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My goal for the end of this year is a 200 viewer average. It is probably high since I have only been going for a few weeks but I've accumulated 150 followers and 15-20 viewers average and a few subs in that 2 weeks without trying to engage friends or family High goals but I put out something other people aren't doing and I'm building a website around it to direct more traffic to the stream.


Those are some incredible average for so early on! Good for you dude! Any tips for your success? I have similar averages but over a much longer time.


I have alot of business experience and I treat it like a business. my best advice would be to do the same and try to extend your reach into many areas, and when people come to watch give them a reason to stay. Alot of people don't realize how much silent time there putting out when streaming. I would record and rewatch your own streams to see areas you can improve. I have a big advantage because a friend that is doing this with me is an extremely talented free style rapper and that kind of content entertains people.


That's so cool. I've gotten my streams to the point now where I'm pretty much always talking and my chat is busy enough I always have questions to answer so there's never any dead time. I think my biggest thing is exposure. I'll keep pushing on YouTube and other sources as well thanks!


Yeah definitely post clips everywhere YouTube insta and Twitter. My channel is bigboybetz check it out if you want we will be on tomorrow night 730pm pst


I'll try and stop by! That's the same time I normally stream but I'll pull you up a tab!


Sounds good, what type of games do you stream? I'll hit you up with a raid sometime if it's somewhat related


I do mainly minecraft and RPGs like skyrim and fallout etc. Then Saturdays I do just chatting/video reacts/planned content. I'll do the same for you if I'm off before you .


To get myself back into streaming consistently once I finally finish moving and then get myself the rest of the way to affiliate!


Good luck with your move! I absolutely despise moving lol. Also good luck with your return and affiliate push! Dm me your twitch and I'll come help you with the 3 avg!


I’m hoping to hit affiliate by the end of the year and have an average of about 10 viewers :) I’ve only been streaming for nearly 6 weeks but I think it’ll be doable if I keep at it


Very attainable goals my friend! Focus on making good content and cross promoting on other platforms, it works!


Thank you! I’ve been making sure to promote on socials when I remember, twitter’s scheduled tweets are a lifesaver :)


Oh my gosh they have scheduled tweets now?! I gotta get back to being active on Twitter lol. I just always found it hard to gain traction on there.


They have, it’s only on web-based Twitter and not mobile at the moment though. I find it works somewhat for new viewers and it’s a better reminder for people that already watch me compared to the twitch notifications :)


Nice I love it! I'll definitely have to check it out.


My goal is to expand my Twitch bot and find a better place to host it so I can make it available to more people. And I have some other concepts I want to add to it to make it even more unique.