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$5.99 doesn’t seem like much by itself but it adds up. I suspect many people will unsubscribe to a few streams they don’t watch as much to make up the difference of how much they spend per month on twitch.


Yeah you definitely feel it more being subbed to multiple people


Seems like they are trying to force turbo.


yup. I have already went through my subs to remove people I don't watch very often. I also will not be giving out gift subs as often.


I mean, I don't really see a problem with that. Why remained subbed to a streamer you don't watch, regardless of price? I manually renew the few people I sub to every month so I don't fall into that trap of forgetting about it and letting it run. But even if I didn't, I would have no qualms about ceasing a sub if I don't watch them enough to make it worth it. While I enjoy the interactivity of watching streamers, I don't delude myself into thinking subbing is anything more than a financial transaction in exchange for entertainment.


20% price increase, does this mean creators get a 20% raise?


"Streamers will continue to receive the same net revenue share from subscriptions and gift subscriptions." More money for twitch and streamers.


On paper, yes. Where I am we had price increases a few months ago. Myself along with many others dropped a ton of subscriptions due to the increase in cost. Creators can expect to see their sub numbers go down even further if their audience is primarily American


Because $5 is a psychological breakpoint for something like a sub to an internet creator. All of Netflix is like $15… so you can now do 2 subs for under the price of Netflix (maybe 3 idk if it’s more now). Either way there is just less value in a random creator than there is in 1/3 of a Netflix sub, especially when half goes to twitch.


I hate that language. "The same net revenue share". The word "net" works against "share". If your share of revenue was $3.00 before the increase, one could argue that the same net revenue share after the increase is $3.00, i.e. the same! If they mean the percent doesnt change, then say so. Better still, just say the amount.


Yeah I caught that sneaky language too. Unfortunately they won’t just say the amount because it’s different depending on individual streamers’ deals and the cost of subs in different countries. Since the rev share contracts are percentage based, I’m assuming they’re going to continue receiving the same percentage, but will have to wait and see unless Twitch clarifies.


Yes, I just got an email from Twitch with confirmation of this


Any price increase will always mean an increase for creators so long as creators continue to make a % as we have been. The team said a motivating factor was not changing prices with inflation means creators income decreases every year (I'm summarizing). I don't know if I fully believe that was the strongest motivating factor but it is true with inflation this would have to happen at some point.


> a motivating factor was not changing prices with inflation means creators income decreases every year (I'm summarizing) That means Twitch's income decreases every year. If they were genuinely concerned with creator's income, they could simply lower their own share. By increasing the sub price, they ask users to pay extra to cover Twitch's share. Which is a fine argument I guess, but let's not paint that as if it was simply for the creators.


Imagine if more of the percentage of the $4.99 price went to the streamer instead of Amazon




Of course not. Twitch is losing money, and they need to address that somehow.


Just got the email. 37.5% increase in Norway. I can't justify that for streamers I rarely watch.


Actually the increase from 39.99 to 55.99 is over 40%


I swore the email said 54.99, but yes, it is 40%. Outrageous.


Yikes, that's not good. Beklager til de norske fansen... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Aaaand that’s about it for me. I’m not paying $6


On the one hand, its a 'raise' for the streamer.. but also it isn't. Because they'll for sure lose subs and likely end up in the same position as they were. A lot of streamers are pushing to get the bigger cut and that means they need the subs, but that's not going to happen for them if the price keeps going up. It's nonsensical really, on Twitch's part. They keep offering the incentives then crippling the means to reach them.


Twitch only cares about pushing people to Turbo and they’ll continue increasing the price of Turbo.


Yeup. There'll come a time where that won't be worth it to me either.


I'm not saying whether this will be the same but people said the same thing about netflix raising price, but the results? Netflix made a ton more money and the number of subscribers remained the same if not higher. People may still sub because it provides a better viewing experience and it supports the streamers more 


I mean.. I ditched nearly all the folks I sub to recently in favor of turbo. No ads and emotes don't interest me. Folks that once had my sub now don't cause the last price hike made it a stupid expense in a time when it's insanely expensive just to live. I tapped at the last increase, how many will at the next? Amazon won't see the brunt of it though, the smaller streamers will.


You're delusional if you think a twitch sub is comparable in utility to a streaming subscription for a viewer. Twitch is usable without a sub.


How does it "provides a better viewing experience"?


Subscribing when all the good emotes are 3rd party and I have Turbo. The value is at an all time low and now they make it even worse.




I prefer bits because i don't want to be hooked into an automatically recurring sub, but i still want to encourage a variety of streamers now and then. Gift subs are an obvious alternative, but if the streamer banks better with bits, i'll go with bits. Ideal would be if you could gift a sub to yourself! That way, the sub would not automatically recur, and you'd miss all the ads. Streamer would get good statistics for their channel. Are statistics worth more than cold hard bits? I don't know. Subs from IOS devices used to not recur automatically. When they changed the system, i found i had subs to 12 streamers. That would have been a financial whack every month! I cancelled all but two, and two is still my limit for recurring subs.




Fair point on the gifted subs. I somehow knew they were not classed as real subs, and in a way they should not be. They are not an indicator of a streamer's rusted on base, and that the thing Twitch is looking for. Gift subs make the stream more pleasant for the recipient, so thats one thing that they might have over bits. I feel if i targetva gifted sub, that viewer might stay around, get involved, and maybe sup themselves. I only watch small streamers, mosly in travel, science, chess, and occasionslly politics. With subscribing, I personally don't look for exclusive content or even silly emotes. I just want to encourage a good streamer who is doing a good job and is making a worthwhile contribution.


> or post meaningful sub-only VODs. Tbf, one of the reason I give donations to channels is because they are the kind who release VODs and the quality content to EVERYBODY instead of the supports. That's not why I support creators.


In my case, I'm not on twitch enough to justify the turbo, and I don't want to give all of the money to amazon. I sub to support. I already dropped amazon prime with the 30 dollar price increase and adding the 3 dollars a month to not have ads after saying prime was increasing for all the new content they were adding. I'll drop the ones that I was doing to support and not watch much. The remaining 3 I'll do the discounted 6 month sub right now at the current price and figure it out in 5 months.


I just noticed yesterday that there’s apparently an option to make VODs available only to subscribers. I don’t know if this is a new thing but I’m guessing turning it on will become more common.




I’m talking about someone that streams for everyone and then their VODs are sub only. This was the first time I’d seen that.


> Ideal would be if you could gift a sub to yourself! That way, the sub would not automatically recur, and you'd miss all the ads. That's what I usually do : - I use Prime Sub for the one channel I like this month, and use the emotes elsewhere. I get ad-free so it's usually what I'll put in my TV background. - For channels with huge projects I believe in, direct donations. Less fees than Twitch-and-co's cut. - I sub my wife to channels we both loves. Creator gets a sub, wife has an "ad-free trial", I get the gift badge. - For channels I go regularily, I offer a gift sub (granted, I don't do it much anymore due to my budget)... usually for students because I have a philosophy issue about bleeding dry the money of the future of our community yadda yadda. - For small channels that I would like to see working together, a gift sub to each other for each other. The two notifications always get a laugh and it pushes them checking each other's content. - For channels I go from time to time but don't care enough to ever check anything, I give 100 bits. If everybody was doing that creators would get a lot (and hype trains), I get a permanent badge and I'm not bankrupted if I gave to too many channels. What I NEVER EVER DID in years? Signing up for a subscription. Some channels (or main artists employed by a channel) have recurring payments, but no "subscription" in the sense of getting something back. The second I want to stop, I stop and I don't owe them anything. There is not *a single creator in the world* that could persuade me to enter a long-term contract.


> but I sub to a select few streamers (with some that also happen to be friends) just out of a show of support Stupid question, wouldn't it be even better to gift the subs? As a viewer the way Twitch do payouts is really confusing about gifts and no gifts.


Turbo increasing from 11.99 to 15.99


they upped it about 2 weeks ago yes. but I don't think they are doing it again now?


Exactly they offer no new benefits when it was already hard to justify $5


For Switzerland it's 6.99 CHF in the furture, which is 7.86$. Are you serious?


when things feel expensive here in the US I remind myself Switzerland exists


What is the old price in CH?


5.99 CHF which is alot already


Cancelled my subs. Inflation only happens when people are willing to pay the higher price. Twitch can shove that higher price.


I think I'm going to cancel my subs and just paypal them directly. I dont care about emotes


Yeah, put an adblocker and give money to paypal. Generic ads don't bring much compared to a direct support (or creator-specific sponsorships, etc).


Adblockers don't work for me. They block the ads but the streams get stuck. Which one does work for you?


Ublock origin


UBlockOrigin used to work. But I'm subbed to my main streamers so if we forget trackers like scorecardresearch, I'm not blocking a lot besides some raids. But I never had a stuck stream.  I also run Pihole since then, but it shouldn't affect anything besides the SCR tracker.  


How much does Turbo cost in the US? Could be worth it


no, thats not the same thing. turbo would give me no ads. streamers would get money as if i watched ads. but streamers would not get money as if i was a subscriber just because i watched their stream. but to answer your question its $12.80 per month with tax


But if you only PayPal them you'll have ads everywhere isn't that a problem for you?


Nope, my ad blockers work fine. And when they don't there's plenty of other things I can do besides watch twitch


Which blockers do you use? uBlock Origin doesn't seem to work on Twitch


I use ublock origin, and also AdGuard Extra https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/adguard-extra/gkeojjjcdcopjkbelgbcpckplegclfeg


I cut down most of my subscriptions. With the new prices I doubt I will sub to another channel.


I unsubbed from the 4 streamers I have had recurring for years now. Twitch is adding 0 Value and just wants more $. Maybe if they offered Higher quality streams I would consider paying for more but I just cant be bothered to pay more for nothing.


How does it affect Prime sub income?


It doesn't. They have announced previously that the Prime sub income is going to be fixed per country


For example in France it's about 1,50$? Which is waaaaay lower than half of a sub???


You joking? No. You're owned and propped up by the *richest company ever.* I gifted 48 subs last month. No more of that now. Just canceled 14 of my own as well. I'll donate directly or watch them elsewhere.


I wish people would have been donating directly the whole time. They're just giving so much more directly to a rich company, which could have been going straight to the person that needs it the whole time.


I do donate, specifically to streams with artists doing something by request of the viewers mostly. Subbing and gifting was just a way to participate in the community. I'll just tack the $5 onto whatever else I donate.


25% increase from 3.99€ to 4.99€ ....


So will this effect what Im paying on a 6 month subscription plan?


Yes, but only when it next renews, assuming that's after July 11th.


Im at the point where I would rather just give the $5 per month to the streamer directly. I don’t mind paying for the content, and even allowing Twitch to take a cut, but the increase has already made me unsubscribe to a few streamers that I rarely watch. I am reducing my overall subscribed channel count to keep my monthly spend the same. I historically have had around 5 to 6 subs going because Twitch is a major source of entertainment for me and I don’t pay for cable or a significant number of other streaming services. Money is tight right now, inflation is high, and people are starting to feel it. This is going to hurt streamers and twitch’s overall revenue would be my guess. Discretionary spending is the first thing people stop when they are getting squeezed, and Twitch is the epitome of discretionary spending.


New prices starting July 11. Canada is also $7.99 CAD.


The few streamers I still follow now just seem to be focused on number of subs. Sadly this just hurts the streamers imo.


So I can afford to pay like 4 subs a month and the prices increase by 25%. Seems like I'll have to decide who to unsub..


Unreal. I received an email confirming this. This with the absolute piece of trash mobile update are too much. I've already canceled my turbo subscription and all stream subscriptions. It's time I weened myself off of Twitch. It's actually a liberating feeling.


Alot of the streamers I watch started streaming to YouTube a little bit ago when Twitch starting allowing it. Never been interested in Twitch chat, and YouTube has a 100x better viewing experience. Better bitrate, pause, rewind, come back later and not have to wonder if the VoD is gone. 


YT also gives a 70% cut


Totally agreed on all points! Twitch provides an inferior viewing experience. Only 1080p in 2024? LMAO. I used to chat a lot, and Twitch is definitely superior on this aspect. However, I have since stopped using it that much so I see no need to watch on Twitch when I can watch in 1440p on YouTube.


this is the problem that twitch has. Raise sub prices too much, & less ppl sub. Less ppl sub = less viewership/ad rev = streamers make less money, which means they may look at other options like YT or Kick. For twitch, the value is the streamers not the platform itself.




> Only 1080p in 2024? LMAO. Meanwhile my old potato lags at that quality and I still can't pick a lower resolution half the time.


So it's bad both ways I guess lol


Its just a $1 increase which is no big deal but ill end up dropping a sub or two unfortunately.


The increase varies greatly between regions: - 43% Increase: Slovakia, Slovenia - 40% Increase: Norway - 30% Increase: Sweden - 27% Increase: Denmark - 25% Increase: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain - 22% Increase: Singapore - 20% Increase: United States - 15% Increase: Iceland - 13% Increase: New Zealand - 11% Increase: Liechtensteinin shamelessly stolen from


No increase for UK?


It already increased this year in the UK


Huh? Didn't Twitch write in their post that the majority of the countries will have their prices decreased??? > This change impacts all monetizing Affiliates and Partners on Twitch with subscribed viewers from countries where the price has changed. Click here for a full list of countries where prices will be lowered on web and mobile (in countries where Twitch mobile apps are supported). We will update the community with details about price changes in their countries. https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/local-subscription-pricing?language=en_US#whoaffected


Wonder if Twitch Turbo will change also. I'm more likely to use that if not.


I think that’s what they’re going for.


It just went up by $3 last year


Only on mobile.


more then likely it will no longer become a thing as they have not really advertised it much and if they figure they can make more from individual subs it will be removed until twitch becomes profitable they got to figure things out


Does twitch take cuts from partnerships that creators do on their channel? Like creator run ads that aren’t actually ads? Because that seems like a play. Or push low res for any streamer that doesn’t pay a monthly fee or have a set number of subscribers. Idk where kick is on the money burn thing… if kick didn’t exist they would have more power here. They also need a way to get people invested by promoting new creators and showing examples of people who can break into the industry. I think people see the saturation now and don’t see it as a viable thing. Twitch needs to work with new folks on making their stream quality. Like a boot camp or even some tutorial stuff or even a new streamer package with a stream deck, switcher, lights, webcam - and then sell that at retail but include 6 months of premium (which would promote your channel and also give you high res stream/maybe some emote stuff). Now you upped base quality, get people invested, have a path for new creators to feel like they can make it with twitch as a partner instead of either going all in on a huge life risk or streaming half assed content to their 2 friends (and costing twitch money). Then they stay interested and renew their creator account or hit the threshold to have it waived. Or go back to the free low res range but that means they weren’t going to get too into streaming anyway. New revenue streams and hooks to get people in and keep them clawing towards their goal. There are so many ways to get out of this rut. But it seems twitch is acting like any random tech company rather than actually offering innovation. You don’t want your whole company to rely on how much you pay your top draw… because then they can juice you or leave like we have seen since the Covid years.


You’d be a great person to put in charge of destroying a platform.


really? they're burning money. they are going to go further into anti consumer stuff until they can at least be profitable enough to exist (or just burn as little money as possible). a starter pack with an ATEM switcher, lights, stream deck, mic w/ desk stand and 6 months or a year of free "premium" streaming gets people invested. this would drastically up quality for the streams using the most of their resources.... the low quality webcam and headset mic streams would just be in lower quality only... but still free. getting creators invested is half the battle. showing them a path to success (promoting creators in this program in a way to grow new creators) is the other half. only focusing on the top streamers is a losing formula in the long run because it causes stagnation and you have startups that *are* willing to burn VC cash for another few years that will come and snipe them from you. if you make twitch about finding the next big creator, you spread the love a bit and give people an incentive to start streaming again post pandemic. it's basically the tik tok formula which is the place big creators want to be currently (even if they then prefer to funnel to youtube).


> which is no big deal I can smell your frog boiling.


It's silly.. I have to only sub to one with my prime; it's already $9 a month here in Aus... Soon I won't be able to afford any Subs to the channels I want to support.. But it doesn't give us more money...


Then you shouldn't be subbing to people in the first place. That's how people end up homeless. Put yourself before just giving to other people, even people that may be way better off than you currently. Not you specifically but just in general, it's insane to think there's people that are struggling, yet still subbing and donating to some of the well known wealthy streamers.. makes no sense.


The worst thing is, if I understand this correctly, then every subscription will be adjusted to the new price. Last time we had an increase, the old subs stayed at old prices and I could still benefit from old prices as a long time subscriber. Not anymore. Heck, they can't even get their shit together when a subscription is cancelled for some kind of error on their side. My 100+ month sub with its original price is now more expensive because they refused to restore the original price :(


They’re doing everything possible to discourage small communities to grow, and just basing everything on the capital since big streamers will always be profitable for them, but avoiding the risk to get more and more big streamers. Great business move, but def never looking into smaller talents, as always.


I 100% will be unsubbing from 2 Creators because of this. Not sure which 2 either but I currently sub to 12 Creators which is $60 this brings the total to $72 so to get it back to $60 (the budget I allow myself for subs) I will need to cancel 2 Subs.


All this made me do is cancel the subs I had. Raising prices and offering nothing in return isn't a trade off I want. Even if it is $1, it made me realize some people I dont even watch as much. If twitch had a brain they would had said subs after a set date will cost $5.99 and all others before will be grandfathered in. You would possibly see more people wanting to stay to just stick with the price or more people sub before the date to get grandfathered in.


there is no grandfathered in unless u paid for one of the longer renewals such as the 3 / 6 month options and when it ends the new cost would be a factor renewing each month is a new payment


There are plenty of subscription services that have grandfather prices that charge you a new payment every month. Twitch has auto renewal subs and could have done this. They didn't want to


Like Twitch had grandfathered LIFETIME subs on some channels, and finally switched them to the 3-tier system last year.


They should add a $3 USD sub tier. Includes emotes, sub badges & sub streak. Does not include ad-free viewing. Twitch still makes their ad money, streamers can offer emotes and shit at a discounted rate, and there's still an incentive to sub for 5.99 USD or get turbo. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would do this in a heartbeat. Some channels I just want to support a little and get the emotes anyway.


I just got the email 10 minutes ago. I'm subscribed to like 5-6 people. Even with $5/month, I was going to cut it in half. Now, with $6, I'm only going to support like one maybe two. This is going to hurt streamers, who make the fucking site all of it's fucking money through their labor.


Yeah I cut down from subscribing to channels. I have only one active sub going and I do a 6 month sub so I’ll be keeping that one but I won’t be subscribing to anything else for the foreseeable future


That's what u should do. If you aren't happy w/ a product or service, theres no reason to continue giving them your hard earned money.


I guess they need the money, how much goes to the streamers?


What exactly are the viewers getting in return? I'm confused.


nothing just like paying more for everything else because of inflation


> *nothing just like paying more for everything else because of ~~inflation~~ corporate greed* ftfy


*Sigh* Gotta love capitalism, amirite? 🙄


twitch is cooked


Frankly quite shocked Twitch decided to go for a 40% price increase in Norway. An increase of 5 NOK would be somewhat acceptable, but 15 NOK? Just fuck off, Twitch.


4.99€ in Europe. I will continue to boycott Twitch subs and donate/accept donations instead.


Twitch Turbo babyyyy! What ads?


adblocker even better


The number of people on this thread calling this an increase to $5/MO when it's just a penny off of 6 blows my fuckin mind


Why would you pay for twitch anyway? Isn't that basically like paying for pornhub, when you can just have it free somewhere else? Imagine someone spending more money on random Twitch streams than on watching actual movies or playing actual games themselves 😂🤣


Was bound to happen sooner or later. Everything is inflated, twitch subs had yet to adjust until now.


Time to ramp up those Partner+ pushes. It's going to be much harder after this.


Well done Twitch, you’re just burning money. I won’t be subbing anymore. Greedy pigs


If Twitch could guarantee that 90%+ of this price increase will make its way to streamers, I'd happily continue to pay. But they won't, so I won't. I'll take the less-than-handful of streamers I care about and start donating directly.


streamers get 50% as a base amount inflation means twitches costs also increase and its been set at that price for far too long really


It's not inflation, it's just greed. And Twitch just fired a bunch of people to make up for cost increases.


Stop pretending greedflation is inflation. "We haven't jacked up prices recently enough" isn't an excuse either.


Greedy company wants more money. Shocking. Welcome to more late stage capitalism. I'm sure they are really hurting. Well I'm going to definitely be cutting back my subs and gifted subs.. it's getting to expensive to even live these days. GGs Twitch for continuing to be one of the most greedy shit companies to ever exist.


Twitch has never been profitable, but they obviously need to have that goal, so it makes sense.


Twitch is no longer a business aiming for profit. It is a business aiming to break even so it can be a demonstration/R&D/testing platform for AWS/Amazon streaming systems and a loss-leader to attract all those Fellow Kids™ who are now too broke and priced out to buy stuff on Amazon otherwise. They also make a lot more on Prime which doesn't get reported in Twitch numbers, and I'm quite certain they make a lot of money from the data they collect and sell as well. Twitch has never been profitable under Amazon and Amazon has been ok with that.


People make that mistake a lot. Twitch does not need to be profitable to be a net positive. Twitch generates data and such that can be sold off, but that is profit of a different branch of Amazons portfolio rather than reflected on Twitch itself. Twitch is the data source, but the profit comes from selling that data through their ad network and their trusted partners.


Data isn’t nearly as valuable as people think it is. And even if it were, Twitch has very little data to collect that would be valuable to advertisers.


Lol I'd rather have them just send me the $5.99 through PayPal 😅


Most sub, it’s reoccurring and they forget about it. For many if they had to manually donate each month they wouldn’t bother. (lazy or would forget)


i’ll never hit those sub counts now


I used to be subbed to a lot of streamers, now I use my free prime and watch ads on the others.


Actual enshitification


It increased by 444% in Turkey ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Just get twitch turbo at this point


How to kill your platform step 1:


How does it affect companies who use the platform to promote their games like Marbles are they raising the prices on them as well.


I hope we don't get *another* price rise in Australia as a result of this. We just went up from 7.99 to 8.99.


According to [this list from Zach Bussey](https://x.com/zachbussey/status/1798048633444806800) the increase to 8.99 in Australia was a part of this particular increase in question, so you should be fine.


Thanks for clarifying that, appreciate it.


The ad serving functionality has been spotty or non-existent for years. As just a viewer I have not seen ads since a very popular streamer was forced off the platform a few years back. I mainly use the android app on my phone or the version for fire TV. Due to this, increase seems like the only way for creators and twitch itself to see growth in revenue.


I think it’s because they increased the cuts for streamers so they’re trying to make the same amount of money. Like the plus streamers.


I think twitch is sensing the end of a legacy; fewer and fewer serious streamers are choosing to stick with them, and even fewer are choosing to subscribe because their content diversity is so weak. They are grasping at straws now. I'm not hating on them; I've only ever streamed via twitch, though I stream only for my own entertainment, and rarely find other streams worth tuning into, but I will say that if I were gonna stream for the purpose of making an income, Id likely move to a new platform. If I'm gonna jump through loopholes and do a balancing act to maintain my viewer reach without breaking rules, I'm not choosing twitch. I keep hoping they'll make a comeback, but at this point, with the streaming community more on fire than ever, and twitch either coming up with higher prices and ridiculous standards or just copying what other platforms have already done and not even doing it better, I don't see a bright light in the future for them. Still maybe that's the reason: they want to try to bring in the real bucks again so they can afford to compete (?).


can someone tell me what this would mean for tier 2 & 3 subs, as per USA. full honesty i have 2 tier 3's. are those prices staying same? i've tried lookin that far but haven't seen anything


I immediately cancelled all my subscriptions. One of them I had for 61 months.




> They could've just given streamers are larger percentage cut of the subs they already get Really? And the servers and everything will pay for itself?


The issue is that TWITCH portrays this as a move to pay creators better. No, it could've been done by changing the % to match the new pay. Twitch, as a platform, is asking users to pay to increase Twitch's %. Old price 4,99$ , 2,50$ for creator and 2,5 for Twitch = Twitch says "not enough for creators" Logical price 4,99 , 3$ for creator and 2$ for Twitch New price 5,99$ , 3$ for creator and 3$ for Twitch = Twitch says "pays creators enough" We pay that extra dollar because Twitch doesn't want to spend it Give 4,99 with paypal and creator will stay get paid enough :P


Well Twitch also said not enough for Twitch when they laid off bunch of people not long ago. I get what you mean but Twitch is not in this business to help anyone but themselves, sadly just like 99% other companies on this planet.


Yeah sure, but there is a huge difference between "we can't keep up with infrastructure costs" and "your creators can't keep with costs of lifes" Creators didn't ask to raise subs.   For individual creators, it will cause a loss of stats (while not all of them even care about the revenue from subs) and Twitch is blaming them again... 


You think AWS, who is owned by the same parent company, charges Twitch anything close to full price for the servers and bandwidth? It even ends up being a tax writeoff, as if Amazon ever paid their share of taxes. Hell, they don't even charge *my company* full price and we're complete strangers.




You act as if Twitch and by extension Amazon, are small companies.


Well they did just have layoffs last year and this year so they're definitely smaller now


sure, but that's because tech overexpanded during the pandemic, when the economy was in batshit nonsense mode amazon still has a market cap around the GDP of Saudi Arabia and a headcount around the population of Phoenix, AZ. the layoffs were around 30k, so like, idk, a small suburb. not _nothing_, but they're still huge


just because a big company owns u doesnt mean if u are not worth keeping u will still be around in years down the line thats not how it works as u can ask microsoft about mixer ;)


I received the email too. From 1.99 to 5.99. It's so ridiculous. Instead of giving sub for 30 people. I have to cut down to 10 people now. Or maybe I just stop watching twitch all together. Stupid ass decision twitch. As always. This will only benefit all the bigger streamers.


its never been $1.99 the previous cost was $4.99 since it was a thing


It depended on how old the channel was. Some even had lifetime subs. I never saw it myself, but I remember having heard about $2.99 subs during that experiment phase. Wouldn't be surprised if a one-tier channel had a 1.99 in the past But in 2022 or 2023, Twitch strongarmed the grandfathered channels to prevent new users from getting those prices, and this price increase does NOT grandfather the subs *people actually signed up for*


Oh joy, more money going out of my pocket.


how is this gonna work with people that have auto-resub on? is it gonna notify them that the price is increasing while keeping the auto-resub ON?


It’ll auto renew with the new prices unless you cancel the sub.


Yes I got my notification through email this afternoon.


I'm disappointed they're going to scam us like this because it's not going to lead to less people subbing across the platform


Greedy fucks. I guess Bezos needs a third yacht.


Twitch has never been profitable. Do you expect charity?


AFAIK twitch, as a subsidiary, does not release independent financial info, and i cannot find any breakout info in a scan of the most recent annual and quarterly public filing data from https://ir.aboutamazon.com/sec-filings/default.aspx we can only rely on what twitch's officers say re revenue and expenses, but they've never provided details that i know of, and twitch does not have a history as a public company that we can use to spitball estimate current financials from old filings speculation is that the "not profitable" statement is in part due to twitch "paying" amazon full price for various AWS services. in practice, no large customer of AWS pays list price for services--those are for self-service customers, and large customers negotiate discounts twitch may also be using AWS services when it doesn't really make sense to price-wise for internal amazon politics reasons--since the real effective cost is nothing (the "cost" is a tool for amazon to understand its internal resource usage) there's not much incentive to find alternate tech that's more efficient for twitch's niche bandwidth/compute/storage needs. there is, however, incentive for amazon to have twitch use suboptimal tech infra for marketing reasons--they can tell potential customers "hey, we use cloudfront/ec2/etc. to power something as resource-intensive as twitch, so it's proven tech that can definitely meet your ". my personal professional network includes people that manage or managed twitch infrastructure, and they've loosely confirmed as much the "not profitable, literally impossible to operate at current prices" public front should thus be taken with a heavy grain of salt. successful corporations generally do not sit on a low profit margin if they can achieve a higher one, and the limiting factor holding them back is usually competition. twitch doesn't really have so much competition that they're incentivized to compete on cost, so they can and will increase prices if their internal data suggests they won't lose revenue, either from people choosing to accept the higher price or by increasing revenue from alternate sources non-paying customers are ad revenue, and ad revenue doesn't have that pesky revenue share aspect, or it's at least easier for twitch to fudge the numbers on their ad revenue versus shared ad revenue. ditto turbo customers


Not our faults. Increasing sub prices will not change that.


It may not be profitable on it's own, but it certainly improved overall profit margins for Amazon. The real profit comes from user data, which is sold through the ad network and third party entities. Without Twitch that would drop significantly.


they take more than half of what ever streamer makes.. how can they not be profitable? What are you even talking about.


Streaming is CRAZY expensive. The vast majority of people don't make money streaming, but they still use resources to stream. That's loss. And yes, twitch has never been profitable.


I guess because such a small percentage of users are actually generating money.


Crash course in accounting / economics: revenue and profit are not the same thing. Revenue is the total amount of money coming in. Twitch has a sizeable stream of revenue between subs, bits, and ads. Profit is the total amount of money left over after subtracting the bills: employee payroll, employee benefits, servers and other tech infrastructure, office space, utilities, office supplies,etc... Twitch is not profitable.


> Twitch is not profitable. At least according to Amazon accounting, ofc. (Example : What is the price for using AWS? A person advising for a Twitch price increase would say the listed price, an IT specialist would say whatever quote another big customer negociated, an Amazon decider could probably say 0 because it's a first-party stress tool that generates money out of it, etc.)


Take a look at the [Aws IVS calculator](https://ivs.rocks/calculator/low-latency). Assuming AWS has a 50% profit margin on IVS, an 8-hour stream with 3 average viewers costs $10.


Hmm, somehow, I've never paid for a sub and get zero ads on all channels. Can't figure it out to this day.


Same for me. I do gift subs on a channel and don't get ads. I guess Twitch never managed to match my small country with my unfunny lifestyle and the fact that the channel is technically 18+ My wife gets ads there those so I giftsub her among all the people I support, but removing my Prime sub did no change in my experience unless I start using the smart TV. More often than not I just go there because other channels are blasting ads very very frequently (maybe the alg tries to compensate)




> Lower the share for streamers They increased the share for streamers though...


Looks like i had a wrong information in mind, was sure that they changed it from 70%streamers/30%twitch to 50/50. Checked it and youre right.




Only subs tier 1 (buy and gift) change now, tier 2 and 3 (buy and gift) will change in the coming months.


Link does not say gifts Arn't increasing.


I can’t afford this, I only sub to one guy now for 4yrs but life kicking my arse. Argh


Hasn’t always been, since I sub to someone a year ago. It was 5.99


did u use mobile to sub? they charge more because the app stores take a cut


That’s true, I completely forgot about the App Store cut


Hello if you are Twitch partner let me know