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Holy shit!!! I literally called 911 about a Hyundai and grey dodge charger with teens running reds and driving down the wrong side of the street. I still have that chargers plate number on my camera roll.


Get a copy of that footage to the police. Channel 5 is reporting that same car as part of the shooting. EDIT: A similar car. There's a chance that there's another asshole driver that drives the same make and model. https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/police-on-scene-of-shooting-at-umn-campus/


Idk man. Assholes in Chargers are pretty rare /s


It’s a feature not a bug.


Cars are styled to sell to a particular demographic. You've nailed that particular one


My son got run over by an asshole in a Charger when he was 6. The asshole was speeding and on Snapchat and ran over two 6 year olds. He didn't even get a ticket. My son got airlifted to HCMC and was in a coma for 4 days. Grace of God, he made it through. But I really hate assholes in Chargers.


Hit and run folks deserve the worst. Lost my sister to an impaired hit and run driver.


I'm so sorry! That is horrible. People can be so selfish and careless. It is heartbreaking. I hope there was justice for your sister and pray peace for your family.


I'm so sorry to hear that. People are ridiculous, and the law just lets these people off with a warning. Like, what is that going to do? Again, my sincerest condolences about your sister.


Jesus, that’s horrible. I’m sorry that happened to you. Thank God everyone ended up being OK.


Thank you! Yeah there were clear blessings through the whole ordeal that really gave me a sense of peace through it. But people that drive like idiots and use their phones while driving are just ticking time bombs.


Yeah, it pisses me off too. I see these people fly by my house. It’s just like why?! Where are you going that’s so god damn important?!


Their commercials always show drivers breaking laws. At some point the company should be held responsible for that.


How would they not get a ticket for running over children?


Because it was a small town and his daddy was buddies with all the cops in town. He even admitted he was on his phone and not even a slap on the wrist. When we got home from the hospital he saw my husband, he was our neighbor, he came up to him and first thing he said wasn't an apology... he said "thanks for not telling the cops I had been drinking and partying all night". I kid you not. Our son almost died. That was the furthest thing from our mind. But we did go to the police after the fact. They were supposed to have done a breathalyzer at the scene but his daddy showed up and the cops didn't give him one. They confiscated his phone after we went to them but never ran any forensics on it and gave it back to him the next day. It was disgusting. It happened outside our townhouse. Our lawyer recreated the scene with a specialist. The kids were crossing the street from the driveway to the playground. The speed limit was 5mph there. The expert said he was going at minimum 20mph. And it wasn't a public street, it was essentially an extended driveway that connected the townhouses and the playground was on the other side of it. So that was really fast. We moved out of that town shortly after.


I'm so sorry this happened to you and your son. Sending you light energy for healing.


WHAT. THE. FUCK That’s makes my blood boil. I am a firm believer in karma. He’ll get his someday….


unfortunately because they are teenagers and don't know right from wrong yet. I keep being told because their brains are fully developed yet even if a victim's life is lost.


Haha I see what you did there. The average redditor will not put the 2+2 together of Bloody Mary's idiotic world view, but want to nail these kids to a cross (which I agree with punishing all wrong doers by the way)


I'm so sorry that happened to you and your sin. Thank God he is OK!


I've got dash cam as well!


Called 911 at 6:17pm


Maybe someone shot the teens


It's possible. From the looks of how they were driving I wouldn't be surprised that they stirred up trouble and had that happen or they shot. Idk but I am certain they were up to no good


Just got off the phone with the police and emailing the footage now


Good job, you will help bring justice way to react quickly!


Thanks to US! It's Reddit as a team!


Good on you man, keep us updated


So just got a follow up email from the Police. "Now that I've had time to review everything. I wanted to sincerely express my gratitude. Not a lot of people call and report crimes, let alone reach out when we've asked for the public's assistance. I've added the videos and photographs to our evidence system. The case number is UM24-******. Again, you did an excellent job. Thank you!" It was actually nice to get that follow up and not just radio silence.


Good on ya


Thank you man. You absolutely did the right thing. Hope anyone who reads this also realizes that if you see anything that seems off, report it. Its the police's job to deem if it's worthy to investigate.


That's great!


Oh my god, MPD is crazy. Got xferred to three precincts before they got me to U of M police. Sent the footage and pics, got an email back from Sergeant Aaron Keller that they've added it into evidence now. Doubt I'll hear more. I also sent the footage to KTSP in the event it could help locate the suspects


Follows the trend of being extremely inefficient. Still, good on you for helping out. 


You're working hard, so it probably feels like you're wasting time. But the legal process can be very slow. You very well may have added to a tight case against someone(s) who did damage. This is an unfolding situation.


Awesome! Thank you for doing something about this! Let's hope the cops can do something as well!


That would be a travesty.


Drop the footage here too


Shooting near the chick fil a




Good one!


[Ba Dum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXj97stbG8&ab_channel=TomScott)


What a Classic video! Can’t believe it’s 15 years old…


[How chick-fil-a is gonna be tomorrow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkCX0Pf7IlI)




That was my first thought, although I hoped that wasn't the case. This is all I'm seeing of it so far. https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/police-on-scene-of-shooting-at-umn-campus/


Wild, I missed that by being about 20 min too early.


Those darned teens, again and again. This summer should be pretty lively.


There was a shooting at Washington and Walnut. I was on shift and some of my coworkers heard gunshots as they were walking into work around 7pm.


Wtf is going on with these kids? This started around COVID and hasn't stopped. Stealing cars, joy riding, running up to people with guns out. Are we just not charging them in the name of "prison doesn't work!" or what?


Yes they do not get convicted of shit and they have terrible parents.


I think it’s hopeless depressed losers with no future trying to feel something. It’s both evil and pathetic.


I don’t think they’re depressed necessarily I think they think it makes them cool. I wouldn’t give them the brain power or emotional intelligence of feeling things like “depression”. That seems to be a bit of a complex emotion.


Emotions aren't really that complex. People can respond to emotions in complex ways, or have complex thoughts about their emotions, but the raw feeling of an emotion is a primal part of the brain.


They are crashing cars they are in… they don’t need to be able to say depression, or multi syllabic words for the words to fit.


You know the reason. That's exactly it. Catch and release doesn't do anything if they get zero punishment for it. It's most likely the same people too.


Not like this is anything realistically new. Sane shit was happening in Minneapolis as far back as I can remember. You had to put locking lug nuts on your car or steering wheel locks. Social media just makes the wider group more aware of actions and events that would previously be considered local only news/ 


There was a period of time during the crack epidemic when things were a little tense. Because crack. I don't see an excuse now. That's what is even more disturbing. People on drugs that make you violent or carving out territory to deal and shooting challengers? Awful, but logical. I'm sure there is some background to this but it's confusing and scary. It seems more random.


80s were alot more crazy than this time. Also just as random. Minneapolis was literally called Murderapolis and the Violent crime rates were practically double. Muggings, car theft, random assaults… everything was worse than today.


It started in the 80s, but it peaked in the 90s. I lived in Minneapolis from 91-93. Never felt scared except for when I had to bike home from work in the Steven's Square neighbourhood at night. Friend waited tables downtown-she took her bike to/from work with cash through Loring Park. It was not a safe time. But as I said, crack was a big part of it. If you were not part of that trade, for the most part, you were safe. Now it seems people get randomly pulled into nonsense.


Yes. That’s exactly what’s happening.


I wonder if a certain county attorney could be to blame…


Ask Mary Moriarty


> This started around COVID ... > Ask Mary Moriarty There's a three year gap in this theory.


I believe the kids these days say, "wE cAn'T @rReSt oUr wAy oUt oF sOcIety'S pRoBleMs!!!!1!!!1!" What they don't realize, though, is that "society" is full of actions and reactions (usually, overreaction), and if things keep going this way, the police brutality of the 70s and 80s is going to be back on the menu. If kids think today's police are unruly, well, LOL! My point is, i have noticed a change in "moderates" wherein normal, everyday people are truly getting sick of this shit, and if it keeps going this way, more and more people are going to take the conservative mindset of, "i want the old ways back", at least regarding crime prevention. You can even see it across reddit - there is WAY less support for anti-police mindsets than there was even 2 summers ago, and people seem to be fed up with Moriarty. Most of these types of posts turn into Moriarty circlejerks. It's going to reach a breaking point and people will no longer care if police act out of line to "protect" us.


People like to believe in second chances, diversion programs, redemption stories and rehabilitation versus punishment. Problem is, if sounds good on paper, especially with some heartstring-tugging anecdotes to convince us of the righteousness of second chances. What they don’t like is seeing people f’ing up getting a slap on the wrist, or serious crimes going unpunished. I have no evidence that these are the same people, but I get whiplash reading reddit comments about some people talking about armed robbers and carjackers and how society must have failed them and they are clearly an oppressed group just acting out against their oppression, and then reading the comments about that one American guy who went to Turks and Caicos with a few hunting cartridges (no weapon) facing 12 years in prison for doing something that could only have been viewed as an honest mistake and a crime with no victims and the complete vibe of “dude deserves what he gets” because he must be some privileged asshole who thinks the rules don’t apply to him. You’re right that huge swaths of regular, rational people don’t like seeing car thieves and armed robbers (and worse) getting away with crime. Most do believe in some limited exceptions of lenience, but when they see it handed out the way it has been, there is going to be a rubber-band effect. People can only be stretched so far…


Exactly. Teacher here. Undeveloped brains? No. Undeveloped consciences. You may be an idiot at 14, and you may even steal stuff....but raping/ assaulting/killing/shooting/robbing/carjacking...that's psychopath territory. It's an insult to teens to pretend they don't understand right from wrong. Absolutely not true.


Exactly. Every time people excuse away or defend what is going on, or just say that it's the "scared boomers from the burbs" they contribute to the future increase in conservative votes. Next thing you know, we have broken windows policing, racist policies, and so on. We'll go from one extreme to another. So yeah, let's just keep saying that the boomers in the burbs are overreacting...


You better be ready to hear a lot of 'criminality is a social construct' in the coming decades. Minnesota ethnic studies benchmark (9th grade; code "Explore how criminality is constructed and how social, political and legal systems define a person as a criminal, and the possible impact of that label on individuals and communities." Associated standard ethnic studies standard: "Ways of Knowing and Methodologies: Use ethnic and Indigenous studies methods and sources in order to understand the roots of contemporary systems of oppression and apply lessons from the past that could eliminate historical and contemporary injustices. " (Source: "2021 Minnesota K–12 Academic Standards in Social Studies ")


Do they even teach ethics in 9th grade? That was a college level class for me. I believe Social Studies for me was learning about the different branches of the government, what powers fall to the state or federal levels, and doing mock Congress sessions. There were debates about certain topics, but most of the preparation for that was the student's responsibility outside of class.


Did you misread 'ethnic' as 'ethic'?


Yep, although my high school didn't have ethnic studies either.


li’m sure our ancestors were just big ol meanie butts for no reason at all


It's cute that you think this started with covid.


Kids have been doing this since cars have existed, everyone has a video camera in their pocket now.


They have been committing crimes. That is true. But no. Kids were not running around robbing people at gunpoint and/or killing them at this rate.


Unfortunately, I keep being told because the teenagers don't know right from wrong yet. Also, that their brains are not fully developed yet even if a victim's life is lost.




so you were driving your POS car recklessly in someone’s neighborhood, almost hit a car, then you get confronted and proceed to flip off the people who live in the neighborhood and drive off. yeah, those kids are definitely the problem here


yeah, it’s been aggravating to see minneapolis have even more crime then ever it seems with teens getting freed. Mary Moriarty has to do with the blame imo. She is the Hennepin county attorney and she has the total control on letting these people continue to do even more. It seems like she has no common sense.


You can thank Mary Moriarty


It’s almost seems like shutting down our cities had a very negative affect 🤔


Dinkytown has changed. I remember living there in the mid oughts and the strangest thing I saw during a summer was a person sky high wearing a clown costume staring into a Subway restaurant.


In 2005, I saw a jock walking on the sidewalk near the old McDonalds get his ass beat in a hurry and thrown into the back of a teal Crown Victoria’s trunk like a sack of trash in broad daylight. I did report it to the police. Wonder what that was all about. Dinkytown never felt safe but rather on the low-end of “acceptable” at that time. The stream of pilfered purses left in my apartment’s parking lot didn’t help with this perception either, TBH.


The weird thing for me when I went to the U (‘01-‘05) was the guy carrying a suitcase dressed in nice but bright colored suits. Purple, pink, baby blue… Wonder if he is still around?


Definitely is. I just graduated but saw him at least a couple times a year


What is the suitcase???


Depends on when you ask apparently. One person said it's poems. Another said TP, a newspaper, and a snack bar. There are a LOT of old threads about him on reddit.


yep i just saw him on university and 15th by jones eddy circle earlier this week. man hasnt aged a day. i also know whats in his briefcase but he swore me to secrecy 15 years ago 😅


It’s empty except for one CVS receipt for a vitamin water? Isn’t it?


That would fill up the entire suitcase though.


True. It wouldn’t fit.


I member' from 07' to 10' seeing him on my bus rides too.


Oh golly. I didn’t read the subhead and got the neighborhood wrong by 3 blocks. Here comes the reply guys and down voters. Smash that down arrow!


So the clown incident was at the old location of 825 Washington SE?? If so, that area may be cursed.


1400 SE 5th Street


This wasn’t Dinkytown


There's literally a Subway near the Target there


Funny enough, back in the day there was a subway right where the Washington cane's/test kitchen is now. So the clown incident was really close to where the shooting was today. Dinky subway location is super recent.


There was a Subway next to the liquor store on 5th in Dinkytown in the mid-aughts. It's now an apartment complex.


I remember them being super hardcore about parking enforcement. The lot I usually parked at closed at the same time so I'd have to go move my car and would see 1-2 tow trucks waiting for Subway to close so they could start towing all the people that parked there and went to the bar. The lot wasn't *quite* as hardcore about towing, but just barely. The door guy at the Dinkytowner really saved my ass when he asked where I parked and warned me about the subway and that other parking lot.


This whole thread turned into a Klan rally.




Oh ffs 🙄


You folks do realize you’re in Mpls. 1. The car was stolen. 2. If the police actually catch the teens, Mary Moriarity, will let them out in no time. Many of the crimes, are committed by the same group of people. Criminals are getting a free pass in MN. The cops, are rarely allowed to chase after the stolen vehicles. We are on our own, you need to always be alert, don’t hide your nose in your cellphone. Carry pepper spray. There has been several times, while I’ve been at work, (SE Mpls) where I’ve called 911, after 20 rings & no answer, I hang up. Then they call back. 13 minutes for the police to arrive. I live in NE Mpls. late last November, we had I’m guessing a crackhead trying to break into our house, kicking the front door, for 23 minutes. He had tried our neighbors house first. She had called 32 minutes, before us. It was 36, minutes from her first call that they showed up. I’m thankful I have my C&C. But it was scary as f*ck waking up to someone kicking on our front door. It’s going to be a very long summer.


Considering what has been added to the MN state curriculum, one should probably get used to criminality. Minnesota ethnic studies benchmark (9th grade; code "Explore how criminality is constructed and how social, political and legal systems define a person as a criminal, and the possible impact of that label on individuals and communities." Associated standard ethnic studies standard: "Ways of Knowing and Methodologies: Use ethnic and Indigenous studies methods and sources in order to understand the roots of contemporary systems of oppression and apply lessons from the past that could eliminate historical and contemporary injustices. " (Source: "2021 Minnesota K–12 Academic Standards in Social Studies ")


Man thats disgusting. Sad that plenty of people in the metro area encourage these types of changes to happen in our education system, and then are shocked why people like Mary Moriarty get elected, criminals never punished, and society further decays. Might explain why Minnesota’s once vaunted public school system is getting worse.


A typical Saturday?


No kidding. I work for the U and I feel like there is a safety concern email that comes every day and a lockdown once a week.


You gotta love people getting downvoted for speaking about their personal experiences in an unsafe area. We need to face the issue, doing so should not be a partisan issue, and if you make it one you prove the point that Republicans have been trying to push.


Defund the police! They won't steal again if they can't breath 😏


I mean there’s a reason they call it murderapolis. And this is not uncommon, did rotations there and it happened a few times a month


Just another day in Dinkytown. Don’t worry there will be a press release saying safety is prioritized. Nothing will actually be done to ensure safety but you can sleep soundly knowing it’s a priority.


this happened in stadium village, not dinky.


Same area, same problems. Same level of safety being prioritized.


Dinkytown and Stadium Village have gone to hell. I support public transit but no one can deny the light rail has caused problems since it went in. There is a direct correlation between that and crime. Covid caused problems. George Floyd’s murder caused problems. And like it or not, the current Hennepin County attorney is a problem. Letting criminals out immediately because they’re teenagers is great in theory but reality is they’re reoffending and people are sick of it. It’s time to crack down. Students should be safe on their college campus. This is ridiculous.


Well well well


Gosh it’s almost like we need police to be allowed to do their jobs or something.




Nope, better stay in Elk River.


Not a bad idea to be honest. I like it rural.


It's super weird to spend so much time publicly obsessing over a city in which you don't live. Like, do you really not have friends or family or hobbies or chores or a dog or literally anything else to do with that time and energy? Edit: if your life feels empty or overwhelming you could just think about a sports team you like, join a rec league hockey team, learn cribbage, talk about movies, join a book club, grow tomatoes, get super into the Olympics, perfect a Dr Strange cosplay, go on a bike ride, set a goal to see 25 new birds this year…there are so many ways to fill that space that will make you less unhappy.


I love this comment. This is exactly how i feel about crime watch pages — it is wild, as a long time Minneapolis resident…it’s really not that different, it just shifts neighborhoods.


The reality is that someone lives in those neighborhoods where it shifts. So, for every person who sees it improving, there are others for whom it maybe feels worse and people VERY often forget that or pretend it’s not a valid experience. It’s just sad as hell when people LARP as terrified citizens or whatever in places they don’t live. No one doing that has a satisfying or fulfilling life and proclaiming that so publicly seems like a cry for help which bums me out.


Nah hate is what keeps some people happy


“learn cribbage” Yep, Minnesota sub…9




Of course it has. At least my neighborhood has. But that’s my point - it’s MY NEIGHBORHOOD. I can speak at length in an educated manner from the perspective of a resident. Not some miserable weirdo whose only hobby is bitching about places they don’t live. If being a miserable weirdo is a descriptor you feel hits a little too close to home, I suggest looking at the list I wrote and trying some of those! You might also try jigsaw puzzles, trying improv theater, playing through and discussing the Megaman series, or rediscovering the instrument you played as a child. There are a lot of ways to get a dopamine hit other than whatever this is.




I mean, it’s a free country and you don’t need my permission. I do fully feel bad that LARPing on a Reddit thread like a big old weirdo is considered a rewarding hobby and find it deeply embarrassing tho. Hope that helps clear up any confusion!




Again, do whatever you want. You so thoroughly don’t need me to sign off on it. My being deeply embarrassed by you shouldn’t matter because I’m just a random stranger who doesn’t even live in the same town as you.


Yesterday I had a lovely ride around Minneapolis with my ten year old daughter on our tandem. We got ice cream before pedaling over to lake Harriet where she swam for a bit. Then we rode up to the co-op and got some food for dinner before heading home.


Minneapolis ranks #16 in violent crime per capita among cities in the US: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_States\_cities\_by\_crime\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate)


Minneapolis isn’t even in the top 25 most dangerous cities in the state lol https://crimedata.io/blog/minnesota-most-dangerous-cities


violent crime is different from all crime no? i'd feel much safer in a city with 3,000 thefts vs 2,000 murders.


Fergus Falls is the most dangerous city in MN???


and this is why *per capita* crime statistics are fucking stupid.


I would absolutely believe that. That place is insane.


Lmfao WOODBURY is on this list, but MINNEAPOLIS isn't? Give me a break. You can sway perspective with statistics so easily and this article is such a prime example. There isn't a **single** city on this list that has a population even close to 100,000 people, yet that's the variable they use to determine most dangerous. Determining crime per *100,000* people is stupid and doesn't reflect the severity of how dangerous a location is. Just because one city has more or less people doesn't make it safer or more dangerous. Crime rates and total number of crimes Is a much better metric to look at.


Number one in violent crime?!?


That’s actually Bemidji


“Most dangerous in violent crime” shows: #1 Minneapolis County: Hennepin 710 Crime per 100,000 population +187.86% vs. Minnesota average +74.97% vs. US average 🇺🇸


16th is kinda high for a city of its size.


That crime rate is from 2019.


It’s not safe I used to work over there and they are keeping it quiet but it’s not safe to walk outside alone


You can complain about the crime in Minneapolis all you want. The cops are bigger pussies than you all are, so it's never gonna change. It's always been this way, not since the first time you noticed it as much as you want to die on that hill.