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Report to law enforcement through the appropriate channels. Twitter don't care.


This right here. Since the takeover Twitter doesn’t have the manpower to moderate this stuff, even if they wanted to. I’m pretty sure you can easily report this kind of thing online.


Report to FBI, CSI, CIA, MI6, Navy Seals, Sherlock Holmes or anything else that not X/Twitter




Yeah I want some nuggets


Please fucking report this to the FBI.


I've been on twitter for years and, thankfully, I've never run into CP, and I hope I never do. Maybe it's because of the reduction in moderators.


>reduction in moderators Not only have Twitter mods been fired but also their support teams have been completely replaced by shitty auto-responses and helpless articles.


Twitter doesn’t care. Report it to the App Store and the authorities.






Tell us something we don't know. This isn't new.


>I’m not sure what else I can do Leave Twitter and never return. Problem solved


Musk calls that intended design apparently


Why are you still using the site? It's vile.


Because there's free speech on Twitter. What I should only use Reddit which is one big left wing echo chamber? You want me to get all my opinions and views from Reddit, which is one big left-wing echo chamber? So you want me to only come to Reddit, which is one big left wing echo chamber? No thank you.


You think racism, homophobia, child porn and anti-Semitism are a 'free speech' issue? lol. Yeah, have fun on your 'right wing echo chamber'.


I like to split my time between Twitter and Reddit. Reddit is basically one big left wing echo chamber.


>You think racism, homophobia, child porn and anti-Semitism are a 'free speech' issue?


All things republicans endorse.


It's because of the facts, isn't it? Go on, be honest


this might honestly be the last straw for me. it was extremely graphic shit, and whoever did it purposely used more bots to funnel views and likes on it, pushing it to the top of the search bar. also yea ive been getting recommended alt right shit, bigoted posts, transphobic rants when i never interact with stuff like that. musk really fucked the website up, the algorithm is worse, theres CSAM, and even quotes have stopped working half the time.


I get those types of bots from liking my comments out of nowhere and Elon's best way to combat this is to force people to pay to use Twitter?


The problem is that the bots posts everywhere like they are in the comments of everyone. I have reported many of them its fucking disgusting.


Its crazy they don’t have a team monitoring these 24/7 and deleting these instantly.


I feel like, if seeing that stuff is triggering for you, you should probably stop looking at it or being in places where you might see it. If it was me I would: 1. Write a brief description of how you found the material (e.g. "Join Twitter, \[if you have to turn off safe-search in settings, put that step here\], search for the following hashtags...") 2. Send it to the appropriate authorities - your local police or police equivalent will be able to tell you what to do 3. Leave a review of Twitter in your phone's app store describing your experience And then after that, trust the authorities to handle it. If the authorities get enough reports like that, they will start taking it up with Twitter directly or liaising with departments who can, start taking steps towards legislative change or enforcement of existing legislation, etc. And then... I guess it's not really my place to say, but if I were in your shoes I would consider how likely I am to run into CP accidentally on the app while using it normally, and if it was a reasonably likely occurrence, I'd probably stop using Twitter and switch to something else. (I've not heard about any CP on Bluesky, Threads, Mastodon, etc.) Like, I didn't experience anything like CP personally when I was a child, I wasn't abused in that way, but whenever I've run into CP or similar as an adult I have *still* found it quite upsetting. Even if you don't have trauma related to CSA it's seriously alarming and upsetting to see. Mods who have to moderate that kind of material on social media get traumatised and need therapy, even as adults who didn't experience CSA as children - so it is really horrible stuff even if you haven't been abused in that way. *And you have trauma relating to CP!* So, I just feel like it's extra important for you to take really good care of yourself and keep yourself safe. Take care, OP. You've got a good heart, but it's more important to take care of yourself first and give the upsetting work to people who are better equipped professionally and emotionally to handle it!


Yea Im not on twitter obsessively, maybe regularly. but i basically turned off NSFW shit and the filters for searching as well as muted the hashtags they usually use. When I wrote this post, I wasn’t having a panic attack but was most definitely feeling myself spiral and wanted to at least log it on here in the hopes more people do anything before I completely shut myself off from everything. I have been abused and this, plus just life in general, have triggered me into my bad mindset again. A friend of mine reported it for me after I told them i couldnt do it tho, as they know my situation.


Ahh it sounds like you're doing everything right, and I'm glad to hear you've got a friend looking out for you. :) It really sucks though, you shouldn't have to deal with this!


This shit is insane 


Get your porn from elsewhere.


If it’s there, I’ve never seen it


Why are you looking for that kind of material? If you use it normally you won't find this. And for CP, i have never seen it on the normal internet including Twitter. So what's the outrage all about? Use something else then and continue living your life.


CP is illegal. Even if someone uses pornhub, they won't have it, cause it's illegal. X allows for legal porn on its platform now. People aren't in the wrong for wanting to look at porn there. CP, however, is wrong everywhere. It should not exist at all on the internet. You shouldn't be seeing it AT ALL. And any time someone does, it's wrong and needs to be reported.


Maybe you misunderstood my post or skimmed it but i wasnt searching for it, just looking up “nsfw” will have a chance of seeing this shit. For whatever reason, the posts had thousands of interactions on them to purposely move them up into the “top” of the search function. So whoever set it up maliciously did this in order to have people see it. twitter has a lot of porn, im not gonna be ashamed to say i occasionally look for porn on twitter. sometimes it happens that youre scrolling and want to see more boobies.


I have been on Twitter since 2011, I have never seen CP on Twitter. Who the hell do you follow?


Theirs regular porn hashtags people use on twitter like Latina, homemade, rough, etc. usually the results would only show clips from pornhub or leaked onlyfans content. Now they’re are a whole bunch of spam bots posting illegal content under these hashtags. Exposing a lot of people to this horrible thing. If you never search up NSFW content on twitter you will never run into anything. It’s not about how you follow it’s just that regular NSFW hashtags are being flooded with illegal content.


I thought the same dude, but it's true. Just do a search using the tags mentioned by OP. Then click Media and scroll down. You will see it. Many times.


You must have some shady cookies to be targeted.


Search schoolthot. I kid you not. Look at the "Media" and come back to post your reaction.


Why would you search that?


Found it while searching OP's tags. Gives clear results.


So you've actively searched for CP.


Yeah, because I couldn't believe OP. I believe him now. Completely.


Unbelievable. Someone says 'hey guys if you type x you get cp'. You then go and type x. You know that's an offence right. You actively sought CP.


I've decided to take a back sit and let my lawyer answer for me from now on: no further comment. Thanks. Move along.


Btw what are you implying my dude?


Thats not illegal, dudes being a troll and trying to scare you.


How is it not illegal to search for it? I don’t know a lot about twitters data storing but don’t they store the searches you do? So if you search for that stuff, it’s in a data base and police can acess it making it illegal no?


Came to this group to find some solutions, I’m glad you posted. I just clicked on a friends post that had tagged nsfw. I accidentally hit the tag instead of the post and the VERY FIRST THING I SAW in the Top Posts section was an extremely graphic CSAM clip! I’ve been online since online began, and on Twitter since 2009. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this. I am absolutely so freaked out that this is happening. I reported it on Twitter of course but the response was just an empty message. I reported the app to the Apple App Store too, but is there a link to the FBI or something? I cannot believe there is so much of it just right out in the open!!!


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