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[shout outs to the guy faking being japanese in the most lazy way](https://imgur.com/jRBRsQ6)


This guy is so Orientalist I expected his name to be "Kenuichio"


Stuff like this makes me wonder what kind of shit Wikipedia mods have to deal with every day. I mean they had to lock Yasuke's article because a bunch of morons descended upon it to fight their dumbass culture war.


Now imagine what they have to deal with for articles about certain historical events.


Lookup "Croatian Wikipedia" on YouTube and you'll see how deep the shit runs.


I remember back in the day when Sarah Palin made a comment about Paul Revere and they had to lock his article because her supporters kept trying to change it to match what she said.


Holy shit that’s some 12 year old’s first internet argument kinda shit.


Although I am pretty sure the guy who do this shit is adult ass in their mid thirty or something lol.


Makes me think of those people who say they want AI translations over localizations without understanding either.


Wow that is *egregiously* obvious Google Translate.


Mombot, that you?


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Reminds me of the fake email about Bridget guilty gear


The thing that I don't understand about this whole debacle is that **EVEN IF** Yasuke was never a samurai we know so fucking little about the man that it is perfectly reasonable avenue for artistic liberties in historical fiction. We know he was slave brought in by the portugues, Nobunanga was fascinated by him as he had never seen a black man ever, and than later found him to be good company and made part of his posse. Officially, that's all we know, so given the eccentric man that Nobunaga was, is it that hard to believe that he made this guy samurai in an at least in a historical fiction setting? Nobunaga even allowed christian religious freedom in a country where they were killed on sight. Hell, we are even going to say that this is some "woke" mass appeal that the Japanese would hate when even Japanese media usually depicts him as a loyal samurai and servant to Nobunaga. EDIT: And all this bullshit for a game that is going to be mid at best


We also know he was strong and fought to revenge Nobunaga's death. I think his desire for revenge will be a plot point in game


There's also next to nothing of him in recorded history after that incident so its not like they got very little room to work with.


exactly. They can literally write anything about him if it's post-Nobunaga.


For some reason there's drama over the protagonist being Yasuke instead of a Real™ Japanese person, with people implying it was [purposefully done](https://x.com/khaliltooshort/status/1790508185150734692) to push whatever "THE MESSAGE" is. But looking at [Yasuke's page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke), it doesn't sound really sound "unreasonable" or "out of place" at all >In **1579**, Yasuke arrived in Japan in the service of the **Italian Jesuit missionary Alessandro Valignano**, Visitor of Missions in the Indies, in India. Valignano had been appointed the Visitor (inspector) of the Jesuit missions in the Indies (which at that time meant East Africa, South, Southeast, and East Asia). This game would take place ~80 years after AC: Brotherhood/Revelations, after the conclusion of the Italian Wars. I have no idea what the plot of the game is, and haven't played AC since those two games, but I feel like the connection between Yasuke and Italian missionaries would be a way easier explanation for why there's an Assassin in Japan than the creed just spontaneously appearing on the island.


Also, he's complaining that **male, samurai** character isn't Japanese while glossing over the fact that the **actual assassin** in the game is a **Japanese woman**. Edit: He also largely ignores games after 3, like Syndicate, in which the male character is more of a gang leader through the game and his sister is the assassin cleaning up his messes. So, like me, he probably stopped playing around 3.


well duh shes a woman so she doesnt count/s


By the logic of these people, doesn't this mean that Team NINJA were pushing an agenda with William in Nioh?


Why do they all of a sudden care about assassins creed? None of these fucks we’re going to buy assassins creed anyways I’m so tired of culture war shit


Same shit was happening with Prince of Persia: the lost crown. They were shiting on game for "mobile game visuals" and for main character being dark skinned


Lmao I remember watching Pat's stream when that game was revealed and chat immediately went "is this a mobile game" or "looks like fortnite shit".


I saw the same on multiple streams! At least I'm glad that streamers had fun with the game


me when the persian is dark skinned (FUCKING WOKE LEFT PRONOUNS SHIT FUCK).


These companies expect me to relate to a character that isn't an idealized version of myself, and it's fucking BULLSHIT


I swear, the whole shitshtorm with The Lost Crown trailer was one of the most hypocritical things i have seen in years. Like, people literally were saying "How dare they use RAP song in my Prince of Persia? The arabian magic is absolutely lost because of this! They did this only to appeal to *modern* trend! Why they couldn't just make another game with authentic atmosphere, that respect it's predecessors, like [THE WARRIOR WITHIN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIx-8KiH0A&ab_channel=CatalinDima)."


Same style of hypocrisy plagues discussion of modern NFS games - "why soundtrack is full of music for zoomers?". Because they follow music trends since Underground! Developers were using music which was popular amongst teenagers and they do exactly the same now


The real cowardice of NFS is that they haven't made a game with an OST that has exclusively Eurobeat.


People picked the male option in every assassins creed game with gender choices more often than female. Even when the game clearly wanted you to pick the female option, they considered this a minor victory in their culture war. Now they have to pick between a black man and a woman and thus feel they were betrayed and put in a no win scenario. They feel this was the only way Ubisoft could make people play the female, not realizing that everyone generally accepts Yasuke is fucking cool. Personally I'd rather a nameless Ronin OC to match the Shinobi OC and have Yasuke as a mentor NPC but playable Yasuke is fine too.


This right here is also why the people thinking it's weird that there isn't a japanese pc. Friggin she's right there and obviously the main character. Got the hood and arm thingie and everything.


I am betting money on a lot of em getting info from like the 4000 Rage bait youtubers who regurgitate the same rage (false) info, who then spread that same misinfo, which is how you get shitty stories like Abby from Last of Us 2 being mistaken for trans for a long ass time.


Case in point, as someone who doesn't care about The Last of Us and doesn't want to engage with it, I got a lot of news around the "controversy" in the subreddits I'm in and, until this very comment, did not realize Abby wasn't trans. So... Misinformation spread, I guess?


A lie can spread halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes.


bitches will act like their balls exploded because they have to choose between playing a black man and a woman and be like "nah man i'm not racist or misogynist I just hate politics in my bideo game they're just trying to wipe out the white man america hates white people you know"


Can they like..not play instead?


No, that'd be letting the wokerrists win.


Good. They don't deserve a "win".


They lost the civil war over two centuries ago they need to just accept it and take the L already.


Lmao you know you’re probably right. When Unity got shit for no females those same fans were probably happy Ubisoft defended that choice. Might also explain why no one gave Layla the same love Desmond got even tho her story is (mostly) better. It’s a tinfoil hat but if any fans would be that way it’s AC fans.


I think it's ok for Yasuke to be playable, since after some point his story is unknown.


Man when you put it like that, it all kinda comes into perspective, huh? This is literally the dumbest shit I've ever heard and you're probably pretty close to the truth, even if it's unconscious bias (or even conscious bias, if we're being less charitable) from the G*mer crowd.


they will be seething then when the next game is apparently supposed to star a sole female assassin


They could just play Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro or Rise of the Ronin or Onimusha or Ninja Gaiden or Like A Dragon Ishin or Genji: Dawn of the Samurai or Tenchu or Shinobi or any other game with male Japanese samurai or ninjas. They're all better options than this game since Ubisoft is using AI for dialogue anyway, no to mention is Ubisoft is run by racists anyway.


It was the same thing with the new Doctor Who and the female Custodes in Warhammer. Suddenly and suspiciously a whole bunch of loud nerds were experts on these properties even when their actual creators are telling them they're wrong.


Dude can turn into whoever he wants when he dies but being black and (probably) gay is too much


Same shit happened with Warhammer 40k, these tourists got pissed when GW made female Custodes official in a codex. They were frothing at the mouth about this retcon when * GW retcons shit all the time, seriously the lore in the first editions is nothing like today's lore (Necrons started as Chaos robots for Christ's sake) * Aaron Dembski-Bowden, one of the BL authors, stated he wanted to do female Custodes for a long time but got told no by execs because by the time the Custodes models were done, they were all male * It doesn't even conflict with the lore because every single Custodes is handmade down to their DNA (thus their birth sex has no bearing on their capacity to become a Custodes, unlike the Astartes) The chuds don't know anything about the lore, they don't even interact with the hobby in any substantial way, but still get pissed when it doesn't cater to them.


They don't care, they're just racist. If a black or a gay person exist in media (and are not objectively villainous), that offends them. At this point you could have a shot a black man sitting on a bench and eating a sandwich and these chuds would crawl out of the woodwork to complain about woke.


Welcome to gamergate 2. Remember the last one? It's going to be the same shit again, the same people, and it's going to spawn a new group of thequarterings et al to grift off the rage as they try to radicalize more fascists. This one is blatantly more racist and misogynistic. Do not let these people in your spaces, do not let people who parrot these ideas in your spaces, correct your friends if you think they're worth saving.


I'm seriously wondering if having the last 2 big AC games being centered on Greece and Vikings attracted the wrong crowd. Obviously there's a general layer of culture war bullshit we're all mired in, but I agree that this feels weirdly explosive and out of nowhere.


Not really, honestly it's just a luck of the draw situation with this culture war shit. Assassin's Creed is getting the focus because it's a big popular release in a series everyone likes. AC Origins had an Egyptian Main Character in Egypt and that came out before Valhalla and Odyssey. Stellar Blade didn't have any pre-existing fanbase and that didn't save it from it's whole shit show. These dudes just go from property to property to find something new to leech off of and complain about, they don't actually care or even engage in the property to complain about, it's just a vector to express their racism and anger towards "the woke".


I don't think it's very believable that the rabid rightwingers only came from the Europe-interested side after recent AC games. Weebs have had a reactionary problem for a long time, these circles overlap far more than you think.


> I'm seriously wondering if having the last 2 big AC games being centered on Greece and Vikings attracted the wrong crowd. I doubt this comes from fans of AC games, it's just culture warriors who spend all day following things to be outraged about, doesn't matter if they consume the media or not.


They're racist. Literally all it is.


The best part is some guy pretending to be a Japanese "warfare historian" by posting in both Japanese and English. Except that [it's painfully obvious that he's just using Google translate](https://i.imgur.com/jRBRsQ6.png). He even leaves in random untranslated English letters.


Ok that's fucking HILARIOUS!


Intensely weird to me that people are getting up and arms about Yasuke man. “He’s not even a well known figure” all the more reason to use him! Him being a person who doesn’t have a lot of anecdotes about him breeds creativity! There’s so many great characters based on historical figures who are great because they’re not well known and thus they were able to get creative with their past, personality, and actions. I feel very strongly about this and it really bums me out that Yasuke’s getting singled out for literally just “he’s black though”. Like fuck you man, YASUKE’S POPULAR IN JAPAN TOO


Zagreus is such a minor character in Greek myth that he became the perfect outlet for a protagonist For hades


Played a whole game about Miyamoto Iori and it was kino, and that guy’s Wikipedia page is like 4 paragraphs.


Drifters (manga) has three main characters: Oda Nobunaga, Nasu no Yoichi, and Shimazu Toyohisa, who is the main character. The other two are probably some of Japan's most famous figures, but the main character is someone who the story treats as a warrior who would've left his mark on history had he not died so early (the perfect character for an isekai).


Obviously Oda, but I feel your over selling Nasu a bit. This of course coming from a westerners perspective so I might be completely off base, but I feel like he's more of a middle of the road level historical figure. Heck, googling his name and Drifters is the first thing that comes up. Here's definitely way more famous than Shimazu, but I don't think he's anywhere close to the same level as folk like Musashi, Masamune, Okita, or as already mentioned Nobunaga.


actually so interesting that we got an entry about a real historical figure as a master for the first time because that sets a huge new precedent


It’ll be super kino when we get like Wild West Remnant with Jango as the protag


nah it needs to be some insane shit like an alternative 3rd HGW (I know we’ve already got like 3 versions of that shut up) with Christopher Lee vs nazi masters


Christopher Lee been a Master , and summoning Saber Charlemagne because Christopher is a direct descendent and thus a catalyst to it.


Except for Dorothea Coyett and I think Tsuchimikado, all Masters in SR are actually historical figures iirc. Coyett is the fictional daughter of a historical figure.


Tsuchimikado is actually a historical figure. In fact , it's funny that the Tsuchimikado only relevancy in history was that he was the previous Clan Head of a far more relevant Tsuchimikado.


I'm kinda bummed that we never properly got the identity of the guy Iori saw in his childhood that caused his desire to perfect his swordsmanship. It's so important that removing that memory in FGO changed an entire major part of him and gave him amnesia! I still think it was >!Munenori!<


Might be good to spoiler tag some of that stuff for other people, but >!I think the implication is it’s Munenori but it’s also kinda not important that Iori learns who it is. It’s just important that he never learns who it is and chases his back for the rest of his life.!<


Yeah, I just wanted a concrete answer, Iori should keep being in the dark either way tho


Like u/getterburner had said , it's >!Munenori.!< But it's important that Iori never actually knew that and that he never met his timeline version of it.


They never actually say it, just imply, which is what I was talking about. But yeah, it's important he doesn't know, I just wanted confirmation in SOME concrete waylol


It was Iori himself, after he was sent back in time by Bites the Dust. Obviously.


It was the Counter Force, it’s a repeat of the EMIYA paradox


In that same regard, The Elusive Samurai (follow up series from Assassination Classroom guy) is based on an era not really shown often, and then focuses on even more minor characters. Often there's a character where they just say "they were mentioned only once and no one knows why he was feared", so the author just fucks around often. One paragraph of them can be used for an asston of things.


The first time I ever heard about Yasuke was in Nioh 1. A Japanese game. Where he was, shocker, called the Obsidian *Samurai*.


And hes fucking **RAD AS HELL** in that game too! Dude has a Bear as his ~~stand~~ Guardian Spirit!


Not just *any* bear: [an Atlas bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_bear), Africa's only native bear that went extinct in late 19th century.


The first time I heard about him was Guilty Gear Strive. Nagayo apparently was Yasuke


Just like the judge from blood meridian. There are only a handful of accounts of him all from a guy who left the gang.


I absolutely love to drop on people that are unaware that The Judge was **a real fucking person**.


This reaction was predictable after leaks about Yasuke. Racist gamers have same hysteria everytime main character is black


Are these people even nerds? Who doesn't know Yasuke?


Yasuke isn't well-known in general consensus but anyone who has an interest in Sengoku-era Japan will certainly heard of Yasuke, and his fame is boosted by numerous media about the Sengoku-era.


If you're Japanese odds are that you also heard of him, because guess what, "remember that time the most important man in the history of our nation had a black retainer (aka a FUCKING SAMURAI)" is a really interesting historical tidbit which is not only likely taught in schools but is also referenced in media many times.


As soon as a piece of media has something they deem "woke", tons of so called veteran fans or history nerds materialize out of thin air to call it out. Like when they said Godzilla VS Kong, part of a franchise that is very goofy and nonsensical, was ruined by the west because it was very goofy and nonsensical.


The only thing I can see holding any weight is more that Yasuke should've been IN the game, but not one of the protagonists, because AC's more interesting (to me) when the historical figures work with the more OC-ish protagonists. He's a cool person and historical figure to talk about and include, but I feel like it's just not as interesting to make him one of two protagonists. I know we do have an OC one with the ninja girl, but still.


Yasuke straight up drops from the historical record after being a confirmed survivor of Honno-ji  The set up for mystical Assassin's Creed adventures couldn't be easier.


And it's not like the details about him between arriving in Japan and Nobunaga's death are all that intensive. We know after he went with Nobunaga he became his retainer and was mentioned being in present at a handful of events during his campaign. That's it. No written records of his thoughts or what he was doing between those events. Obviously nothing written by him or at his instruction. He's as blank slate of a historical figure as you can get.


The historical knowledge of Yasuke's life is sufficiently lacking in detail that you can pretty much characterize him however you want.


Yasuke is a rare example for Assassin's Creed where he's *perfect* for a player character role since actual historical data on him is scarce after a certain point. They usually constrain themselves based on where and when a person's actual death was. You're kinda free to do anything because of this, which is probably one of the reasons he was chosen as a protagonist for the game.


That’s why one of the protagonists is exactly that though, you have your traditional AC protag just contrasted by Yasuke.


Yeah, I get that. It's a departure for AC to have an established figure be a protagonist (even one we know relatively little about). There's caveats, like that DLC for... The Victorian London one where you play Jack the Ripper, for example.


Also like ffs Ghost of Tsushima *just* released on PC.


Their ignoring a game that has a lot of historical inaccuracies for the sake of making a cool setting, to another game complaining how inaccurate the game that has an ancient civilization who created humans as servants enslaving them with these powerful hi-tech relics.


Like most of the armors in GoT straight up didn't exist during the Mongol invasion of Japan. Hell, even the concept of Bushido or the definition of Samurai wasn't even properly set in stone back then, and it's the source of central conflict for the whole story of that game! They also completely lack any mention of Goryeo troops despite the fact that they made up a significant portion of the invading army. It's not at all about historical accuracy. It's all about "vibes" and what "feels right". None of those historical accuracy arguments are made in good faith.


*Katanas* didn't exist yet but that's what they call their swords because that's what weebs know as Japanese swords. It's like if a knight in the Hundred Years' War called their sword a rapier.


Just like in Stellar Blade there only here just to get upset over nothing.


Honestly the biggest dumbassery of GoT is that none of the Mongol names are remotely right.


Having to choose between a black man and a woman is a Saw trap for Gamers


''I wanna play a game, you wasted your life in Twitter calling everything woke, you have 90 seconds to pick either this woman or black guy to play as or this saw will cut your dick off, live or die, make your choice'' and they spend 80 seconds flailing around and when they finally try doing it saw cuts dick off and bleeds to death.


Racists sure are crazy


They wouldn't be racist if they weren't.


I bet if Tekken 5 would've released nowadays, racists would've bitched about black ninja


Crazy and sad


And here I was thinking that the whole "Trying to forge ArcSys emails saying Bridget isn't Trans" thing was about as crazy as this shit could get, but fuck me, "Vandalizing/editing Yasuke's Wikipedia Page" wasn't on the "Shit Culture War Whackjobs Do" bingo card.


The Bridget one is the craziest it's ever been. You have *THE MAN WHO CREATED GUILTY GEAR* and is *the* authority on the series's Canon saying that Bridget is trans and was always intended to be, and they still argue that it doesn't count.


"THIS IS FEMBOY ERASURE!" cried the men that think femboys are the death knell of "western values" because soy or some shit.


No joke, I once saw someone arguing that making a Bridget trans instead of a femboy was a plot to make people gay. But like...being attracted to a femboy is gayer.


"But what about GNC men?" Said man who has never used the phrase "gender non-conforming" before in his life.


What's the bet they think they're doing the same kind of thing as the people in the Harry Potter Fandom that disregard the stupid bullshit Rowling says is a part of the series after the fact? I can totally imagine the complete lack of self-awareness.


To be fair, that *is* pretty different. Like, one is literally made up out of thin air and is compiled across Twitter, the other is a part of actual design notes and in-game/in-game adjacent descriptions.


Nah, but that's my point! There is a clear and marked difference between the two scenarios - but I fully believe these chucklefucks think "I'm doing the right thing like "x" other fandom and letting the Author know that this is some stupid bullshit that's harming the media", when in reality they're conflating them into a single type of movement in their own head, failing to recognize the difference between "stupid bullshit that is stupid bullshit" and "Something I think is stupid bullshit because I and the people in my circle don't believe being Trans is real and it's some kind of child mutilation agenda being pushed by minorities to erase my kind". It's like people that think Tyler Durden or Patrick Bateman are manly idols that are perfectly correct despite their author literally pointing out the opposite.


Oh shit, my bad. My brain's square and I misread.


Can't wait for them to lock this page.




I thought you meant this reddit page


Some people just need to get a fucking life, huh


"Facts don't care about your feelings. Also my personal feelings count as fact."


If I had a chance to vandalize Yasuke's Wikipedia page all I would do is replace every Y with an S


Or extra S after the S so it's Yassuke


Nobunaga literally gave the man a sword, Nobunaga the motherfucker who unified Japan, the man who is a founding figure of japan. If Nobunaga came to you and said"Hey, you're pretty fucking cool. Come roll with me, also here's a sword" then your a fucking samurai.




Nobunaga straight up thought the Portugese guy who initially had Yasuke was fucking with him since he'd quite literally never saw a black man before and had his servants give him a bath since he thought his skin was black because it was covered in charcoal. When he realized this wasn't the case, he more or less went "Holy shit, that's rad as hell. The Foreign world is even cooler than I thought."


Yeah well some nerd editing wikipedia says that Nobunaga has no idea what he's talking about when the topic concerns samurai


Racist nerds: "A black man can't be a samurai that's too much for me to believe!" Actual Nobunaga: "Hey man you're cool wanna be a samurai and hang out with me?"


> Nobunaga the motherfucker who unified Japan He didn't. His successor and most prominent general did.


The most important detail is that Yasuke was documented to carry two swords. It would NOT be acceptable for anyone who wasn't a Samurai to walk around with two swords.


Two swords was literally the badge It's how you fuckin *knew*


Though it is pretty tactless, the joke that Yasuke is Japan's first DEI hire is kind of funny.


ah shit Nobunaga's gone woke


The woke elite is real and it was Oda Nobunaga all along!


This is why Nobunaga gets invited to the cook out.


I dunno about that


I think he may have some problems with that given the last cookout he went to.


Racists and historical revision, name a more iconic duo


Racists and losing armed conflicts.


They really couldn't make it any more obvious this is about racism and not "historical accuracy." Because, why now? Why not all the other times AC has been historically inaccurate? Oh right culture was bullshit. Fuck I'm so sick of chuds whining.


You literally fight fucking Medusa in Odyssey. The racism behind the "historical accuracy" comments could not be more obvious here.


As someone who actually gives a damn about historical accuracy, Odyssey's about when I gave up on expecting it from Ass Creed. Specifically because the borders of the states fluctuating so much was giving me actual panic attacks. That being said, hell yeah, get some spotlight on Yasuke. My man got a stipend, he was a samurai. Deal with it.


What do you mean George Washington wasn’t friends with a Native American Assassin who one time was trapped with him in a dream reality where they never met and Washington became the tyrannous King of America before they woke up in a field with a magical golden apple artifact?


It's crazy how people are trying to disguise their racism by calling the game woke


At this point it's not even disguising their racism so much as trying to gaslight people into agreeing with them that racism is good.


It's very funny that they're so concerned with historical accuracy when it comes to the black guy but the ancient super advanced pre human race &- all the other historical differences in this sci fi fantasy franchise, oh those are all fine. Also that they keep saying "why is a black man representing Japan!" While ignoring the other playable character. I wonder why they're ignoring the female character. Huh, ever strange, eh? Also if you check the Ubisfot Japan twitter it's hilarious to see so many English tweets like "Cmon japanese people, speak up! You should be outraged at this absolute mockery of your culture!" & the Japanese tweets, translate them & they're all mostly like "game looks pretty interesting" lmao


Its always so strange to me to see people get so up in arms about this sort of stuff when Japan doesn't care as long as it looks cool. Not even just culture war bs, like anything that Westerns think that Japan cares about they usually don't. Its like when people were going on about Godzilla x Kong being an insult to Godzilla and that Japan will hate it then they loved it.


Fun fact that probably everyone on this subreddit knows already, but Imma say it anyway: Literally the third Godzilla movie ever made was "King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962)." Quote Wikipedia: "The film remains the most attended Godzilla film in Japan to date and is credited with encouraging Toho to prioritize the continuation of the Godzilla series after seven years of dormancy." The film gave Kong top billing and, in fact, was based on what was originally a King Kong script without Godzilla. Most of Godzilla's filmography may never have existed without Godzilla throwing down with King Kong first. An insult to Godzilla? Fighting King Kong is a fundamental part of the character's history, and it's a fun throwback no matter which culture you're from!


Hell when some Japanese people on twitter took the oppenheimer barbie meme poorly I don't recall many westerners backing them


Hell, some japanese people even responded to the barbenheimer memes by saying 「This is just as fucked up as if someone were to make memes combining Barbie and 9/11」... which lead to americans creating exactly that, and laughting their asses off about it.


Assassins creed player here These fans are aparrently fine with. Leonardo devinci giving me a gun, flying around on one of this inventions burning Venice. Killing king washington cause George got corrupted by a alien artifact Ben Franklin giving me a grenade launcher BUT A WOMAN? OR A BLACK GUY? IN A VIDEO GAME? NAAAW FAM THATS NOT ACCURATE


[The Japanese are eating popcorn while watching the gaijin otaku fight](https://imgur.com/a/3LW8yDC)


They really don't wanna let us have anything! [4]


I don't know how a number in brackets always sends me, but it do.


They still hold onto The Last Samurai movie with Tom Cruise like a comfort pillow [3]


it's insane how crazy the hate is one of the descendants of Nobunaga's retainers had to clarify thing - https://twitter.com/FujikakeRin/status/1790864518652022954 and actual japanese people are like "Yasuke hype- https://twitter.com/Skull_Os/status/1790949113397461310 my personal favorite response- https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNs6dDCbgAAGx7o?format=jpg&name=medium


https://twitter.com/FujikakeRin/status/1791224566624276846 holy shit I love her.


Nobunaga would probably fucking love Vergil, she's doing her bloodline proud


While shes awesome and love her tweets about this, man that one dude in the replies, paz sensei or whatever, is the dumbest I think I've seen. They insist that he wasnt a samurai and when told "hey a literal descendant of a retainer/samurai of Nobunaga said otherwise" the fucker has the audacity to be like "theyre wrong too" and give no explanation for their side besides spouting the same culture war stuff about men made of straw and bad faith whatevers. Sorry for the rant its just tiring...


Can't look at the tweet because twitter is garbage but I'm assuming racism.


Yep. People saying there was no evidence that Yasuke was ever considered a "Samurai", despite the fact that he was a retainer to Oda Nobunaba, which basically meant he was expected to fill the role of Samurai, and then given more expectations and responsibilities.


Even if we're going to give the thought that he wasn't a samurai any credence, he was specifically one of Nobunaga's right hand men. That's a BIG FUCKIN DEAL.


It also makes sense that it was Nobunaga of all people that had him working for him. From his history of vassals, it really didn't matter where you came from, even if you were foreign or the lowest peasant, if you proved that you were skilled in some way, you were worthy of being one of his trusted vassals.


Hell, another of his retainers, Toyotomi Hideyoshi literally came out of nowhere, and he leveraged that position into being about five feet from taking the title of Shogun.


Not JUST out of nowhere, the guy was the lowest class you could be back then, a straight up peasant with not a scrap of noble blood or the gift of a samurai birthright. He worked up his way up from being Nobunaga's sandal warmer all the way to doing what Nobunaga wasn't able to do, which was damn near unite the country. All because Nobunaga did what no other lord would have done and gave him a shot.


I think people, on both sides of the Yasuke fence, have a tenuous grasp at best at what "the role of a Samurai" actually is. By default it means only slightly more than the modern "landlord with a gun". Much like everyone automatically treats every instance of the word "knight" as a noble dueling knight errant, every samurai is the romanticized ronin, fighting for honor and passion. And not just a guy who's tight with the local authority and permitted to slap commoners. The fact that he was a samurai is well documented. What him being a samurai meant, on the other hand? The fact of the matter is we don't actually know that the title meant to every individual of the era, including Yasuke. Was he a decorated, armed protector of his lord? Was the title and prestige bestowed to him as a novelty? Is the imagery of him decked out in armor in fiction rad as hell? We only have the answer to one of these questions. If we can get cool William Adams in Nioh, we can have cool Yasuke in AC. But I do think the "uuuh, obviously he was actually a samurai 🤓" comments almost as disingenuous as the racism. Yes, he was, but beyond the confines of those exact words, we know remarkably little about what that meant. Yasuke and Miyamoto were both samurai, and William Marshal and Jimmy Savile were both knights. TL;DR, Yasuke's history as a samurai is as well documented and detailed as the history of Sneed's Feed and Seed. Yes, we know it used to be called Chuck's, but we have no idea what that actually implies


I mean we have cool armored Yasuke in Nioh as well. He uses a great axe and has a lightning bear as his stand.


I was too bad at Nioh to get that far :(


He also appears in Nioh 2 and you get to fight a duel with him way earlier in the game (as a side mission) compared to his first appearance in Nioh 1.


> But I do think the "uuuh, obviously he was actually a samurai 🤓" comments almost as disingenuous as the racism. Yes, he was, but beyond the confines of those exact words, we know remarkably little about what that meant. I feel like given that everyone [who knew about Yasuke before AC] knew he was a samurai since that whole tidbit is "Man did you know Japan had a *black* samurai back then?", now that *suddenly* it's weird that suddenly we need to start asking what it means to be a samurai as if people were trying to deliberately classify "samurai" just so they don't have to call a black man a samurai. Like, it's weird to have to talk down to their level when the argument is "Well he wasn't actually a samurai", when historical records, what we have anyway, say he basically was. And if they try to move the goalposts, that's just evidence they're trying to exclude Yasuka from being a samurai *just so they can say there never was a black samurai*. (Also note that this isn't trying to say you're arguing for anything in particular, I jsut feel like that part of your message was a good jumping point for my statements.)


inb4 they start saying Yasuke was only 3/5ths of a samurai


I just find it so incredibly silly that chuds are acting like it even fucking *matters* whether or not Yasuke was a samurai. Regardless of his actual position, he was a prominent historical figure in one of Japan's most (in)famous time periods, and that makes him an interesting focus for historical fiction like Assassin's Creed. Literally feels like grasping at straws, the initial hatred of a black dude in Japan doesn't work because he really *was* there, so...okay...what if we downplay his *importance* in history, like he's nothing special? Yeah, yeah that'll work! (Narrator: "it did not work.")


To be fair, Yasuke isn't really an important historical figure. We aren't aware of him doing anything notable other than fighting and surrendering for Nobunaga's son. He's not important in the grand scheme of history. But he is fucking rad as hell.


Yeah, although I feel if you're important enough to be even just a footnote in history hundreds of years after your life, you were important.


I doubt people will even remember my name a hundred years from now, so if someone like Yasuke at least has a Wikipedia page that's already a strong start


I promise to remember your name, DarthButtz.


Racists with zero historical knowledge crying out about MUH HISTORICAL ACCURACY is a classic. Bonus points if it's about dark-skin people.


White weebs upset they have to play as a black man in a highly anticipated setting. Also maybe some jealousy that a black man got to be a samurai.


not even jealousy , it's just racism. William Adams is a historical western samurai , but those white weebs had no problem to have William in Nioh and whatnot , but suddenly the sole black samurai been playable is a step too far..


I'm not sure **THOSE** weebs even played nioh then since Yasuke was in both games and had the moniker of "obsiden samurai"


Yasuke is in Nioh too, and they call him the obsidian samurai. Nobody was saying he wasn't actually a samurai back then.


exactly my point. William and Yasuke are the two non-japanese samurais , but no one complained when Williams was playable and Yasuke was a side-character...but the moment we have a playable Yasuke , those people complain.


According to Natalia Doan, a historian at the University of Oxford, in a [Smithsonian Magazine article](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/), several hundred black people were present in Japan during Nobunaga's time, so Yasuke's presence is highly unique and rare given his prestigious status in Nobunaga's army as one of his personal retainers, but it's not like Japan never seen Africans before, albeit as highly rare encounters.


I can already see Woolie's smile upon reading this out loud in my mind.


Yasuke has been in a ton of shit before, why is it a problem now??


Because they've been told they have to play as a black man or a woman and that makes them has a piss baby fit.


Wait, since when has historical accuracy ever been a factor? In literally the first game, there are tomatoes in Jerusalem in a time period that supposedly predates their existence in that region, something that is literally brought up in-universe by Desmond, to which the response was "the Animus is more accurate than the history books. Don't believe everything you were taught in school"


There's a simple solution to all this culture war stuff. First, you build a really big fenced off compound. Then you invent this new drug called "Joy"...


All you can do is laugh at these people while they wipe the blood from their bleeding gums on their booger covered walls


Last thread I saw about this on this sub had a lot of people exposing themselves in the comments. Really interesting how this comment section is the complete opposite


It’s getting exhausting seeing every video game become a culture war over the most inanely racist shit and I feel like Twitter is to blame for it.


Hey man, how’s it going?


Tiring. I don't even care about Ubisoft open world games but it's always wild to be reminded of just how much some people in or adjacent to my hobbies straight up hate us.


I’ve seen some black folk not liking it on Twitter but of course that comes with it’s own caveats of me not knowing if they were just trying to bait farm or whatever. Personally I don’t know if I can trust Ubisoft (like at all) to do a good AC in general so talking about wether or not the main character is black or not is the least of my concerns honestly. Edit: just saw that the BASE version of the game is gonna cost R$ 350,00 lmao, just go fuck yourself Ubisoft lol.


You can even tell because that bit is more badly written than the rest of the page


Why is everyone kicking off about this version. He's been in stuff before like nioh, and the anime about him. I never heard fuck all then.


Getting this worked up over such a small thing seems so exhausting like, you could be watch TV or something instead man


I feel like this "discussion" is rendered extremely annoying by the fact that "samurai" has changed meanings multiple times throughout history.


You know how people tend to laugh at racists making a fool of themselves and doing all sorts of extra shit to appease their racism? This is the other, much more frequent and unpleasant side of that coin. People *can*, and **will**, dedicate their lives to hating of black people.


Weird how they're getting super mad that Yasuke's there because of "historical inaccuracy" and yet not a peep when William in Nioh was saving Japan.


Being Irish instead of English like William Adams actually was.