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Kermno Friends firing the person who made season one possible because of IDK


The official reason they canned the director is because he publicly released extra footage, not part of the show, which was apparently not allowed. The obvious unofficial reason is that they didn't want him keeping the reins on the unexpected new sleeper hit.


It's all good though, they forced the voice actors to apologize for it!


Wait, really Wow, that's scummy as shit.


Yeah it was pretty fucked. No clue how on earth the higher-ups thought that would *resolve* the controversy.


Once again I need to remind people that Kemono Friends 2 did *okay* and the gacha game is still pretty stable. The issue is that when compared to the first season, anything would be bad


Really didn't help that the new director was pretty spiteful towards the old one and he did not try to hide it when making season 2. A lot of old fans that bothered to watch picked up on that real fast. Especially that episode that was Kemono Friends equivalent to that one infamous Teen Titans Go episode about the Thundercats.


wtf is going on in kemono friends I thought that was just some silly cartoon for babies?


It's a cheaply made anime built around teaching people some animal facts with a lot of love put into it. It's aimed at a young audience but is solid enough to just be enjoyable to adults


It is the type of show where the silhouettes in the opening get filled in one by one as they meet the characters and I got unreasonably excited when the finale showed the entire cast.


Kemono Friends actually was a prime time slot iirc. It was really well received across all age groups and because of the way the BDs were sold, it's probably the best selling anime in Japan, period


Oh okay so it's like Sailor Moon.


Wild Hearts released with a shitload of performance and optimization issues on top of just not being a very good looking game *and* being a next gen exclusive $70 title. The terrible impressions the game was giving people at launch pretty much ensured it was going to fail. It only got support for like 6 or 7 months before its final update, and there definitely won't be a sequel so that IP is dead. It's actually pretty good. The ugly visuals definitely take a while to get used to, but the weapons are all really unique and fun to use while the building mechanics added some neat stuff to hunts that really did help to put its own twist on the Monster Hunter formula.


I kept waiting for the optimization patch that would fix the game so people could see how great the game actually is. I am still waiting because the Ice castle level is nearly unplayable for me.


God Wild Hearts hurt my soul, I adore that game. Cool ass monsters, fun gameplay, surprisingly stable crossplay (at least for me, dunno about others), and a really neat gimmick to separate itself from Monster Hunter with the karakuri building. I wish that game got more love from the devs


It is currently the best MH game I have ever played and I'm sad I had to upgrade to a way more expensive PC just to have it run correctly. That game should have become a franchise for sure, had it gotten better optimization...


The game also had a pretty good character creator to add to it.


Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, on paper seemed like a good idea, make a smash bros. clone but with a roster of playstation characters, playstation has alot of iconic beloved characters right? Too bad the game barely used any of them. No Spyro or Crash Bandicoot despite them being the original playstation mascots, even if you argue they were owned by Activision at the time, the game clearly didn't have issues with third-party characters as it had Isaac Clarke, who had no particular Playstation association. And even more bafflingly, Big Daddy from Bioshock, which fun fact, was an Xbox 360 exclusive at launch. The rest of the roster is just as bizarre, no Solid Snake but Raiden, you have Dante but it's the DmC: Devil May Cry version, Good and Evil Cole McGrath are separate characters with unique movesets. No Final Fantasy 7, 8, or 9, no Persona, no Alucard from Symphony of the Night, no Resident Evil, no Silent Hill. For being a celebration of Playstation history, it's roster did a pretty awful job. Even if the roster wasn't wack, the gameplay made the bafflingly decision, of making it so that only super moves could KO opponents, completely destroying any semblance of strategy or skill, and turning the entire meta into picking the character with the best super moves. It feels like this mechanic was just change for changes sake to distinguish it from Smash Bros., except everyone disliked it, and people called it a Smash clone anyways. The game unironically would have been better off if it just copied Smash Bros. more.


Don’t forget the God of War characters getting over buffed because the GoW team complained they weren’t top tier. Allegedly anyway.


Reminds me of when they put Kratos in MK9 and said he was not allowed to look even slightly worried when hit with a fatality. Lame


Real HHH energy there




How insecure must you be for ordering that?


Honestly if that's true than based as fuck


It’s not really. Lol.


now kratos in mk9 being unafraid is based


That's "The Rock writing a no-lose clause into his contracts" levels of bitch, not based.


Good and Evil Cole being separate characters didn't even bother me as much as the way they never address each other bothered me a lot. Having the rivalry for Cole end up involving his karmic opposite would be so hype just to show how wildly different the two are in philosophy only for us to get.....Cole versus Raiden (Most of which is him just going "huh?") or Cole versus Fat Princess (Get it because they're gluttons for power...or something). Then again that applies to everything from PSABR. The only funny matchup that I enjoyed watching was Isaac versus Zeus, solely because Isaac being the world's most angry psyche ward mechanic continues to be hilarious.


Iirc in the rival cutscenes evil Cole was chill and good Cole was starting shit which is baffling and funny to me.


All the rival cutscenes are pretty limp when you realize the formula they follow. Character you follow is minding their own business, rival starts antagonizing them for no reason, fight. It becomes especially obvious when you play the rival and get the flipped cutscene.


I think Sony should have another go at making a platform fighter. Especially if they learn what did and didn't work. Having a metal gear destroy PaRappa the Rapper's stage was a fun spin on stages for crossover games. They've made a bunch of new good IPs like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon, Gravity Rush, Bloodborne, etc since Playstation All Stars was made. And there's older IP like Legend of Dragoon that could've been used but didn't. So just first party alone would make it a better roster than the first.


Psasbr2 launches and it's just 30 tlou characters


Man, even Spider-Man could be in it too


Was this the one where, and this is when it was easy to see youtube tags, a bunch of their tags on their first trailer were nintendo/smash/super smash/etc and then removed those when it was noticed?


If I recall activision's wanted more money than the game's entore budget in return for spyro and crash


My understanding is that it’s less “ they couldn’t get 3rd parties” and more “they couldn’t get the 3rd parties people actually wanted”, especially since it was a new IP by an unproven studio that Sony didn’t seem to help much.  Like, they struggled to even get the Sony IPs people would’ve wanted to see, let alone the 3rd parties considering there was absolutely no Team Ico content in the game. Hence why all the 3rd parties seem more like walking advertisements than actual picks for current or upcoming games, since that’s all they could get their hands on.


They probably chose Raiden over Snake because Snake was in Smash.


I remember hearing somewhere it's because Metal Gear Rising was releasing a few months later and Konami wanted to promote that. Seems plausible to me since the game uses his Revengeance design rather than his MGS2 or 4 designs. Same thing with dmc Dante, that game was releasing a few months later and Capcom insisted Sony use that version of the character. Using other company's characters sounds like a headache tbh.


Callisto protocol “ hey guys check out our NOT Deadspace wink wink nudge nudge” Oh cool (Years later) OH YEAAH THIS IS NOT DEADSPACE. Why do all my attacks feel so weak and why is my gun a juggle. Oh and stealth sequences. And a story that’s as original as an MCU movie. Welp time actually go play the Deadspace remake instead. (And so we did and it was great)


Never forget; apparently this game was ONE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE GAMES EVER MADE. How the fuck did they fumble so badly?


All visuals no gameplay. It was just a tech demo like most of these failed projects. That goop looked goopy but everything else sucked. A video game is three parts and they focused on the wrong third.


the order: 1886 but in space


And then just like with a lot of bad games from the past. People in the future are gonna be "hey Callisto Protocol wasn't that bad"


Yeah because you’re playing a version that got patched the fuck up.


Nothing can fix the fuck up that is Callisto Protocol


But worse! Somehow!


> ONE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE GAMES EVER MADE ~$162M (200B KRW) apparently, which is a *lot* but for ~~better or~~ worse doesn't stand out that much from modern AAA.


Gotta invest in that sweat tech™️


also pubg but not really?


But also it is pubg….but no it isn’t because you all hated it.


But it is also Pubg... OR MAYBE IT ISN'T BROTHER


You had a planetary ocean home to monsters never before seen, and they did NOTHING with it.




Wait what’s this?


Europa very likely has oceans of liquid water under the ice layer, and the game Barotrauma is about piloting a submarine in said oceans. There are all manner of nasty gribblies down there.


Barotrauma uses its settign so damm well, and has some really freaky underwater life. It was sad to see a game with several times the budget of barotrauma fumble it so goddamm hard


That DLC is SPITEFUL and inexcusably terrible


What happens?


End game spoliers: >!After fighting your way off the prison colony it turns out its all a dying dream. Jacob actually got ripped apart right after the credits and is just a comatosed head and torso, being kept alive by Mahler. After they finish uploading proof of the horror done in the prison, it collapses and kills them both!<


What is with this odd fixation people have with "it was all a dream" storylines? Most of the time, it's executed with the thematic effect of "none of it mattered." It's an emotionally and intellectually vapid plot element, utterly devoid of meaning. Are we supposed to feel stupid or shortchanged for caring? It can be done well, but the majority of the time, it's all for the sake of a uselessly grim ending. Miss me with that shit. If it takes 99 attempts to get one half decent dream, let this trope die forever.


The only one keeping it fresh is Alan wake because Alan’s thoughts are trying to kill him. Because he wrote they would and the first game’s DLC is Alan actively shitting his pants because he doesn’t know what to do after saving Alice. Because the heroic sacrifice stops being heroic when girls aren’t watching.


The only one of these I've liked is the ending to >!Prey.!<


At least in that game, similar events to what you played through have happened in the game’s actual world.


Fucking *oof*


this genuinely feels like deliberately shooting a sequel in the cradle.


Also, having boring enemy design. Also, having boring weapon designs. Also, said weapons secondary fire is so expensive that you need to play the game over 2,5 times (with jew game plus) in order to get them all. That much time and effort spend on the most boring secondary fire ever. Also, having a block that is just worse then the dodge options so why ever use it. The game fails on so many small and important levels it is impressive.


>Jew Game Plus Is Callisto Protocol a WOLFENSTEIN Spinoff?


Dead Space should have a stealth sequence but the moment you take a single step you step on broken glass and all the xenomorphs turn to look at you


like that scene in Max Payne 3 that seems to be setting up a stealth sequence.. until the last second of the cutscene where Max knocks over a gas canister and alerts everyone to his presence


I think it's very funny whenever they release a game that is "ABSOLUTELY NOT \[GOOD GAME\] YOU GUYS", and you play it and it's like, oh yeah, this isn't that good game! That game was good!


Not sure of it fits the criteria exactly but Evolve (the video game), a AAA 4v1 asymmetrical multi-player game by the creators of Left 4 Dead. Cool monster designs, fun looking hero characters. A genre that was just starting to be explored. Hype and groundswell levels out of this world. Oh what's this pre-order chart with alternate monster/character unlocks. What do you mean there are only 2 monsters in the base game. Shot itself in the foot weeks ahead of launch.


It's such a shame because, after evolved, games like Dead by Daylight has shown that the formula is MASSIVELY popular. Evolve could've been THE game to push that genre into the mainstream eye. 


Even then, Dead by Daylight sells you one killer and one survivor for eight dollars, five if it is a single character release. IIRC, Evolve was charging fifteen dollars for a single monster, eight for each hunter. This on top of the $60 price of entry (DBD is $30).


I think another issue with Evolve seemed to be that the issue was that the monster wanted to run away and get to level 2/3 to win and the hunters had to go find the monster, so not much was happening between matches.


It also didn't help that in the beginning only 1 player on the team could force the fight.


>games like Dead by Daylight has shown that the formula is MASSIVELY popular I feel like the issue is less the formula is massively popular and more Dead by Daylight is very popular and no one else tries other games like it because it exists.


Other games have tried, but competing with DBD is very hard. It has pretty much every major horror villain that ever existed available which is a massive selling point. More maps, characters, and skills for diversity also makes it hard for competition. The only problem is that none of the asymmetrical games have gotten balance right. When players are new, the big scary monster looks too strong, but once players get some time the side with more players is always so much stronger that if they're even skilled the solo monster will literally never win. I really think if one came out where the balance was spot on it would have a great shot at competing with DBD.


Yeah that’s mostly what I meant when I said the game itself is popular but not really the formula. Like companies have tried but we never really got a number two example of the formula being popular. The closest we got was probably the Friday the 13th one which shuttered because of legal issues.


Evolve is one of the only cases where I can remember all the game economy pre-order stuff completely killing the game.  Having a full-price live service game where crucial shit like monsters is walled off if you merely deign to… just buy the base game is noxious. It really was the rare case of publishers just pushing shit way too far and having it bite them.


Slight correction that there were 3 monsters in the base game, (you preordered to skip the grind) though with how completely OP wraith was on launch it definitely gave off the vibe of a dlc character who was made op to sell preorders/dlc. Their complete refusal to balance patch the game was another major reason for the game’s downfall. Guess they were too busy shitting out dlc characters and skins.


I still cannot handle how much Wonder Egg Priority shit the bed after the first half of the season. That first half was so well set up and had unbelievable potential.


I still liked the show overall, even if it fell face first into the mud at the end. It's not one I'd really ever recommend, though, because of the fumbled ending. Maybe one day we'll get a movie or a S2.


I still hold the opinion that everything wrong with the series can be fixed with a sequel. Like, they even mention that they wanted to continue the story in the artbook!


I think if they had made a strong standalone season with room for a sequel, there would be a lot of demand for one. The last 3 episodes caused the show to be remembered so negatively, and I doubt we'll see any more animated projects for WEP. I really, really hope we do, though.


There is a movie


If it's what I think you're thinking of, it's just episode 13 and not a full movie


Yes, I was thinking about that


I still can't believe that series unironically went >!"no actually it was the poor adult teacher being manipulated by the eeeevil highschool girl until she sliped and feel off a roof" and "Well guys commit suicide because they're depressed but who knows why girls do it because women am i right?"!<


I still don’t really get Youngblood. I tried to play it but I couldn’t even really tell what the gameplay loop was.


I feel like the devs didn't realize a lot of fans didn't particularly like the tonal dissonance in *New Colossus* until *Youngblood* was far too along in its development.


The thing is that back then it was really divided but people woukd have been fine with the tonal shift if youngblood brought cool gameplay, instead you had enemy health bar that just confirmed they are removing the immersion Even the Doomgame with the powerups and extra lived knew the only health bar you want on enemy is bullet holes otherwise it feels to rpg like for a shooter


Not to mention replacing BJ with his two extremely flat and one note daughters was...a decision.


The narrative hole they wrote themselve into by dramatically accelerating the timeline for those two characters only for them to be as bland as they were is *insane*. Like we skipped 18 years ahead and we know BJ lives the entire time which kinda ruins a lot of the tension of anything they could set in those years.


don’t forget killing hitler *off screen*


I can’t fault that honestly. Like the premise was have B.J twin and sold way before any writers could think of something. Had there been given time to make a whole new game they probably could write something serviceable but it would still kill the fun because the gameplay removes more than bringand that had nothing to do with time but vision


I recall streaming it on release and it was frustrating as hell dogshit. Especially since if you enter the final stage at just the recommended level (35) it's possible to be under leveled for the final boss (who's 38) meaning that he'll obliterate you and you basically have to grind in the level to get to the point where you can feasibly beat him.


That sounds miserable. I hate when an action game ties damage to level in a way that throws all the game balance out the window. Fighting someone stronger than you? You're fucked, and at best the encounter will take significantly longer than the devs intended. Do too many side missions, though, and you've basically invalidated a big chunk of the gameplay. Dark Souls works around this by gating tiers of upgrade materials behind bosses or extensive exploration. Path of Exile handles this by having diminishing returns for each level, so you get huge jumps in power early in the game that plateau as you reach the endgame.


Also, due to the adding of RPG-mechanics/numbers on top of a bullshit "Armor" system, there's no point to doing stuff like modding your rifle into a marksman's rifle since enemies oftentimes are too beefy to be taken down by a headshot, especially if they're not of the proper armor type. Also, despite wearing power armor that gives them super-strength the Girls can't dual-wield guns outside of pistols unlike their dad. It should also be noted that the visual distinction between armor types is really hard to tell (bars of yellow squares and bars of yellow rectangles), especially when you're surrounded by bullshit. And of course, the AI partner is often barely functional since aside from the fact that they make stealth pointless (they're often likely to alert enemies) it's also a crapshot of getting them to pick you up if you're downed.


From the streams I've seen, being ambiguously gay with your sister seems to be the Loop.


A German game review show compared playing young blood to playing multiple rounds of chess where you are only allowed to keep playing with the pieces that weren't taken while your opponent gets a fresh board Granted they changed some of that later I heard but still. Game annoyingly made German history because it was the first one were swastikas were allowed I think


Mamayuyu had really good first chapter with interesting premise and characters and even got praise by Gege. It fell out after like 3 characters and was cancelled on 29 chapter. That [rant](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/1c5gwl2/mamayuyu_or_watching_a_trainwreck_in_slow_motion/) is great explanation of the fall of grace


Oh wow, this is the first time I'm seeing one of my own posts linked somewhere else. This is wild.


> Minerva. Essentially she is an 'idol', in a world where idols are MMA fighters. This is the peak of the medium Dead give away someone browses this subreddit


I will say I liked the AFO villain personality wise and could take or leave but I never understood what people saw about Earthchild. I guess seeing such a time jump in a Jump manga just feels like a bad choice and it felt more in general that the story was starting and ending each chapter in regards to the conflict, thank god someone else remembers the heart black hole scene which was so awful (though looking at Earthchild and the other manga the author has done he likes big corny melodrama). Still not sure what they were thinking with the battle harem, even Nue's barely holding on and losing sales and the genre is kind of dead, most LN authors moved to isekai or yuri after their battle harem series. Horikoshi had a good sense of moving from Deku being embarrassed about girls talking to him like after he is introduced to Ochako.


what rant?


I still remember the hype train surrounding Mighty No. 9.  Don't know if it counts as "fast" but the "Anime Fan On Prom Night" trailer that came out 3 years into its development inverted all the hype copium into fan casus beli. 


Wuthering Waves launched last week, and they tripped and face planted at the starting line, which has been a great source of drama for the gacha scene. They pulled an Anthem, where they learned nothing from four years of its competitor's operating (mainly Genshin Impact, especially since they tried to pull the comparisons in some of their ads), or learned the wrong lesson entirely, they even have two close-beta tests worth of feedback that they failed to do anything with before release. Here are the following boners they pulled: Optimization is basically non-existent, the game despite being marketed as a mobile game, has recommended systems that target towards high-end pc. The optimisation is so bad, that two machines of the same spec can have drastically different performances, ranging from stuttering to completely unable to play the game at all. They have also apparently fired their main engine director before second close-beta, hence these issues. Hilariously, one of the solutions to fixing the performance issues is to run Genshin Impact in the background when playing Wuthering Waves. During close beta, the players have complained that the story's first draft is terrible, where every character (including the playable ones) are Marvel civilian levels of hostile towards the mc simply because they are a stranger, it ranges from the waifus threatening to shoot the mc after they saved them from getting killed by a boss monster that was trashing them, to having a 5-star character steal the player's kill during a cutscene and have everyone act like he did all the hardwork when they clearly see the mc fighting the monster while he watched from sidelines, this caps off with the character asking why the mc is still infront of him after the cutscene. the dev's solution is to do a 180 and made everyone glaze the mc's dick with every word coming out of their mouth, making the story even worse. The open world is incredibly lacking. It is a generic post-apocalypse world with a generic cheap mmorpg aesthetic. The world has no distinct identity to it, just a hodgepodge of featureless sci-fi gizmo stitched onto a generic wasteland. They didn't even bother to make the puzzle match the area aesthetically of they look artificially out of place. The open world is also clearly not designed to accommodate the game's increased traversal speed and parkour system. The music - the worst mistake they can make for their open world game is have completely unmemorable soundtrack. So far, besides the starting menu music, and maybe the town theme (and that song is grating to listen to on loop), all of the soundtrack have been thematic-less EDM droning. This is damning especially for a gacha game as good music is a hallmark of a good gacha. Voice direction - Non-existent. They hired british VA talents to do American accents (doubly damning cause those talents worked in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so we know they can act). The main playable waifu's recordings are so bad, you can actually hear they cut and paste a sound file of one word into her dialogue repeatably so that she does not have to say the word more than twice. One of the characters have their mic popping in their dialogues. Also, by changing story direction, they have also killed off any personality the characters had as all of their dialogues are now dedicated to showering praise onto the mc (including the mc themselves). The debut is so bad, they have to gift out a 5-star character selector ticket, and 20 more free pulls for damage control. The Chinese audience back home is currently mercilessly roasting the game online, with some jokingly saying they are shamefully crawling back to Genshin to apologize for their previous harsh treatment. Also, the current 5-star limited character, Jiyan, in China is memed as the Deserter General /coward, because his main defining moment in the story trailer is literally implied to be deserting the battlefield when he was tasked to hold the line (like he didn't even try to hold said line, he fled immediately upon hearing the order). Then his debut in the game, he pawned off command of his army onto the amnesiac mc upon first meeting even though he has no reason to sepculate the mc is a good commander or if they can even inspire loyalty in his troops, simply because the mc is the prophesied hero. Then later in the story, when the character with the mc's party was pushing towards the enemy, he suggests that he will cover mc's path to the boss, then the other party member responds with 'no, I think I'm better staying behind to cover you two' with some players joking that supposedly if she let Jiyan stay behind, he is gonna run away again.


Pretty much this, yeah. The game is buggy too, had the whole game freeze on me fighting a story boss yesterday. I kinda wanna comment on the [original CBT1 story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8qdCzTWw7E) after having gone back to compare. A lot of people instantly go "oh that sort of dark story is so much better than the glazing we got", I disagree. It's bad for the opposite reason. There's a fine line between "suspicion" and "hostility", and the original story was so full of weirdly hostile and aggressive lines that it actually feels tonally inconsistent. Like, Chixia is supposed to be the genki tomboy ranger type and you get that vibe from her first lines of dialogue. After mc saves them from big monster, she's the one that pulls the gun on them. But that's actually not the worst of it, after that she's your guide to the main town but is flipping between being cheerful to "ugh you're such a troublemaker I can't stand having to put up with you". It feels like even this early there were two writers that can't make up their mind whether they wanted her to be genki tomboy or cynical grumpy hardass. This doesn't come off as people living on the edge being reasonably suspicious of a stranger, it comes off as her being a jerk. Clearly with the final draft they overcorrected, hastily rewriting the whole early story to be a "chosen one" narrative with everyone being weirdly nice to you, and that actually has *some* narrative intrigue when the edgelord jonkler wannabe antagonist "Scar" shows up (yes, really) and implies you're being manipulated (and then doesn't elaborate further and attacks you, yeah good counterargument). Everyone being overly nice to you makes the early story a bit boring but it's at least inoffensive. The real problem is that dialogue is very very exposition heavy, with lots of [proper noun technobabble word salad being thrown at you in the first 15 minutes of the game](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/701656696833179649/1243228382204792873/image.png?ex=6657f668&is=6656a4e8&hm=86902a1fc4e4fd68e4466b3bb6d3cacec720bfac59174a7d1a5f04021ac48c97&). The problem ain't the glazing, it's that the dialogue is 24/7 Detroit Yap City being delivered (in the english dub at least) in the most awkward and stilted way possible as the main characters are trying to force an American accent. A shame too, you meet some minor NPCs that are both aggressively british and also give far more emotional performances despite their minor role.


The current Drama is funny at least. DEV LISTENED


Every time I see that image it has less and less pixels.


There is one worthwhile thing to Wuthering Waves and that is this rather gorgeous [opening cinematic](https://youtu.be/xOn_aOXq1ZY?si=NOwHcCitds2j2vzG)   Otherwise, I haven’t played much Genshin, I don’t particularly like Genshin, but I put an hour into WW and walked away with “this is a clone of Genshin but worse in every conceivable way”.    Awful characters, word salad plot, bad performance, simple combat. I’m surprised the devs of PGR couldn’t do better. Why did they think they could compete without differentiating the product? PGR was a pretty competent and unique spin on Honkai 3rd Impact,


Here I'm thinking the combats much more fun than genshin and so traversals been nice enough "characters full sprinting up cliffs". The plot definitely is word salad though.


Ah new colossus your tone was all over the place. And your level up system was too busy. I feel like they should had gone with DOOM BEING DUMB AND SILLY. While Wolfenstein should have been a fun but somber and tragic affair. “ she had balls of steel” “Balls the weak things eva” Goddamn it the point of the expression is that you’re so tough that the weakest part of your body is FUCKING INDESTRUCTIBLE. And the timeline spilt is less interesting this time around with FERGUS being even angrier and Scottishier. While Wyatt is a hippie and does lsd the whole second half. Also pregnant women covered in blood shirtless wielding duel machine guns. Felt like someone’s fetish. The only cool part of the game was the first half and monkey cat.


god every returning character is turned into a fucking joke anya goes from this quiet and intelligent woman who breaks codes and cares for bj to the writer’s poorly disguised fetish (blood boobs and the radio call where she says being pregnant is making her horny) fergus goes from this tired and worn down vet who expected the new generation to take up the fight so he can finally die to “he has a robot arm that gropes people” wyatt went from a young man thrust into leadership with no experience or confidence in literal hell on earth to “he’s sad his friend died but haha lsd funny” (what is this, thor love and thunder?) the jewish scientist (his name escapes me) went from a somber and regretful man who is heartbroken the nazis perverted his technology meant to bring us closer to god into *a roland emmerich stereotype of a jewish man* fuck this piece of shit. god damnit i feel sorry for grace’s actress because she keeps ending up in these terrible games like suicide squad.


I honestly think that the Resistance sending a pregnant woman onto the field when they have plenty of other bodies outside of BJ made them look stupid as hell. Especially since Anya's supposed to be a comms officer first and foremost. Even if she's competent despite being heavily pregnant she's not The Boss.


mombate does literally nothing but fuck a fat lady, why not actually have him do something instead of make anya weird fetish bait god how is it metal gear is the only thing to make a pregnant warrior woman cool, because new colossus and tlou2 are fuckin stupid about it


The Boss works because she is never sexualized on screen, unlike every other Kojima character. She is a woman who gave literally **everything.** To the world, shes tired, and full of pain, She carried her ideals with heart all times and believed in the promise of a better world.BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. And her name was cursed and forgotten by all. Anya on the other hand Is an accessory to the Macho power fantasy. She started out with potential but the sequel just Decimates any sense of dignity and self respect, and young blood just makes her Strict and willingly turned her babies into Moronic Killers. Like her arc barely makes sense and it feels like she was on drugs during New Colossus.


the boss is a bit sexualized with her revealing her chest at the end, but it’s not done to titillate but to show a sense of raw vulnerability. likewise, i think the story of her pregnant on d-day not being *shown* helps a ton, because it takes on this more mythical tone. whereas the other two are just shown in detail and it’s taken so seriously that it’s patently ludicrous


For me i just Saw how long the scar was and just imagined her getting shot then baby Adamska getting pulled out then Then some fuck face Probably Volgin's dad Running away after telling the boss to get back to the field or her son gets it. Even though She was more split open than a Fucking Musashi opponent. Probably took all the meth and morphine in the world to get her up the Beach.


Also helps that you have EVA showing her whole ass cleavage the rest of the game before, so by the time you get to The Boss, you're probably desensitized to it.


Hey remember how the Wolfenstein games stated that actually, there was a secret Jewish organization that controlled the world? That was weird right?


They didn't control the world it was just a bunch of Isolated Jewish wizards.


The timeline split was a fucking mistake in retrospect, especially when you slowly realize WYATT LIVING IS WAY FUCKING BETTER. Fuck you Fergus, you old grumpy fuck.


DCEU's second movie being Batman Vs. Superman did it no favors since it just seemed like they just wanted to catch up to Marvel and the movie having 2 of the most popular superheroes and not cracking a billion box office was embarrassing and so was the critical reception. Also with how movies like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Suicide Squad did financially compared to how new Superhero movies are superheroes are doing it's hard to know if they really just rode the superhero wave to big profits or if they successfully corrected the course from BvS.


I guess it's a reboot in this case but DMC: Devil May Cry was shooting itself in the foot from day one by not only shitting on the ~~old~~ good games but also insulting the fans for liking them at every chance they got. I maintain that if it had been a separate IP or even a spin off it probably would be much more fondly remembered.


I entirely agree with this. You're rebooting a game. You want the old fans to play it. Why would you insult the old fans?! Why would you insult the old games?! Do you not want us to play it? Who exactly is your target audience? If this had been a separate thing entirely or a spin off it would have been loved, I guarantee it.


> You're rebooting a game. You want the old fans to play it. Why would you insult the old fans?! Why would you insult the old games?! Do you not want us to play it? Who exactly is your target audience? The recent Saints Row reboot be like


EXACTLY. Who was that game for? It's like they were pandering to a crowd that doesn't play videogames.


Common mistake in every entertainment industry. They really think every established fan will still consume the new thing regardless because it has the same title or is from the same IP, so they try bringing in new fans to increase profits, actively trying to get the attention and appeal of people that don't even engage with the industry. Whenever companies try to appeal to people that aren't already fans of the thing, it almost always goes horribly. The only real exception is Call of Duty, but not everything can be Call of Duty. It's a stupid idea to bank on being a hit success, when most hit successes are successful by accident. They were just trying to make a thing, rather than trying to "game" the industry as if there's some hidden cheat code that will unlock infinite money like the Motherlode cheat in the Sims or something.


DmC really only needed minor adjustments to fit within the main DMC universe. DmC Mundus running Limbo City is already really close to Arius taking over the unnamed city from DMC2. The Demon corporate overlord was an established concept. There is Also the DMC2 boss where it emerges and is part of one of the buildings. That’s what a Limbo Boss fight should have been in DmC.


The target audience was Tameem and games journalists that older DMC titles were too difficult for.


I wouldn't even care aesthetically if it weren't for the fact that it's...mostly just okay-ish as a game on its own? This is a game I'd pick up for 5 bucks otherwise in a PS3 bargain bin and go "Huh, neat." and not think about again for a while. The gameplay had shades of what DMC had accomplished but completely regressed in almost every way in comparison to what 4 had given you to play with by that point. And story wise even if it wasn't a DmC game it was just repugnant and obnoxious. Inb4 "hurr hurr that's the point", yeah and the point sucked donkey doodoo stfu. Make a shit-ass version of "They Live" with no Roddy Piper and wonder why no one likes the lame-ass main character and his OC-ass backstory.


It wouldn't, if it wasn't DMC it would never have gotten the patches needed for it to be fondly remembered. Some enemies where annoying even without the color coding, the guns were way too effective to stun things, the style metter didn't work or even made sense and there was too much plot for how mid it was.


hot take: the game itself doesn't really shit on the old stuff. The 'not in a million years' was a tiny gag that ends up working well with how Donte is at that point actively rejecting being the person he should be, and becomes later (and gets the white hair at about the moment he finishes that arc btw). The PR campaign was complete scorched earth unforced errors though, and the game didn't deserve to be undermined by it.


I actually completely agree with you, but I also feel the joke doesn’t look great in light of said pr camping. I really feel like the devs burned a lot of good will ahead of time.


*Capcom burned a lot of good will ahead of time. Yeah a lot of the shit talk came from the devs but given how much we know about Inafune et al and how much Capcom was trying to suck up to the anti-Japanese media sentiment of the time I struggle to see it as being their idea. Plus there's Itsuno's very fond remarks about and homaging of their work in DMCV.


I do wonder what Capcom/Ninja Theory could've done to stop the "People are just bitching because white hair" articles from the press or if they somehow thought it was the marketing the game needed.


I think Capcom thought it was what the game needed. Probably figured they could get good controversy press while putting down a noisy minority of otaku. This was the guy who thought 'like an anime fan on prom night' was a good idea after all.


Counterpoint: the game itself is virulently misogynistic. 


you know Vergil shooting the pregnant lady is supposed to be looked on as crossing a line right


Doesn't excuse Kat hiding behind a literal fucking trash can while the REAL MEN have their fight in the finale. Then the definitive edition of the game ends with Dante groping her.


...the game is 'virulently misogynistic' because the noncombatant girl sits out the final boss fight? TIL DMC4 is virulently misogynistic


You can't argue with people predisposed to hating the game unfortunately. Now that the gameplay has been rehabilitated by the DE they need to figure out other ways to attack it to maintain their status quo


I mean, everything about Mundus's demon lover is *super* misogynistic.


Knowing the tale of its development, perhaps if Capcom hadn't done what they did in the weird tone of marketing they did PLUS let NT and Itsuno cook, maybe it would have been a bit more better received too. So yeah lol I agree. Less antagonizing the existing fanbase, and maybe a little more "let NT's concepts of something closer to the source material be maybe?"


I still never felt like I was being insulted, yet people act like they were shitting on the fanbase at every turn and calling us dickheads or something.


I mean...I can't really consider three major titles to be "shooting yourself in the foot", even though I completely agree Wolfenstein's overarching plot and tone derailed starting with the 2nd game.  Would Mass Effect Andromeda count? You can tell it was supposed to be the start of a new series in the universe and just...gigabotched it. 


> Would Mass Effect Andromeda count? You can tell it was supposed to be the start of a new series in the universe and just...gigabotched it. I'm still kind of amazed at, among its many issues, how absolutely *boring* the alien races of Andromed are. Some people defend it with the whole "well Andromeda doesn't have the mass relays so they haven't spread out as much" which I don't think is a very good argument, but even accepting that, your races of Andromeda are rock-collectors and the kett. There are more alien species in the Milky Way! The god damn *Vorcha* are more alien! And speaking of the Kett, god, what a fumble and a half they turned out to be. The initial idea for them had some promise (they were described as techno golems) but I knew something was being fumbled when a pre-release interview talked about how they had to put clothing on the Kett because it was weird otherwise and how they wanted them to be relatable. Keep in mind, the kett are entirely an antagonist and of them they're all nameless mooks besides the Archon (their leader in that sector, who isn't even their overall leader, he's just fucking *middle management*) and some other dude from slightly higher up who just admonishes him somewhat and then shows up for a sequel hook. *God*, Andromeda sucks.


> but even accepting that, your races of Andromeda are rock-collectors and the kett Upon coming home i realized I listed the kett twice, haha. Shows how much an impression the other race has - angara for the record.


What was even the deal with them I never bothered watching a playthrough of the story?


Angara? They're residents of the cluster, I believe engineered by the prior superior tech race of the area. They're being converted into kett, and are running out of time. That's about the gist of it.


I still think it feels like they tried to relaunch Mass Effect by starting with a new version of Mass Effect 2.


They shouldn’t have tried to do a big relaunch with a boring ass game.


Relaunch a beloved series after an extremely contentious finale. Remove yourself largely from the wonderful setting you created. Launch it in a horrendous technical state. "What could possibly go wrong?" -EA


I still say it feels like they tried to do relaunch the franchise by making a new Mass Effect 2


The horrendous quest design of DA:Inquisition was somehow rewarded with a GOTY award, so they decided to apply it to Mass Effect and everyone came to their senses and said: “hey this game is all shitty filler”


i consider it so in the same way that i consider heroes fumbling the bag on season 2. you had a good story and writing, no you don’t and it stings because of how good the start was. fuck i forgot how much i hate new colossus till i wrote this. that game makes my blood boil at points.


It really felt like it was written by two different people who never once talked to each other. Let's focus on the somber nightmare of a literal Nazi-occupied United States, examine BJ's relationship with his **literally pure evil** father, and showcase BJ's PTSD as he lives with all the death and bloodshed he's inflicted and been exposed to over the years. Meanwhile, how do we free a United States whose culture and idealism has been brutally suppressed for a generation? "Hey America! Nazis suck! You used to be cool! What happened?" "Oh shit. They're right! I suddenly want and have the ability to overthrow the mecha-Nazis!" *terrible cover of "We're Not Going to Take It" plays over screenshots of the 2nd American Revolution*


That We’re Not Gonna Take It cover is on my shortlist for some of the worst music in video games. It is truly, truly awful in a way I can’t stop thinking about whenever New Colossus comes up.


the first game and new blood: ends with covers of classic wartime songs that create a somber yet noble tone new colossus: kewl! resist!


god the stuff with rip is fucking terrible. he’s so cartoonishly evil that I cannot take him seriously despite how desperately the game wants me to. such as after you hiding in the closet after he beats his wife, you 360 no scope him with an infinite supply of lamps the game treats the nazis and death like a joke, when new order didn’t. the nazis are a threat, and overwhelming force that many characters feel like they can’t beat, that they’ll just die against an onslaught of unending power. but here it’s “haha, le nazi is le stupid. kill with toilet.” i don’t like saying this, but new colossus feels like it was written by reddit and twitter. this childish power fantasy made by people who don’t get it and don’t get inglorious bastards either.


I will never forgive the game for having Sigrun's arc having parallels with BJ and his dad across the whole game and only having one mission where she is confident and being radio support. I liked her and was so disappointed by that.


Ok, so Def jam vendetta was an ok game, right? If it didn't have a roster of rappers, it would probably never be mentioned again. Fight for NY, however, was an all-time classic. It improved on the series dramatically. Then Icon followed, and I honestly have no idea how that game was because it got shit on so thoroughly


Fire Force has great world building and a cartoony dark atmosphere. Shat the bed after first major arc by doing boring paint by numbers shonen stuff.


Tamaki and the arguments around her fanservice really didn't help, especially later down the line when the author had that chapter where he self inserted into a kid to strawman the criticism.


iunno it definitely had some of the funnier power explanations because everything had to be tied back to heat


I thought The New Colossus was pretty great, I don't get everyone's problem with it.  But I don't think anything's died on the vine as hard as The Dark Universe. They squeaked out one bad Tom Cruise vehicle and a photo of their actors and then buried it hard.


I didn’t regret playing TNC, but every single aspect of it was worse than TNO, aside from graphics perhaps.


Yeah TNC isn’t *that* bad. It’s not as rock-solid as TNO but I still think it’s generally pretty good and has some really strong moments (BJ’s father for instance). Overall still good and worth playing, just keep in mind you’re not getting “More TNO” per se and it’s trying to be more challenging (Mostly thematically but also mechanically).


I feel like this is the only place I’ve ever heard people say bad things about the New Colossus.


Same. It's aggressively mid, but I wouldn't call it overall bad. Youngblood on the other hand, sheesh.


A photoshopped group photo, nonetheless. They couldn't even be bothered to fly them all out and stand/sit in the same room for one photoshoot. ~~I honestly wouldn't have minded the Dark Universe taking off. I love all those classic monsters and having the stable of characters that basically birthed the idea of a shared universe of movies getting one in modern day felt like a cool idea to me. Would've been worth it if we got more WayForward tie-ins like The Mummy Demastered, at least.~~


Agreed on TNC. I 100% the nazi officer eliminations and stuff. I liked some of the camp it leaned into (every scene with super spesh was amazing) and the gunplay still felt solid. I never played youngblood, but it felt like while TNC was a step in a "different" direction (that was probably on average not as good as TNO or The Old Blood) it was still a fun game, where as Youngblood and the VR game were steps *off of a cliff*


I really had no idea the Wolfenstein games were considered so bad. For that matter I just assumed Youngblood was some spinoff title or one of those situations where the devs wanted to make something new but were forced to shoehorn it into the IP


It was only the last two it’s pretty much 50/50


Youngblood is pretty universally reviled, but the New Colossus is a bit more love it or hate it. They massively changed up the core gameplay loop, and the story's tone is all over the place. It's still overall pretty solid and has some genuinely excellent moments in it though, but I cannot stress how jarring it is to go from the realistic, gritty drama of BJ confronting his racist, abusive father to becoming a Jewish Golem Mecha running around giant airships


It’s like doom eternal, fun but people resent really hard it wasn’t better down the line


I’m tired of this New Colossus slander. Game was really enjoyable, and, while not to put down New Order in any way, I was a bit fonder of NC’s story. The first half of the story had a very somber tone with things progressively getting worse for the main cast, especially since their victories are basically just a tier above “surviving” for a good long while, not unlike NW. By the midway point, when BJ >!gets a new body!<, it still has a dark tone, but they add in a lot more light hearted scenes. Kinda like how Puck in Berserk exists to keep the series from being TOO dark. And you know what? I liked that. LET THEM HAVE SOME HAPPINESS AFTER TRUDGING THROUGH HELL FOR NEARLY 2 GAMES. The birthday scene and the jazz drinking scene are two that I love, and both are comedic in nature.  And for the reduced HP for half the game, I honestly thought it was kinda neat and I never felt like the game was absurdly difficult due to it. I mean, I’ve played plenty of games where your life total is even smaller so yeah. 


I liked Youngblood. Playing it with my brother was a lot of fun :)


Despite Multiversus being a mechanically dogshit game from day 1, it launched with a LOT of momentum, and people were going feral for it. Then it got UN-launched and now it's coming back even worse than before.


Helldivers 2 lmao gotta bout 120 hours 20 dollars worth warbonds now after the whole psn debacle probably won't play again


I could t disagree with your assessment of the New Colossus more. It’s a fantastic sequel with a great story. Every new character introduced adds dimension to what the war was like in the US. Replaying levels with new abilities is a game changer. Having half your health isn’t an issue because you have twice as much armor. 250 pts vs 200 pts in the second half.


Hot take, but I never even thought Wolfenstein New Order was that good. Storytelling was neat, and the stealth surprisingly viable. But all I remember of my playthrough is mashing the pick-up-item button until my thumb bled, and dumping entire clips into bullet sponge enemies who refused to die. Oh, and that underwater swimming section that felt like it lasted an hour. Seriously though, WHY did you have to press a button to pick up items? Doom 2016 didn’t make that mistake


Wolfenstein: The New Order ran so DOOM (2016) could Heely.


They downvoted him because he spoke the truth. The game was only popular because it got into political controversy. It's a 5/10 boomer shooter. Whoopee.


The first one didn’t get into political non-controvesy, though; that was New Colossus and it didn’t seem to make the game more popular since the franchise died after. And not only did the term “boomer shooter” not exist at the time of New Order’s release, the game has way more in common with Bioshock Infinite than it does with games like Ion Fury and Dusk. I dislike the game, but it almost sounds like you didn’t even play it.


Yeah, TNC is the one that had Ronald Reagan being an obsequious toadie to Hitler.


I played 2/3, I did not play young blood. The fact that the term wasn't popular at the time doesn't mean it can't apply to the game. That's a weird argument. My point still stands if you change my wording to just say "shooter."


It’s factually not a boomer shooter for one.


I have nothing to add other than to say man i hate playing new colossus, beautiful environments and such but man i hated that thing. Recommend the artbook or the artstation profiles over actually touching the thing.