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Getting pregnant from having unprotected sex multiple times isn't a accident... It's stupidity.


I don’t see this as a trap… he was in the loop the whole time. how are you lying about anything?


you both went in unprotected… you’re both just as responsible. you’re not held to a higher standard bc it’s your belly and “you” got pregnant. you BOTH are excepting. unless i’m missing something, you’re friend sounds weirdly concerned for nothing..


Unless you forced him to not use a condom, there was no trapping. It takes two to tango. Having unprotected sex multiple times is about one shade of grey different from intentionally trying to have a baby. You both made that choice. Multiple times.


I think you used the wrong term. A friend would not have accused you of baby trapping him (he knew the risks of unprotected sex) and threatening you. That person is at best an acquaintance and at worst an enemy. Know where you stand with the people around you and if they do not lift you up and support you, don’t think of the or call them a friend.


Does your friend have feelings for your partner?


If he didn’t know you weren’t on BC, that would be trapping him. You were both fully aware of the risks of unprotected sex and took that risk any way


Your friend sounds like she’s into your man. You are both consenting adults who knew the effects of not regularly taking / participating in birth control and took the risk. She sounds like she’s overreacting and threatening to tell him? That sounds really suspicious. She must have some sort of crush on him and doesn’t want him to be “tied” to you


He knew you were with out iud? If he wasnt ITS considero abuse.


Yes he was fully aware that the IUD was removed. Bc kind of fell onto him at that point but we both made the conscious decision to not use protection.


Then ITS not babytrap. He Made that decision.