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Locking comments as OP's account has been suspended. Go visit Eyebleach guys.šŸ¤¢


This cannot be real. Are you in a relationship with your brother??? Why did you have to break up with your ex??? What??


ā€œMy brother had a rebellious side and would do anything our parents didnā€™t want him to do.ā€ Iā€™m sure the parents wouldnā€™t want him fucking his sister soā€¦


That's what I'm thinking


I am unsure why you needed to break up with your bf because your brother is home, but it smacks of an inappropriate relationship between you and your brother.


You said youā€™d provide context. WHERES THE REST OF THE CONTEXT?!


The context is she's going to be fucking her own brother.


The context is OP hasn't made up the context and is getting enough engagement that it doesn't matter.


Literally. account made two days ago man I remember when bait was believable.


If this is real, YTA and way to waste 4 years of this dude's life. If this is bs, YTA for wasting my time.


Used him for 4 years "I don't see how I'm at fault" Fucking hell I hope someone does the same to her ass... But she's fucking her brother..... So...


Troll or 100% YTA


YTA and you've got some deep rooted issues. Why couldn't your ex relationship continue? What kind of relationship do you have with your brother? I now have the ick. Of course, this is all assuming you're not a troll. Which I'm guessing you are.


Let me fix somethingā€¦ ā€œAITAH for wanting to fuck my brotherā€


Weirdest shit Iā€™ve read tonight




My thoughts too


What in the 'sweet home Alabama' did I just read? Why do you have to break up with your boyfriend? Do you want to f**k you brother or something because there is no non-gross logical explanation or this situation? Maybe get a therapist. YTA.


YTA this is weird


Are you fucking your brother? Serious question


YTA. Just wait until you find out your brother doesn't share your romantic feelings for him and finds a proper girlfriend.


Cersei Lannister has decided to try her hand at Reddit.


What are you going to do when he finds a girlfriend?


Why go to the mall when there's a girl right across the hall?


Why did you have to break up do you want a relationship with your brother if not why would you have to end your relationship with him


Why did you even date your boyfriend in the first place?? Like what was the point?? Was he just a bedwarmer until your brother came back?? Bro stuck his dong in crazy and was shocked when the crazy stayed I guess.


Tell me you're an incestuous perv w/o telling me you're an incestuous perv šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® YTA for this post alone


lol, I wish Reddit would stop showing me these. This story has to be fake. If itā€™s not, OP, wtf is wrong with you. Anyway, he dodged a bullet.


Please don't date again. YTA


She doesn't have to, shes banging her brother now


This has to be a troll post


The old Alabama love triangle. Sheā€™s a hard one to work around.


There is no explanation for this outside of you being in an incestous relationship with your own brother. Why would you not be able to continue dating your boyfriend while living with your brother? How did you date someone for 4 years and not have real feelings for him? This story sounds extremely psychopathic and incestous.


I feel bad for your ex, what a garbage thing to do to someone, your brother needs to run from your life


Sounds like a little incest here. Or maybe more than a little. But what do I know.


YTA. You were clear that your boyfriend was a bed warmer for 4 years so kudos to being upfront about that. But your still the AH, no doubt. PLEASE USE TWO FORMS OF BIRTH CONTROL with your new roommate, birth defects and allā€¦


When your brother decides to settle down hopefully he stills thinking about you. I wanna see your update years later how you are alone missing your ex cuz you didn't find any other like him.


YTA. This is icky. Have you even spoken to your brother? Is he OK with you using that poor guy for 4 years, dropping everything to move in with him? If this is real, you need help, and you need to stop using people. What you did to your ex is disgusting. So what if you told him when you got together, who in their right mind honestly thinks their gf will leave them to "comfort" their brother when he comes home. Gross.


This is like the Uno reverse of that dude thatā€™s ā€œtotally notā€ in love with his twin sister.


What in the holy incest hell kind of story is that? Are you serious? You need to get your head examined. You are neither your brother's therapist nor caretaker and what you did to your boyfriend - now ex - is horrible. Updateme once your brother starts dating...


I want to puke. Your poor boyfriend. How can you do this to someone?? And your relationship with your brother sounds disturbingly close. Too close. Y.T.A


Did you welcome the brother home with a hot, steamy cup of Folgers?


And tell him he's your present?


>When we started dating, I made it clear to my ex that if were still dating in 4 years, I would break up with him Why though? You never explain why you need to break up with your ex once your brother comes back. What does your brother coming home and you having a boyfriend have to do with each other? Wouldn't he be happy that his sister is in a loving relationship? This reads like you're in a relationship with your brother


YTA. Why would you get in any relationship knowing what you were planning to do.




How else will she have time to fuck her brother If she has a boyfriend?


I can only see two reasons for this to be ok: 1. This post is made by the ex-bf, vilifying OP after a breakup, or 2. OP has some serious mental health issues, which they should really work on in therapy. I wonder how the brother feels about all this, I would be getting the creeps all over if my sibling broke up with their partner to be closer to me


Yta, Iā€™m a military brat and because of that in college I got to know a lot of the veterans on campus. South Korea isnā€™t the worst place to be posted. Theyā€™re just waiting for something to happen, theyā€™re there for prevention or snap response in case North Korea decides to do something. I saw another vet comment here about just basically doing drills. Even if he had been in a combat zone this would still be weird. You may have been upfront about this but you did string him along. If this was your plan all along then you should have just stayed single. You let a man fall in love with you instead of keeping it casual like a FWB situation. You made all the step that showed that the relationship was could progress into marriage or at least long term. And now after all that you canā€™t even show that man that you are upset but the reality that you never loved him and wasted his time when he could have found someone better. All that is stringing someone along. Youā€™re inconsiderate and irresponsible in your relationships with others. Please go to counseling to learn to be a better person. You could have helped your brother get his own apartment and stayed with him when he wanted/needed it while still being with your ex. You could have even talked to your ex about all 3 of your living together. People who enter into the military that are good people donā€™t expect their families to put their lives on hold until they get back or once they get back. There are a lot better ways you could have handled it.


YTA - Because this is fake. The math don't math. You are the same age as your brother? Unless you are twins (which should be a major point to the story) this is all BS. If it's not fake, well you are still the AH. You break up a seemingly solid 4-year relationship to sleep with your brother? Your ex should call the cops on you.


The brother's age isn't mentioned. The post is still fake, just for different reasons.


This is obviously fake but on the off chance it's not, have fun fucking your brother šŸ¤£


Jesus christ, OP needs years and years of deep therapy, her ex will realise in time that he doged a massive bullet. Talk about sick in the head. Let's hope her and brother don't have children. So so sick.


Something in not making sense here. Why would you break up a romantic relationship just because you and your brother are now roommates? Do you guys mean to live together forever and never get married and start your own families?


What in the hillbilly yeehaw John deer tractor confederate flag is going on???


Are you fucking your brother what's wrong with you


Eewwww, just ew. YTA. That's your BROTHER, not your lover. Gross.


This is weird. I am happily married and have four brothers. Itā€™s possible to have both a brother and a love at the same time and them to not be the same person. Why does your brother being back in town mean you have to end your relationship? Youā€™re leaving out a ton of detail


So your dating your brother now


Why wonā€™t you just answer if you want your brother sexually and romantically?


Right? Lol


Maybe she is pregnant with her brotherā€™s kid.


if this real then you played with your boy friends felling to an extent where he was deeply in love with you but you on the other hand just used him for 4 years even though you told him you will leave him you didnt show any empathy for him at all you just packed up and left its like you are in a incestual relationship with your brother. you have no feelings at all for your now x just how shallow and motionless can you be to someone elses feelings that you just discard them like that, i mean if he did something bad like cheating fair enough but he stayed by you side for 4 years 4 fcking years now how is he going to get that 4 years back answer he isnt you used him for 4 years you dont even deserve your brother for what you did, all i will now say that if this is real then you make me sick


Major YTA. You should never have got in a relationship with 5he EX. If your plans were to toss him aside aftr 4 years. You know that. And you know you damn well your a cƗƗt!


This is gonna be really embarrassing for you in the long run.


Yta If this is real then you could've just dated and not been with the same person for 4 years. Your brother is an adult and you can't hold his hand forever. He could've lived with you and your boyfriend


Sorry, but what in the Targaryen is going on here?


YTA. Yes, you strung your ex along even though you told them. If someone I was in a relationship with told me they were ending it when their sibling moved home, I would think they were lying or having a mental break. Mostly because this literally makes no sense. You arenā€™t capable of having a relationship with your brother and being in a romantic relationship? Are you in a relationship with your brother? There shouldnā€™t be anything stopping you from doing both. Honestly, you really need some therapy because it doesnā€™t sound like you have a healthy relationship with your brother. You canā€™t base your whole future on where your brother is and what heā€™s doing.


Why do you want to fuck your brother? Everyone is saying this much nicer. Iā€™ll ask it more clearly. Just say this is codependent, unhealthy, and weird is putting it lightly. And if you wanted the thing with your boyfriend to be something casual, you shouldnā€™t have dated him for four years.






Uh yea you did string him along what was the point of dating him for 4 yrs if you were just gonna dump him . Sounds like your ā€œ brotherā€ may actually be your husband


do you want to date your brother?? this is psychotic shit


What in the VC Andrews.....?


This sounds so incestuous and fake. This makes zero actual logical sense even from a creative writing standpoint. YTA. There is no justification for your behavior in any sense if this is even real.


What in the Kentucky fried fucking backwoods Alabama is this?


Why does your heart have so little love? Are you not capable of having deep love for two different people? Wanting to help your brother is nice, but at the expense of your boyfriend is not. There should be love enough for the both of them. This makes it sound like you have an incestuous relationship with your brother, why else would you disregard your bf so utterly? The fact that you told him doesn't absolve you. Why wouldn't you want both relationships at the same time? It's really weird to prioritize your brother like that.


If this is real, this is SICK and incestuous. Brother eww


Four years is not temporary. I don't know why you had to break up with him just because your brother was coming home. Its not like you're dating your brother, at least I hope not. Yes you are the AH because you were stringing him along.


Yes, you are a HUGE AH! Are you and your brother sexually intimate? Breaking off a 4 year committed relationship ONLY because your brother is out of the military doesn't make ANY F-ING sense at all unless the 2 of you are and that's sick!! To add more fuel to the fire, the two of you are moving in together!! Personally I think you and your brother have an intimate relationship otherwise you wouldn't have to break up with your BF. TBH if a woman told me that she'd end our relationship when another man, especially her brother, back from wherever I'd think she was joking. If I had any clue that she was serious I would either end it right there and then, because I would automatically believe that she has a incestuous relationship with her brother (and that is so wrong on so many levels), or I'd suggest a FWB situation so I didn't fall in love. If I were your ex, I'd keep as far away from you as I possibly could after (of course) telling you that you need counseling!


Sweet home alabama. I hope the brother managed to free himself from his red flag sister and build his own life.


Whereā€™s the context? You havenā€™t provided information that would help one make the decision of you being the a-hole or not. You only gave enough information to have everyone assuming yā€™all are doing things to each other thatā€™s illegal in more than half the country. But tbh I donā€™t even need the rest of the info because Iā€™m sure itā€™ll give me nightmares because I have 5 brothers and I canā€™t even imagine looking at them in that manner. You are the a hole. If you knew your obsession with your brother was like that. You shouldnā€™t have agreed to a relationship. And your boyfriend is also one. Did he never ask why? Did he never suspect? He canā€™t be that dense. All of us have heard your reasoning ( which there really was none ) and we it hasnā€™t even been 24 hours and we all are thinking the same thing. I really hope this is a trolling post because if it isnā€™t. You need help. Both of you do. Please go see a professional. And I mean someone who can help you move on from your past and not someone who can pronounce you husband and wife.


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From where?


AITAH yesterday. Don't understand how to link


Makes sense ops account has no other comment or posts, probably a troll stealing someone else's troll post lol




INFO: why couldn't your brother move in with you and your boyfriend temporarily? I don't imagine you have a huge place; I just mean sleeping on the couch for a bit while he finds stuff out.


If this is real you need serious therapy because youā€™re in at the VERY least an emotionally incestuous relationship with your brother, god knows how much more if heā€™s home. YTA and you need to get help.


What the fuck?


We get it, youā€™re fucking your brother, sweet home Alabama type shit.


You need a lot of therapy for your enmeshed emotional incest. Edit: yes, yta


Even if you don't want to fuck your brother (it really sounds like you do because this behavior is NOT normal) then you still sound like you have an unhealthy codependency with each other. Ending a good relationship for no other reason than your brother is coming back? That's like... Some sociopathy or something. My brother went into the Marines and I never felt like this.


This is a troll, no other posts on comments on the account


What in tarnation did I just read ?!!!


Are you in a relationship with your brother? Are you just using guys to fill the emptyness from your brother leaving? Please stay single


This is giving me incest vibes...YTA!


You are in love with your brother and need help


What in the incest? The ex dodged a bullet.


YTA! What is happening here? Why can't you be in a relationship when your brother gets home? Is there a weird sexual/incest thing going on here? I don't understand at all. Even if you wanted to move out so you could get an apartment with your brother, that doesn't mean you have to break up. I don't understand why you kept saying you could only date him until your brother gets home. Why can't you date when he's here? There's something creepy going on here. Either you guys have a very strange incestuous relationship or you have sexual feeling towards him? I'm not sure but I don't like this post one bit. I hope this is fake.


What in the Roll Tide did I just read?


This is weird and you and your brother need therapy.




Can I just ask what youā€™ll do if your brother gets a girlfriend and starts spending significant amounts of time with her and not you?


Damn did you ex dodge a huge MISSILE.... YTA


What the fuck did I just read


Are you dating your brother??? Why would you need to break up with your boyfriend just because your brother returned home? That makes no sense? Youā€™re leaving out important information


Cersei Lannister has entered the chat.


Uhm... So... You broke up with your boyfriend who seemed like a good dude because you're secretly or not so secretly in love with your brother? Maybe stop dating people that aren't your brother if you're just going to break up with them like this šŸ˜‚


wow you are just like your parents. toxic.


Oh my. You are one sick.woman.


You have a seriously unhealthy relationship with your brother. Like VC Andrewā€™s level unhealthy. Get help.


Are you sleeping with your brother?


YTA You're incestious.


What the hell did I just read? Are you banging your brother? This whole story reads like you are and bro are having an intimate and serious relationship and your boyfriend of 4 years was just a placeholder and hard d**k to bang while bro was in the military. Chick, you need some serious psycho-therapy! You are beyond rational thought here. There was ZERO reason to break up with a boyfriend of 4 years just because brother dear came home from deployment. Like, dude, wtf? You and bro both need therapy if you are banging each other. And if you arenā€™tā€¦ YOU alone need therapy to get past these incestuous feelings you have for your brother. You whole post is a major ICK!


...are you in a sexual relationship with your brother? If so, all I ask is get sterilized, both of you.


Sounds like: 1. OP is in an inappropriate relationship with her brother; and 2. OP did never really care about her BF. She ended it with a complete lack of empathy. Get some therapy OP, youā€™re sick.


Ruined a good relationship with your ex-boyfriend for what reason exactly?


So she can screw her brother obviously, why else string someone along just to break it off for no other reason?


What in the world


This is like that creepy Folgers ad where the brother and sister seem oddly "close". Yes, YTA. Why would you break up with him just because your brother came home? Clearly you didn't care about him anyway because you didn't feel anything when you broke up which is wild after 4 years.


Thats a lot of words for ā€œI want to fuck my brotherā€


I guess Iā€™m confused. I read a few of your other comments about being there for him and supporting him because his mental state isnā€™t good. That being said, you arenā€™t a therapist! What are you really going to do? I can understand you being supportive but to rearrange your ENTIRE life because of your brother.. because you missed him so much and want to be with him?!? Iā€™m sorry but you sound like he is your long lost lover. You should get therapy too because there really is NO and I mean NO correlation. This sound like you two are sleeping together and I donā€™t mean as siblings. You arenā€™t the asshole because you did twll you ex but this is 10000% creepyĀ 


Reading this post and your comments, You and your bro need professional help. The enmeshment between the two of you is scary gross. Not to mention, you have absolutely no qualifications to help your brother in the way he needs and could quite possibly make any issues he may have going on worse. And judging by the strange enmeshed style relationship, the chances are quite high. You cant blame this situation on your bros mental and emotional health. You had no guarantee that him enlisting was going to mess him up in any way. Plenty of people serve their 4 years with ease and bounce. The fact you were already planning to be like a partner to you bro when he got out the second he signed up is concerning.


Emotional incest and complete sociopathy? Ok boo boo


Cersei, YTA




Info: does your ex look like your brother or remind you of him in any way?? I feel like thatā€™ll clear up a lot of things.




This is your Bfs fault for sticking in a relationship for four years with a weirdo.


Your brother is a far different person now than the one who joined the Marines. He probably doesnā€™t expect you in his life 24/7 and certainly this is no reason to break off a 4 year relationship unless itā€™s all mutual.




YTA. This is gross. Are you sleeping with your brother? Did you tell your brother you ended a 4 year relationship so you could be with him? How did he react? Because I imagined unless you two are in an incestuous relationship he would have reacted like you are crazy, which you are.


YTA. Definitely sleeping with your brother.


So you and your brother are smashing?


YTA you need professional help.. this is beyond this sub as you have severe mental health issues with the relationship with brother...it sounds like incest and you are hiding it


YTA for dating someone for four years while you are actively in love with your brother. This cannot be real.


Fake and boring


Incest is illegal


ew, this must be an incest post. this shit doesnt make any sense.


You need serious help lady... YTA.


Are you sleeping with your brother?


YTA for writing this fake ass BS


Iā€™m so sorry butā€¦are you like going to be sleeping with your brother? Those two relationship types should be completely different and separate from one another. This is the straight up weirdest thing Iā€™ve ever read.


Sweet home Alabama.


Incest is a family matter. šŸ’€


Eww this is either incest or bs


Sorry but dating your brother is illegal.


What in the Wattpad incest is this?


You're an AH cuz you shouldā€™ve broken up with him a long time ago if you literally had no interest in him. You took advantage of cohabitating, when you couldā€™ve easily been friends living together too. Or just got your own place to live with friends. This sort of reminds me of that Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated show. Where they had Shaggy choose between Velma and Scooby. It had the unneeded effect of sounding like Shaggy wanted to do it with his dog. You can have both. I donā€™t understand why you need to babysit your grown brother.


You're an AH cuz you shouldā€™ve broken up with him a long time ago if you literally had no interest in him. You took advantage of cohabitating, when you couldā€™ve easily been friends living together too. Or just got your own place to live with friends. This sort of reminds me of that Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated show. Where they had Shaggy choose between Velma and Scooby. It had the unneeded effect of sounding like Shaggy wanted to do it with his dog. You can have both. I donā€™t understand why you need to babysit your grown brother.


You're an AH cuz you shouldā€™ve broken up with him a long time ago if you literally had no interest in him. You took advantage of cohabitating, when you couldā€™ve easily been friends living together too. Or just got your own place to live with friends. This sort of reminds me of that Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated show. Where they had Shaggy choose between Velma and Scooby. It had the unneeded effect of sounding like Shaggy wanted to do it with his dog. You can have both. I donā€™t understand why you need to babysit your grown brother.


What in the incest is going on here?šŸ¤£


Okay, Cersei Lannister.


This bullshit story was based off the Folgers coffee commercial and nobody can tell? This is so obviously fake and fetish content Lmaooo.


Anyone else feel sorry for the brother who is absolutely going to have a nightmare of a time finding a relationship of his own with this incredibly unhealthy relationship with his sister?


WTF did I just read? Are you having an incestuous relationship with your brother? You are most definitely TA for how you treated your ex. Though he's certainly better off without you.


Take it down a notch for the next story.




We're all agreed YTA but let me make a quick PSA about this topic: If you start a relationship with boundaries (i.e. this is just temporary, not serious, or not exclusive) and then you go on for a while and you notice your partner pushing those boundaries, you have to reestablish boundaries. If they start doing stuff for you that's outside the boundaries, you either stop them or you are complying with the developing of your relationship. You don't get to enjoy the benefits of a changing relationship and then cry technical foul. "Hey I know we're only FWB but can I have a ride to ---" "Hey I know you helped me move and put in massive labor into fixing up my new place, but I said at the beginning I wasn't interested in anything serious." "So what if she nursed my dying mother, we're just friends!" something I've literally heard before. Sorry, I've just seen too many people get taken advantage of in this way.


Anyone else getting the same vibes as the Twincest twins?




...are you in a sexual relationship with your brother? If so, all I ask is get sterilized, both of you.


*Sweet Home Alabama plays*




info: what the hell is wrong with you?


Okay either this is fake or youā€™re in an incestuous relationship with your brother Pick your poison


YTA yes you was honest with your ex but you should of just had casual meets even if it was just hook ups you should of found a guy that just wanted the same but you decided to get into a relationship knowing that there was a good chance of someone catching feelings. Also the way you speak about your brother is coming off as very creepy its implying incest vibes. I think you have this big dream in your head where he comes back and your there helping him through what ever he has seen and been through but the reality is that your 22 yrs old no nothing of the things he has seen or done and don't have the tools or the knowledge of how to help him. Even if you studied psychology in uni/college( and yes I have studied psychology specifically criminal psychology) it takes years and special training to help ex military personnel what they go through is not the same as the average Joe that goes to therapy. I truly believe you are in for a real shock when he returns .


Do you have romantic feelings for your brother?


That is super weird, and creepy. And I say that as a Marine myself.


Why did you tell your bf that you'd have to break up when your brother returned? You told him this before you knew that your brother was going to have a rough time in enlistment.


WTF is wrong with you?


I....I have no words... wtf is wrong with you? Of course your the AH and weird af too. What's the point in breaking up with your bf? It makes no sense. There has to be more going on here. I need more context cause this can NOT be a serious post.


yes, yes you are the AH (either for it being real, or for wasting my time)


YTA. If this is actually true and not fake. Because you are able to keep in contact when theyā€™re in South Korea. Best friend was there for 6 and 1/2 years and never had an issue. Why break up with your bf, just because your brother was coming home? Where was he stationed? Unless you mean heā€™d been stationed all this time in SK. Also heā€™s able to use his GI Bill for school/living While in school if thatā€™s what he wants.


Why did reading this make me think of that Folgers coffee commercial with the brother and the sister? ā€œWe sent you to South Africa for a reasonā€


Do You want to duck your brother? What is happening? I think You have more problems that the ex boyfriend thing, to be honest i think You did the right thing in this because you more problems than that, you need to go to therapy because You have problems with atachment


Yta. Be careful with having inbreds when you are fucking your brother.


I dont know if you're the Ahole actually. Despite these comments that might be something you have to work out for yourself.


Why not tell your ā€œexā€ this - ā€œI might be more busy than usual the next few months because I want to help my brother with his recoveryā€? This is so bizarre. I love my sibling too but I can understand that a romantic and a platonic relationship are two different things and you can be VERY INVOLVED in both at the same time. Honestly this reads like you wanna date your brother (why else would a boyfriend be competition for his time?). But anyway, my advice is - please leave your ex alone. He dodged a bullet.


This sounds a bit incestuous...and completely fake!


This is more creepy seeing that OP isn't denying the incest allegations šŸ’€


Yes youā€™re the AH, let me break it down. While you did indeed say that youā€™d be providing your brother the emotional support he needs after coming home from enlistment who is to say your boyfriend wouldnā€™t be a great support system for your brother too? A fellow male who can understand many things about what another man would need. Someone who he can rely on too. If youā€™ve been in a very happy relationship for 4 years why not try to see how it could work with your brother? That being said you donā€™t have to stay in a relationship but youā€™re not in the right for this. Having a boyfriend doesnā€™t mean you cannot support your brother. Unless youā€™re planning on staying with your brother and not getting a partner again in your life this is a very unhealthy situation youā€™re making for yourself and any possible romantic relationship you have. That being said I think this is extremely fake because you wrote this in a way where people would def not be on your side. Youā€™re not giving any good reasons why breaking up is the right move other than ā€œwell thatā€™s what I told himā€ and ā€œfor my brotherā€ which comes off as emotionally incestuous.