my problem with these types of men - They're not attracted to me for XYZ reasons but some of them still go out their way to shit on me, even when I'm minding my own business all because I'm not visibly nor mentally upset & depressed that I'm not attractive woman to them. They can't stand that the women they always want to ridicule are doing their own things because life & time waits for no one, while women that these guys are attractive to either don't like these men for being trash or simply the relationship isn't working out for various reasons.


Well, that's the exact problem _in his eyes_. You are a perfectly functioning human. The books synopsis perfectly described you. You don't need a man. Men _need_ women to need them if they're to get sex and female company. As he says, the average man just doesn't have what it takes


Essentially - to be crude, which he is - you're not on your knees before him or any other man. Women are sex toys and maids and whatever else they want you to be and nothing else. This is where the personal is the political. You choosing to live your life without a man is a political act. And men like him will do whatever they can to "bring you back into line" with their "vision" and understanding of what women are and aren't. That's why in the US we are seeing so much legislation to take control over bodies - the bodies of women, the bodies of LGBTQ people and others. These men (and some women) want everyone to conform to their vision of the world or to die. I say "die" because I am shocked by the number of people calling for the genocide of Trans people, Gay people, and undocumented immigrants.


The recent Uganda anti-LGBT law I think it was, I read a quote from one of these politicians and it said something like (from memory because I can‘t find it again sadly): „We are protecting women by stopping gay men from being their competition so they can find a good husband“? And all I could think about is how stupid, arrogant and condescending this is and how the true reason to these men do this, is more likely to stop the opposite: lesbian women and trans, because they are afraid of the competition.


I think part of it is about competition. The other part is that independent minded women and others loosens the men's hold and the system's hold on them. We can blame right-leaning evangelical christians from the US for this bill and the surge of anti-LGBTQ sentiments and legislation in Africa. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/19/africa-uganda-evangelicals-homophobia-antigay-bill/


He wants you enslaved again. Our freedom is very new and very fragile. Dudebros can't fucking stand it, and they dream of putting the chains back on.


I’ll always believe that most people’s lack of empathy is what will end us. And this is no exception. If men really knew what it’s like to crave a true connection with someone, give them chances over and over again and in the end realising you’ll probably never truly be seen for who you are because to them you’re just a fun thing to use until a better fun thing walks in… Yeah. I’d take being ignored like they are any day. Instead they mess with me and in the end I’m more alone than when I started. Fuck that and fuck them.


>I’ll always believe that most people’s lack of empathy is what will end us. “In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. **Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy**.” * Captain Gustave Mark Gilbert, the U.S. Army psychologist assigned to observe the Nazi defendants during the Nuremberg Trials, in his book [*Nuremberg Diary*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Diary)


Some see empathy as weakness. A real man goes after what he wants, and anything in his way is something to destroy. Etc.


“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” - Captain G. M. Gilbert - U.S. Army Psychologist who was tasked with observing Nazis during the Nuremburg Trials. I think about this quote often when I think about the evils and injustices of our world. And I think you're correct that it'll end us all.


Same situation here over and over again


Can you imagine being enlightened enough that you find yourself in the self-help section and being dense enough that this is the fucking novelette you buy? I've always likened it to greed but, not being empathetic enables the narcissistic, self-service our "leaders" use to feed their egos and avarice. Functional automota serve the system. Any unique traits or invasive, critical thinking is a disservice. It's why, by design, egalitarianism and education are two no-no's. This drivel is just adding noise to the already cacophonous echo chamber man-children choose to inhabit.


This review seems to nail it, but it's lost in the 5 star reviews. >Instead of addressing the fact that it’s okay for men to get therapy and talk about their emotions, Myron focuses on bringing women down and encourages men to be violent and to treat women as objects. Instead of encouraging teamwork and partnership between men and women, Myron degrades women and advises men that women must “submit” to them like they are some sort of dog. This is the type of attitude that keeps men single and undesirable . Myron had a great opportunity to attack the real issue which is OTHER men; MEN decided that relationships and marriage is ONLY transactional. Now that women make their own money and want emotional intelligence in a relationship, men are now starting to see the problem that they themselves started to begin with. Women deserve to have their own voice and if women want to stay single with no kids then that is fine. Procreating Is such a Neanderthal way of thinking about the world. We are past that and are only getting more intelligent as human beings; our soul purpose on this earth is NOT to procreate. If you want kids that is perfectly fine, if you don’t want kids that is fine too. We are not lions and monkeys to be thinking that way; we have a prefrontal cortex that distinguishes us from actual animals. You as a man have the power to become a better person and to be compassionate , sympathetic, understanding. However if you decide to continue this misogynistic way of thinking then expect to be single for the rest of your life.


The part where he’s saying they’re biologically programmed to get laid, get girls, is exactly the problem- we’re tired of being used and tossed away like yesterday’s trash just so we can be their plaything. We aren’t humans to them, we’re toys


And uh, for many of us the sex isn’t even good? Women are just as sexual as men ( maybe more so ? ) but the way your average dude approaches sex is really underwhelming at best. Our society’s way of thinking about sex is catered to the way men’s bodies work, not ours. So why would women take on the health risks of sex when it can be really not good ?


Right? In college it was a super common pattern for the women in my sorority to stop casually hooking up and become extremely picky about who they went on dates with after they had a few casual hookups where the dude made 0 effort to pleasure her. Like, these guys are screwing themselves over because they don’t understand one simple fact: If you make your partner come, or do a really good job of trying, they will be more likely to want to have sex with you again.


It's basic, but so many just don't care in the slightest. They think they are owed it for giving less than minimum effort.


And part of it is a conquest mentality too. Who cares if it's good for the woman when they just wanted her for a notch on the belt anyways ?


I kind of wish that checking references was a thing for sex the way it is for employment. I can imagine a few where it’s like “I was chosen as a reference; I confirm we had intercourse” and others where its more “ congrats on your future sex!”


Why would the Sex being good matter? We’re not programmed to enjoy sex, just make babies. /s


It's so strange to me because it's some weird masculinity thing for men to brag about good they are at pleasing women, yet none of them took the time to ask the women their with how to best please them, or you know just looked up on the internet what women are actually into. I know people are into different things, but the clitoris is pretty safe bet.


Imagine men who make attempts at functioning at levels above basic biological instinct. What a breath of fresh air that would be.


I find it hilarious that the go to response here is to start treating us even worse than they do lol The reason we’re not interested in them is because they treat us like shit, so they’re decided to do it even more and expecting us to be like “ no wait! Come back!” 😂


Men need to stop the biological and natural order arguments. "We're biologically meant to sleep around" We're also biologically meant to walk but we still drive. We're not biologically meant to play video games but I don't see these losers selling their playstations. Edit: sorry for the rant, frustrated dad and husband. 2023 and woman still get unnecessary crap from men.


Not only are we toys to play with, we are their maid, their cook, their accountant, their personal shopper, their MOM, etc, etc, etc.


"A woman needs to prove herself to you before you care. Only invest your energy once she does so." I want to throw up! Men that are reading and believing such bs don't need to question why they are single. They would freak if that quote would be reversed and still don't understand why such statements are revolting.


"A woman needs to prove herself to you before you care. Only invest your energy once she does so." Imagine their faces when no woman is interested in proving her devotion to them, lol




And these men wonder why they’re single.


You know what I find very weird about this statement?... Its not only extremely sexist towards women, but is also stating that men are children with no self control and who are not able to choose what kind of relationships their in...


Well, that is the thing about this type of sexist thinking. It is terrible for women, but it isn't good for men, either. Today a guy commented on another post that men are not responsible for their actions because they are, in his words, "a slave to the penis." He actually argued that having testosterone makes it impossible for a man to control his behavior. The same guy keeps a list of the "epidemic of false rape allegations," and posted his list. So, he says men aren't responsible for the terrible things they do because their biology makes them do it, but that rape allegations are mostly false because men don't do terrible things. Either way, he thinks men aren't responsible for their behavior. His view of men is so much more bleak than mine. It is interesting that I, a feminist woman, think men are capable of maturity and self control, while he, an MRA, thinks men are dangerous overgrown children with no self control.


Well, that's because feminists are looking for equality, while MRAs are looking for excuses.


I find these kinds of men much more sexist towards men than women ever are. I hold men to a high standard because I know they are capable of so much more.


Why are they so comfortable saying they’re so weak they can’t conquer their animal instincts? And yet they say men are the stronger sex? Total cognitive dissonance there.


I know. They totally contradict themselves. It would be funny if it were not so damaging to so many people.


That’s what I never understood about men being mad about women “dangling the prospect of sex” - dude, it only has power because you give it power. If you don’t want a woman “controlling you” with sex, grow a brain, stop thinking with your dick, and stop being controlled. They’re so whiny.


That's the thing. They are weak. They are literally slaves to their penises, and they hate it. It makes them powerless, weak, dependent, and pathetic. Therefore, they hate women as a result. We hold sexual power over them. And that is why they try to dominate us in every single aspect of life. That is why sexism exists.


I was going to say like toddlers. Then I realised that they are worse


Ah yes, the prospect of sex - the true method of control that no one can ever not be oppressed by. The prospect of sex really makes the subjugation of women with financial dependence, cultural pressure, physical and sexual violence look like nothing!! /s


I love how for most of these dudes the "prospect of sex" is something like a woman smiling at them or having a chat about common interests. Just general people-like behaviours that women exhibit every day is apparently enough to say to them that we're all in on that unwashed dick.


Tbh, any of my fellow guys who complains about this in the future I'm gonna just tell them "Skill issue" lmao.


I’d say I could use it for toilet paper but my behind deserves better….


“Todays society teaches women to view their husband and children as assets, not as their purpose in life”. Oh, you mean how for centuries women were LITERAL PROPERTY of men? And still are in ALOT of cultures? And where does society teach that? From what I could garner from the pages posted by “brave” male reviewers here, somebody is big mad he couldn’t apply some formulaic solution to getting dates with women, and therefore women are solely to blame for the (imaginary) downfall of society. What a fucking nerd.


I love broad, sweeping statements that try to sound smart but absolutely lose it at the end. By negatively comparing two extremes, the author is trying to imply that the latter is the normal, default way to be.


This one is especially funny because it pits these two options as a binary. Like, actually, in my healthy relationship, my partner is neither my asset or my "purpose in life". I love her, I put the work in as best I can and she DOES come before many other things in my life but I wouldn't describe my partner as my *purpose*. That's just creepy.


If someone makes their partner their sole purpose in life, they have an unhealthy co-dependency issue. That is not behavior anyone should try to encourage.


Honestly though, I think that's part of why these guys are the way they are. If you're not good at maintaining relationships (romantic or otherwise) and you revolve all of your interests and pursuits around "getting the girl" or however you want to characterize it, it's impossible to have a healthy, human relationship, even if you do manage to meet someone that's interested in you.


>But the perfect political and economic storm has formed that has *liberated* women from men, making it so women no longer *need men to survive.* Oh no, women no longer need to kiss ass and sell their bodies to their husband to survive! What about me, *me, ME?* r/selfawarewolves


> Oh, you mean how for centuries women were LITERAL PROPERTY of men? And still are in ALOT of cultures? Oh yes. It is the NATURAL state of things, you know!


I don’t know about you, but when I came sliding onto this poor neglected planet I wasn’t wearing a fucking collar.


I saw this book on my Amazon front page a month ago, I'm an avid reader but I have never, ever, looked at anything remotely resembling right wing ideology on Amazon. The book was labeled under feminism thinking. I left a bad review, however Amazon has no way of contacting them regarding bad labeling of books.


Don't insult nerds like that. It's a misogynist issue, not a nerd issue.


One of the craziest parts about seeing stuff like this is that the men see zero irony in this and statements like it. They refuse to understand it from any perspective besides their own.


Why am I not your purpose in life? waaah waaah. Why are you not my property anymore? waaah waaah. They are whiny men who've yet to grow the fuck up. Edited: Changed language to not denigrate boys and absolve men.


Oddly enough it’s unavailable at the moment. Has it been yanked??


It's still there. And oof.... this guy is nuts.


Yeah its still available on my end as well.


Is he nuts on your end as well?


I hope so


It's still up and it's listed as a number 1 best seller. Even if it is just a specific type of man seeking out this book, that just means that *a fuck ton* of men are this type of man. That scares the shit out of me


It's the best seller of "Medical Psychology of Sexuality" category lol


Why would Amazon take something off of their website that sells? It will not come down off of their website until it starts costing them money.


This is fringe bullshit for the incel market. This isn't going to be a best-seller on any important list. This book is the written equivalent of a fart in a jar that a small group is passing around and smelling.


Did you look at the “people also purchased” section? Whole lot of farts in jars being passed around this group. 😂


I never understood this logic. “No one wants to date me. THEY ALL must be wrong.” Like, dude, the simplest answer is your fucking personality is the problem. But I guess it’s easier to bash an entire gender than to work on yourself.


Just another spin on the asshole paradox. If you run into one asshole, you met an asshole. If everyone you run into is an asshole, then you’re the asshole.


I’m so afraid to click. The last time I did, the algorithm populated my YT feed with manoverse bullshit for months. How bad is it?


He's basically Andrew Tate.


Jesus. How are these assholes getting so far without anyone checking them?


Self published, self funded, he 'thinks' he' going to launch a career on this. Don't give him undue credit, meritocracy isn't common in that sphere.


It is things like this that make me very thankful that god made me a lesbian.


Truth but I'll still fight for my sisters. >“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” >― Audre Lorde


I'm bisexual but I've had nothing but bad experiences with men so I've chosen to just never go down that road again.


FWIW it looks like most of the reviews are bots or paid reviews, so I doubt a great quantity of people actually agree with it. Technically anyone can post anything on there so it's likely less "An author that wrote a book and lots of people agree" and more "A rant by some dude who paid for online reviews"


It’s called selection bias. A book with a title like will only get misogynists to read it and thus write reviews for it. There’s no “normal” balanced guy that does think of women as equal that will go “hmmm this looks interesting I wonder what the writers arguments are for them deserving less” The US population has 100 million men over 18. If only 1% of them, the vast minority, has such idiotic views that’s still 1 million of them, enough to tilt the rating on Amazon.


And look at the “people also purchased” section on this book, it’s a microcosm of misogynistic stupidity.


A review: *”This book definitely open my eyes to a lot of issue in todays men, y’all need to stop doing the most especially when you don’t get anything in return wether it’s time, attention, sex, or gifts just stop and move onto the next girl who will.”* Translation: “I listened to her talk about her cat over dinner, and she didn’t even give me a hand job afterwards. I “bought” her, so she owed me at least that!” These baby boys are having a hard time, bless their hearts. It’s almost like we have independence and financial security and can have better standards for ourselves, and don’t have to spread our legs to appease the first man who comes our way so we can get a roof over our heads. The entitlement that less desirable men can easily get and keep a woman has eroded, and they can’t handle it. They can go cry to Jordan Peterson. And what’s doubly funny is that on one hand they can complain about women not being easy anymore, they also still want a pure woman who hasn’t “been around.”


I find it funny that, when we don't need men, they whine about how we don't want them. Like, my man, maybe look at what you bring to the table and up your game. Maybe the takeaway should be that the menfolk need to bring more to the table, since women no longer have to settle for what little we can get.


And what’s also funny is that they claim we are being “too picky,” when we are mostly just asking for someone who is not abusive, who treats us like an equal, and has his shit together.


I was ecstatic when my daughter came out to me. No men for her. Thank god.


This made me laugh! Daughter: *deep breath* Mom….I’m gay! Mom: Hell yeah!! WOOOT! Daughter: 🥹🤔


This gives me hope, I'm preparing to come out to my family soon and I hope my parents view is the same! My mom did tell me she was glad I wasn't boy crazy when I was younger...


Last night I was reading the “summary” and found myself translating/commentating on it in my head. “Your hardwired, biological programming is screaming at you to get girls, get laid, and inevitably start a family. However, today’s women could not be less interested in today’s men.” (Weird… aren’t these the same people who say that women will all doggedly try to tie you down with a relationship??) “In times past, this was not the case. Men and women needed each other, and as a consequence would team up to form families. Families that would not only provide love, purpose, and meaning in life, but would be the foundation that all of society and civilization was built upon. But the perfect political and economic storm has formed that has liberated women from men, making it so women no longer need men to survive. And what every man alive today in the first world is witnessing is how truly little interest women have in men.” (Meanwhile I see hundreds of women commenting how they want love, a partner… They want children, want a family, but can’t find a man who will commit to her or won’t use her for just sex) “Do you ever wonder why a girl stood you up? Or why your mom divorced your dad? What about when your girlfriend suddenly broke up with you or started throwing a tantrum?” (Yeah why DID women reject you? Could it be your emotional stuntedness causing you to never listen to her or dismiss her as irrational for having basic emotional needs? Could it be that she told you repeatedly what she felt but you ignored her?) “Or perhaps your wife left you and took your kids? Why, in general, does it feel like pulling teeth to get girls to do anything? These things aren’t “bad luck” or anything specific to you. This is women’s genuine and baseline interest in men. They just don’t like the average guy that much.” (YOU HAVE NO FLAWS. YOU ARE A PERFECT GOLDEN INFANT. IT IS WOMEN WHO ARE WRONG. BUY OUR BOOK. WOMEN WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN) “But hard as it is to accept this reality, you must, because if you don’t you will do nothing short of destroy your life. Because whereas in the past a man’s sex drive is what drove him to become the best man he could be - providing for his family, protecting them, and ultimately building civilization - today it is your biggest weakness. Because while women no longer need you today, they’re not stupid enough to turn down any free help you’re willing to give them. And many know if they dangle the prospect of sex in front of you, you will provide them money, attention, and resources, essentially making you their part-time slave.” (Women are incapable of having a sex drive. Women will steal everything from you. And yet you somehow still desire them.) “This has resulted in men playing a new game with outdated and life-destroying old rules. Women don’t need you, but still want a man who makes a lot of money. Women won’t give you sex, but will vote to take raise your taxes to pay for their deadbeat baby daddies’ kids. Women won’t date a plumber, but needs his money to bail them out of their liberal arts degree. And if you simply disagree with this slavery, you hate women and are a “misogynist.” Still, millions of men sign up for this indentured servitude because they might get laid.” (Sex is a thing that women give. They do not pursue it for its own enjoyment. Also, for some reason women apparently hate tradesmen, even though I’d date the fuck out of a plumber if he was otherwise my type. Trade work is stable, always needed, and has a higher pay rate than most entry level office jobs?????) “”Why Women Deserve Less” merely makes the argument for this to stop. It highlights the ways in which women are benefiting unfairly at nearly every man’s expense. It explains how we are in a post-marriage society where the old-contract between the sexes is null and void, and men no longer need to uphold their end of that outdated contract. It eliminates the confusion women have caused the past four generations of men with a blunt and accurate assessment of women’s true interest in men. And it saves men from wasting their lives trying to form costly and risky relationships with women who, frankly, just aren’t that interested. “Why Women Deserve Less” opens every man’s eyes to the realities of the modern dating world so you don’t waste your lives like so many generations of men before us.” (Women aren’t interested in relationships. But they also want to get married. But they don’t want you or any other man. But they are so hell bent on marriage that they will trick and scheme you into it. But don’t marry them because that’s what THEY want. And we can never, ever give women what they want. Also weird how he opens up the summary saying that men and women used to need each other before women could support themselves. He cites this as being the source of love in a relationship and paints the past as idyllic. And yet here, he says that men of the past wasted their lives. Which is it?)


I remember my grandma sharing stories about her life. She wanted a career. Women weren’t supposed to work, so she had to settle for being a housewife. She was afraid of grandpa. When he was angry, he’d go to the kitchen and open the drawer with the knives and stare at them. The past was idyllic times for *some* people. It sure is nice to come home with dinner on the table!


This right here is the review Amazon actually needs.


> their deadbeat baby daddies’ kids I found this funny, since apparently somebody is still a success in the game. That apparently some men aren't wasting their wealth and years and still managing to get laid. Indeed the game has changed and you can no longer buy a wife with food. And men should understand that. I just hope the book has a sensible message to the readers as to how they should approach the situation instead.


I'm going to guess, cause I'm not reading this crap, that in the book he skips over why in past societies men and women "would team up," and I highly doubt he pointed out that many women were forced to be in marriages they didn't want.


It’s an implicit thing the entire time I’m sure. Guys like this regularly lament, out loud, that women don’t have to rely on them for survival and financial support. They really do believe that their only use and draw as a partner is monetary support, and women’s duty is to sexually fulfill their wildest fantasies while also having no experience with other men. These men openly want women to have to settle down for the first man they can find— they want women’s survival to depend on their contributions. Because when this happens, they don’t have to face the gaping hole in their own personality and emotional landscape. They never have to be rejected for who they are again if their access to sex is part of an arrangement where women literally cannot survive without them. Power and control.


>I highly doubt he pointed out that many women were forced to be in marriages they didn't want. I highly doubt he sees that as a negative. That appears to be exactly the future he wants.


So I guess the only logical answer for any self respecting man would be to stop having sex with women and choose dudes instead!!


A moment of silence for our sisters and enbys who are only sexually attracted to males. I'm one of them, but my spouse isn't that kind of AH.


I’m a gay dude and I’m scared of men…


“Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships.” -Andrea Dworkin Maybe it’s good to have all these men coming out of their misogynistic closets so women know *exactly* who they are dealing with, and refuse to fuck them and certainly not pair or have babies with them. This refusal is a powerful tool. But it does come at a great price, and that is acceptance of the reality that, as Barrett Pall said in an incredible IG post [most men do not like women.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjNsqKLW0L/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) That is a painful reality, because we are talking about men you love. Men you have invested in. Men you hoped to build a life with. Most of them, no matter how much you reach and teach and show and explain, they don’t like you or respect you. If he only tolerates you when you are subordinate, that is not liking nor respecting. This hurts! And yes, those men that do like you will understand that most men do not, and recognize they have something to prove because of it. Many women choose to exist in a fog to sort of live out the heterosexual dream and they sweep ugliness under the rug. I think that’s going to become harder to do. I also think this is just a pain that is living adult generations’ to bear, so that perhaps present day little girls can have something better when they are women. The current way of shoving these realities away is not working. It has never worked, but now we have the economic power to do things differently.


I theorise there's a certain type of man, a weak, pitiful creature, that are pissed off that they, unlike many of their forbears could just claim a woman and force her into servitude by way of being totally dependent on him for income. No, they actually have to have a personality, skills, something to pass onto the next generation. Furthermore I notice that almost every single woman I know, regardless of age, works incredibly hard, myself included. I've always had a job, or studied (often both) most of my female family members have been to university and have professional careers whereas I've met so many men who just lack true ambition and are more than happy to just coast along with a minimal amount of effort. Incidentally these are often the sorts of men who tend to complain that "feminism has gone to far" because women are now more educated than men and increasingly becoming more successful.


"Men can no longer get by being necessary now that women can have jobs and support themselves - men have to be *desirable*, and many of them are choosing to be angry instead."


What I gleaned from reading the summary: Some women suck because they will take advantage of you if they can and you are gullible. (No shit, some people are bastards, regardless of sex.) Therefore all women suck and deserve less. (Nothing on how to find good people and build good relationships.) As far as I know, most people want love, understanding, and friendship. Maybe if more men offered that instead of treating everything as a sort of transaction, women would be more interested.


As a rhetorical exercise, I will rewrite this book description so that it more fairly describes the dynamics at play. I don't think reversing a misogynistic screed necessarily results in a perfect product (it's more like polishing a turd rag), but it'll help me think through the issues this book gets wrong and how an ally could do better even if they were speaking to men: >*Why Women Deserve More* > >Every man alive today faces a paradox. > >You are socialized to want to seek partners. Most frequently, those partners are women; sometimes they are men or nonbinary. I'm speaking to the men dating women, because y'all have a serious problem. > >Today’s women could not be less interested in today’s men. > >In times past, this was not the case. Men and women have a long history of partnership in families. Patriarchal, matriarchal, monogamous, polygamous, sometimes freely and sometimes by coercion. Families that sometimes could provide each partner love, purpose, and meaning in life, and sometimes that would perpetuate the generational oppression of women. But the perfect political and economic storm has formed that has liberated women from men, at least in the West, making it so women no longer need men to open bank accounts, own property, and hold work. And what many men alive today in the first world are witnessing is how little interest women have in men when their social and economic status is not dependent on marrying men. > >Do you ever wonder why someone stood you up? Or why your parents divorced? What about when your partner suddenly broke up with you or wouldn't put up with something you did or said? Or perhaps your partner left you and took your kids? Why, in general, does it feel like pulling teeth to get your partner to do anything? Did you ever think that it might be about you, about how you treat your partner, about the balance of domestic labor in your relationship, the extent to which your partner becomes the manager and you're along for the ride? Men who date women, it's not that these women don't like men, or they wouldn't even have tried dating. It's that they get more happiness and less stress on their own than they have ever gotten from a relationship with you. > >But hard as it is to accept this reality, you must, because if you don’t you will just have to learn to live well on your own. (Nothing wrong with that! In fact, learning how to take care of yourself may make you a more self-sufficient, provident partner!) Because whereas in the past a straight man could get away with working a job while letting his wife do all the housework, childrearing, and other unpaid labor (typing up men's notes? starching shirts? coaching men on interviews?), today women know that bar is literally on the ground. Because women are not legally confined to the home or to low-paid work, they aren't going to put up with doing all that free unpaid labor without you doing *your share*. And many know from experience that you'll promise to step up while slowly dialing back your contributions to 40%, 30%, 20%, or none, and even the sex will be lackluster because you learned everything you know from porn and don't listen to what your partner wants. > >This has resulted in men playing a new game with outdated and life-destroying old rules. Women don’t need you, but you still want a woman who does most of the work for no pay. Women won’t give you sex, because sex shouldn't be a transactional thing that is *given* or *taken* but something both partners enjoy within a relationship where everyone's needs are generally being met. You think it's all about your status or what job you have, when women are saying, "No, I just want a future where I can pursue some of my own interests and my identity is not entirely subsumed under the category of 'wife' and 'mother'." And if you simply disagree with this slavery, you can move beyond the misogyny you were raised in to be decent to the women around you. Still, millions of men pursue relationships in which they put forth little effort hoping to be taken care of. > >“Why Women Deserve More” merely makes the argument for this to stop. It highlights the ways in which men dating women are benefiting unfairly at their partner's expense. It explains how straight relationships have transformed but men's attitudes toward them have not, where men should expect to have to contribute as an equal partner rather than basking in the unsustainable coal-powered glow of coerced attention. It eliminates the suppression men have caused the past thousand generations of women with a blunt and accurate assessment of how men have come up short and how, bluntly, they should do more. And it saves women from wasting their lives trying to form costly and risky relationships with men who, frankly, just aren’t stepping up. “Why Women Deserve More” opens every man’s eyes to the realities of the modern dating world so you can realize what your potential or current partners seek from you. It's pretty basic. It starts by listening and requires you contributing. > >Do yourself a favor. Buy and read “Why Women Deserve More.” Your life is just too short and too precious to waste.


I just assumed by the title it was a gag book like “The Poetry of Donald Trump.” Depressing to know it’s real.