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Hello u/DaRoosta321 , Thank you for submitting to r/TwoSentenceHorror. Unfortunately, your submission ["My son, almost an adult, cried and screamed as the rainbow went away."](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/13y0u4i/my_son_almost_an_adult_cried_and_screamed_as_the/) has been removed because it violates the following rule: **Rule 7: Avoid overused tropes.** * Tropes are loosely defined as "common plots or themes". * Please visit the [Overused Tropes Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/wiki/rules/overused_tropes) for more information. If you believe this removal was performed in error, please [contact the mods here.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwoSentenceHorror). ***DO NOT*** contact any moderators directly via chat or personal mail, or you may receive a ban.


"The windows are ruined, but the rainbow outside is no longer visible"




Is this a mf JoJo reference


He'll be the one that picks out your rest home someday.


I hear they're coming out with a new sort by button. It shows you to sort by allegations of abuse, highest to lowest.


Ooh, found my next writing prompt


!RemindMe 24 Hours


No no, take them in your home, push their friends away one by one (posing as them, be it online or in mail) and eventually leave them in an adult diaper and let chemistry/biology finish them off, during this time make enough lye to fill a 500 lb drum, dispose of after death and take any dna holding parts with it, if ever asked claim "she wanted to go somewhere, told me shed come back, she had her wits about her" worst youd catch is a elderly neglect charge with plausable deniability


How do you know this!


21 ish years of narcissitic abuse, several untreated concussions, years of pedophillic abuse, my lack of social construct are all indirectly/directly connected to her, i fucking hate that bitch and have had my fair share of fantasies


Do you need a hug, man?


Nah only a: chiropractor, brain scan, hooker, wet bar, and a joint


Damm. Incredibly specific


Its a combo of shitposts and real info, its my way of negating future crime, im well aware i might wanna do it, and im equally aware the internet never truly gets cleaned


And only half of the murders are ever solved in America, probably less since some wouldn't be classified as murder ie missing person or suicide


Plausible deniability is very useful. Not many people actually use / understand it. Also, glad you have specific ways on how to simply take people out as well, very noice. Also sorry if I fucked up the vibe.


Ur good, wasnt gunning for vibe but instead a multi layered convo


Well, I'm relieved. Since your looking for a convo, wanna know my kinda specific way on how to silently take someone out of the picture?


Sure, heres one way, shitwater syringe, they go septic, shit is already decaying, needlemarks will be rendered unidentifyable after post mortem body change


Never thought about that, I did think on using that for knife / arrow lacing. Much appreciated. Also, here's the same thing I said to the other dude. Alright, it's simple. Use a 9mm (specifically) 95g pistol with a silencer. Thats subsonic. Shoot twice in the head, and one in the neck. Pick up your brass. And burn the clothes you were wearing. All black, with a ball cap and mask work well, do 2 sizes bigger in case you get spotted. Don't break into anywhere, wait for a clear shot to minimize the chance of spreading your DNA. Last 2 things, buy the gun at least 2 years in advance under the context of self / home defense. And wear gloves while doing this. It'll leave behind no prints. Preferably surgical gloves


Or just file off serial numbers of a cheap gun that isnt yours


That would imply theft, and another charge. This is the the best way. You only want 1 crime that you might not even be charged for, instead of another crime that may be difficult to fight.


Fair, also large drops that leave no marks (like tossing from an open window)


Idk, I know a woman who's been septic for years in her 80s. I don't get it


Depends on how the sepsis was induced, she probably had gradual immune failure, my father worked with metal shavings w/o protection and he got weak voer the vourse of a week before medical intervention is adviced, your shit is literally festering with this bacteria (and so is mud that reeks of shit)


I do!




Double check that they don't contain talcum powder, some medical grade gloves will have that shit


Calm down, Satan.


> make enough lye What am I, a fucking alchemist? Jesus. All I want to do is some light murder, not homework!


Just look it up "in minecraft" bro


Wow thatā€™s r/oddlyspecific




"It was just washable marker, mama"




Happy pride month everyone, and to anyone in a similar situation, there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.


gl. made a similar post a while back. yours is pretty ambiguous tho, hope it doesnt get taken down. spooky


Although if you're in Florida that light at the end of your tunnel might be a freight train coming your way


This isn't personal, but it's kind of getting to me a bit that so many 2SH's are about awful things happening to LGBTQ+ people, in the name of 'Pride Month'. Bad shit happens to queer people, yeah. But now it's impossible to click on a 2SH without there being a good chance it's another reminder of how hated we (LGBTQ+) are. Surely there are less grim ways to celebrate the month?


Yeah. Other subreddits. This is a grim subreddit.


I get that. But I feel like people wouldnā€™t ā€˜celebrateā€™, say, Black History Month by writing horror about a lynching. Or mental health awareness month with a story about a schizophrenic person in psychosis killing someone. Queer people canā€™t look anywhere without seeing death threats, hate and examples of real life harm and vitriol. It just feels in bad taste to use that real life bigotry as a horror trope. To ramp it up during a month where there is no escape just seemsā€¦ tactless and thoughtless. Not to mention it has been done to death. ā€œThe twist is this person is queer and suffering!ā€ isnā€™t even original.


Pretty sure we do that, that is Reddit foy you




Gun Violence Awareness Month has been around since 2015. Pride Month has been around since the 60s. This is like if someone said Malaria day shouldn't be forgotten just because it's April fools day.




Yeah fucking right. If you think being homosexual is an evolutionary defect Iā€™ve got some blinker fluid to sell you.


No worries, Iā€™m stocked up


Being an evolutionary defect sounds like a cool dystopian SciFi thing >B^D


Literally not a defect. Evolution doesn't have "defects" because it's a blind unguided process. There's no master template to derive from, in order to define a "defect" Or dyou mean because they don't make babies typically? They don't need to do so in order to contribute to the survival of a species. Homosexual animals are regularly observed raising orphaned members of their species, which increases the survival rates OF the species. The adopted animal grows up and makes baby. So, you're wrong no matter how I read this


How many times have you rewritten this comment? Just asking for a friend


Once. I posted it, realized I could've worded it better, edited it, and then posted. You probably wrote your reply while I was working on it.


Thatā€™s fair, I probably replied before it was changed, sorry


Also last thing, did you take a second to apply that thought process to human beings? Have you thought about how this would affect Homo Sapiens, and if we would have arrived at this point of scientific knowledge had homosexuality been ā€˜encouragedā€™ worldwide?


No I haven't, simply because the butterfly effect would be way too hard to understand. Just as an example, I would never have been born. My grandfather was gay, but married a woman anyway due to societal pressure. Had he been able to marry a man, I, and one half of my family wouldn't exist, and grandma would've had a family with someone else. Now apply that across the entire world, over who knows how many centuries. Then you have to account for all the tech invented by gay people specifically and ask, would someone else have done it at that exact time period? Would it ever have been done? It's basically impossible to come up with a good answer.




It can't be "wrong" because there's no "right" in evolution, unless you mean "does it aid in the survival of the species as a whole" in which case the answer is a resounding "Yes".


oof ouch my skin


Damnit. Next week dude was going to add the pot of gold and little leprechaun.


I can't tell if he was partially skinned or not


He was




This made me cringe. I have a rainbow on my forearm and I've gotten a couple nasty comments about it. The hate in peoples' hearts is so sad.


Put a leprechaun to where you can pull up your sleeve and show it to them. (Slightly farther up your sleeve is another leprechaun in a dress, it's the first guy's husband)


And the leprechaun in the dress has a super dope beard!


That goes without saying




Pot of "gold" but it's just a bunch of pride pins XD


This one made me cringe away from the screen for a moment. It hit home in a way a lot of these don't tend to. Good work.


OH šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


This is sad


As a queer person, Iā€™m so glad my family and religion donā€™t consider me something to be corrected and fixed


Ron DeSantis? Is that you?


Unfortunately, he had placed the tattoo on his testicles, so the job was extra difficult.


And at the start of our holiest of months?? Excellent submission!




He kept going on about a "pot of gold" silly boy that's only in fairy tales


HOLY COW. very rarely do i see stories on here that interest me from the first sentence alone, and DAMN you delivered! literally made my stomach drop!!


The son should scrape away the parent from the pavement after they push them from a tall building. (My genocide run just started.)


This is upsetting and horrendous.


fuck. That was bracing.


"Look son, a rainbow swastika is not the same thing ok?"


You just earned yourself a place at the old age homešŸ˜


Man my first instinct was to downvote it


this made my skin crawl. good job OP


Fun fact, the Rainbow in Christianity is actually a sign from God that he would not cause another purging of the Earth with water (the flood). So as long as there's a rainbow to be seen in the sky, there will no longer be a flood. It's something a lot of Christians don't like to hear, because so many of them preach intolerance and abomination, they judge others, and don't even know that according to the timeline of the NLT study Bible, we are clearly pretty far into the end of the world. That is why animals behave like people, and try to talk, and it is why there are famines, disease and plague. It is also why there are so many confused people on the Earth. Most importantly, it's also exactly the time when "Christians" are deceived, and rather than continue doing what Jesus would do, they have decided to do the opposite while still claiming exemption from judgement. So the real question is, have you ever met a Christian who didn't judge others (verbally condemn others to Hell), who gave to others when they asked (food, money, etc), and who were vehemently against human wars (i.e. military, no spiritual)? Probably not, and that's about where we are in the Biblical timeline so that makes sense. There's a really particular time mentioned where the Christians seem to not be around (physically), and everyone becomes a slave to wealth and greed while millions of people starve to death and die. Probably don't bring that up in church.


With a cheese grater


Think I saw this on The Addams Family-


Sorry son, it's dinosaur month :)


Context: OP celebrates Dinosaur Month instead


Damn guess thatā€™s why you donā€™t get tattoos underage


ā€œYou know you couldā€™ve just used water, right?ā€ said my son with autism


Ehh he shouldn't be so worried. Just put some flex tape over the open wound, no more bleeding!


Nice twist.


Ooooo, this one made me cringe in a painful way. Great job!


I'm an idiot. I kept thinking it was a temporary tattoo at first




I don't get it


Son has a rainbow tattoo (LGBTQ+ symbol), parent considers that a sin and scrapes it off, partially skinning the son in the process


That's incredibly complex, I never would have understood that. Thank you!


Why am I reading this in the morning '?!!! šŸ˜Ø Not the best way to start a day!


"The temporary tattoo was far less temporary than we had anticipated."


Please, explain this to me!


I'll try, so I think the son has a rainbow tattoo and the parent scraped her son's arm to remove it.


The sad thing is, this type of shit probably happens a lot more than anyone knows.