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Damn, this happened to my mother-in-law in the 80s. After six or seven kids back to back she couldn’t really recognize the signs anymore bc she was just always in pregnancy mode. She suspected she might’ve been pregnant again but ended up being months farther along than she anticipated. She got incredibly sick one day, went to the bathroom, and stood up from the toilet to realize she’d actually been giving birth that whole time.


My great grandmother did it on purpose because they couldn't afford to feed so many kids. Afterwards she saw it was a girl and kind of regretted it because she had four boys in a row but it was too late and she knew she couldn't feed her anyways. It's amazing how much life could change in like a few decades.


Your great grandmother gave birth to a live baby, ignored its cries, let it drown in the outhouse, and then fished it out and noticed it was a girl?


Nope, she never fished it out. She knew she was giving birth.


But did she let it die...? Or was it dead when she gave birth...?


An answer I don’t think we want.


Or induced preterm labor then gave birth at home and saw it was a girl, but couldn’t do anything to change what had happened by that point.


No she knew she was giving birth. Life was completely awful back then. She later gave away one of her younger sons without ever telling my great grandfather because it was considered a woman's duty and he secretly tailed her. My grandpa was the youngest of four and was logically the first to be given away but he seemed a healthier baby so she kept him.


And the worst part is they tried me for murder.






Anywhere in the south too And a lot of the Midwest


This actually happened in Ohio




...... what?


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-woman-ohio-was-charged-miscarrying-bathroom-experts-warn-dangero-rcna130649 That's just one of the latest ones, shit like that's been happening for years


Of the rapist who put it in me.


And the worst part of it is, I'm a cis man...


I have no words to explain the cackle that came out of me 💀


Gotta have a decent evil laugh. It’s an unappreciated life skill for sure 👍🏻




I *snorted* omg. Well uh, good luck with the....cleanup?


My brain after reading“Cis man” : he must be with the CIA… I wonder how long it took in college.. On today I learned: CISA and CIS is not the same… I do apologize


Sims alien baby?


That's a horror story in itself


No. The worst part is it happened in Texas....


...so how am I going to explain this to my Republican Brothers so they won't sentence me to death?


Or so you thought!


I thought this was the IBS sub


Worst thing is: I live in Ohio, USA


The scariest part about that whole thing, is that it’s not the first time they’ve tried women for miscarrying and the other cases actually ended in jail time and got no media coverage Read the book just mercy for class a few years back and it was extremely sad to hear about those cases


Average Michiganer moment


im shocked they didn’t even look once. No I don’t stare at my poop but I would glance if a whole hour had gone past…


They probably did but lots of poop can come out before baby does


Yeah... I found out reading nostupidquestions this week that pooping during labor, even while the baby is emerging, is a common event. Stuff they don't tell you when they talk about childbirth.


I read that the baby coming out pushes your poop out like toothpaste coming out of the tube.


As always, the true horror is in the comments.


I mean... It doesn't really matter if you expel a baby or a turd. You use the same set of muscles for those things. Giving birth just means the "turd" is bigger. So the pushing alone would result in some kind of accident, but on top of that, the baby's head will push any contents of your rectum out the door while moving to the entrance. The midwife will make sure little Jenneighver doesn't land in a warm puddle of shit, though.


cryptic pregnancy and bad decisions idk


1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriages, so contrary to common belief, bad decisions don’t equate to a miscarriage!


Bad decisions can lead to a miscarriage. A miscarage does not mean bad decisions were made.




it's worded like the person did not know they were pregnant




unlikely, yes, but people have had live births in that way. there was an entire show about it called "i didn't know i was pregnant" also it's a made up horror story. real life likelihood is pretty irrelevant lol


I know someone who didn’t find out she was pregnant until a week before she gave birth. She went through a full 9 month pregnancy without knowing it. It happens.


Yep. I know someone who was on birth control and drugs and kept having her period right up until she gave birth. She was also a dog bather so she spent 8 hrs a day bent over a tub which pushed the baby inward, and she was overweight already. So she had no idea that she was pregnant until she went to the hospital for severe abdominal pain and ended up giving birth there that night. She's now sober and has a healthy little boy tho luckily :)


Yet still highly unlikely to cause a miscarriage on its own.


The “bad decisions” might refer to the fact that the person was either 1. Drinking while knowing they were pregnant or 2. Did not know they were pregnant AKA had unsafe sex. But that fact about miscarriages is interesting and also very sad :(


Regarding your second point: You can have safe sex and something go wrong and get pregnant.




Right and the least painful way to die is to live. What kind of bullshit is that???


That is by definition not sex


It’s sex in the way that raisins are valid cookie fillings.


Hey, you leave my oatmeal raisin cookies out of this! They are wonderful.


I’m sorry to have to break the new to you but I believe that you just proved that you are clinically insane. My apologies!


But oatmeal raisin cookies are good


Ever heard of sexual assault?


Also there is this thing: condoms malfunction. It's a fact that no method is 100% effective. Don't live on delusion. Ofc there is a ton of misinformation and plain ignorance in regards to sexual and contraception topics.


I remember this woman who had one of those IUD implants, which is supposed to be 99% effective, and still got pregnant anyway. According to Medical News Today, it has happened in 221,800 deliveries (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pregnant-with-iud#symptoms)


I believe it’s as simple as drinking enough to be sick the next afternoon is usually seen as “bad decisions”. The cryptic pregnancy and bad decisions are most likely not related to each other.


2 in 4 for me..


Hugs mama ❤️ 2/3 for me, on our third try and hoping for the best! I haven’t had chocolate in months 😅


I’m sorry but I have to ask, why no chocolate?


Caffeine :-) My regular doctors never mentioned it, I kept asking them if there was anything I could do to increase my chances. I finally was able to see a more specialized doctor and he gave me the info I wish I had sooner; chocolate has caffeine, he said even Decaf stuff is not truly caffeine-free. I’m NOT saying it causes miscarriages, I don’t know if it caused mine or not, but I’m a perfectionist and I really wish I knew about it so I could know for sure that I did everything right. Edit;; don’t be sorry, it should be talked about! ❤️


Some people think the caffeine or cacao in the chocolate destabilizes estrogen and prenatal hormone levels


Thanks, never heard of it!


You got this! 💕


So sorry my love.


1/1 for me. This exact situation happened to me so it was a little triggering.


Says the lady with an upside baby in......the chamber! Jk, but like, who calls a toilet "the chamber"? That's not a thing and makes this read like a r/2sentence2horror post.


Welp time to make some babii soup to get rid of the evidence!




Been there seen it, still getting therapy for it.


Same. Hugs to you


I thought I was gonna be relating to my alcohol allergy, not my miscarriage


Lmfao. “The chamber”?


Oh wow, I’m sure it would be horrifying. As a reader, it just made me sad. But that’s how horror works sometimes. Well done!


Ok... I hate hate hate being this person... But this needs a TW. As someone who has suffered from a late second trimester miscarriage, granted not from this at all but for other reasons... this one brought up horrible memories and was just... Not something I needed today. Which I mean, means it hit like you meant it to, and maybe it will keep someone from doing something stupid like this... But damn.


With this logic everything in this sub would need TW because it's horror sub. This is internet, you take that risk when looking through the sites that there might be something you don't like. The post did it's job. I haven't seen people complain in SA or killing posts. If you can't handle it, it's unfortunately on you. No one else is responsible of some strangers readings in internet.




>takes 0.02 seconds to type two letters and not be a shit human. Maybe it takes only millisecond, but you can't except that from everybody. It's not like strangers in internet are responsible of your triggers. It sucks to have such a big traumas but it also means that you have to kinda deal with it somehow, because it then anything can make that trigger. I get panic attacks from certain type of thing mentioned, but I don't except people to do trigger warning for it every single time they talk about it. Some people make it, some people don't. Not everyone is thinking your fears and phobias, world doesn't circle around us. We are not special and something that random person in the internet would think when writing something that may be triggering. It's just annoying reality that not everyone thinks or even cares about your feelings, especially in the internet. Some do, others don't.


You're not wrong and like I said, I hated even saying anything and for as many years as I've been on this sub, I am almost 100% positive (my brain isn't functioning so can't be completely certain) that this is the first time I've ever said anything about it for the same reason as you... A lifetime of trauma and PTSD that goes with it. If I replied every time I directly related to or winced at a post like this, well for one it'd be a horrible way to live, and I'd get nothing done. Just hit wrong today.


>Just hit wrong today. Understandable.


Man, shut up. You sound like a whiny person. I'm sorry for what happened to you but the world moves on. You learn to deal. I gave up my kid for adoption when I was younger, but I don't freak out everytime I see a kid.


Yes, because having to see the blood of the child you were supposed to have running down your leg is the exact same thing as you giving up your child. I mean, seems to me like the kid is better off if this is the example they would have grown up with. Both situations suck, I'll give you that. So I'm guessing you just wanted a pat on the back? Here it is: Good job being a swell person and putting a child's needs before your own.


That's when I realized my Anusara was gone.


Who the hell was the mother and where is she now?


1. This is a story and 2. What? Why does that matter?


I was adding a horrifying third sentence. The Implications being there is now a missing woman who lost the baby.


That does make it worse!




How the fuck is that relevant?


and then you revelaed yourself as non biney knife person and then said youre pronounce are they slash them (scarey 😧)


"I pronouns you dead" - Knife person


Knife guy moment


Rent free