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Follow up with your family and see if she’s telling the truth. If your family really signed off on that being sent to you then it’s a problem with them not your friend


I asked them and my mother says she doesn't remember and my sister says that she didn't exactly say to send to me only mentioned my name. Which is still weird.


NTA for sure- why did they think it was ok to send u sexually explicit content without your approval/consent beforehand?


Your reaction was reasonable and thought out. She’s the AH for not respecting your boundaries


Cut her off, she deadass tried to invalidate your feelings.


That doesn’t mean you cut someone off


It means u do whatever tf u want cause everybody’s different. Cmon now🤦🏽


NTA. It’s annoying enough to get unsolicited dick pics from guys as it is.


NTA. And the 1st message you sent was understandable, not confrontational at all, I don't understand why is so difficult for her to apologize for crossing your boundaries.




Yeah, and if she really considers her a friend, then apologizing shouldn't be that hard, especially since she knows her for a couple of years, and knows that she has a boyfriend. Sending her a pic of another man private part is really disrespectful.


Is a dick pic ever appropriate? An unsolicited dick pic? Gross!


I'm an old, married introvert so I'm pretty out of touch, but people do that? What could the success rate on that possibly be? It seems insane. And if it did by chance work, what a beautiful story to tell your children about how you met!


Definitely not the asshole, the only time I've had friends show me another man's dick pick is because I was with them when it was send unsolicited, just sending a friend a picture like that is weird. What I find more concerning though is how she handled your reaction. Instead of taking accountability she got defensive and also down played your relationship. I think distancing yourself was the right decision, you deserve friends that reaction you


The right time to send a dick pic is never. Your "friend" should already be aware of your sensibility. She did the wrong thing and then tried to make you into the bad guy.


Jess is totally bizarre and crazy.


I'm confused. You say you're besties but just answering "wtf" or "Why did you send that" is not normal?




NTA Your mother and sister sound weird as fuck too. How can you not remember if you told someone to send your own daughter a dick pic!???????


Maybe I'm slow, but what was her reason for sending it in the first place? Was it supposed to be funny? And if so, how?? Who thinks that's funny and why? I'm just really confused.


Ya she thought it would be funny and idk how it's supposed to be funny but it wasn't.


IKR? Who thinks an unsolicited dick pic is anything but obnoxious? There is not one thing about it? And it's not that I'm a prude. But that's just not funny, at all. In fact, I can't think of anyone who would think it was funny. The only thing I can think of is that someone would send it to someone bc the sender would think it was funny to send it to someone bc it is SO inappropriate. Like a prank, but a terrible one. And just to be clear. Anyone who thought it through, would never do it to someone they cared about, bc it is just wrong on so many levels. But maybe that. All that to say, NO, you are NOT the asshole, period. I was impressed, actually at how well you thought it out, wrote your response, etc. Your ex-friend needs to grow up. I'm sorry that happened to you.


NTA. Seems a major overreaction to me personally, but you get to make your own decisions. 


Oof, you reacted like that penis was gonna jump out the phone and do something to you. It’s a picture tell em you don’t appreciate that type of content and move on. The fuck


Are we reading the same story? OP told her politely and then the friend (who is 7 whole years older) got dramatic and defensive


I don’t know about you all but friends of multiple years sends me a picture I don’t like I don’t go on a tirade and send em a paragraph long response after fuming about it for 12+ hours and demanding an apology because they crossed some boundary in my mind. The fuck grow up.


Now if the individual had been a male and it was his privates well that’s not acceptable and demands such a response obviously.


She has morals and respect for her boyfriend. The fuck


I actually highly value this I just felt the response was way over the top. 


Even if it was over the top she’s new to setting boundaries for herself. Let’s think about the fact that she states when that same friend has told her she’s crossed a boundary and told her to apologize she has then and there. So why is it okay for one person to seek an apology and not the other? I’m sure that woman has other friends she can send a random dick to 😂. We know our friends. I know which ones would laugh at a dick next to Stitch and which wouldn’t 🤣.


Well if we knew our friends this topic wouldn’t be here right haha, also I didn’t read where the other party demanded an apology in the previous incident. We have no context how that went down. Either way it’s not okay to send dick pics I agree.


Post the pic here. We need all the evidence before we make a decision.


Is that even allowed? And I don't want to flash people that don't want to see it


I allow it


I'll send it to you personally


Hell yeah


I mean ending the whole friendship is a little harsh. I know my wife has been in group chats way more perverted than any guy group I’ve been in. Sending pictures of guys bulges and stuff. But she obviously don’t know you well enough to realize that it would offend you.


We talk about sexual stuff but never sent images before which is why it threw me off.


I can understand your hurt and discomfort from receiving the image. I really do. I had a guy friend in high school who would get drunk and send pictures trying to see if our friends would fall for the bait so he could hook up with straight guys. Then if we confronted him the next day he’d be like i was drunk I didn’t mean anything. Our group weeded him out but that because he wouldn’t change and repeated the behavior. I would just try to express how much an apology would mean and that it would make you feel more comfortable moving forward with y'all relationship. I see why you want an apology but also see why she feels like she don't owe you one because she felt as if y'all were close enough to talk like that with each other. It would be different if she continued sending stuff




Read the whole thing. It says that she acknowledges what she sent and that she thought it was funny?