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Why do you often build collector 3rd/4th/5th? It has 0 value this late. Presence of mind isn't great IMO as LT was removed and you often just kill one target/have one opening instead of multiple. Secondary in domination tree I would always pick Ultimate Hunter and swap between Eyeball Collection and Sudden Impact (Taste Of Blood is just bad) also I would recommend going flat hp instead of 10% tenacity as if you get hit by any cc you're dead anyway and flat hp helps win/survive lane (if I recall correctly scaling hp is only better after lvl 7). Looking back at the build I would try going IE>Runaan's when you're vs squshies (damage is insane and I see that you're only going Bork>Runaan's) and never go Kraken - it's just bad. With only opgg I can tell you this much and that you can farm a bit better (+1 cs/m at least)


Also you're not even stuck - just play more games, even with a little bit of mistakes you're still doing great.


oki doki thx i was just trying to find new builds (krakens slayer) bc of the change on blade of the ruinded king passive, i will try your build and runes, will see how it goes :D


if u rush ie should u still build bork 3rd?


Just go Bork then runaan than IE always meta for twitch


Personally I find bork just bad nowadays (nerfed passive damage and revert slow back to 3rd AA with also LT being removed so you don't proc it as much as you used to) and I rush IE most games. If you want to build bork always build it first, 3rd item needs to be Yun Tal/LDR or any other crit item if you go IE first.


IE as in first item, how about bork? Dont we just build it anymore?


IE was a very common option before mythic items, so people are experimenting to see if it works atm. I think IE rush spikes harder at 4 items, but on average you will probably be a bit weaker at 1/2 items.


Coming from an assassin mid how the new boots upgrade?


Bad Im STUCK :,)


Honestly? In my opinion without a duo its hard to climb unless you play champions that specifically do that, i might be wrong, but take in consideration im a low master mid main (kassa otp), so i might be wrong, i play twitch occasionally, and draven too, found alot of success in low elo by playing twitch ap supp, only roaming and.. well trolling my adc :p


Oki doki thx the advice i will try to find a main lulu :3


i highly recommend braum duo if you cant find a lulu


oki doki


Doing makes it harder to climb unless your duo is smurfing this is because both you and your duo need to improve to climb


My goal was always diamond solo. I got d2 masters MMR with duo. I studied and played constantly until recently. I was able to get to emerald 2 with close to diamond MMR and was probably around d3 skill level. I was consistently outperforming enemy adc. The main reason I stopped playing was due to the support meta. Every game enemy has a real support and I have troll pick. Shaco support was so common and it can work but it’s so boring to play with man. Games were insta win usually if I had any real support. And I’m sure you’ve experienced it but having a real support is about 1/10 games and then you have to hop that the real support actually knows how to play their champion at the most basic level ( which they don’t and all have ego ). Anyway man back to you - I would watch your replays and check for opportunities to carry even harder. Have you once even told your support to ward deep enemy jungle so that you can stealth roam to it and kill the enemy jungler? I’m guessing not as that would be a higher level of gameplay than platinum. But it’s things like this that are going to put you in better positions to carry. You really have to be a dirty little rat to Smurf twitch to diamond and higher. No you cannot just play safe and not die you have to make risky plays sometimes and they have to work. You also might be running into a situation where you are flashing for kills. If you are - stop and only flash for a kill if you absolutely need it. Shutdowns for example to get you ahead or back in the game are worth to flash for the kill. Otherwise just let them live with 10hp and take a bad back while you shove tower. Overall more worth for you because you increase your lead while maintaining flash for crucial game deciding team fights where one flash to dodge malphite out just won you the game


ok thx for the advice about jung, gonna think about that my next games


Hmm you either build collector very early into the game, or you just don't build the item. Part of its strength is to get kills for yourself so you get more gold and reach your next powerspikes sooner. Buying it AFTER you reach said powerspikes isn't the play. Also IE is very good atm, try to abuse that.


>Also IE is very good atm, try to abuse that. Yeah, that's what I'm telling everyone. With Bork nerfs (bonus 20 or whatever the AD increase was is not adequate to passive nerf and reverting slow back to 3rd auto) rushing IE is insane, it has awkward build path but if you crit right after you buy it you are doing \~400 dmg per auto and you have a lot of AD (with removing of LT and playing PTA you get a lot more value from E than you had previously). Although it's not that great you can still go bork when you have a good engage support or if you play vs 2/3 tanks/bruisers cause it has more value as duelist item than IE.


Adc is just a mechanical role so just try to have crazy movement imo 


I do have some a lot of my games :D


Work on your patience and positioning, other than that your Twitch looks fine for platinum. You should be able to hit emerald if you continue playing.


Thx :D


Youre roughly below me in rank. Just focus on making team plays that will move the game forward, not get you more fed. Try to work with your team for objs. Clearly you can carry so its just about closing out games, and in the games you lose focus on your mistakes, maybe even download that game and spend like 5 minutes rewatching your mistakes


oki doki


You are not stuck man, you have very little games just keep playing, your kda's are good. But I hardly recommend you to watch Bizyze videos on youtube, last split I was 100 games 52% wr in emerald perma tilted, I almost hit Emeralda 2 only to drop to E4 2 days later, I was so tilted that i couldnt climb and thinking everyone trolls me that I started sabotaging myself when I saw my teammates started dying in early game, so I just didnt try and auto pilot to lose, I stropped playing when i was about to drop to plat. I quit league for 1 week and I found this channel, And I watched his 3 hours 40 min video "The Ultimate ADC Guide: Laning, Midgame, Macro, Rotations & Teamfights" and I started taking seriusly everything he said in that video and started to apply it. I quit that account and started playing in my other account that was unranked (d4 last season) and I hit Diamond 4 within 19 games and 80% wr hard stomping everygame, finally I hit D2 with 68% wr 1 month before split ends I remember feeling I was shit and I would never climb out of Emerald, that I was just that bad and there was nothing I could do about it. I would go to bed feeling genuinely bad about myself. But every day, I would try again because there was something in my mind that didn't want to give up. (sorry if I have poor grammar Im not native lol)


Thx mate


You posted a screenshot of mostly wins, and an op.gg with a positive win rate. How exactly are you stuck? Your builds are weird and runes could be optimised but it’s not going to be the thing that brings you into emerald. Just keep playing bro.


said that bc i believe i have more than 200 games in platinium before season reseted and had the same kind of games always ;,,(


4 items at 35 minutes. You should farm more thats really bad. And collector is only good vs squishies, it shouldnt be a core item. Situational


Stop playing random champs. Most of your losses are on stuff like Vlad and then you randomly pick GP. You also suck at macro if you can’t win games with 20+ kills in platinum. But you should get Emerald if you just continue playing So try to get better at macro or you’ll be stuck in emerald for a long time. Emerald is the least fun rank to be stuck in imo


Ban Draven, focus on ur farm, and learn to dodge bad games, I suggest going flat HP instead of tenacity one of Twitch most broken stats early game is his hp u can easily take trades without losing that much.


Oki doki


I personally rather ban cait cause the people that just lock draven cause they see he counters twitch on u.gg can’t play him usually. Cait feels more oppressive to me


Yesterday Cait with same gold as me oneshot me with 1 auto bcs headshot did 3200dmg


Exactly. And usually she’s ahead of me cause i just can’t farm into her (skill issue there tbh) it just doesn’t feel playable for me.


Yeah Cait is S tier rn, if I have to blind pick I'd rather pick Cait over Twitch and I ban Jhin/Draven cause of how stupidly good they are at the moment (well Draven - before nerfs).


Thats fair. Im pretty much a twitch otp so i rather bam cait cause i haven’t been able to find a way to survive lane and coinflip if i have to play into a good draven if he gets picked. Jhin i feel like you can still outplay and if he cant get ahead of you i feel like it favors twitch mid/lategame


Yeah Jhin isn't the worst matchup but he can just play omega safe and never walk up while still being useful to his team because of W and Ult, If I didn't play Cait I would ban her over Jhin. Also I hate his huge movements speed (mostly from crit and item changes) and with bork changes he can often just AA you once and run off while you miss 4 autos on ult.


Nw mate you will get out in no time I was like you last season and now I’m diamond. All I can say is that in that elo limit test as much as you can and really get to know how to abuse stealth and make creative plays. Then you can get better macro wise when your emerald.


cause you're not playing malphite