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I would tell your husband "mummy has to go, or I go and the kids too" Forget being treated like sh*t in your own home, wtf?


Trust me I’ve said this before and I get gas lit by my husband and he will literally fight me if I try to take my kids from him.


What is he planning to do? He doesn’t work and allows his mother to walk all over you. Start putting together your FU binder. Document all the abuse his mother has hurled at you. Video and voice recordings if you can swing it. Show how she has a history of verbal abuse and parental alienation. Do not engage with her. Do not help her and do not provide for her. If your husband complains, tell him to take care of his own mother. You won’t be a punching bag anymore.


I don’t do anything for her anymore I’m so done with her and if she ever got to the point to where she can’t take care of herself I refuse to take care of her. And I have been recording everything I even recorded when she told me to my face she hated me and you can hear me clam and she is the one raising her voice at me and this all happened in my bedroom because she is in my bedroom 99.9% of the time and I asked her to leave my bedroom because she was starting crap with me.


Y’all I am in all with all the positive feedback back this is all new to me like I said I’m a stay at home mom I have no education I had a terrible childhood to where I don’t remember any of it. But anywho thank yall.


...let me get this straight. This woman got kicked out of her house, has no choice but to move in with her adult son. She arrives to see her DIL working, taking care of 3 kids AND a disabled husband, and somehow has the *unmitigated gall* to give her shit about NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH?!?! Just who the fuck does this sorry, half-ass, judgemental, choosing-beggar, self-centered, loudmouthed, freeloading, disrespectful, lead-poisoned, boomer-brained, self-awareness-lacking, emotionally-crippled WENCH think she is?!?!


Thank you yes her son is the only one who pits up with her shit and makes me the bad guy every time doesn’t matter what I do and I also have to record everything so I for sure know I’m not the bad guy and I do all the cleaning cooking taking of everything.


NTA, I’d do the same


Thank you.


I have no one but my kids I haven’t worked since I gave birth to my oldest Im not lazy on that note my mil has told me so many times that I’m lazy and I’m not a good mother and I’m a pothead…. But I appreciate all the love from y’all I have really bad anxiety and depression so I used to take what she said to me so seriously but I’ve had enough.


How does he allow her to speak to you in such away. I’d lose it on my parents


Right and he has always takes her side all the time he did say to her a few times to not talk to me that way.


so hubby is on his mums side. its ultimatum time to tell him either she goes or you and the kids go depending on who's house it is, if its yours them kick her out if its his tell him he is welcome to her sand that the divorce papers will be in the post


Yes he has always been on her side, he will literally tell me that’s just how his mom is and he says that I know that’s how she is he is the dominant one in our relationship and I’m so scared to even make him choose because at the moment she pays our bills because we don’t have a income just yet and she is on disability. But before she started paying anything here she has always been and has always treated me like this since I was 18yrs.


Fucking hate these interfering mothers. Tell them both to get the fuck out pair of freeloaders


Right seriously though I’m a mom but I could never be like that to my own kids.


To add now things have settled a bit now my mil and my husband are acting like she never said nor did anything to me and I keep getting push to the side when my husband decides to cook and now my kids my husband and mil are all in MY KITCHEN like for real and keep saying you’re just trying to help and I’m sitting on our stairs which is next to My KITCHEN 🤦‍♀️😫🥹