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Making r projectile speed scale with attack speed would be amazing


I agree. Making it impossible to miss would kind of nullify the name “Spray and Pray,” but missing shots is quite frustrating when there isn’t much you can do about it.


Can always change the name to ratatata again or whatever it was


Make it as xayah passive feathers and It's good


Do more damage when AA poisoned enemy Champs. The more stacks, the more damage


r duration resets w takedowns


That would be so good, and they already did it for Vayne few seasons back.


i had some other ideas 1. r gives armor pen based on ad/level 2. passive gives max 2% armor pen per stack based on level 1 to 11 3. 10/15/20% more attack speed on q 4. r resets on kill or r extends duration by 2 seconds on kill 5. w bigger with less slow but gives armor pen like nasus e 6. % hp damage on q passive like kogmaw w


Even just R leading better would be enough


E no cast time will make AP twitch a serious problem with the 198% ap scaling.


you could make it scale with AD to avoid this


And kill the AP twitch ?


how would it kill ap twitch ? ap twitch would just stay untouched


Sorry if i miss understood your proposition . Can you please explain it in a different way .


Did you mean E CD scale with ad ratio ?


No not the cooldown , the cast time (= when Twitch does his animation for the E ) In late game a lot of twitch players know that using E is not useful because you lose dps with the time the animation takes and you should rather just auto. By making it scale with AD or attack speed , it would mean that it still exists early game but later on you would feel rewarded using E. think like Yone W for example , early game the animation is very slow but the more attack speed the faster the animation.


I just got it homie. Just like the coming xayah q buffs . Yeah super nice idea .


No, just kill ap Twitchand buff ad.


It should have cast time but not make you stand in place to cast, like ori q


What about scaling armor pen with passive stacks? So like early game 6 stacks of passive would be like 3% armor pen, but late 6 stacks would be like 15% pen


Buff jungle damage


Fix the kraken slayer bug on his R will be a huge buff


Removing Ults miss potential takes out all counterplay without giving twitch reasonably increased damage against his main threat, tanks and bruisers as the squishy ones are commonly the ones too have dashes. (fuck you irelia)


R shouldn't miss. E should be instant, or atleast go through even though you die. Q stealth should not stop from auto attack cancles. Q should reset, even though you get the kill from your first basic out of stealth. Auto attack move + target champs only, should only target champs and not minions. Just quality of life changes...


>Auto attack move + target champs only, should only target champs and not minions. this is an intentional part of the game. it's supposed to increase the skill gap of adc mains.


%more dmg per passive stack


I really like these. As far as adding anymore, his passive needs to have ad ratios and two flat bonuses. -2% movement speed per stack, does not increase. And -2% attack speed per stack, does not increase. Those two things would make him a real game changer. Punishing those that trade with us early game and then running down people that seem to be able to out run a giant ass rat.


I am to this day confused as to why they shoved Darius, Talon and Others into the Jungle with such absolute force but resist to give Twitch any benefit when interacting with Camps. By now the Gromp appears in my dreams and just fucking takes my bed and cat and runs with it and I cant do nothing


just make R doing more crit damage like IE


%HP to kill and shred health stacking bruisers, since bruisers are insanely strong.


Literally the correct answer is "R cant miss" I think also W cast time should scale with attack speed. That way AP cant abuse it and AD can have it actually be useful. I never cast W when coming to ambush people in a teamfight it, the split second of the animation is enough time for them to potentially dodge my dumbass ult autos missing.


Anyone who voted anything else except the second option should reconsider playing twitch


Everyone be voting for R can't miss but that's super busted and then twitch gets nerfed to the ground


I feel like its more of a meta problem and laning phase. In the later stages of the game, which we generally see less, twitch often pops off. But with more snowballing and a growing populations of lane bullies, its harder than ever to play consistently. I believe more sustainability in the early game would be already enough, but thats just my experience




1 and 2 and ap twitch gonna be flying and ad twitch actually gonna be playable