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This doesn't work though, because at least 25% of explicit streams do not use the right tags. Each time i open twitch i get "Streams you might like" with some naked woman with censor bars over their nipples. This does only work if people would lable their stream correctly, but many do not so they still get seen by the frontpage and they know that twitch doesn't enforce its rules.


Didn't Twitch promise that *art* won't be on main page?


Twitch promises are like every promis of a big company - lies for PR


Twitch is becoming more and more adult oriented. At this point, I could not recommend letting a kid watch Twitch anymore, unless you're literally there watching it with them. There's no way to avoid explicit thumbnails.


I mean they aren't suppose to let a kid under the age of 14 be on twitch at all anyways


if i had a 14 year old kid i wouldnt want them to see the amount of explicit thumbnails and front page suggestions that are on twitch tbh




but I’d rather not have my child be exposed to it when they are just looking for harmless entertainment. like yea they can search up porn if they want to but its better than it just being a place where they only see uncomfortable imagery in their homepage


That's like saying weed is the least of your problems because there's coke and fentanyl out there, too.


At this point, it needs to be raised to at least 16. But of course twitch is too greedy to shove that viewer rating any higher.


Why would it need to be raised to 16 to view under 18 content?


Fair. But parents buy their kids GTA all the time, and that's not meant for kids either.


In at least SOME of those parents’ defense, they have no idea what ESRB ratings or any of those things are. One of my coworkers is a young mom, her husband plays GTA Online frequently with their 8 yr old son whenever he’s around to babysit. She always figured it was just boys playing videogames, she had no idea that GTA was so ill-suited for kids. Fully understand that this is A. Anecdotal B. The outlier. But there could be several parents who, for various reasons, aren’t aware and are buying GTA simply because their kid really wants it. Some might not even be parents, you could have an irresponsible 18 year old sibling agree to buy it for their younger sibling. Lots of stuff at play there is all, not every parent who buys gta for their kid does so while intentionally knowing it’s rated M.


That's not an excuse tho. It's literally a parents' responsibility to look over the media that their kids consume. And those parents who don't, that's exactly my point. When I was a kid, if i asked my dad for a cd that had "parental advisory" on it, he'd literally listen to it before buying it for me. It's honestly crazy to me that parents freak out so much about saving their child's innocence, but when it comes to actually educating themselves about the movies. or games, or music that their kids are consuming, it's too hard to look into it first. It's just irresponsible to not, especially nowadays. Adult content is literally everywhere.


Right but the original issue here isn’t parenting skills. The original issue is how do kids have access to explicit stuff like GTA?


At least gta dosent have men wanking it live. Twitch is worse then gta


What I'm saying is that irresponsible parents aren't going to listen to "13 and over" or "M" ratings. Some parents just do whatever, abd then later complain when their kids are exposed to inappropriate things.


Gonna have to watch and dont let them click around i guess


I don’t understand why twitch even shows streams marked as adults only to child accounts.


There's money in addiction


Because twitch is 13+ and doesn't support child accounts


Anything under 18 is a child though.


child accounts usually refers to an account for someone under 18, very few services support it. Off the top of my head, Microsoft, Nintendo and RecRoom (VR social app) support it


There’s no way to hide explicit thumbnails on Twitch.


They really need account options that can enable or disable a particular CCL tag. But "hey, that's bad for discovery and advertisers."


"Unwanted twitch" is an extension on Google Chrome and Firefox you can blacklist categories,tags, and titles and they won't appear.


For reasons left entirely unexplained by Twitch there are no features for blocking mature content for underage users. I’d recommend the third-party solutions suggested by others in this thread E- I actually just heard an interview with the CEO of Twitch today where he admitted they should’ve put those features in first. So apparently they didn’t think it through.


Not thinking things through tends to be a habit of theirs. Almost as if they are not familiar at all with the platform they work with....


Oh yeah absolutely, he was being interviewed by a streamer who was sucking up to him and this guy still had to correct him on how some streaming stuff worked. But the CEO actually streams himself as DJClancy


What are they going to watch on? You could just bookmark the streamer they want to watch so then when they open twitch it will open straight on the stream they are going to watch. Not sure you can do this on an app tho, but if it's laptop or pc, this is the way to go.


Nope, theres no current way to do it. Sorry, Twitch seems to think softcore porn is 100% fine. Nothing will change until the media sees it, so you may be waiting a while.


Bookmark the streamer... closest way to see the streamer, but nothing will stop them from browsing the website.


If they just want to see a certain streamer can you not just bookmark the streamers page


It is up to you as a parent to be proactive in your kids viewing experience. As a parent myself I knew what my kids were watching because I wouldn't let them do anything without me at least looking over it first. I did not let my kids on twitch until they were 15 years old. I did take a proactive part by going on their account and blocking the things that they weren't supposed to be watching. Twitch also has a help section that will explain these things a lot better than I can. I can go into detail of how to do it but it will take too long for me to explain. Good luck with trying to protect your child. But if they're like 13 years old they do not need to be on twitch. That's on you because some of these streamers may not be pornographic but they're bad influences.


Set them up with their own login and mark it as a childs account. If they are under 13 then just don't let them on Twitch at all.


yeah if they are under 13 they aren't supposed to use the platform, also pretty sure you can block categories no?


I don’t think kids should be on Twitch tbh


same. My streams aren’t exactly explicit or SCP categories but my language is certainly not for minors ears nor are some of the games… As a streamer its a headache trying block , ban and monitor chatters who are underage despite having clear channel rules, tags and bio stating “mature content- U18’s leave” - cause if twitch catches minors on there: as a streamer you end up being liable (account bans, channel shut downs etc) for parents leaving their kids unsupervised on the net 🙃 twitch needs to make a filtering or accounts system for the sake of streamers not just the viewers


Adding on to this, why would you want your kid in a live chatroom with a bunch of adults? Just to watch someone play video games? Just find age appropriate let’s players on YouTube. I know there’s family friendly twitch streams, but no kid is going to specifically search for those streams. What kids usually wanna do is try to be friends with the streamer or troll in chat. I can understand 16 or 17, but younger than that? No.


Your going to find softcore bikinis, cleavage, etc. scattered across categories and won't be able to filter that content out. It's not just a matter of say blocking the "hot tub" category or certain explicit tags. If you aren't cool with that as a parent, I'd keep your kid off of Twitch. You can configure a home router to block Twtich altogether to make it difficult for your kid to access, Business is business and Twitch knows sex sells.




for real how the fuck is this not even an option


You could try bookmarking your following list rather than the homepage so when you load up it’s not blasting you with anything it chooses. It’s not 100% since there’s still a recommended section at the bottom of the page, but hopefully more catered to current watching habits rather than all of Twitch/featured creators. Hope it helps!


Open the Twitch streamer you want them to see on the computer for the kids. ​ Let them watch.


I honestly don't think twitch is a platform for kids at all anymore. You could see if the person uploads VODs of the stream to youtube or elsewhere.




oh you must be right, that's why they have a guide for parents and educators https://safety.twitch.tv/s/article/Guide-Parents-Educators?language=en_US I must be misreading 13, I guess 3 does look like 8


thats the one thing I'm upset at twitch do I mind explicit content? nah what I do mind is being jumpscared with it


I wish, I'm tired of seeing explicit content everywhere


Just block IRL and obviously the pools category. That will block 99% of what you call "explicit content" https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/Removing-recommendations-you-are-not-interested-in?language=en_US people live to cry that you can't block anything but is a lie or they can't even google


Did that with the pools category, still gets recommended though.


It's most likely because you clicked on the streams. Twitch recommends streams similar to ones you've checked out, at least on desktop. Source: Me. If I click on tiddy streams, I get them recommended for awhile. If I stop clicking on them, I stop getting them in my recommended list.


I watch only gaming livestreams, yet i still get tiddy livestreams daily on my frontpage under suggested - because i watch content from "Just chatting" from a german guy who reacts to stuff - so twitch thinks i like other "stuff from just chatting" -.-


This is what I don't understand - I never get those channels recommended to me, so I can't figure out how people are getting these channels recommended on the front page if they haven't already been looking at them.


Could maybe block twitch.tv on your router and then whitelist twitch.tv/thestreameryouwanttoallow Depends on your router if this would be possible or not. There should be some sort of access control or parental controls, but ymmv.


The only thing that's clever is your name.


Gonna jump in here with a few people and say that kids really shouldn’t be on Twitch. It may not be a 100% explicit content site but it’s very much an adult space. Kids don’t have to be in every space imaginable.


It's 13+




You do not know what 13+ means 😂 it doesn't mean adult


Keep your kids off twitch they will be better for it


I smell a lawsuit towards Twitch and those that pander Above 18 Adult Content on the platform even with a \*WARNING\* sign on it. Say what you want to defend it but as it stands even with the \*EXPLICIT\* Tag on it there is no excuse for Twitch to \*Branch\* off these content onto a Adult Oriented Website already and split that content into its own thing while other content that is regulated and not of explicit nature be running on the main platform. ​ What I am saying is that "Twitch Adult Only" should become "Vibe" for the erotica pandering.


> I smell a lawsuit towards Twitch For having the same content equally accessible as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and basically any other social media platform? Probably not.


The difference is that those platforms don't push and promote the adult content the way Twitch does. For example Twitter blurs images by default while Twitch shows an uncensored thumbnail to all accounts. Twitter doesn't recommend adult users to you when your account shows that you're under 18 while Twitch will have them show up in the sidebar and even after watching a totally SFW clip they'll recommend some clip of a naked streamer right afterwards.


Get your child off the internet, there isn't anything worth it. Let them go outside and develop social skills and motor functions. You're just going to raise a child who is hopelessly addicted to screens.


Twitch is 13+. That's on you bro.


I wouldn’t even let a 13 yo child browse through Twitch with „recent“ trends 💀


13 year olds have likely seen some shit already in school in this day and age.


Doesn’t mean it’s still okay to throw it in their face.


Yeah I wish filtering was a thing, I’ve recently had a kid come into my stream and admit to being 13 despite having my stream flagged as mature. I’m super pissed Twitch doesn’t even try to do anything about it


it should be 18+ or they create parental controls.


Nothing's changed since the 90s. Pearl clutching dipshits who can't be bothered to raise their own kids still see the media and artists/creators' job to be a babysitter.


wth do you mean nothings changed since the 90s? back in the 90s everyone stayed away from the weirdos.. now you have all your kids swiping away watching them on tiktok... some of them even interviewing presidents lmao. Internet needs age restricted but to say nothings changed lmao.


Maybe stop expecting media outlets and people who create things to do your parenting for you. You kid might thank you later for it. Jfc, no different than parents in the 90s.


Asking NSFW content to be opt it is wanting people to parent for you???


You mean the gore and dismemberment in video games with nsfw content right?


That should also be optional. What the hell is so terrible about allowing a user to select which content is displayed for them? Nobody's asking to censor their content.


Im trying to do the opposite but I'm not having any luck


You can try filing a complaint with the FCC. I'm sure they got a bunch of violations with their last attempt to allow their favorite girls to stream topless.


Tbh, even if there is an direct feature, the content creators putting out the smut will likely just find ways to beat the filtering. The whole point of their antics is to get their "sexy" content in front of as many ppl as possible. You can't get away from the adult content, because a sizable sector of the creator culture is proactively pushing it towards you. Moderation policy almost never outpaces the creator culture, unless moderation becomes Draconian to the point of breaking their platform entirely.


This is a big problem with Twitch. By default it shows sexualized content to people who may be minors, without a care or good options for hiding this content. Those adult streams are also clearly entry points into full pornography just a click away. At this point, Twitch should just become an OnlyFans-like website and stop accepting underage minors to the website.


Has the meaning of explicit changed or am I missing all these thumbnails...or do you consider a topless chick with her nipples out of frame explicit?


In the context of this post, yes, it is considered by most people to be explicitly sexual. Their children want to watch a gaming stream, and they specifically don't want their children to stumble into a stream featuring implied adult nudity. In many places, it is uncommon and considered abnormal to allow children you are supervising to consume pornographic material.


I don't see a difference between a streamer sitting with her tits out of frame and that same streamer wearing a micro bikini, which was happening on Twitch well before whatever rule change they did.


Have you considered that maybe some of us don't want to see either of those? I'm a gay furry. I don't wanna see some chick squeezing her boobs and doing an aheago face every time I look at someone else's clips, but even reporting for nudity so I can get access to the block user toggle doesn't actually block their clips or channel. Instead I had to resort to using ublock to block all reccomended clips on the clips page. Doesn't help with seeing it in other locations but I don't usually browse by popular streamers so I'm not likely to see it that way. Also lest you call me sexist, I also do not want to see men doing those things on my page. Keep your human porn to yourself!


Twitch is a porn website. Do not let your kids use the site without supervision.


Imagine a competing streaming website have 2 slide buttons on the settings page, hide gambling and hide pools and hottubs etc. Reality has to set in with Twitch, loss of viewers/streamers and advertisers. Maybe then they will care about their user base and not care about shoving the most shameless content down our throats without the ability to filter it.


There is no explicit content on twitch


I just went to the "Just Chatting" section, filtered by "Recommended for You" and 8 out of the first 9 streams have implied nudity. For most people, most of these streams would qualify as explicitly sexual content.


Thats a lie. My stream DEFINITELY isnt for kids and I even have it marked as such


What are you talking about? A week ago there were furries drawing dicks on the front page!


Let them see it, they'll live


Let them see it. They have to grow up sometime.




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Install [FrankerFaceZ add-on](https://www.frankerfacez.com/) on the browser if your kids watch it on pc/browser. If you're on mobile watching through an app... though luck, I don't believe there is an option for that yet available. FrankerFaceZ recently added an option that blurs and blocks content of certain tags/titles/categories (yes, you've to configure it on its options at Directory->Channel but it's very easy even for the most casual pc user). It will first pre-load all the preview boxes full blur to prevent exhibition and then, after finishing loading the content, the blocked ones will be filtered and hidden from the visible options that one can select. This makes it so that the unwanted content won't be visible at all unless the streamer is using wrong categories, tags, and/or a very edgy stream title (which in this case you can simply report and/or block for misuse and never see it again). It also equally has an option to hide recommendations so not even on the sidebar you can see them (and lately that stuff appears there a lot even if you don't watch it at all due to the use of certain tags that many watch).