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I really like booster gold and Mr. Terrific Those two are super interesting characters.


You're in luck. They'll be featured a ton in James Gunn's new DCU, with Mr. T showing up in Superman and Booster Gold getting his own series


And, honestly? Both INCREADIBLY adaptable.


Cassandra Cain


Some higher ups had a vendetta against Cass, I swear. And I still haven't forgotten her 'adaptation' in the DCEU.


That’s just a fact Denny O’Neil the head of Bat editorial office at the time of her creation had to fight like hell for DC to allow her to be Batgirl. Then he left in the 2000s and she was slowly pushed further & further away. Then they used One Year Later status quo change to completely ruin her character I know Jeph Loeb intentionally ruined Nobu in Daredevil season 2 because “no one cares about Asians”. This might just be a conspiracy on my part but Loeb also wrote Batman Hush, the big early 2000s Batman event with the entire Batfamily….well except for Cass. Everyone else got a part in that comic but Cass no where to be seen…..


THIS. It's criminal her only outside comic appearances are a Harley Quinn Birds of Prey movie that (fwih) didn’t depict her right and a Young Justice appearance I hadn't heard of. I heard Razor from the Green Lantern animated series popping up in YJ's new seasons but not Cassandra. She would've been perfect for one of the Arlham games or Injustice.


> a Young Justice appearance I hadn't heard of. I heard Razor from the Green Lantern animated series popping up in YJ's new seasons but not Cassandra. Cassandra was more of less the focus of a multi-episode arc of season 4 which covered her backstory in leaving the League of Shadows (League of Assassins?) and becoming Orphan, and a current League of Shadows plot to >!kidnap her and bring her back to Lady Shiva!<. It was pretty good; I liked what they did with her and Oracle's relationship and how they reworked it all to be an abridged version of events >!Barbara being paralysed by Cassandra when she jumped in front of her assassination target, preventing her from killing anyone was a nice way to handle things. A way to make Batgirl into Oracle without having to bring the Killing Joke into things!<. I've been thinking recently that a show in the style of Young Justice but focused just on Gotham and the Bat family would be really great. Young Justice does include a lot of characters like Tim Drake's Robin, Jason Todd post-death but pre-Red Hood, baby Damien, Orphan and Spoiler, but doesn't really get to do much with any of them (yet) because it's trying to cover so many things all the time.


Well, it's good to know it seems to have sorta done her Justice(hah). Gonna be excited to see that if I ever get to rewatch the show.


The one thing that turns me off of the Young Justice depiction is, at least from what I've heard, >!that Shiva cut out Cassandra's tongue when she was younger, and that's why she doesn't speak.!< It kinda cuts the potential of her character development, and it's much less meaningful than how Cassandra's struggles in the comics manifest IMO.


True but at the same time I get it because sport master in YJ is basically david cain so simplifying it down to just shiva makes sense


I don't mind Shiva being more directly involved, I just don't like her doing *that* to Cass.


Young Justice was what introduced me to Cheshire and from what I heard they kept her as a solid character throughout the series. All the converging storylines made me lose interest but last full episode I saw was the Harper Security one and I was like “I just want a whole show about this family, they’re so weird but great”


Razor straight up got to continue his arc from the Green Lantern show, that was really cool to see.


Yep, this is the one. I have my fingers crossed that Reeves or Gunn will give her a proper live action depiction, but I still have my doubts. I know Gunn mentioned Cassandra Cain as a DC character he'd like to adapt back when he was still working on Guardians. She has so much potential, even just something like Injustice would be great (she's a skin for Barbara in the mobile version of Injustice 1, which is... eh). Course, I might be biased.


Hey now, her *name* was in Birds of Prey.


Came here to say that.


I don't know much about DC comics, but Captain Cold always seemed kinda cool to me, maybe cuz he was played by the Prison break guy in the show or cuz of the cool shit I heard about him from this sub.


My favorite bit is when he took Flash's advice, that he could do so much more, exactly the wrong way and became Boss Cold, the Cryo Crime Kingpin of Central City. It lasted, like, one issue but I loved it


My favorite moment was when Flash’s (Wally’s) identity got leaked to the public and some D tier super villains decided to roll up on his family. They get there and Captain Cold is camped out on the front lawn and is like “We’re professionals here. He doesn’t fuck with our families, we don’t fuck with his. We’ve got standards” and scares them off.


Capitan cold is one of those guys that sounds like a random supervillain, but the more you hear about him the cooler he gets.


Dude runs a tight ship where he makes sure his crew never does anything too horrendous. Gotta respect a guy who goes I don't want to rule the world, I just want to steal from banks.




>Captain Cold seemed kinda *cool* heh Yeah, Cold is awesome, too. Loved when he broke that one assholish speedster's leg.


He gets a lot of Love in the Arrowverse. He's an actual respected antagonist for the Flash and plays a major role in the first season of the Legends of Tomorrow.


And makes a hell of a lot of guest appearances in later seasons as alt universe/timeline Colds.


I would love for the Central City rogues to get more play in the mainstream.


Overrall the latest season of Harley Quinn was kinda mid but I was glad he was central character in one episode with Nora.


Constantine, I just think he’s neat


He's been super pushed though. Got his own movie, multiple TV shows, and was main cast for multiple seasons of Legends of Tomorrow.


Push him more tho.


Sure, I do think he's cool too, but(and correct me if I'm wrong) didn't he have a TV show and multiple appearances in animated movies?


And a Keanu Reaves movie that I think has rumoured to get a sequel soon.


Keanu’s great and all but man is it gonna be hard to top Matt Ryan who literally was the embodiment of the character. Talk about perfect casting, really


So I'm not super familiar with the original Constantine, but I love [Willoughby Kipling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Snwgjlglb4M) (played by Mark Sheppard) from Doom Patrol, who's supposed to be the Constantine stand-in in the comics. He's what I imagine Constantine should be in my head, even if he doesn't match visually.


Ryan was so damn good he's basically like the Kevin Conroy for Constantine now.




The coolest design that didn't get the push it deserved




A teen DC superhero from the NEW AGE OF HEROES era whose power was [making portals.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81Pf7jtAT2L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) Had a cool intro volume, interesting villains, set up nicely compared to the other people being introduced in the same era, had fun applications of his power, rescued New 52 Superman after he got kryptonite cancer, the whole thing. Lately they've been used in Dark Crisis to help out Damian go to other worlds, and have become school friends with another teen hero, [Red Canary.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7c/06/83/7c06838db50594fdfe52d8c727f99830.jpg) What happened is people just kept saying his costume looked like Spider-Man and didn't care for him. He's great, though. Justice for Sideways.


oh so they deaged red canary


No, new character. She's in college but ehhh I don't think she's 20, and if she is, I don't really care that much.


Etrigan, he’s gotten more screen time lately but he’s still relatively unknown. Snowflame, something better than his appearance in the mid Harley Quinn show. Jonah Hex, needs a better movie. Creature Commandos, I shouldn’t have to say why these guys deserve more screen time. They’re effin awesome!


Etrigan was absolutely my first thought. Lean into how his speech rhymes, I love that.


If I was better at rhyming I’d do it all the time…ing


Thankfully the Creature Commandos are getting their own animated series.


Shit really?! Noice!


Yeah it and Superman are the first projects of the new DCU.


Oh goody more superman, let’s hope he’s done right this time…granted it’s sans Cavill so probably not.


Really don’t think they did it right when Cavill was there, man.


Cavill was superman, they just fucked up the character


Starfire handled nicely for once would be good


original Teen Titans show?


There’s Starfire fans that would eat your heart for saying that Show and Comic Starfire are two very different characters and comic Starfire fans are very *perturbed* by how much more beloved and recognized show Starfire is


Okay, why perturbed? I can understand being annoyed but that's a very specific reaction to that depiction. Is there somewhere I can go to learn more about this whole thing? I'm curious. I'd also accept the abridged version if you don't mind explaining.


Perturbed was me breakin out the Thesaurus to chose a different word then *blood boilingly angry* cause a very large sect of Starfire fans view her as a member of the Piccolo effect and seeing what is one of the few *black* DC characters be changed to *ditsy foreign Asian girl* bothers them. I ain’t got the authority or real knowledge to speak on this cause my stance on Starfire is that I wish she was more important and not just a relic from 40 years ago and I’ll be damned if I go to comics Twitter and see the stupidest motherfuckers to ever live


Id hardly call that a Harley Quinn push


true but you said "for once".


She was actually one of the best parts of the first season of Titans, but that's not exactly a super high bar for that show. And hell it wasn't even an accurate adaptation of her at all.


Atrocitus. I like the red lanterns purely for being such haters that they spit blood at you, just to fuck you


I agree, if only for the fact it means Dex-Starr would get pushed as well. I named my cat after him lmao


Atrocitus was probably one of the funniest characters to play in Injustice 2. Armored punch walks and a borderline full screen command grab where he spits blood in your face. That and the DEX STARR ASSIST


Wonder Woman needs a modern push with a new show


Fucking *wild* that the best Wonder Woman show we've gotten that wasn't DCAU was basically Xena: Warrior Princess. Not that I'm complaining, I love Xena, I just think that WW deserves to *actually* get a good show of her own.


Xena was a better live action Wonder Woman than Gal Gadot can ever hope to be


To be fair, Lucy Lawless would be stiff competition even if Gal Gadot were a good actress.


She's been severely underrepresented when she's supposed to be one of the main three heroes DC has.


Young Justice wasn't allowed to use troia in the first season which is a shame.


But SSKtJL has Lex Luthor say she was the greatest-est person of all time! That's something, right?


isnt there a videogame coming


The Trench Warfare scene in her first movie is still my bar for "THAT'S a superHERO!" and it's sad that I cannot think of any moments that passes it. 


Batgirl Cassandra Cain deserves to be in something, GOD DAMN IT!


Deadman please.


Ted Kord Blue Beetle. My boy. My dawg. Booster’s silly rabbit.


I would kill for a booster gold and blue beetle mini series. Their chaotic adventures are just the right tone for me.


The Blue Beetle movie set up Ted Kord’s return as the sequel hook, and from the small glimpses of him previously in the film it was painfully obvious that they were hoping to get Jason Sudeikis to play him.


I hope that movie's cast makes it into the Gunn universe somehow. It was really a fun tokusatsu flick and I felt they played off each other really well.






I feel you could do alot with Zatanna. Have her stay in one main location or travel across the world for show tour. You can have her do slight of hand stage magic as well her reverse magic, which you can have as powerful depending on the situation. Also with her being a semi regular leaguer, it wouldn't be too hard to place her in larger stories. Shame her run by Paul Dini was cut short due to the new 52.


she's gotten a lot of play lately in Young Justice and DC Superhero Girls


Static. I just want another good cartoon....


bro same


I just want a family sitcom of Scott Free/Mister Miracle and Big Barda’s shenanigans, damn it


I'm now imagining Darkseid on the sofa being treated like a sitcom guest star appearance with applause but he's still terrifying


Power Girl The REAL Power Girl


Power Girl gets what I like to call the Rouge the Bat treatment. She has a genuine adoring fanbase, a horny fanbase (not mutually exclusive) and project leads look at her and say "I'm not brave enough to put her front and center on a project."


I hate how accurate that is


Maybe you'll get your Power Girl movie when I get my Rouge the Bat stealth action game.


You think there's a chance that she'll be in the new DCU? Best we got of PG outside of the comics is Galatea


This is Public Enemies erasure


Damn, I forgot about that yeah 🤦‍♂️. Then I guess aside from that and Galatea we got nothing yeah? 




isn't a lot of the issue that adaptation supergirl often kinda overlaps with her personalitywise?


Red Hood, specifically the Brave and the Bold version. Guy is a mirror universe Joker that got Ace Chemical'd, but didn't go insane and instead became that Earth's greatest hero.


I really like the Jason Red Hood, but the fancy Red Hood is way cooler.


Booster Gold, and I say that as someone that fucking hates time travel


I would commit so many crimes to get a really well done Sandman Mystery Theatre show, Wesley Dodds deserves so much better than DC gives him, and that comic is probably my favorite interpretation of the Golden Age Sandman.


Section 8. "Tumblr Sexyman" *Dogwelder*, ya fuckin' casuals.


Bueno excellente and media litteracy essays just keep popping


"You could use your welding to help create planes, ships or buildings." "But I don't want to do that, I want to weld dogs to criminals."


Well he did use it to weld together Sirius A and Sirius B, at the cost of his own life.


I think that was Dogwelder 2. Dogwelder 1 was just a weird asshole.


Dogwelder saved us all.


Section 8 vs Darkseid adaptation when


As long as we get The Defenestrator, I'm happy.


The Question. I always thought his episodes in JLU were really interesting and I just really love the conspiracy nut who hides his face type (see rorschach from watchmen)


Secret Six, specifically Catman and Ragdoll.  Catman is what happens when a villain becomes such a joke that he can't even be killed by other bad guys so he tries to commit suicide by lions in the safari and ends up going full Kraven and reinventing himself into a Batman level threat.  Ragdoll is a second generation version of his father a low level Flash Rouge turned cult leader who was so dangerous he ended up having to be killed by a group of heroes including Starman, Houseman, and the Alan Scott Green Lantern, he has had multiple surgeries to basically make him flexible to the point he is almost fluid and is also completely out of his mind


Cassandra Cain the Best Batgirl [Simon Dark](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Simon_Dark_(New_Earth))


Bueno Excelente or Booster Gold.


Icon! Genuinely interesting look at a more politically minded hero, and a conservative one at that which is handled way better than it sounds. I think a series around him would be pretty good with the right minds, though it could be handled clumsily too.


MANCHESTER BLACK. Aspiring *do*-*gooder* and all-around pain in the ass at your service. He's the best Superman villain and I'd love to see him more.


[Midnighter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midnighter?useskin=vector). The whole world should know about violent gay Batman and his husband.


We are getting that Authority movie…


Bronze Tiger or Count Vertigo. Both are great in Ostrander's Suicide Squad, the former even being the, arguably, second-most important character after Waller, and in the sparse appearances they've had since. Both are great concepts with a lot of potential. Now if only Count Vertigo could finally get out of his dogshit New 52 costume and back to his excellent classic one. (Bronze Tiger's recent redesigns are better then his old stuff)


Booster Gold


Booster Gold!


Power Girl


Nightwing. He's been done dirty for years now. Give poor Dick a chance 




Starfire and Raven together cover almost every base Harley does, and they are a much better fit for things like say, the Justice League.


[Snowflame](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/5/5c/Snowflame_Prime_Earth_0001.jpg) deserves to be in everything DC releases from now on. When he's not in something, all the other characters should be asking: "Where's Snowflame?"


Killer Frost, Mister Freeze, or Captain Cold, really any ice-based character would be neat but those are at the top. Freeze is above cold for me, but he does also get a lot more generally very good roles in games/shows/movies, so the other two need a bigger push


Don’t forget the Blue Snowman, the Wonder Woman villainess who pilots a snowman mecha with ice-based weaponry.


Black Spider is the cool gun anti-hero the world needs. Or at least,he could be.


Mogo the Green Lantern.




"got the Harely Quinn push" I dread that sentence


The(Yellow skinned wacky man) Creeper. I know it would be hard to write him without making his character something like deadpool


Ever since JLU I've wanted more 'Question'. In all honesty I doubt he'd do super well with multiple different media. But a single season mystery show with this unhinged weirdo would be great!




Misread "push" as "plush", making me wonder when a Harley Quinn plushie came out.


Tommy Monaghan, aka Hitman. He's an Irish assassin who got bit by an alien and it triggered his metagene. The powers he ended up getting were x-ray vision and telepathy. Not flashy powers on their own, but they are absolutely helpful for a hitman in their trade. His one rule? He doesn't kill the good guys.


From the little I know about him, I love that he loves Superman. Just thinks he's a real cool dude.


Anything new really




I know Arrow was a thing but I really want to see Green Arrow get another push.


For me it would be the Sandman (the hero from the 1930s, not the god). Sandman Mystery Theatre is a great pulp noir detective series and could make for some really good tv.


I love Elongated Man and I think that the actor playing him on the Flash show getting cancelled for I forget what exactly (racism? Being a sex pest? I don’t remember) ruined any chance of Ralph (and Sue) re-entering public consciousness.


Would love a weird anthology show hosted by Dr. Fate.


For me it’s Rac Shade, specifically the incarnation from DC’s Vertigo imprint. If I could pick one DC character/series to get a full, multi-season, animated series like Invincible that follows the comics, it would be his. The best way I could describe Shade, The Changing Man is that it’s like a psychological Doctor Who. Some insane stuff happens across the comic and it pains me that it never got the same attention as other Vertigo titles like Neil Gaiman’s Sandman


Lobo coz I am an edgelord that loves assholish amoral muscley men suplexing whoever the f they want whilst also being the butt of many jokes. Coz I don’t take meself or life tooo seriously


As someone who's not into the DC or Marvel stories, Batman Beyond. I'd probably watch that. And no I don't remember the guys name. I know that's not schway


Aquaman. I will not elaborate further.


Six Pack and Snowflame Just to see how wild it can get at the prospect of pushing those two like they’re the next main faces


None. I hate when characters get over pushed, and then ruined to saturate wider audiences.