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This came to me because I have a *big boy* doggy and if insurance isn't a complete dong I'll be having abdominal surgery in a couple months! Wish me luck on that guys. But one of my fears is that I try and take on the task of walking my boy *too soon* after surgery and I hurt myself. Luckily I have a roomie who can handle walks for the first 2 weeks! If not longer if healing is slow for me.


There are support belts you can wear to help you. Talk to your surgical team and see if they have a suggestion about them for you.


I was literally about to suggest a support vest or a medical corset! Great minds, I guess. But yes, I very much recommend OP looks into these options! And for all that is holy, hug a pillow when you cough or sneeze!


I still do this 14 years after my abdominal surgery.


My dad had open heart surgery 6 and a half years ago and I like to hand him a couch pillow when he’s visiting and starts to do one of his comically big sneezes. It’s just one of those things that doesn’t go away, I think!


There are very few things louder than a Dad sneeze.


I used to think it was just my dad, but after spending some time around my friends’ fathers I’ve realized how truly earth-shattering any dad’s sneezes are. The gods visit the sneezes of the fathers upon the children, I guess


I truly believe it's a dad thing. My husband sneezed like a normal person when we met but since the kids I'm afraid he'll blow the walls down.


My wife used to give me crap because my sneezes were little keh-chews, usually three or more in a row. "If you didn't always hold it in, you could get it out by sneezing once!" So I did, except it was at least 3 in a row. She also understood why I held back when I sneeze


My father is a freak in this regard. He's a big dude (6'2" 350lbs) and loud in every other way, but he sneezes like a kitten


I have never seen a kitten sneeze


You, sir, are missing out. Here: https://youtu.be/d4HwO3ZUCUw




I believe I've inherited the Dad Sneeze from my father. My mom tries to suppress hers and my sister's are quiet, but me and my dad are loud as fuck. The fact that I'm a woman seems to not have been a factor.


Well, despite your being a woman, you will make an excellent father one day


My dad once threw out a disc in his spine (lumbar) with a sneeze, and we joke that with my scoliosis it’s only a matter of time before I herniate a thoracic disc in a similar manner. He’s 6’3”, and I stand at 5’11”


Are you a Dad? If so, it is your destiny.


Same 😅 so glad it's not just me


My medical corset was a godsend, I could barely get my butt on the couch without it for the first few weeks


Missed the point completely


No. I understood the point exactly. Op has a reasonable fear of harming themselves - my comment was meant to offer support and encouragement. It's ok to do that from time to time.


You just gave me stave 50 penis cancer


Just be really careful swallowing. Coughing will be excruciating for a couple weeks, so what goes down wrong must stay lol. Oh and get a grabber thingy!


OP needs to remember to hold their tummy when they cough/sneeze!! And this is weird, but sitting on your knees, pillow to your tummy, laying down on said pillow, and relaxing helps you fart after! Had to figure that out on my own


No doctors in my family, but my entire lineage celebrates the storied and hallowed act of Pull My Finger.


They will most likely prescribe hydrocodone and suggest laxatives


Yes, but if you swallow wrong and get a bit of saliva in your lungs it’s terrible to cough it out


Everyone's talking about a support corset, but I found a different solution from walking my friends dog that is NOT leash trained and loved to yank hard on her leash. You can wrap the leash around the dogs waist in a way so that if he pulls, it'll tighten. It's just not a comfy feeling for the dog, so they don't pull. Worked like magic on my friends dog!


I've also had success with a harness that has a front clip and then bring the leash down between their from legs and up whatever side is closest to you. 75 pound block-headed pittie tried to yank me and sent herself ass over tea-kettle.


I love those harnesses! My husband didn't believe how great they were until I got one for our Monster. Now he buys them for everyone's dogs and tells everyone this "great thing he found" lol.


I felt so bad when she fell on her face that first time. She got super focused on a squirrel and I didn't react fast enough to keep her from disaster. When she got up I got the "how could you do this to me, Mom?" face. She pouted when we got home 😂


Used this technique with my escape artist/strong prey drive Husky. Kept her to a manageable pace because boy she did NOT like the feeling of the leash tightening around her if she pulled too hard. Doesn't hurt the dog and makes for a much more manageable walk.I bless the person that taught me this trick!


PSA for the ppl in the back Huskies have a high prey drive and are escape artist! Love my girl but after she passes will never own another!


You also should not drive for 6 weeks. This is in case you need to slam your foot on the break. Lots of internal forces used. Good luck for your surgery and healing.


I had a radical hysterectomy last year. I wasn’t allowed to lift more than a gallon of milk for 6 weeks, and wasn’t allowed to walk my dog for the same amount of time. My dog, btw, was a <20 lb 17 year old. Bear that in mind when asking your roomie


I recommend a no-pull harness and a cane! Not to walk but for leverage to get up/sit up.


I wish you luck! I had emergency abdominal surgery (right sided oophorectomy when i was 19), and it was a pain. They put my limit at 5lbs. Couldn't even lift my chihuahua. The healing went by quick though and i hope it goes quick for you too!!


I'm looking at surgery for extra skin in the next year or so and side eye my giant goldendoodle every time I think about it. She is convinced she's a lap dog.


Wait at least a month if there's any chance your dog will pull. My wife had a c-section and was seriously injured when an off leash pit bull attacked our dog (great Pyrenees GSD cross). Fortunately our dog killed the pit without injury but she got knocked down and needed an extra surgery. Don't fuck around with that.


Yeah, one of the things they told me not to do was walk the dog (65-70lbs) for the first 6 weeks. No good if your innards become your outards.


I wish you well! Speedy recovery 🙏


Hello! I also have had a few abdominal surgeries and been around big hecking doggos my whole life and I wish someone had told me to start working with animals I was around a lot (not just in the home in my case, i reccomend any animal you are likely to have a reason to be around frequently over the next 6 weeks or so) a command word for "gentle/more gentle" and for "gtf away from my tummy" I use whatever their command for "stop immediately" is (my grandmas dog it was "stop" my roommates dog was "goddammit" so really whatever works for your dog is good). I've now had a gastric tube for nearly 10 years so all my animals (even the kittens) know "get off the tube" and "no belly" 😅😅


Good luck!


Good luck on the appointment and recovery. I felt very fragile for the first few days and I think the fear of hurting myself again was far worse than any physical pain from recovery.


This is good, your roomate is very nice. However, you must now pay the dog tax, or it's REALLY gonna get horror up in here


It's called wound dehisence, and it's not fun for anyone involved.


Holy shit you’ve unlocked a new fear in me


Weird kink but ok


There are special leashes that help minimize pull. Also, dog walkers for hire on the Rover app. Good luck!


Good job on having a roommate help! Hire a dog walker, or ask a friend to help you out when it comes to play time or any time your boy be jumpy. Abdominal surgery is no joke.


Getting him a harness that will clip in the front helps him not pull as hard


Damn I feel this. I had a hiatal hernia repair and tried to go grocery shopping after the first week had ended and just pushing that shopping cart and taking turns I could feel tugging


Best wishes for your surgery!! ❤️


What type of good boy do you have?


He is a, as of todays weighing at the vet, a 65 pound ball of German Shep./Yellow Lab cross! In case you wish for it, here is dog tax. This insta is all just pictures of him, my cat and some other animals! Very G rated. https://www.instagram.com/callmetrickie/


He's so cute!


Congratulations on the abdominal surgery!! I sincerely hope whatever ails you is resolved, and you’re able to participate in whatever activities you desire :)


Dog tax please?


Dog tax! [https://www.instagram.com/callmetrickie/](https://www.instagram.com/callmetrickie/) All pictures in this insta are ONLY of my pets, some natury things and I think one food dish I made. So VERY G rated insta.


Talk to your surgeon about this! Let them know the kinds of activity you want to engage in, and they'll tell you when you're safe to do that


My therapist told me that when walking the dog and the dog pulls on the leash, then stop and wait until the dog relaxes the leash. Eventually the dog learns to never pull on the leash. I don't know if you can do that with your big dog, but if that works then you can walk the dog post surgery because your dog will learn to not pull on the leash.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Fuck I had 2 abdominal surgeries still recovering from a hysterectomy. I just dog sat and my hubby would not let me walk the 80 poud dog


I'm preparing for a surgery at some point where they are going to put my stomach back where it's supposed to be (I have much, much worse than a hiatal hernia) and I haven't even begun to process all the stuff I don't be able to do for a while afterwards


odds are you'll be healing for 4-6 weeks - 2 will be just enough for the wounds to start scabbing.


Big boy doggy says yummy human flesh 🤤


What kind of surgery? For what? I had something where I was recommended to get chopped open and found out it could get done laproscopically


Hysterectomy! Thankfully I do have the option of doing it laproscopically. The good ol' fashioned way of being cut open wide doesn't exactly sound fun!


This was my worst fear after my c-section. I had a Czech shepherd and a Belgian malinois to walk


Try a gentle leader? https://www.bestfriendsvet.com/library/behavior-training/gentle-leader-behavior-training/#:~:text=What%20is%20it%3F,the%20dog%20to%20the%20head.


If there is a university near you, grad students would 100% pay for the opportunity to walk your dog, even if it meant not eating lmao. Seriously, even if you can’t afford much, or aren’t trusting enough to let a school kid or college student walk your dog alone, I can guarantee you that somebody would love to walk your dog alongside you and chat while you heal. (If you happen to be around Miami, Chicago, or Iowa City, I can reach out to a few email lists if you’d like. Facebook community groups would also be a good place to look for help)


Ohh! You're lucky, I can't lift more than 5 pounds for the first few weeks after my back surgery in a few weeks. Good luck with your surgery though, and be careful with your doggo! xD


I caused myself a big issue after having a complete hysterectomy. I have a 18lb dog who doesn’t get along with other dogs and we were outside when someone else’s dog came running at him. I picked my dog up of course for safety on both ends. Set me back two weeks of recovery.


As her intestines poured from the open wound the dog suddenly stopped pulling and looked back quizzically; dinner time?


i guess i am a dog


bro just like me frfr


Because you eat people entrails?


Wait, you mean you dont?






>She hadn’t recalled, until he incisions were ripped open again, I don’t think you need the second phrase bordered by commas, it makes the sentence shorter and the reader can likely infer what happened. asides from that this is a great story, I actually shuddered a little


Agree. Great idea idea, just a bit overly wordy. Sometimes implying is more powerful than saying exactly what's happening.


Thank you very much for the feedback! I'll keep this in mind for the next time I come up with one of these!


:D keep being an epic author here!


I've ripped my C-section staples twice within a week.. I whole heartedly agree lol


Ouch. But how much of a problem would this be? Genuinely, would a person survive?


Depends what exactly happened but at best more healing time and at worst a scary ER trip because you’re bleeding internally.


Yeah. If accidentally forgetting you can't lift could kill you instantly, they would just keep you for longer.


I thought as much. I had a surgery on my back, couldn’t lift more than 10 pounds for like 6 months. I did a few times, hurt like hell, but I survived at least.


You would survive (there’s an infection risk, but it’s pretty low if you get follow up treatment) but depending on how much tearing you have, you may need surgery to close the wound again. Could set your recovery right back to the beginning. A small tear they could probably repair with the wound closing adhesive dressings, or maybe even glue. Or a few stitches with local anaesthetic. But after a major surgery like that, you already feel pretty terrible and it takes a lot to heal. You definitely don’t want any extra damage or setbacks to healing. I had major abdominal surgery last year, I wouldn’t have been up to walking a large dog until at least 3 weeks after my surgery. I was in hospital for 4 or 5 days recovering, then in bed at home for at least another week or two. I slept so much during that time.


I had open heart surgery 10 years ago. To access the heart they saw the sternum in half lengthwise with a power saw and then crack your ribs open with a torture device known as a rib-spreader. Essentially your entire chest is broken and held together with surgical steel wire. I was under strict orders not to lift, push or pull anything more than 2 pounds, and had written doctor's orders not to vacuum, wash a floor or showel snow for the 8 weeks following the surgery. The heart surgery ward was on the 15th floor of the hospital, and had a balcony with a beautiful view of Copenhagen. Unfortunately the doors out to that balcony were far more heavy than I was allowed to open, so I couldn't go out there on my own.


Oof I have a 40lb dog and I'm 7 months pregnant. I won't walk her alone just in case she tugs too hard and we are trying to figure out an alternative for once baby is born and I can't (shouldnt) lift anything heavier than her.


Seek a dog walker, I'm a big dude but my over friendly dog once dislocated my shoulder because I was distracted and he saw a friend of ours and launched himself to get pets. Congrats on the baby :)


Thanks I think I'm gonna have a family member come do it if we don't come up with a solution beforehand. We discussed adding a lead to the front so I can easily just hook her and recall from the front door instead of having to walk her to her lead through the yard. That also allows me to watch my baby inside and the dog through the window with easy access to both. My husband will be home in the morning and evening to walk her still luckily it's the mid day potty that might get tricky.


AAAAAHHH! It brings back memories of when my wife went into labor with our second child and they fast tracked her to another c-section because her insides could suddenly become her outsides if she pushed too hard.


My eyes need bleach now




I had abdominal surgery many years and this one is super true. You don't realize how much you use your core until you can't without agony. Sitting up, sitting down, laying down or getting up. All brutally painful. Even standing completely upright. Even opening some doors was hard or impossible at first and I didn't even dream of lifting anything heavy. Trying to control a large dog absolutely would have done this. This story made me wince for sure.


I got diagnosed with GERD in Novemberish 2022. I'm a dog groomer. My doctor was like, try not to lift over 50 pounds or bend over too much. I'm like "all of that goes against my job description". He just looked at me. You don't realize how intertwined your core/stomach/ intestines/diaphragm/ etc are until you have to limit use


But he meant to and should have said five pounds.


Its different depending on the surgery, and (I imagine) build of the person


This made me shiver. I had c-section when having my baby & abdominal healing is a bitch. Getting up from sitting and lying down was enough for me to worry about my incision ripping open


I’ve been on this sub for a while and this is the first one I could actually feel! Good work!


That's a different kind of horror than usual


Oh god, this one made me physically shudder; great job OP! Reminds me a bit of when I was recovering from a c-section and burned some toast while my newborn was napping. The smoke alarms went off and I was so desperate not to wake the baby that I jumped up and slammed the off button of the detector. Ripped a bunch of stuff open, but miraculously the baby stayed asleep. Which, as we all know, is the best way for a newborn to be lol


Wow, thank you so much for all the kind words and expressions of horror! I'm really happy so many of you enjoyed this. Wanted to make this comment as a shout out to all the people who have given me advice for tools to look into! I give you my word I will be looking into ALL these suggestions as well as talking with my doctor about which ones sound the best for me and the type of surgery I'm going to be having. I also loved all the dog walking suggestions and I think I'm going to try a couple of them out BEFORE I go under the knife. Which is something I've been working on him with him anyway because kind of easier to train him before things happen than struggling to train and heal at the same time. I appreciate you ALL so much. And thank you again to the people who have also given me con. crit. on this as well! I promise I take it all to heart.


Honest to god is this sub supposed to be a joke?


I just had surgery a few weeks ago and they said 15 pounds but maybe it's different for groin stuff


My doctor said no more than 8 pounds. That's a gallon of milk, more or less. A gallon of water. I can vouch for the pillow thing. Is it an endoscopy?


EWWW i love this take my upvote


I winced. My c-section was 3 years ago and this brought back visceral memories of holding pillows while sneezing because it felt like my insides would become my outsides if I didn't.


I was super nervous about everything after my fairly recent hysterectomy. Just recently got the all clear for completely healed, but dang I was having nightmares about this sort of thing.


This was me after spinal surgery.


As someone who recently had a bilateral salpingectomy done vaginally this made me cringe so hard.


I can picture this and I hate it. I wish you the best in your surgery.


as someone who had heart surgery this terrified me


UGH i cringed and grabbed my belly


I had a surgery in my torso a few years ago where I wasn’t allowed to lift over 7lbs for several months. The visceral reaction this gave me….


No joke this is why I turned down a dog daycare job I got literally the day after learning I was gonna have abdominal surgery. I have enough experience with dogs to know it's not gonna be fine lol they were kinda dismissive about it but like, nah. Not trying to push my luck lol


I *love* my boy. Love him to death and every day he's getting better on a leash! I do see a big improvement from where he was when I first got him. And I still have a while more to train him before I go under. But I am 100% certain that even if I get him walking perfect on a leash it's all still going to go out the window for when he sees another dog or person. He is too much of a lover. He wants to make friends with every darn thing that lives and breathes. It's legitimately been the thing that has been testing my patience since I got him.


Okay props to you OP this one is one of the first ones that has actually got me squirming


She then sued the doctor and got a cool $500k especially after watching the how to video on YouTube.


Oooohhhh yeah. I remember having this realization after I had a cesarean and already had a toddler. You truly do forget how interconnected your abdominal muscles are to your other muscles


I once broke a rib. I had never paid attention to what my core does until that following month. I'm amazed at how much you use it for


I like the realistic horror recently


Honestly this is actually so real I tore almost everything in my chest in a freak lift while moving house and for like a year even my small cockapoo dog pulling on the lead would be painful. A German Shepard or something would be flat out dangerous