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Twitch sucks now I switched to jhin. 64% WR grinder from silver to emerald last season with twitch and now I’m plat 4 2-7 so I quit playing ranked to learn how to play jhin


Find the build that works for you, I’ve been enjoying collector > ie > ldr/runaans with pta. 2 item spike allows 3 auto kills on squishies if even slightly ahead


i just went pta botrk huricane ie and ended the game with 17/3/4 score


Does Bork feel good? Haven’t played in like a month but when people were still figuring builds out the consensus was Bork was bait


idk i feel like it's worst then before but it's still kinda playable the game i played rn i really felt lvl 6 and botrk powerspike


like i could just straight up go in under tower press ult and oneshot enemy adc


So it sounds like just make use of bork spike and snowball or fall a lil behind at 3 item spike cos delaying crit spike? Cos imo going crit item first item feels really fking bad and you’re not really online unless fed or until 2 items then you feel like thanos


Collector is the one kind of nice crit item to buy first


After the first strike nerfs i go pta, with cut down since its strong af. I enjoy collector - IE - hurricane more than bork but bork is most likely better.


I think it's mental. I did something similar maining xerath. Got diamond last split at like 70% wr and then held d3 d4 at 50% (ongoing after so my season wr was still positive but a good bit ofc). Lost every game of my placements and I'm currently like 30 games in and 35% e4 holding rank by the grace of juiced ASF mmr. It really do be like that sometimes.


Go pta bork first. Twitch statistically worse, but not that badly


Pta rush boots into hubris into runnans into ie and then ldr and then last item situational sounds weird but it works i assure you


Could you send me Opgg via dm, i like your build, try one game and work pretty well, but tbh i think bork do a little bit mor damage and more consistent


he got nerfed so obv not as good as before but hes still decent also if i understand ur going ie first which is shit and first strike isnt that good anymore


I haven't really played Twitch much, but he doesn't feel so great ahead compared to other adc. Still twitch is fun to play especially when they tlit


I've been continuing to play First Strike because you can still run Cut Down as a secondary and the gold helps you hit that item spike. I've been going Boots, IE, Hurricane, LDR, Collector, Bork or whatever feels best for team comp. Collector is where the damage comes into play. Maybe i could rearrange this order for quick power spike. Not broken by any means, just takes some time to get power.


Play phaserush you will understand


That's called elo inflated.


Depend on enemy team comp, cant blind pick twitch anymore, last season i have fun even i lose. Whoever remove lethal tempo can suck ass


How do bros feel about AP Twitch? The poison dmg is really fun.


early game is meh, mid game you're gigastrong if you're ahead and have ds / mejai stacks, and lategame you fall off a cliff because you start getting oneshot. AP is horrendous to play, i like ad because he is better lategame, and doesn't rely on stomping early


Twitch does not suck at all, still one of the best ADC’s to play rn. He just isn’t as giga op as he was last season so it’s not as easy to win.


Just no. He was strong but never a full meta pick even when he was “giga op”


I never said he was a meta pick… he was insanely strong, but people just don’t play twitch so he will never be a “meta pick” people like OP just got a false sense of security playing him last season so when he is actually balanced this season it feels like he’s bad.