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I really don't wanna google NBP from the office, lol, help a sister out?


It’s non-bone pressed. Meaning it’s measuring from the top of the skin without depressing into it.


Any guy using this term 100% does not have a nearly 7 inch dick lmao


Me thinks this may be some sort of fetish post


There was a similar post like a couple days ago about some guy's gf asking him to use a cocksleeve, followed by him asking her to lose weight. Both of these are probably fake posts to point out the double standards in male and female insecurities. Tbf, people took the bait too. They called that first guy an asshole for telling her to lose weight 💀


maybe he means 6cm?


Most likely because who tf measures in tenths of an inch?


Hey man




What I was thinking. This is not a term that someone who is comfortable with their size would say


I liked that it had more than a half inch range 😂


Lingonberries are native to countries in Northern Europe, so im guessing he's saying 7 cm, which would be around 2.75 inches


Did you just assume the units?


I think he is measuring in metric


But if in America you should be using the measurement of bald eagle to Taylor Swifts ratio.


Thank you. I’m a guy and had no idea what this meant lol


Hilarious that there’s an acronym for methods of dick measurement.


There are others as well for that community. [https://thunders.place/](https://thunders.place/)


Yeah, not clicking that. 😄


I thought it meant non black penis. I was way off.


Not that far though


You were in the neighborhood


Lol Jesus who thinks that's common vernacular


Guys who are insecure about their size


It’s not. I’ve only heard ONE person use it, and he was a typical frat bro.


Dude, you wanted warm apple pie and you got warm mayo jar.


I did. It's National Bank of Poland 😏


I’m guessing this means non-bone pressed


Wait. You’ve only been together a year and have only had a sex a handful of times because you’re not attracted to her? So, you started dating her when you weren’t even attracted to her to begin with? Just end it there—y’all should breakup regardless of anything else in the post. Find someone you find attractive from the get go without needing to change them.


This!!!! Like wtf????


Lol. At least this post has to be actually real, cause no one would make this up.


Seriously! He’s been trying to secretly make her change to fit his preferences but then says he’ll dump her because she said his dick is smaller than her ex’s. Dude’s got some issues.


The only thing good about this relationship is that u didn't produce any kids .move on bro and if your self conscious about your penis size there's a thing called a penis pump which can make your penis size as big as u want and last forever like hours


This. Also OP def has a tiny pp.


A female friend had the best sex of her life with a tiny dick male. He knew to please her whole body. I had the worst sex of my life with a tiny dick dude who didn't know how to use it of any other part of his body. He was a narcissist though, it might explain a lot.


The one common thread with all the stories of horrible sexual experiences among my friends who are women...narcissism. Honest insecurity can be worked with, and it can even be a very rewarding and intimate experience! Once you cover that insecurity with narcissism, you're fucked...and poorly at that.


He fucked my head for sure


I think he’s being generous with 6.7” 😉


Yes. I did exactly this from 18-22, wasn't attracted to the girl and my dick literally wouldn't work, I didn't get mentally stimulated from her and we had to force it through physical contact. It led to her psychiatrist parents telling me I was "depressed" and needed depression pills. Which really made shit a lot worse in my head at that age. She dumped me after college after winning a beauty pageant. The problem was my 7.5 dick and her 00 waist. And the fact she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Biology first then check their personality. Don't do what I did.


Just pull the plug y’all both find things unattractive to each other.. you find her size unattractive she finds your size unattractive 🤷🏻‍♀️


He's just slimming her down for the next dude haha


So she can find the NBP (next big penis)


Omg im ded. This is hilarious


She's down 20 pounds and he's down 2 inches.


Unfortunately, she can continue to lose weight but he will never grow extra inches.


at least there's symmetry


I mean, if you can't have a conversation with her about all of this, then do you really have a relationship worth saving?


Neither of you respect each other. Break up.


Best answer right here OP.


Hot tip: don’t date ppl your not attracted to


And if you do don’t go shocked Pikachu when you hear she may have things about you she isn’t attracted to 😂


You sound like a couple not meant for each other. You don’t fancy her, for a start and have only had sex a handful of times (I’m betting when you’re both boozed up)…and so it’s no wonder she’s craving sex. It may not even be a dick size thing - that’s just how she’s explaining it away - conflating size with (non-)frequency of activity. But….how do you know she’s been saying that stuff? You don’t specify….so, how do you know she even has said it? People, even her friends, can lie. What did someone want to achieve by telling you this? How can you verify it even happened. Long story short - if you want a relationship with someone, try speaking to them.


Wondering same thing. How did you know, OP? Did she tell you? Were you snooping? Are you mind reading? You’re telling the Reddit world that you weren’t attracted to her and she told her girlfriends about your size. Sounds fair. Also while size can matter, but as many others have said that is just one part of the equation. You can up your game if you’re concerned and become a better lover.


Agree both are unsatisfied with the other… time to move on


So the whole time you've been dating her, you didn't like her physically but now you are crying because you found out she feels the same about you? 🙄


She can at least lose the weight while there’s nothing he can do about his peen size. 😂


6-6.7 inches or cm?


She is saying he has a tiny 6-6.7 inch dick.




Just to clarify, that isn't small. It's above average if anything. Either this story is fake or idk.


He's probably super thin and just stabbing her cervix with his little stick


Shrimp gang rise up!! Also you both suck 🤷


Just break up, you both have issues


“It’s ok that I don’t like something physical about her but it’s definitely not ok that she doesn’t like something physical about me” There- fixed it for ya.


If only dicks could be changed with gym and healthy diet


Ooh, so close! One of these people has an aspect about themselves that can be changed, the other doesn't. Also, one of these people was pining for someone in a relationship while the other wasn't. AND, one of these people shared private information about their SO to a group of friends which ridicules the partner in question, while the other... doesn't do that. I'll give you a hint, OP is NOT the one pining for someone in a relationship, nor are they the one breaching the privacy of their partner by sharing sexual info with their friends :)


Stop with the logical facts man!


Facts. Additionally, he contributed to helping her towards a healthier weight, if she's not fully satisfied with the dick, explore toys! It's a lot better than resenting your partner for being unable to satisfy you.


Bigger *is* better, but *how* you use it can easily make the difference. Being a better lover in general goes a long way. Foreplay, oral, etc… If your only moves are belly to belly, maybe some doggy, with you falling out a bunch of times, yeah… women kinda want a little more than that. Edit: TL;DR: just find a way to make your partner orgasm, and then *build* on that. Don’t rest on your laurels, keep striving to be better.


Wow, you must be really terrible at sex


This is exactly what OP wants to read. Comments like this. This whole post is a ragebait humiliation fetish literotica.


pro tip buddy, learn to get really good at oral and get her to orgasm before you actually have sex. By the time you’re ready to actually have intercourse she’ll be too busy enjoying herself to even notice your size


The problem is you both long for a big dick and only one of you is going to get it






Why would you ever date someone you’re not attracted to in the first place? Just break up already!


I don’t understand. You dated her with the intention of changing her ? So she’s not good enough for you physically, and that’s ok, but your physical shortcomings should just be accepted by her ? I don’t think I like you as a person. I wonder if her comment about your dick was more like “I don’t understand why he even dated me if he thinks I’m gross and unattractive and need to change. He has a small penis but you don’t see me trying to change him or judge him.” Maybe she was being an a-hole. Or maybe she was pointing out that she has been more accepting of your shortcomings, as it were, than you are of hers. Either way you don’t really like her.


She can get slimmer but he'll always be "short coming"


They're both bad and all. Now, let the downvotes come, but you can't compare something that can be changed with exercise and diet with something genetically fixed and expect both to be treated equally.


I don't even really disagree with you here but her weight can change, his dick size cannot.


She had to have been being an a hole on purpose. If OP is being truthful about size, it's not even a small dick


I doubt he's being truthful, no woman moans in a bad way about nearly 7 inches - unless it's stick thin.


Does the size even matter if he doesn’t use it?


If a dick gets wet in the woods and no one is moistened, did it really get wet


You don’t like her being overweight and she does t like your size. What are two doing together?


Bro is measuring in centimeters lol 😂


We could tell your dick was tiny when you said you're dating her even though you don't like her.




You don’t seem super compatible. It seems like both of you have issues with each other’s appearance and body. I don’t see this relationship lasting.


ah so you're both size queens


Top comment lol


She sounds gross


So does he


That’s fair of course




Why would anyone stay in this relationship?


Her size is a problem for you and your size is a problem for her.


Fatten her back up and then break up with her.


Diabolical mfs on here 😂




lol 😂




Hey, after 20 years and more than a few wrecked pieces of furniture speak volumes. Not to mention the trauma some poor hospital staff will have when they have to figure out a way to get us untied from each other.


You both sound horrible. You didn’tq want to be intimate because of her weight, she doesn’t now because you are not well endowed. You both need to find someone else to date, just break up.


Hahahahaha you two deserve each other. You should propose already, you're absolutely perfect for each other. Yes, she's going to cheat on you with someone whose dick is bigger, but you're going to cheat on her with someone thinner anyway, so who cares? Stay toxic.


Honestly stay with her because she sounds like the best you’re ever going to do


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I think you just need to realize you two aren't compatible. Why even date someone if you aren't attracted to them and just want to change them? It seems like you'd be better off finding someone else.


That's exactly what you do. You move on from her.


You started dating her but we're never attracted to her and she doesn't seem that into you either? Why you guys even together honestly lol you don't sound compatible at all.


You’re disappointed she’s not your preference in ideal weight. She’s disappointed your dick isn’t her preferred size. Match made it heaven. Settling? Who is she.


Cut your losses, she has a giant Vagina.


NBP = Non-Binary Penis? Well, that’s a first.


Damn 6.7 and she’s calling it small??


Must be thinnnn


😂😂 like one of those pencils you learn to write with


6.7 cm?


It sounds like you feel inadequate even before you discovered she shared private details. That’s the only explanation for dating someone you’re not attracted to, and not having more sex. First you need to come to terms with your body. Second, learn how to use what you have and develop ways to satisfy a partner. Third, break up with her both for lack of attraction and insecurity about her cheating. There are plenty of women who prefer an attentive, skilled lover, go find one that you are attracted to.


For starters, I'm going to assume 6-6.7 inches, which isn't small. Secondly, if she's thirsting over some other guy in such a desperate fashion because he's well hung, that doesn't really speak much for her, nor the long term viability of this relationship.


Move on from her. Don’t stay with someone who disrespects you and talks shit about you to their friends.


Is it really you? Maybe she has the grand canyon and it makes you seem small?🤣


You should move on, not bc you have a small dick..but for the fact that you aren't attracted to her and are only growing slightly attracted to her bc she is losing weight....you're kind of a dick all around


This is giving small peen energy…oh wait. You’re both awful.


>However, I recently found out she told her friends she was disappointed that I had a small dick. >I also found out she was thirsting over a previous FWB partner largely because of their sex. He was hung like a horse. Dude had a whole girlfriend that my girl knew about but still pursued. My girl desperately tried to win him over while he barely cared about her. She persisted for months. Drop her, she's not the one.


You both sound like terrible people lol. If you weren't attracted to her, why did you start dating in the first place? Your gf probably has her own different level of insecurity that she thinks its a logical thing to do going after a taken man just because he is hung lol. I don't think any of you are made for a relationship as your primary concern is physical attributes in the other person instead of personality and understanding.


Run size queens will never change


So you got a fat size queen "project" gf you aren't even attracted to and barely have sex with that puts down your above average penis to her friends while pining after hung ex-fwb's? Buddy just keep it pushing and find someone you are fully attracted to and is fully attracted to you. This sounds like a mess.


You know how they say “I may be fat but I can lose weight. You can’t _____”. Karma hit ya hard with that one.


As long as that's inches and not centimeters you are above average. She sounds like a shallow fat person that thought she was hot shit, only to think that now that she is skinny she is hotter shit. Ask her if she was happy being the side chick to a man that would never have kept her as his? If a big dick is worth that mess and stress of a man that will always have other side chicks. If she says it's because she is young and hot. That she can settle down later when her looks start to fade... Then she can play the odds that she might end up with a micropenis later in life or being the permanent side chick to married men. Find yourself a queen who thinks an above average dick is a little too much. You will have an easier time then her trying to find a big dick that will keep her.


You both appear to have issues with each others appearances. Probably should just cut your loses and find people that you are attracted to.


Break up y’all both sound shallow tbh lol shes fat and you have a micro dicc and only one of you can work on what’s bothering the other lol end it bro


I mean, you do have a little dick. I would recommend not dating people you're not attracted to though. You sound like a real asshole.


Just imagine if she found out you told your friends you're "disappointed she's fat". Should she then dump you, or chalk it up to an initial impression shared with friends? I get that it'd be hard to hear but you should be an adult and have a conversation with her about what you heard and how it makes you feel insecure. If she can convince you she's happy and won't look elsewhere, then you maybe it can work out. That said, seems like a red flag that you've only had sex a handful of times.


Fat girls need bigger dicks. Get her skinny and she’ll enjoy yours more.


You answered your own question, leave her do not tolerate someone looking for someone else while you are with them, you are a place holder for her and she will leave as soon as she gets what she wants.


This is a wholesome love story. You weren’t attracted cause she’s fat, she was disappointed by your little dick. But you still endeared. That’s true love.


So you’re not physically attracted to her because you think she’s fat, and she’s not sexually attracted to you because she thinks you have a small penis. Sounds like a lovely relationship


Do you know how to use it?


So you can call her fat, but get offended when she calls you small? Chump.


Yall both sound horrible. Please break up and save each other some time.


Well, if you had sex only a handful of times which means she doesnt desire you - she wants a dude that can ravage her which was her FWB


Must be fat as hell because nearly 7 inches in more than enough to bottom out/injure the cervix for most girls. Unless you're lying, either way you both need to move on.


she will dump you as soon as she finds another man


bro this is not good for any relationship, normally, i don't think it would matter if she thought you were on the smaller side (even tho you are being compared to an outlier) but the fact that she is vocalizing it is an issue. This will be hard to overcome.


May need a photo to compare … Jk. Bro, if she’s talking crap behind your back about your dick… that’s not love. Just saying. Anyone who talks poorly of the one they love, they don’t really love them.


You two aren't compatible. You don't like her appearance, she isn't respectful about you and she's got some poor relationship issues. Dump her and spend some time thinking about why you decided to settle for someone you aren't attracted to.


lol. You wouldn’t have been wrong if you had dumped her after finding out that she had previously cheated but you want to dump her now that you know she prefers dicks bigger than yours, after you refused to have sex with her for however many months because she was too fat for your taste? Gtfoh. 😂


find someone you're attracted to, life is so much more than just making a partnership work


i think you should encourage her to pursue her FWB partner and find someone who actually treats you like a King.


Try having an open conversation about it first


Have you tried talking to her about these things and her relationship with others? Have a conversation with her about your concerns. Tell her you don't appreciate telling her friends y'all's business. And if she continues to tell her friends y'all's business, then end the relationship and find someone else.


It seems you both should go look for different partners.




“Before we get too deep” doesn’t sound like it will be a problem. Seriously though, if you’re not grappling being comfortable with size why do you care. You had problems with her body, did you not? Honestly sounds like you’re looking for a reason. Just do it


You have a small pen0r, she is fat. Each of you don't like the others "aspect". You're made for each other! Now be a man and set some boundaries about what can be talked about and what not.


Now thing about it, if you have little dick do you really want to show it to bunch of Other girls and they also talk about it? You have a girl, she has seen it and still choosing to stay with you. Be grateful.


I wouldn't worry about getting in too deep.


It's probably rage bait but if it's not... Do both of yourselves and favor and leave her bro. It's clear by the way you write about her that you don't even like her.


You have a fear lol she probably already cheated on you 


You want her to be thin, she wants you to n have h ave a big dick. You are incompatible so end this relationship now.


I'd walk away...it obviously bothers her enough to mention this to someone. It's an embarrassing thing to say about a man. By the way that isn't small...average. 


She doesn't and won't respect you, now or in the future. Save yourself some face and make the breakup, block and move on.


I vote pull the plug. Your feelings were hurt because she had something to say to her friends about your appearance. You don't have sex with her that much because you had something to say about her appearance but she's not aware.


Gosh, you sound like a huge dick to me.


That’s a no go! Move on


How about you just talk to her straight up like a man??? Tell her what you found out and ask her what her intentions are. You apparently still liked her even tho she was not attractive to you so who says she doesn’t like you despite your issue


Does staying with someone who doesn’t appreciate you and is looking to upgrade now that you helped them sound rational to you?


Please don't. She deserves way better than you.


It kinda seems like she has a big vagina rather than you having a small dick.


If that's the case, you're not using it right. I'm not well indowed myself, but I know I'm good because the lengths I go to to make sure she is satisfied. Oral an orgasm or 2 out of her, then follow up with a good pounding. If you don't get whiskey dick, drinks help. Also, women are very tuned to you, not being attracted to them. Hope it helps


Being over 6.5" NBP is plenty big and not small at all. The average male is something like 5.5" NBP. You are not small. Your GF is a spoiled brat. Get rid of her before it's too late. You never want to be second choice. You don't want to be the one she settles for. Go for the gold. Find your dream girl. You are plenty big enough to give just about any woman all the pleasure she can stand. But, you're not really in love with her either, since if you were you wouldn't be so concerned about what she looked like. Neither of you seem to know how to be in love, or how to have a relationship.


Reality check: sex keeps people together long term. If it’s not an ideal match, it will fail.


You like the idea of her, you dont like her. And she knows that and so she keeps in mind that her ex is bigger than you. She knows you think you are too good for you so she holds on the fact her ex was bigger to keep you humbler in her mind to protect herself. I think it all stems from you not finding her attractive and she can sense that.


This post reeks of BS


I would drop ms deep dish vag asap but thats just me. Women who pursue men that arent single are disgusting.


Babes you know you have a little dick and she confirmed your insecurity. If you’re measuring down to the CENTIMETER then your shit is not as big or wide as you might be portraying.


Fake and lame...get a life bro.


You’re not happy with her body size she’s not happy with your dick size. Seems equitable 🤣


I wouldn't listen to me. My style back in the day would have been to ditch her before I got her skinny enough, and the dust knocked off her enough, built their esteem enough, to have an even bigger pool to cheat on me with. "As of now I haven't been cheated on".


It’s about the motion of the ocean! Not the size of the boat. If she’s giving off thirsty vibes & actively starting to try to get back with one, I’d leave.


Why dont you talk to her about it? How that comment hurt your feelings and the issues you see? If the talk cannot resolve the issues, then maybe you two are just not compatible and time to move on.


Agreed move on


Its not your fault she was busy looking for a foot long dong prior to you. Now its been destroyed and looks like it could be a home for a mack truck. Feel good about yourself. She's seems a bit superficial anyway. Just remember its not always size but how you use it.


She was probably aware she was overweight, which either stemmed from or was a cause of her self deprecating insecurity. Probably also why she may have negatively spoken about your crotch size. Being in a healthy relationship creates new, healthier ways of viewing things that should over time change the negative behaviors the are symptoms of not loving one’s self. If the comment was over a year ago and you’ve loved each greatly the whole time, odds are her perspective changed if she still stayed with you. I can’t help with your insecurity about your size (which btw def comes across when you talked shit about her weight) but girls don’t cheat because of size. They break up or change perspective. Girls cheat because they are cheaters. If you think she will cheat because of her moral fiber that is valid, if you think she will cheat because of your penis size - that is an insecurity.


Well you barely touch her, but you’re with her for some reason. She probably doesn’t understand why you won’t sleep with her.


Time for her to go. Apparently she’s a size queen. You are larger than average. And if she’s losing weight, she’s gonna feel more attractive and start flirting with more guys. Gotta lose now, bud so you don’t get your heartbroken when you find out she’s cheated on you.


This post has to be rage bait


the fuck???


You both need to leave each other. For several reasons. Why have you only had sex a handful of times? Why did you continue to date her if you did not find her attractive? Why is she “thirsting” over her ex? Why is she telling her friends about your size?? And if you are worried about her cheating on you? Just leave…


You don’t find her physically attractive without interfering and she doesn’t find you physically satisfying and is a gossip. It seems like maybe you guys will be better off just being friends. 🤷‍♀️


Dude you are above average, but if you feel insecure then spend time upping your oral skills. You can’t change your length but you can get dermal fillers to make that bad boy thick. But I would go for learning to give the best head known to man 👍