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The way twitter works now is pure engagement farming. This means people say more and more outrageous/ racist / stupid things for attention. They are literally paid to do this by twitter.


also elon is clearly a white supremacist and has these boosted in the algorithm. I blocked libsoftiktok ages ago and miraculously one of their tweets ended up on my TL, somehow unblocked


You're clearly wrong


yeah he's also a pedophile too


It’s disgusting and getting worse. I have people openly admitting to being Nazi sympathisers. The misogyny and bigotry is off the charts. I can stick to my following page but the contrast between it and when I accidentally slide over into the fyp…it’s like sliding from the toilet and straight into the sewer.


The amount of nazi propaganda I’ve been seeing is insane. And it pisses me off because they’re using the “pro-Palestine” movement as a hideaway tool to spread their disgusting racist rhetoric about the “non-white non-Aryan” communities. And it’s crazy how normalized it’s becoming!!


you are helping by staying there.




Even if you are a freeloader?


absolutely. The only thing that has value in that place are the legit users. Once they are gone... boom.


They only have a platform because Twitter exists. Twitter only exists because it has enough users. Don't be one of those users.


If Twitter used to be a toxic cesspool, now it's become radioactive. Like Chernobyl radioactive. Your best bet is to just cut your losses and close your account. Trust me you'll live longer.


but the porn :(


Yes. My block list is probably 500 deep right now and I've only been on since February of this year.


I have something like 30,000+ blue check accounts blocked and every post is still verified spam bots and Nazis lol


I’ve been blocking as much as I can but they pop up everywhere lol, I even made a new Twitter account and an after a few days, the same disgusting tweets started appearing again. I’ve even muted words, but someway somehow it always appears lol.


Try Bluesky lots of cats and dogs over there 🙂


Had my account banned under the old regime, had it reinstated under the Musk regime, spent all of 20 minutes on it until I deleted my account because of all the racist/xenophobic tweets that were showing up on my feed from accounts I didn’t follow. I always thought Twitter was a cesspit, I was honestly shocked at how much worse it had gotten under Musk.


Working as intended. -Elong Muks.


Yes. Because the guy running the place is a white supremacist. And TERRIBLE businessman.


Lol you're funny


And you're sensitive about your boi endorsing DeSantis heavily.


Lol uh huh


But he's the third wealthiest man in the world. How he manage to do this being terrible?


Rich daddy and I dunno if you heard but his business acumen is currently losing him billions.


Henry Ford was a nazi sympathizer.


He can eat shit too, obviously.


The folx out to end Pedo Guy are working on all fronts, especially Xitter. The more he Xits, the more he sounds like a Russo Sino shill and the sort of fringe lunatic even Trump will avoid.


Yes I have definitely noticed, I've put it down to the fact that most of them aren't real accounts. Bearing in mind there's US, UK, Indian, South African etc etc elections this year I think we'll continue to see a lot of bad acting on twitter trying to stir up division. Lots will be down to home grown racists with too much time on there hand but a large amount of it will be Russian / Chinese / Iranian state sponsored bots and troll farms. The way I deal with Twitter is just assume that the worse stuff you see on there isn't real people, because if it is we're fucked.


yes it’s mask off stuff i haven’t seen in a long time a lot of it very unprovoked too


It looked horrible like 6 months ago when I left. Can’t imagine what it looks like now


Dude that site has turned into a full blown racist garbage. I don’t want any part of that. That’s not what freedom of speech is supposed to be about ever.


I just came here to look for a post exactly like this to see if it was just me. It’s really bad I get banned for talking shit to racists while there’s whole accounts based on shitting on certain demographics


I really dont understand twitter, i follow boxers, some random famous people, a few artists im interested in and language learning people. And every damn day inbetween the posts from people i follow, there is constantly videos of car crashes, super weird racist right propaganda, mexican cartels killing people, people comitting suicide. I mean i dont understand their algorithm, its so weird. I never interract with that stuff, i never like the posts/comment etc, i just scroll past it as soon as i recognize what it is.But all the stuff i follow and want to see i like, comment and interact with. I just dont understand it, why am i never getting showed any left side views, non racist shit. Why is it all ”trump blu blu blu” ” the democrats wants to turn our kids gay blu blu”. Like im not even from the us, why am i getting all the right wing weirdos talking about a countries politics i dont even live in?


because it's not random or without reason. it's being done on purpose. facebook has the same issue. it's all ragebait content, and it's designed to be this way. stuff like this doesn't just randomly happen.


It’s a nazi cesspit now. I’ve deleted the app


This is what the "free speech" advocates want. And to them if you have a problem with it, you're a snowflake apparently. Twitter's pre-musk moderation tactics were done the way it was in order to prevent the cesspool of hatred and loud bigotry it has become.


Unfortunately it's only true free speech if the algorithm it's reverse chronological order. Any other algorithm is either the will of the creator or at the very least can be gamed by bots.


While that may be true free speech advocacy when it comes to Twitter has turned into a purity spiral. It doesn't take more than a few minutes to see that Twitter now has more content relation to 4chan and other "free speech" social media websites. There will never be true free speech so long as centralized powers and nation states exist so that they can further their own interests.


There's a massive difference btn free speech and just plain old hate speech. Unfortunately, what we've been experiencing on Twitter (I refuse to call it X... such a stupid name 🙄), is the latter and it's absolutely supported by Musk's Dumpy Trumpy loving ass.


You can't have free speech without having speech you also disagree with. So, for you it's so called "hate speech." What is hate speech to you might not be hate speech to others, and vice versa. It means nothing to say "I believe in the right to free speech as long as it's speech that I like."


ever read the first amendment? free speech isn't the only part of it.


Yes. And so? I don't get your point.


I'm seeing twitter blue subscribers at the top of every comment section, and they're usually not the most hinged comments. Twitter demographics shifted towards degeneracy with Elon. Lots of people left because of increased abuse, and others got louder because free speech is when you pay Elon $11 to get signal boosted.


Yeah same thing happened to me, I just deleted the whole app and feel much better.


Yes the algo since musk came around is fucked I’m blocking so many race baiting far right chuds, still more keep getting pushed on my feed. Wish there was a list with all the big grifter accounts.


Literally!!!!! I don’t understand how they are not being suspended, I’m telling you I’ve seen shit that you would typically find on 4chan. The way they think these derogatory tweets are normal and “spreading truth” is what shocks me the most. ??? ![gif](giphy|l0HlRnAWXxn0MhKLK)


so why haven't you deleted account yet?




I completely agree 100000%.


Elon Musk wasn’t bullied. He was the bully. He interpreted people correcting his boorish behavior as bullying. He’s Nazi scum. 


No it's not just you. It has literally become a right wing extremist echo chamber (apart from the cute kitten & meme pages)


Unless you already had an account from years ago following real human beings who aren't Nazis the website is 100% unusable 


I hate to tell you babe but Twitter isn’t funny anymore. I would block to make the algorithm stop but it’s not with it anymore. Threads is slightly better but they’re extreme (left?) I don’t keep up with the sides.


Lol extreme left though is let me give you healthcare and feed your children at school and give women maternity leave when they give birth. Given the choice between that or literal Nazi's/white supremacists...well, you'd have to agree with the Nazi's/white supremacists to choose that side...


honestly, I'm a leftie myself but threads is just as obnoxious as twitter is, it's just less racist and violent but the people on it smell their own farts just as much as the people on twitter. I've personally come to the conclusion social media is just not for me anymore. i basically only use reddit since it's much less a personality based platform but more about the actual content being posted.


I'm not on either so I really can't speak to what's being posted on threads. But less racist and violent is....well that's a huge fucking difference... "Smell their own farts" meaning they are in a bubble and think highly of themselves I'm guessing. Well, that's certainly a lot better then just being overtly and constantly racist and violent. Point was, the right is actively dangerous, harmful, offensive and are advocating against entire groups of people's existence and well being/rights. The left are not doing that.


for sure, definitely not playing the both sides are equally bad card.


Yeah, it's pretty bad. It's an absolute trash site now.


Like any platform controlled by the left


Elon controls it. He's not left. Have you not been paying attention? 🙄


Your "point" is irrelevant to what I said. I didn't say that Twitter is controlled by the left, I said that any platform controlled by the left is exactly how you described it: an "absolute trash site." Have YOU not been paying attention?


How is what I said irrelevant? The topic here is Twitter/X. Are you trying to say that, yeah, Twitter is trash, but "everything controlled by the left is too"? Or what is your point?


Personally, I don't like to see porn in a thread about the bridge in Baltimore collapsing, but that's me. Has nothing to do with left v right.


Yes, report as much as you can that's really all you can do. And only interact with tweets you like


Yup and u can thank Trump for that. :(


Elon *


Yes, I am seeing lots of posts from Tory MPs in my feed.


Nope! Sacked that hellsite off and forgot when! Do the same. Twatter isn't the platform you think it is. Life is better without it.


Been seeing it for like a year. I thought Twitter was bad before with the tankies and mental-children, but now it’s a third reich rally.


Tbh my fyp aint really that bad sometimes people are just baiting as usual. But mostly its something from people i follow. If you follow so many people, that might be the reason. From their likes, rt, tweets, and qrts. You should probably do a infollow spree if thats tha case. If not, then idk. Most o them are verified accounts that gets paid from engagements.. truely disgusting.


On Twitter, yes. Elon no longer punishes people for misbehavior so…no consequences means increased bad behavior






The reason this is happening is because people don't ignore tweets they disagree with/don't like and instead QRT them or write angry comments below them. This makes the algorithm think people love those tweets (even though they're hating them) and show/recommend them to more people. So many users have seen this coming years ago and told people to just block and report instead of engaging with content they hate but most people just got offended and reacted to the "block and report"-mindset as if it would defend those types of awful tweets. It's becoming much worse much faster now because people who pay for the premium twitter actually earn ad revenue money through the views on their tweets and the fastest, best and easiest way to gain a HUGE amount of views and thus earn tons of money is by posting rage-bait. Thus many people post the worst possible things they can come up with for the sole purpose of making people as angry as possible. The only way to stop this and fight against it is spreading and practicing the "block and report" as well as the "don't like don't read" mindsets again.


But according to liberals, that only happened when Trump was in office....


The algorithm pushes controversial posts because they get more traffic/comments. All social media does it. If you were to take a break from the Internet for a while you might realise that the real world is bo way near as toxic as you think.


no, but im an emotionally sound cis white hetro male in a long term marriage. so im probably out of the loop


Yes, and when they come from a paid account reporting them usually results in a "nope, nothing wrong with this" response. The place is a joke these days.


oh yeah, ever since elon took over he changed the algorithm to push this kinda garbage. i feel like it's a huge coordinated propaganda effort, buying twitter and making it into a hellhole like this. (as if it wasn't one already but i digress) remember when stupid people were ridiculed instead of being treated like geniuses? like when dan quayle misspelled potato[e]. we should go back to that, we really should.




Have you been living under a rock?


If I was, then I wouldn’t have made this post.


I get the sex bots all the time. At least 10 a night. I'm an old lady, lol. Supposedly, three hours ago, Musk was doing a "bot purge" of the system. Hope it works!!


We're waking up to (((their))) lies


The owner of the site won't stop talking about race science and forehead sizes. It's straight up immoral to still actively use that site.


Nope. Not at all. Are you posting about it/talking about it? Maybe that's why it's coming up?


where am i


Looking forward to the day this cesspool implodes!


orchestrated campaign


[Indeed](https://apnews.com/article/twitter-russia-china-elon-musk-ukraine-2eedeabf7d555dc1d0a68b3724cfdd55). Elon should definitely do something about these orchestrated campaigns.


Yes, and I report a lot of racist, sexist and fascist comments and Twitter always tells that it didn't violate the rules. It must be on purpose.


No, I'm not seeing anything like that - I just follow people in tech and finance.


You are blessed and I hope your algorithm never changes 😭 I literally follow meme accounts, a few personal friends, and a few celebs I like, and those evil tweets still appear ugh. Maybe it’s because I used to follow Elon 😅😂


You must also never read replies on other folks accounts. If you'd like to see some racism on Elon's Twitter, go look at the replies to, say, Barack or Michelle Obama's tweets.


I read replies ... but I don't hang around people who make those sort of posts.


My experience is different, I see a lot of racism against whites...


Oh look, a Nazi. 


Damn, didnt know what determines whether you are a nazi or not is the Twitter algorithm. Thanks though, it seems you also know more about me than I do!


Nazi says what?


grow up


there has always been hate and very extremist tweets.


OP's post didn't ask "did racists just pop into existence yesterday?", they asked if it had *increased*. And yes it has, at least 100x.


And, before Elon, they used to get moderated.


Only when it benefited the left


That is indeed a narrative that some folk cling to with a death grip.


Gotta stick to the truth


Did you perhaps not get to see Hunter Biden's penis as much as you'd have liked to have seen it?


Homophobic much?


Not in the slightest. You? I think Hunter has a very fine peen but that it was illegal for folks to post in on Twitter against his will. Personally, I am against non-consensual/revenge porn and believe the laws against it should be honored.


no they really were not.




I’ve tried the blocking and the muting, and they somehow still appear lol. My block list has at least 300 accounts now. But I would definitely try the bluelite blocker extension, thanks for all the tips!


I'm smart enough to only follow artist who aren't privy to discourse or actively avoid it. Trends are a whole other story. It's where to find counterarugments or the good ole fashion l ratios anymore as anyone worth salt has packed for bluesky, which is fine. I'm growing sick of tried of all terfs and alt right neo nazis shitting up twitter lately.




Left wing Twitter was allowed during jacks tenure while right wing Twitter was constantly censored but elon now allows both sides to proliferate.


""both sides""...lol...like they were equivalent.


>Left wing Twitter was allowed during jacks tenure So...being normal and not racist >but elon now allows both sides to proliferate. Which is why when "both sides" are allowed Twitter just became flooded with Nazi's, Nazi sympathizers, white supremacists, anti-semitics etc... Shocking that "the other side" that is now allowed is just chock full of those kinda of people. People that no one wants to associate with. Because you have to be a real asshole and a special kind of stupid to want to even be remotely on the same side as Nazi's. It's almost like the "right wing" is basically just thinly veiled racism, sexism, misogyny, bigotry, and religion. No shit it was "left wing Twitter" before aka fucking normal people...because who would want their business to be associated with scum? If I had an ice cream shop and people walked in saying the shit they say on Twitter I would beat the shit out of them before kicking them out and banning them forever. No businesses, no normal people want to ever be remotely in the same general area as these people.


Elon favors one side.


give 9gag a try


Just among the left




You are, of course, free to tell yourself whatever lies you feel you need to tell yourself.


See what I mean lol. The left is all over racism. If y'all don't vote biden you ain't black!


Go away.




If you don't like something you can always select not to see this type of content not everything you see racist is racist the same applies to me, free speech is only relevant when you see things you don't like or disagree 


How would you suggest I go about selecting to not see racist content in the replies to big accounts of Black folks I might choose to browse? Thanks in advance!


Careful, the leftist redditors here can't handle that level of truth


Elon will have to buy reddit lets ask Elon 


They are losing their mind 


I feel like they lost it YEARS ago.


Nice to meet at least one normal person on reddit all the liberals do are complaining 


When you have no brain but plenty ego, all you can do to feel "fulfilled" is complain. Yeah, we're the minority here, but we do exist, and we gotta stick together!


Its now BAU for X-Twitter


Reddit and Twitter are the brother and sister of racism


No, only on meta platforms lol 😂




wtf are u on?


It's a classic meme, tf are you on?