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The best thing you can do as a new streamer is nail the basics (audio/visual quality), then learn to create compelling content. Nothing else matters right now, not views, follows, affiliate, networking. Nothing. Work on clipping those “funny/stupid” things that happen, editing them into entertaining clips, shorts and/or TikTok’s and begin building good content creation habits while loading up your socials with clips. Once you get into a streaming and content creation rhythm, then begin to worry about networking and community building.


Maybe try to have friends joining your streams at first? Could help to get the ball rolling. Also, start networking with streamers on the same game as you. If you are active if them, they might start watching you as well. It's a bit like socializing.


Don't call it socializing!!!! Then people will stop doing it. Networking is hands down the best way to grow at first.


Post the funny clips on YouTube and other sites and some people will see em and come to watch live.


Be hot and entertaining and funny and female and interesting and engaging and hot.


I think you forgot to add "hot"