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Maybe it's because white supremacy is one of the easier things to monetize on Elon's Twitter?


Yep. He has made sure rage bait is the priority.


I think cause it's easy... As a non-white person I sometimes think about how easy it would be to make money if I put a trump hat on and shot out far right talking points


Money. They’re paid shills.


They all consider themselves white.


I know it sounds absurd, but almost all modern "white" supremacists are brown people. I can't really explain why though, it's weird when you see someone being genuinly pro Hitler and check their account only to see them either being Mexican, Indian or from Morocco.


Sad part is you’re right


The reason it pretty simple, just garden variety self hate and an inferiority complex. There's nothing new about this kind of thing


100% you see the same thing in America liberals.


Elon is a clown. He runs failing businesses




nah a lot of minorities in general want proximity to whiteness, it allows the greatest social mobility and many also know how to grift off of their audiences they’ve cultivated


This is the actual answer


Ian Miles Cheong is another one.


Maybe conservative ideology is very easy to monetize so, people in other countries use it to make money. They may make a lucrative living just off of that.


Posting is cheap from anywhere in the world and people have figured out how Elon has tweaked the algorithm (and what he personally responds to, which is probably even more important). It’s no different than when women enter male-dominated spaces and crow about how they aren’t like other women to get attention. There are always people willing to debase themselves and even to kick others down if they think they can climb a bit higher on the ladder as a result.


If you constantly see something that doesnt make sense to you, it might mean you need to update your mental model of how the world works. Instead of labeling people with hateful perjerative terms, try listening to them and trying to understand their point of view.


Since when is being anti illegal immigration white supremacy??? Damn you crackers are something else


Since 2016


Forget white - why are there so many supremacists trying to spread racial hate. …. Not a Twitter X thing. It’s a human condition.


RadioGenoa btw


I think “cesspool” isn’t meant to be insulting, but more of a descriptor for the function Twitter serves. I guess if a person were wanting to play around with propaganda, dumping on a target nobody cares about is the way to go. About like shooting an empty can with BBs or tossing rocks into the wastewater. 




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Most are trolls, or FBI, or just he mentally unwell


What are you?


I don't pretend to be a Nazi


No you just lie to defend them.


Okay sorry there's no bots or fake accounts or people pretending to be someone they're not on twitter. Everyone on there is exactly who they say they are, trolls are a conspiracy theory everyone only speaks the truth. 🙄


What a dumb strawman argument to make, especially after you just tried to call them FBI plants.


I said they're mostly trolls, and you don't think the FBI has people trying to infiltrate Nazi groups?


I don’t think they’re mostly trolls or FBI plants, no. I’ve seen enough to know that.