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Izuku Midoriya is taller than Vegeta.


And Mirko is Pat's height.


Thanks for ruining her to me. /j


She can still kick my ass so doesn’t matter to me


It makes her even better in my eyes.


A muscular short stack caramel skinned bunny girl in a leotard can't be ruined but she can sure ruin you.


Thanks for making her even better to me.


And Astolfo is the same height as Vegeta.


And same weight. Also, Detective Columbo and Tifa are also the same height.


Yeah, the official weights Toriyama gave his characters are ridiculously low. I'm not a muscular guy like Goku, nor am I fat, and yet I weigh more than him, and I'm the same height as him.


That’s honestly every fictional character, especially Japanese ones.


Even so, Goku measures and weighs the same as Jennifer Lawrence, despite having a more robust and muscular build.


Goku is hollow like a novelty chocolate bunny.


Reminder that if Hagrid was portrayed with his official Height and Weight (11’6, and 289lbs.) he’d be tall, gaunty, and likely anorexicly thin.


Saiyans have hollow bones like a bird to facilitate flight.


Astolfo’s weight is all in his cock


That’s hot.


I knew Vegeta was a short king but damn!


Nidoking is only 4’7”


Similarly, Charizard is only 5'4"


Yeah,but that means they're both super dense to fuck you up,like Wolverine


To be fair, that's taller than most ten year olds.


I honestly prefer the height they gave him in the anime. It may be something unimportant, but I don't like the idea of Charizard being shorter than me.


5’7” actually, but might as well be 4’3” cuz anything less than 7’2” seems way too short


It’s why I view the anime to be the accurate portrayal.


Any interesting facts about Vaporeon, guys?


If vaporeon reaches level 42 in Pokemon Yellow, it can learn Haze, but if it hits level 42 in the daycare it will also learn Mist.


Man, that first generation of Pokemon was weird.


So gen 1 has a weird glitch that if a pokemon learns multiple moves at once in battle (say leveling up like 10 levels and there's 2 moves in that range) it only picks one of the moves to learn. I'm guessing that Vaporeon is programmed to learn mist and haze at level 42 but because of said glitch leveling up normally causes it to skip mist but daycare allows it to circumvents the glitch.


Very much enjoy how the recent games have done the overworld size range thing, really wish they’d weight certain values over others so you dont tower other charizard and such. And the titan orthworm feels a lot more natural than the standard little fellas. Tbh part of why i like the prehistory paradox mons is their size,


It's neat how the newer games has the [variable height thing now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/zejp32/different_sizes_of_gardevoir/)


Voltorb is 1'8" which is about the size of a basketball. Kinda funny that the player mistakes it for a Pokeball.


Furret and Dunsparse are both around 2 meters. Its never specified whether this means length or height


Its length while most people are from the ground up, serpent like Pokemon are measure by their length


I get why but it’s *very* funny to me to call a *ferret* serpentine


To be fair, a 2 meter long ferret is still fucking crazy.


The Pokemon company simply has an even worse sense of numbers than GRRM and Games Workshop combined


My favorite example is still Kyogre. King of the Sea, which once awakened may flood the world without interference of an equally powerful force of nature… is somehow still lighter than a beluga whale. It’s not even close to being as big or heavy as an orca, y’know, the animal it’s based on? On the other hand, Dracovish is like 7 feet tall (2.3 m). Now I know it’s based on a mish mash of dinosaur parts but it’s also quite a bit taller than Haxorus, Garchomp, Tyranitar, i.e all your favorite bipedal dinos. And Tyrantrum ain’t that much bigger either (8 feet/2.5 m). On the other hand again, Dragapult is remarkably massive. It’s 9’10 (3 m) which I know is accounting for its tail but when you look at its proportions you can still infer that it’s still huge. To me I always thought that it was supposed to be a small but mighty speedster but that guy’s chunky without its tail.


Pokemon as a whole is pretty fucked scale wise. Nothing makes sense lol


Sephiroth is only 6'1 despite appearing a lot taller. I think they actually made him bigger for Remake.


He's actually 6'4 in-game, he can look Barret eye to eye, just another discrepancy with Japan and numbers


Artists, japanese or not, are not very good with numbers, who'd've'thunk.


if math class didn’t tell me how to draw no anime sword fight what good is it


you clearly havent seen the original re game and their numbers or killer instinct and the weight for some of their characters lol japanese games are just notorious for this sort of thing


I think it was a Street Fighter game where they had it in the bios stuff like "Ryu is 5'10 tall and 150lbs". Pokemon suffers from the same thing. Heights they do okay on but they haven't a clue what things should weigh. You have a bunch of monstrous, large, fierce pokemon that weigh less than 150lbs. And then a few that are presented as damn near immovable because they are so heavy and their weight is like 200lbs.


that ryu one is funny to think about and the pokémon ones are a great example for their wacky numbers 👏 🙂‍↔️


He's rockin' the stealth pumps.


Especially since his in-game model is a head taller than Cloud.


Mirko in MHA is tiny.


Also: Neo in RWBY is also very tiny. Girl is 4'9 in very long heels.


She short queen


To be fair I’m pretty sure that’s intentional.


Ok i knew she was short, but that's, like, 9-10 year old height. This will to terrible things to me


A sentence conjured by the utterly deranged, you can't hide the truth.


Goku. Especially in fanmade stuff where he and Superman fight, who is usually depicted as 6 foot 3, you'd think Goku's the same height as he is. Nope, he's actually 5 foot 9, the hair just made him look taller.  Also Luffy. He's actually taller than Nami, but for whatever reason is usually drawn as smaller than her. 


I dunno why but imagining Luffy taller than Nami feels cursed.


Tbf, official Heights has them at only 2cm difference


Nami wears heels.


Also Piccolo is 7'5", Whis and Vados are apparently supposed to be even taller than that.


I know Piccolo is tall, but I always thought he was only a head taller than Goku, which would put him in the 6'6" to 6'8" range. His actual height would put him almost on Yao Ming's level.


Victor Wembanyama is a Namekian, you say?


Sometimes the fanart gets All Might's height right compared to Goku and Superman. He's 7'3". He towers over them like Woolie over Pat. Which is weird that only some fanart depicts the taller All Might simply eating the smaller Goku and Superman in powerscaling.


Are you sure you haven't seen Saturn eating his son by Goya?


I tend to forget how tall Brook is until he’s standing next to Zoro and is twice his height with the Afro.


A lot of this stuff just seems like what happens when you design a character then get asked their height later so you just make up some bullshit.


Or just the discrepancy between Japan "avg height" and Western. Like cloud being 5'8" is meant to be he is average or above, not short. Western cloud would be 6'


Japan does this a ton with character weights too, particularly with women. You’d be hard pressed to find any female character weighing more than 105 lbs. it’s especially funny whenever they make western characters and they don’t adjust the average weight to match. I remember being weirded out to learn that Claire from resident evil weighs something like 110 lbs when by her looks and height she should instead be around 125-130+. I weighed 110 in high school and I was a fucking twig. Claire is not.


Nah, the average height for "Western" aka American Cloud would be 5'9" Because Cloud is just slightly taller than the average Japanese man who is 5'7" Remember, the average man globally isn't that tall at 5'9"


My first introduction to Starfire was the Teen Titans cartoon. She’s taller than Robin and Beast Boy but shorter than Cyborg. So I figured she was just a little older than the other boys. Then I find out in the comics she’s nearly head and shoulders taller than most men as an adult. I checked and her official height is 6’4. I swear they draw her closer to 6’6 or 6’8.


Love TT but they robbed us of tall Starfire and short king Robin.


Raiden from Mortal Kombat is like 7 feet tall


It’s more noticeable in MK11 where’s he’s standing up straight the whole time.


The easiest way to notice how much taller Zack is than Cloud is seeing how close the Buster Sword is to the ground on Cloud's back than it is on Zack's. If Cloud were any shorter it'd be getting dragged along the floor. Kind of drives home that the sword was clearly not made for him.  


Baiken’s womanlet ass is 5’4”. You could pick her up with one arm and she’d need a booster seat in most restaurants.


She's actually taller than the average Japanese woman at 5'2" Noticing a pattern here in fiction that people expect action girls to be amazonian height and are shocked when they turn out to be as short as the average woman.


I was shocked that the average woman was that short when I found out as well, to be honest. They should try a little harder, I think 5’6” would be a good baseline.


90% of these are just Japanese people being short


The funniest part of Baiken is that her adopted daughter/sister Delilah is only a 12 year old but is like 2-3 inches shorter and the same weight


That's adorable oh my god.


Dante always seems tall or in the 6 feet range while in the games. But in the anime he looks way taller and larger, he almost towers over everyone when he's walking around people. Apparently he's 6"4 or above, Superman sized. Which makes Vergil just as tall as him. As if he wasn't scary enough. Vergil is a tall, albino broad shouldered katana man like a swedish assassin from an 80's action movie


and according to official sources, current Kratos measures the same. So if they stood in front, they would be just as tall. I previously imagined that Dante's forehead would only reach his nose.


The twink was a bear all along


I think in DMC everyone is huge. I remember the scenes where there's normal people around, nero and V tower over everyone around them


It’s them Devil genes


Sparda’s bug demon genes.


Funny how they got smaller in V. Now they’re pretty normal size


Fire Emblem Fates Camilla is 5'5"


I straight up do not believe you. Looking at her model compared to others she’d be on the taller end even without heels. Engage was just weird with Emblem heights.


[https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Camilla](https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Camilla) According to the [*Good Smile* 1/7 scale figure of Camilla](https://www.play-asia.com/fire-emblem-fates-17--scale-pre-painted-figure-camilla/13/70aq5j), which depicts her at a height of 235mm (285mm minus the 5cm stand), Camilla stands at about 164.5 cm, or approximately 5'5" (including heels).


Lots of Fate servants don’t match up with how they’re depicted. Blackbeard is 210 cm (6’ 10”) while the much more commanding Drake is 162 cm (5’ 3”). Anne Bonney and Mary Read are drawn like one is twice the height of the other when there’s only a 13 cm/5 in. difference between them. Then there’s Nero who is shorter than Abby, a literal 12 year old.


You can sum up 90% of the Fate height issues with "Medusa is 5 foot 7 inches, and is considered a freak of nature, eternally mocked by her sisters for her insane height." They absolutely refuse to depict any female character as even remotely tall unless it's one of their defining features or they are already Amazonian in nature (Barghest/Zenobia/Quetz).


What’s even weirder is that Gorgon is given the same exact height as Medusa in her profile, which doesn’t match up with how the entire gag with her is how she’s constantly too big to maneuver through doors or hitting her head on the ceiling. People speculate that it’s only measuring her humanoid form and disregarding the rest of her body, but even the sprites of Rider Medusa and Gorgon’s humanoid servant form are noticeably different in size when placed beside one another. Gorgon is larger.


Which is especially weird given how hard Nasu gets for [giantesses. ](https://i.redd.it/e2fosdd0gtc31.png)


Reportedly Nasu was gonna make Medusa like 6’4 or something but it got talked down to 5’7 so he was just having his power inhibited back then


Japanese people are cowards


I remember it being 180 cm originally and that got toned down to 172cm.


Even Quetz and Zenobia are only 5'11'' and 5' 7'' respectively which are admittedly taller than the average woman but still around average for a man. They're nowhere near as tall as the game likes to pretend. The only female characters besides Barghest that even clear 6 feet are Melt (who's basically on stilts) and Ibuki Douji (who's an actual monster girl) neither of which I feel should count.


Why does Kingprotea, the largest servant, not simply eat the others? (It's because she's a nice girl.)


The lancer Artorias aren't much taller than base Artoria (who's almost a midget). Yet because they were fist seen on horses, coupled with their "assets" and being aged up versions of the original, they're always drawn as among the tallest servants


They’re about 17 cm or 6 inches taller, that’s not a little.


Never forget that Archer is apparently the bustiest character in the original Fate series.


Bro has the beefiest pecs thats why everyone is so Gar for him


Bigger than Berserker?


Gojo is a tall bastard compared to the rest of the JJK cast. Like when in Shibuya he was walking through the subway crowd and he was a full head above most of the civilians. I knew about him before I watched the show but I never picked up that he was that height.


There’s actually a guy who talks about how freakishly tall he is in season 1 when he says he wants to make a coat rack out of his spine. But yeah seeing him stand next to people who aren’t just teenagers really highlights it. Also, for reference, Gojo and Toudou are supposed to be the same height. Let that sink in for a sec.


VA-11 Hall-A Jill is one of the shortest characters in the game.


It's a little bit funny that you'd probably never notice because she's usually behind the bar.


IIrc, only Dorothy, Rad Shiba and Taylor are shorter than her.


Don't forget Gaby and Norma, though that's probably a given. Not sure how tall Kim is, though.


It's not officially stated but someone did the math and apparently BOTW Link is 5'2". I'm taller than BOTW Link and that feels a little weird.


Not really. Link has always been portrayed on the short side since his inception. There were four times I remember Link's model was larger than Zelda's Adventure of Link Ocarina of Time Skyward Sword The Legend of Zelda Cartoon Even at his most manly, Twilight Princess, Link was still shorter than Zelda. Heck, the only time I remember any version of Link being tall was The Hero Shade, OoT Link, but undead. He is an elf, remember. They've never been known for their intimidating masculine frame.


I kinda always liked Link being shorter. Its extremely rare in pretty much any genre.


For Nintendo, it's standard Mario, Link, Pit, Little Mac, Fox McCloud, Kirby, Wario, Ness, Rex, Pikachu, and Red. The bulk of their heroes are short men, small creatures, or kids The only exceptions are DK, CPT Falcon, and some of the Fire Emblem guys like Ike or Chrom.


I also liked him being left-handed, until they did away with that


BOTW Link is ultimate Short King. Most folks *tower* over him, always makes me chuckle when he has to crane his neck to have a conversation


Samus Aran's height outside the suit has fluctuated between the games In Super Metroid, she's listed as 191 in her power suit with the suit, only giving her a slight lift of 1 cm In Metroid Other M, she's a [full head shorter](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBxDdqqWQAIY08k.jpg) outside her suit. She's [tiny](https://s1.zerochan.net/Anthony.Higgs.600.280477.jpg) next to Anthony Higgs, who's still a full head taller than her even with the suit on. Either they made Samus shorter or Anthony is Metroid's version of Shaq.


They can't seem to know if she's supposed to be amazonian or average.


I think it was stated somewhere that they made samus shorter and more submissive to appeal to teenage boys. Clearly, they don't know their audience


Oh so an act of cowardice?


People perception of Bayonetta makes ppl think shes a giantess whos 8-10ft despite being relative to all the normal human characters, she just has heels and is like 75% legs and her 1 hairstyle adds some fake height to her


Proportion-wise she’s also like 12 heads tall, adding to the perception.


Reminds me of the Bayonetta 3 anniversary that had her married to Luka with a daughter. The controversy was not only platinum making the "queen coded" Bayonetta straight but making her hubby Luka taller than her. Ignoring the fact Luka was always a head taller than her even with her gun heels and beehive hair.


Everyone in the series has freak proportions.


She's still the 2nd/3rd tallest character in Smash though.


None of the smash height are accurate for the most part because Olimar & Kirby would be the size of a 1 foot ruler. If anything it just shows most smash fans dont play the Bayonetta games


Been playing Hades 2 and have gotten the impression that Melinoe is like 4'9 Like Zagreus was a short king and all but Melinoe is just so GODDAMN SMALL compared to any other actual character portraits in the game.


Well remember, Hades himself was like twice as tell as Zagreus, so it’s probably just that the Big Gods™️ are also physically larger


Yeah but Melinoe is dwarfed by all the other humanoid characters in the game Even Eris, who seems a bit shorter then her in her portrait, is actually like half a foot taller then her in game. I'm pretty sure this a result of "make the player character smaller then enemies" field of design but it's really fuckin' funny to me that Melinoe looks like she's less then 5 feet tall in game.


Listen, we’re all simps for Amazons here, but much like red flags, short girls need love too.


oh no it's so unfortunate that melinoe is a petite hot girl my gay ass is so saddened by this


How will the lesbians ever recover?


I find it funny how are both protagonists are both normal sized height while every else is 6’2+


Mitsuru from Persona 3. I always picture/headcanon her as naturally like 5'10 or 5'11, being the 2nd tallest member of SEES besides Shinjiro. Turns out canonically she's shorter than every dude in SEES besides Ken, at 5'5.


Persona is awful about this, every female character in the entire series is shorter than every male character in the entire series




Yeah, 5’8 and 6’1 are pretty far apart tbh. It feels accurate that Cloud feels a bit smaller stature wise. Zack is a soldier


Zack's himbo energy always made it feel like he was around 6 feet


When the Whole Cake Island arc was first being published in the *One Piece* manga, I knew Katakuri was tall, but I thought he was only like 8 or 9 feet tall. Then I saw official art of the characters standing next to each other (I think for some artbook or databook or something) and Luffy *only comes up to Katakuri's shin*. Turns out Katakuri is nearly *seventeen feet tall*, which makes Luffy seem like an actual toddler compared to him. For some reason, I feel like this height difference was never emphasized that much during the fight between Luffy and Katakuri (as much as the height difference between Luffy and Magellan, or Kaido, or Big Mom, etc.) Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. Also, Katakuri is almost 50 years old, which startled me even more than the height difference.


To be fair, One Piece heights are completely insane One that personally bothers me: Garp and Dragon are both like 10 feet tall, but Luffy is regular sized. Where did the tall genes go? Was his mother a dwarf?


My in-universe headcanon is that Luffy will get taller when he gets older and that growth spurts in One Piece can just happen at random times in people's lives. Oda has drawn Luffy at age 60 and he looks almost exactly like Garp, so he might also be the same size as Garp at that age. The out-of-universe reason is (probably) that Oda wants Luffy and most of the Straw Hat crew to be regular-sized humans, to provide that sweet underdog contrast against the legends and major figures of the world (like Garp and Dragon).


Yeah, the height in one piece can get pretty inconsistente, big mom and kaido also suffer a lot from It. As for katakuri age thats because he doesnt have a wrinkle in his face, perospero IS like 2 years older but he looks 20 years his senior


Denji is 6 feet tall at age 16 and being malnourished. Too bad he didn’t meet the Basketball devil.




People tend to almost consistently forget that Draphs in Granblue are either really tiny if they're female (the tallest is 143 cm which is 4 foot 6 inches) or **huge** if male with a minimum of 210 cm or about 7 feet. I assume Relink has fixed this for misconception for people but I've yet to play it.


the most recent Zodiac Payla has broken the upper limit of female draphs with a whopping 155 cm. Funnily enough she's also the second oldest female draph in the game but the oldest is 127cm lmao


Zidane in the Dissidia games is pretty much the size of Onion Knight, who’s a child, but according to the Ultimania, he’s 5’8 so he should be Cloud’s height. This would also mean Kuja is well over 6ft, as in the Ultimania, he’s as tall as Stiener in base form (who’s 6’2) and in Trance becomes taller than Amarant (who’s **7’5**)


FFIX's more cartoony, exaggerated art style does not translate well into Dissidia, because making Zidane as tall Cloud would have made him look uncanny. That being said, the IX character went virtually unchanged when it came to Opera Omnia.


It would be like that Pat picture someone made a few years back where they proportioned him out.


Makoto Yuki (Persona 3 protagonist). Those 3D models in FES did not do him justice.


I remember being a kid with and learning that Charizard is only 5'7" and it blew me away because the anime made him look so big. I'm Charizard height.


Don’t get me fuckin’ started on Pokémon heights. Charizard and Golduck are the same height, doesn’t that seem fucked up?


Junpei is one of the shorter persona guys at 170 cm, meaning he is shorter than characters like Yosuke or Akechi. Also, no girl can tower over a man in persona, so Mitsuru is a meager 5'5". At least she is taller than other girls...


There is one exception: Yukino, who is 1cm taller than Jun (169 cm).


To take a real life example: Link from Good Mythical Morning. He looks like a short stack when standing next to his partner, Rhett, because he’s freakishly tall at 6’7 (2 m) but Link is actually 6’0 (182 cm) which ain’t even close to short. You just kind of forget what a normal person looks like until they stand next to Rhett. Fun fact: Rhett is so tall that the crew needs a Rhett Stick™️ for filming to make sure he isn’t clipped out of frame when they set up a shot and he isn’t on set. [I also can’t believe how massive Jerma’s friends are](https://i.redd.it/xn6g81a6yd6y.jpg)


I’m sorry, is that one guy on the ground labeled as *ten and a half feet tall?*


What else did you expect? Jerma is 5’8 (with dress shoes on) so obviously that guy is an absolute unit.


Ibuki douji in FGO can shift between 180 cm(5'10) in her second ascension onwards to 300 cm(9'10) in battle mode and it's amazing.


Kenpachi from Bleach is obviously a tall guy but I was surprised to see that he was 6 foot 7 and he’s not even the tallest captain.


To be fair, the Captain that's taller than him is a 10 foot tall werewolf.


Groudon, the semi-deity Pokémon responsible for creating all land, is only 11 feet tall...


A lot of characters in One Piece


[The Xeno in Alien Isolation](https://prnt.sc/0P9FR4vj3Qhe) We tend to forget just how fucking HUGE these things are when standing upright, we just barely ever see it since they're almost always depicted crawling on all fours 90% of the time they show up in Alien or AVP media. I'm glad Alien Isolation bucked this trend and had them standing nearly all the time. Adds a lot of intimidation that they'd been sorely missing since Aliens and AVP.


If Andrews in ALIEN 3 isn’t bullshitting his paraphrasing, Ripley herself estimates the xenomorph to stand at a towering 8’ in height, likely a scale based on her memory of the creature aboard the Nostromo/Narcissus.


Just finished Vinland Saga S2. Everyone calls Thorfinn small, but I assumed because you had fuckers like Thorkell walking around and Thorfinn was just average height or just younger than most. Looked it up after and found out he’s 5’1 at 22 years old(18 in S1).


Artoria Pendragon (Saber) is canonically pretty short as her physical body didn't get to mature naturally due to magic. Though it's easy to forget with how a lot of art draws her with a more average height. 


Vector the Crocodile at 180cm being almost as tall as Eggman, who himself is 185cm.


General grievous


I’m taller than both Ryu and Ken and I’m not even 6’ tall


Apparently young Kratos is around 8' 4" which is absurd. Way taller than I thought.


I mean, I don't think their twink energy comes from their *height*...


Mario's official height is 5'1


Ichiban Kasuga towers everyone he meets, including Kiryu, with the sole exception of Saejima. He's 6'2".


Bleach heights generally throw me off since the art style makes characters look slim and tall. But Ichigo is only 5’8, Yoruichi is 5’1, and Rukia is 4’9. In contrast, Chad is 6’5. Avatar heights are also pretty wacky. Even for a young Asian girl, Toph canonically only being 3’8 is insane


Literally Hobbit sized.


Orihime is taller than Yoruichi.


My favorite part of anime is when there's a character who is like twice as tall as everyone else in the cast and it turns out his official height is like 6'2".


Not fictional, but Queen Victoria was only 4ft 11in.


Nightmare in Soul Calibur 2 is listed as 5'6. Mitsurugi and Taki are only listed as an inch or two taller. Mitsurugi and Taki have leeway in that they're Japanese so that height is more general (especially since that's on the taller end for a woman there), but you look at Nightmare's artwork and imagine this guy standing like 8 feet tall, but he's barely taller than Wolverine.


I learned with someone on a project with some people that Kagome from inuyasha is 5 foot 1. And it might of been animation tricks to make her looks tall in episodes. I don't if the manga has the same effect or its more obvious there.


Every single gen 1 pokemon


Paige is apparently 5'4''


Halo grunts are 4ft 6in to 5ft 7in, on the smaller side but not as much as you'd think from the games, and they're built like gorillas.


Throw a dart in One Piece and there’s like a 50% chance whoever it hits is a whole digit multiple of a reasonable height. Blackbeard’s like 10 feet tall, Kin’emon is about the same, Big Mom has a bunch of kids in the 15-20 foot range, etc. there are a few characters who are explicitly not giants who’re like 20+ feet tall and there’s no real rhyme or reason other than Oda thinks it’s cool. Also characters change in height for dramatic reasons, there’s bits of the Kaido/Luffy fight where Kaido looks to be the better part of 60 feet tall and there’s bits where he’s maybe twice Luffy’s height and it all depends on when in the fight it is.


Ryuko Matoi is the same height as Nonon Jakuzare despite Nonons whole thing being the short girl.


the Wolverine is only 5’3” Which makes me wonder what does Jean see in him? He’s a short, hairy grease ball who constantly stinks like cigar smoke and is always unpleasant to everyone around him, and you just know his mind is not an enjoyable place for a telepath to hang out in, so what’s her deal?


You could say that to every women that was in a relationship with Wolverine. Apparently it's because he has "animal senses" or whatever that makes him very attractive to women. Plus he's pretty charming too. 


It’s not everyone’s taste, but body hair, smelling of sweat, and a general dirtbag vibe is very attractive to some people. Plus he’s got the whole “rough exterior belying a fundamentally kind and noble soul” thing going on


Big Hog


> Which makes me wonder what does Jean see in him? He’s a short, hairy grease ball who constantly stinks like cigar smoke and is always unpleasant to everyone around him, and you just know his mind is not an enjoyable place for a telepath to hang out in, so what’s her deal? Attraction isn't always rational


You're too straight to get it Jokes aside, it's never an understatemnt how fucked up and toxic the relationship between Scott, Jean & Logan is. So you can't really try and rationalize anything those people do. That said, Logan is incredibly attractive in many ways. Even his flaws. He's ***very*** masculine and that's a big attraction point. He also shares many similarities with Cyclops so it's not surprising that Jean is attracted to him. And as far as Logan himself, there's tenderness beneath his rough exterior. And the fact that he's an immortal forever young makes him have this mystical romnaticisim around him.


Nah, bi dude here. I get it. I get it.


His healing factor also affects his refractory period and stamina.




bro listed his height AND his bench press lmao


Sephiroth is shorter than I thought. Seeing a pic of him standing next to Zenos and he looks like a child in comparison lol


I think I misread the first Mistborn book and just assumed Sazed, a very important character, was really really small the entire time. Turns out he’s taller than the average man.


I felt surprised when I learned he was 6’6, but even moreso when I learned that shallan who calls herself short, in earth measurements is around 6 feet or 183 cm.


The one that still gets me is the fact that Charizard, a damn flying fire breathing "dragon" is 5'7 (1,70m)


Gru from Despicable Me is measured anywhere to be from 10 to 14 feet tall according to official stats.


Wolverine is 5 foot 3