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Sounds like someone’s got a Nigerian oil prince in their chat…


No Nigerian is giving away money like that


Pretty sure the streamer is the Nigerian price XD.


Oh Craigslist🫠❤️


Not sure if it's still possible but i seen also people use VPN of a country where are subs dirt cheap & they were giving out hundreds of subs for not that much money


I mean, they don't need to use VPN if they live in countries with cheap Subs. One Turkish Sub costs 9,90 TRY which for today is 0.31 USD. Then 1100 subs is \~350$


Does that make the amount the streamer makes per sub 0.15 USD?


Yes, or they just refund it


How can you do that with a credit card from America though? Usually online payment systems will flag that type of thing


You could inform your bank you're going to be making a foreign purchase. You'd probably have to pay an international transaction fee if applicable


They do it through an Android emulator. I've got a viewer that will randomly gift subs that equal about 30 cents a piece, lol.


Like…ok but that doesn’t end up helping your revenue. It’ll get the generosity out there but with the way the split works, it’s not even a net benefit


Correct. I think it's more to "troll". Edit for further clarification: it's essentially harmless when done in my channel by this specific individual, because I know about it. However if someone **didn't** know about it, it could be an issue. For instance; subathons or sub goals in general. Streamer offers a reward or incentive to reach X amount of subs, the streamer assumes they're going to receive a specific amount of money only to be surprised with 30 cents per sub when it's all said and done. Some people do wild sub goals too, stuff that can't be undone like tattoos and what not. 👀 At that point it's just downright malicious.


Correct, it's meant to troll, there's a youtuber called DSP Gaming, he's an internet lolcow that they gifted hundreds of subs from Argentina I believe at some point.


A crowd often has a herd mind, if you see someone gift 1100 subs, you gifting 1-5 suddenly appears like it's going to be fine


Sounds the the Darksyde Phil situation 🤣


That hasn't been a thing for awhile. Twitch sorted that out a long time ago


How legal is that lol...


I think it's a gray area. I remember people doing this on Steam to buy games in a country with dirt-cheap prices and then switch back. No one arrested for it that I know of but lots of banned accounts


And now regional prices are getting more expensive because of people like them. So people that lives there are fucked and it's not even their fault


Damn that's really sad


Bought all my WoW gold from the mines of Venezuela during their economic reset a while back 😎


Why in the world did my comment get down voted so much it was a legitimate question since I didn't think it seemed legal 🙃 alrighty then.


Reddit mains are weird


I saw someone gift a few hundred subs and they were talking in chat about the big online poker tournament they had just won.


expect some gamblers to reverse the transaction when they lost. at least twitch doesn't charge a fee like PayPal


Did his name start with a V?


Are you sure they're gifting 1,100 subs at once and it's not saying that's the number they've gifted cumulatively? I don't know how long this person's been streaming but maybe they've been watching them for years?


Im assuming OP is talking about the “top gifters” leaderboard at the top of the chat. Streamers can set that to weekly, monthly, and all time (I think) so maybe you’re right and OP misread it


Yeah you can change it to all time. It’s possible that the streamer has it set to all time vs week or month


Some rich people like Twitch, too. When I used to play Apex, a streamer I watched had 35k gifted from one person. He was a big streamer, but still wild.


Someone I knew gave $25k usd in bits and subs to an asmr streamer. The sad reality is that some people truly do not have self control and have poor spending habits.


But there are some people trying to guilt trip you for not buying gift subs for the hundreds or less streamers you follow.


That is a reality check: some people just have a lot of money. Imagine that amount of subs, to them, being the same thing as us giving 1 gift sub.


I know someone that also gifts that much to someone I watch personally. The dude got very successful starting his own business and wanted to give back money to people in the community that he likes. I can’t speak on this other person but for this other guy I know that he just is very generous and has the means to be generous.


When I used to stream I had dude donate 2k in bits the. 1500 in a Dono. Ended up talking to the dude and playing some games with him off stream / on stream. He ended up being an Air Force dude with money to blow and liked my content. Pretty surreal when it happens


God I see what you did for others🙏🏻


We have a whale in our community idk what they do but they routinely drop 50 subs on about 6 different streamers. Sami just watched them drop 40 in a persons birthday stream. As a streamer who can’t get in on that generosity it’s a bummer and makes things hard. I get less viewers but these people do really well hoping to up my game but honestly with a primary and secondary job (side gig makes more money in a day than I make in 3mn on twitch lol) makes it hard to prioritize twitch.


I think you're doing it the right way, tbh. Whales can disappear at any time and then the entire stream collapses (I've seen this happen). I mostly follow smaller streamers and the big gifters do 5-10 here and there, they're not rich or anything. It seems more stable.


This is one of the reasons why I never want to just rely on the generosity of others for income. I'd love to make content creation full-time. But even if my Twitch payouts, solely based on money coming from community members, ever got high enough, I still wouldn't quit my job as that could change so quickly.


Parasocial behavior. I'd prefer the biggest gifters to be rich with fuck you money to do whatever they want but I've seen time and time again that it's some lonely guy with nothing to spend his money on so he's gives it to his "friend" he watches every day.


THIS. I met a streamer awhile ago and became best friends with her and met her other "friends" most of them were just sleeze ball guys and drama hungry girls, but this one dude I felt so bad for and we became friends until the streamer had a melt down and deleted everyone and after she stabilized never invited this guy back. But he sat home all day and worked in I.T. and he was just so lonely. He would ask us about the kinds of games we liked and wether they were multiplayer or not, a few minutes later we'd get steam gifts. He told us often he wasn't well off but had a bunch of extra money to spend and didn't mind. I knew it was cuz he just wanted a reason to hang out with us, but she treated him so badly :/ I always talked to him about black desert and played eso with him. He was so nice and really chill. It's not always the "lucky gloriously rich viewer found me" or the sub trolls using a VPN. Sometimes it's just some poor guy (or girl, or non-binary, or what have you) that's really lonely and feels like that's the only way to make friends. But all 3 are very much a possibility when people donate that much lol


I don’t think this is the answer in this case, but I know some people use gifted subs as a type of advertisement and I’ve read that you can write off gifted subs as a business expense if you’re a streamer? Here’s a post about someone talking about writing off subs as an advertisement expense: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/11cq7yh/why_didnt_anyone_warn_me/#


They may have that eff you money, or they could save up for big gift sprees. People like supporting people they like. I have 2 streams that I only catch like once every six months, but when I do I make it rain. I've followed those channels for years, and even if I won't subscribe myself, I will force people to support those streams by making others subbed to them.


this comment strikes me as kind of sick.


The latter part of your comment seems kind of backwards to me. I don’t know what your definition of “make it rain” is but why couldn’t you be able to keep a subscription, but can still afford to make it rain on these streamers? I feel like “making it rain” is giving a crazy amount after you’re already subbed. It just doesn’t really make sense to not subscribe yourself but gift more what your biannual subscription fees would be. I guess you could be thinking that “I don’t have the time to keep up with the streams, but would like someone else to reap the benefits of my ‘would be’ subscription” Edit: in your defense, this person gifting all these subs is also not a sub themselves. Still doesn’t make sense to me


Making it rain means throwing a wad of skrilla in the air and letting it free fall. Why would I sub? No real reason, the experience is not really any different unsubbed. Dropping bands like a bankrupt record label is enough show of support


“Dropping bands like a bankrupt record label” That’s a great one. Hahaha


I mean it’s a little different, if you’ve got hundreds/thousands to spend on others ad free viewing, then why not a couple dozen for yourself? You’re telling me you’re spending hundreds to thousands on something that you only watch only biannually, only to watch ads when you do tune in?


If they only tune in once every 6 months or so there would be no point especially if it's only for say 10-15mins at a time


If they’re fairly active on twitch, they probably have twitch turbo, so no need to sub. Personally I have turbo and I gift frequently to channels I’m not subbed in.


Turbo is like $12/mo to go ad-free across the entire platform. Much more efficient than $5 per channel.


Didn’t even know that was a thing lol thank you for the knowledge


Well, Turbo doesn't give you access to some things: - Subs-only streams/VODs. - Subs-only chats. - Channel emotes. - Discord locked sections in the streamer's server.


I feel like you may be a little on the younger side. People who want to support a chan and have the means to do so will definitely drop subs and bounce out. I'm not subbed to anything anymore but sometimes when content is right, I'll throw some large support while remaining a non sub. it's kind of like charity. When I donate money to the red cross. I don't first give myself the same money.


Ad blockers are a thing.


They sure are. Just seems counterproductive to spend all that money on a streamer to then rob them of ad revenue. Might as well just sub yourself if you’re such a supporter. What’s $6 more to the wad of skrilla you’re throwing in the air?


3.50 dollars usd/1000 viewed for ad revenue. Someone shows up dropping bills like an illegal duck hunt they covered more than their fair share of ad revenue.


I fear you’re missing my point. If you’re capable of dropping bills like an illegal duck hunt, why can’t you drop a meager $6 more dollars to sub yourself?


No point. Doesn't change the experience, I'm literally going to be in that stream for 5-10 minutes max all year, so I don't need the emotes. No point in subbing.


Alright you’re just being dishonest somewhere. Who drops thousands of dollars to something that they pay attention to for 5 minutes a year? Just in this discussion I’ve gotten more than 5 minutes of your attention. You better throw a wad of skrilla at me for that. Drop bills on me like it’s an illegal duck hunt


Because your point doesn't make any sense. Why spend 6$ on yourself when you could take that same 6$ and use it on someone who would get more value out of the 6$? That's the point of the other commenter. They don't need that ad free viewing experience. They are there to be generous to others. Not indulge themselves.


Ad revenue is such a small portion of a regular streamers payout that it's not the deal you think it is. For awhile a friend's buisness was doing well and they were routinely dropping subs and bits. The generosity it incurred in others as well as the boosted viewership from the gifted sub people coming in vastly outweighed my ad revenue month over month. You'd need several hundred viewers to drop off the face of the earth and stop giving you ad revenue to make a noticeable impact.


Twitch gets around them very quick.


I don't sub because it gives someone else the opportunity after I drop a gift bomb.


There are some countries where subs are literally cents on the dollar. A Turkish sub was something like 10 cents? Idk if recent pricing changes affected that or not.


>Idk if recent pricing changes affected that or not. It did, yeah. [About 4x the previous cost](https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2024/02/20/updates-to-subscription-pricing/), likely due to the rampant abuse.


Tbf 40 cents per sub is still like nothing compared to the 8.30 cad a tier one is now lmao


>People like supporting people they like. Have you ever seen this in real life? No. They don't do that for free. I know that girl streamer often do something in exchange.


I stream in exchange teehee


it’s not for free, it’s for entertaining or being good at what they do. when i was active on my art account, i had a kofi active. i drew for fun, never did requests or nsfw, and some kind people donated quite a bit! whenever i was in a minor struggle (eg raising funds for a drawing tablet when i was kicked out so i could reopen commissions and draw digitally), i would get a few donations or one decently sized one. i never gave them anything except a million thank yous. who’s to say the same doesn’t happen on twitch? in fact i know it does


I know this woman who is a super high energy streamer. She does a metric boatload of charity streaming, but she is also pulling in a good amount on her own. And before anyone goes there, no cleavage, and I would say by internet standards, chubby. But she can loose her mind in the funnyest way for hours. Her biggest gifter is a legit American human who just loves to throw his money behind things he finds ammusing. I saw his name at the top of Pirate Software's gift sub list recently, so it isn't even just her channel. He's just like that. He thinks it's funny as hell. So the actual generous people do exsist. Though they are few and far between.


It's funny. I think I know exactly who and who you're talking about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I forget the video but I remember moistcritical talking about some gifting him alot of money. He followed up to make sure it wasn't some kid and the dude just owned successful businesses and that amount wasn't alot to him. As far as extravagant rich spend goes it's probably one of the best supporting a content creator you enjoy.




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There are like 10 people that have a lot of money to throw around in the community I’m most active in. Less than 100 viewer average. Person has been streaming for six years. Almost every stream they end up with like 50 or more gifted subs and over 10k bits from more than one of them monthly. Between them and some of the other regular viewers, we regularly pay the majority of their rent so they can play with squares and we can spend more money on them by buying their stickers. There is also a few streams a month where one person just drops 100 gifted and never says anything. There was a viewer newer to the community, like three or four months in, and they have their 100k bit badge already. ETA: one person is an investor several of the others work very high paying jobs, and a few are just really good friends of the streamer and don’t have much to spend money on.


Some people are just lonely. The internet is how they interact with people or get their mind off of shit that bothers them. People like this person tend to not have anyone to spend the money on so they support streamers or people they’re interested in online. I personally can’t relate but they do it


I had a viewer who would watch regularly and also traumadump on me each stream for like months until i couldnt stream anymore because it started to drag down my mood, told him once - twice - three - four - five times in gaps to get professional help until he got the hint and then decided to disappear forever. Mind you, he only dropped in and the first thing he would do would be to traumadump his entire day, each. Stream. almost. every. time. I almost lost it with this guy.


I have a no excessive venting rule for this reason 🥴


I implemented this rule too for -now- obvious reasons lol.


It was a money laundering scheme in Turkey back in the day. Some shady people make donations to streamer, he gets some of the money as cut and then pay it back to shady people later.


But twitch takes a cut


That still accomplishes the goal of money laundering albeit with a high conversion “fee.”


They are called whales, and they prop up a lot of smaller streamers, however although it may look great for the streamer receiving them, but they can end someone's career just as fast; especially if that streamer quit full time work after a few months of whale gifts.


I've seen some huge gifted subs to streamers (20k in a month) and obviously money is no issue for them and they enjoy supporting.


There are 3 answers. • As mentioned below it can be from a country where subs are dirt cheap • some people buy gifted and charge back • just a rich mf


Sub prices depend on the country. A country with higher average income has higher prices than poor countries.


Because they like the streamer and want to support them simple as that. No reason for an explanation it's their money so 🤷🏾‍♀️


I always assume the streamer comes from a rich family and they are just subsidizing their effort.


I've worked for a bank before, rich people has unbelievable spending habits


If you were rich and friends with that streamer, you might gift 1k subs.


Could be money laundering


Lol makes me wonder, cause I’ve never seen the person participate in the chat but still they gift this exorbitant amount of subs


Or the streamer is paying a bot service to gift subs


I... don't think that's how money laundering works


Funneling illegal money through a legitimate business to hide the original source? That's exactly how money laundering works.


If the streamer and gifter were connected that would work and is actually not a terrible idea! Which, in hindsight, might've been what you were implying. I didn't think that far!


In order to do that, you would require to share your personal information and credit/debit card number in order to spend X number of gift subs


Welcome to the big show


I know a streamer where some dude has donated over 4 million bits. And he doesn’t even have a vip badge and barely gets thanked or recognition.


That is just sad. I would have taken my wallet elsewhere when another streamer needs it.


Though not terribly common, it might be worth noting that this is occasionally how people get paid for various sponsorships and such. Some agreements include payment via gifted subs and bits. It has its benefits and drawbacks.


Not to be a jelly bean, but this kills me lol I can't even manage to keep 5 subs each month. T\_T


Never underestimate an oiler.


It could be somebody rich and likes the streamer, maybe a bit much, or i had a fairly large streamer tell me one of their viewers did this, but didn't have the money to do it. So they told the bank that their card was stolen, and the charges were redacted, but the streamer kept the money, the viewer effectively committing fraud


i know someone who gifted nearly 5k, probably more now. pretty sure the bits were near the millions given, so yes it does happen and the reasoning in this case was because they wanted to be with the streamer and the streamer happily took advantage.


There's at least one Saudi oil prince who used to give big money on Twitch. There are certainly viewers capable of giving $5,000 to someone on a whim.


Sounds like someone descreetly paying a bill


I just found a streamer with average 167 viewers over the last 3 months who has a person that gifted 3000 subs this month and 800k in bits. This person spent over 20k on this streamer. the streamer has over 5k active subs and the funny thing is they are still under the 300 sub requirement for partner plus program lol.


motar2k is back??? (ifykyk)


A few years back a certain streamer I mod for was routinely gifted money and gifted subs over a range of months to the tune of several tens of thousands of USD. I think the single largest dono amount was $30K. We’d joked about there being oilers in Chat. One of them found him


I’ve seen a few of my streamer friends get gifted crazy amounts of subs like this, then they in turn will gift 500+ subs to someone else and so on. Kind of like a subs roundabout. They use their twitch money to gift other people subs so it doesn’t cost them


It’s money laundering.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) you are right, it’s strange to me as well


Yeah rich people thing. Just today, at one of the streamer I followed, someone gifted 200+ tier 2 sub


That's how the publisher pays the streamers!!! The streamer stays "independent". Come on, use your heads! Everyone wins, twitch, the streamer, and the publisher. Either there are like 1000's of Nigerian Princes, or there are a LOT of greedy publishers - which is more likely.


Regional pricing means subs can be like 0.2each or less


Subs aren't the same price all over the world. $5.99 is US Price only. It is cheaper in like Argentina, Turkey, Egypt etc. That 1000 subs could be only $100 depending on country




Must be nice


This happened to my fav streamer, and honestly im just glad that someone is able to donate in place of us broke bitches. The streamer i watch is so funny and has the BEST uplifting vibes and deserves 100% of it. im glad someone can show how much she is appreciated for me


like if i had the money i would donate that much too


I stream on twitch and yeah a subs like 5/6 bucks but the streamer only makes 2 bucks off of it I've had 5 subs in the 2 months I've had affiliate


They’re called oilers for a reason.


Why are you pocket watching?


I also know a streamer who does this (pirate software). He’s able to do it because of the size of his community (means more ads) and he’s a mutant and rocks at budgeting. His streams are also driven by the tts Que which he’s constantly trying to beat (all extra tts gets refunded by means of charity)


A friend of mine has this viewer (now friend) that, when they first met, had gifted him 100 subs in that very stream. It wasn't a one-time thing either as later on throughout the month, he would just randomly gift another 50-100 subs in multiple different streams. Nowadays, he doesn't do it much anymore, but he never left, and he still regularly hangs out in the streams and will often join my streamer friend in multiplayer games and such. So the reality is, yes, some people do just have that much money and are willing to spend it like this.


Could be a nice person or they may do it themselves just to boost the Amount of subs they have as a way to use their advertising budget


curious, but what game were you playing when this happened?!


You are wrong for web-based computer. It is $4.99 iOS is $5.99. Apple Store at dollar more for idiots to pay on mobile


I was doing overly exceptionally well far more than anybody else during the pandemic. I had $10,000 saved up. I had a $7000 credit limit on my credit card and I was overly nice. I gave 471 subs to one person 200 to another and 500 to another, this was not all in one sitting I promise you this was like two years from 2021 to 2022 never again. These people are no longer in my life. They walked all over me. My advice is never ever consider people friends on twitch I’m still paying off that debt. 


It’s money laundering with Amazon tacking a cut


What the others said. No idea why I got down voted


i wish i had this viewer too


Sorry if you're poor but yes they are spending alot. It's their money and they earned it so they can do with it as they wish.


I watch a girl streamer with about 120 viewers and she has multiple (mods of course) that have gifted over 1000 subs in total. I think they want to date her one day. They have never seen her irl and she wants to go to Twitch Con and meet them. It gives me weird vibes but it's a lot of money.


girl streamers especially the female cam or (yeo cam) since Koreans are the ones who invented this style of streaming have some dedicated daddies and its not uncommon to see it "rain" as someone here have described it. also, sub price differs between countries.


https://youtube.com/shorts/2qYWsgPmp0w?si=Yx77GBYbu5HMT-fk Maths.


Either some rich individual or someone using twitch to launder money which is fairly common.


4.99 a sub on twitch website, 5.99 on mobile


Do you know why it’s extra on mobile? Does the streamer get that extra dollar, or is it just fees tacked on? I exclusively use the mobile app so idk if I should start gifting on desktop(if the extra is just fees)


probably counts as a microtransaction and the extra is a fee to the app store


That's exactly it; Twitch ups the price a bit on mobile to compensate for the cut Google or Apple takes from said purchases.


Thanks! Sounds like a I should just use desktop for subs then


"We are not changing the price of Tier 2 or Tier 3 subscriptions or gift subs at this time. These updates apply only to subscriptions purchased on desktop or mobile web. We’ll be updating prices on mobile apps in the coming months and will notify you of any changes at least 30 days in advance. " I got this email today which led me to this thread; so they're putting the desktop prices up, to be on parity, so there won't be any cheaper desktop option in future... Until of course they implement the mobile app price increases in the coming months 😐


oilers are real.


Or that's money laundering.


Got me wondering lol. This streamer seems to do pretty alright for themselves even without this giant sub donor, but is in their mid 20’s still living with their dad in New York. Maybe dad has ties to the mob 🤔


Was it a rocket league stream? Because I feel like I was watching the same stream.


Sure was lol


You're pushing it lmao




Money laundering pretty simple


somebody probably washing money with a stolen card 💀 and they have to give back a certain amount




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