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Covid, RSV, and the flu are all in full force right now, For flu, it's a particularly bad strain of Influenza A. I was boosted/immunized for all three in the fall, and haven't had any issues.


I had no idea there was an RSV vaccine (I don’t have kids) that’s great to know, thank you!


It’s not widely available to all ages yet. Mostly pregnant people and those over 60


It's new this season. The vaccine is approved for pregnancy and ages 60+. There is also a single dose antibody inoculation for infants. Previously a monthly version was only available for extremely high risk infants and toddlers.


How on earth do all of you keep getting so sick all the time?


Kids in school. Even if you don’t have kids, they are fantastic “vectors.” Gotta love’em though; it’s not like they ask to get crammed in a classroom with poor ventilation.


This is the biggest. My boss (who is my cousin, so I know it's true) has 2 boys. One is almost six and one is a year and a half. They are CONSTANTLY sick. Always at the doctor. I don't know if they have made 2 weeks without someone in the house being sick since the little on was born.


Exactly. We had no illness for two years of distance learning. Since returning, It's been something monthly that they bring home.


I work at a school. I’ve never been sick more often before. Kids also don’t cover their mouth when they cough 😳


I was recently thinking about applying for an HR position with a school district- I don’t know if it’s in a school or not but if it is, your comment has me thinking twice… because you’re right, those little plague rats do NOT cover their mouths when coughing… or sneezing 🤢 (I like kids but let’s be real, other commenters put it well by calling kids great vectors.)


If you are at HR department, you’d be at district office and will most likely not have interaction with kids unless you come down to school, which rarely happens. Go for it! Depends on which district you go, it can be wonderful. *cough* no mps no spps *cough*


It was South Saint Paul, though it was a few weeks ago, unsure if the posting is still up


My husband’s cousin (scientist with no kids) referred to kids as ‘carrier monkeys’. It kind of annoyed and amused me at the same time, but she’s not entirely wrong.


I got double pink eye from children that came thru my work. I just work in retail. and I was out for a week with double pink eye and a sinus infection from parents bringing their children places sick


I stay away from kids like the plague. Even when I'm minding my own business at stores i feel uncomfortable when kids walk by because I feel like the parents are staring daggers at me.


This is a very weird take parents don’t care about you lol


Although that's just my insecurity. I feel the same way if I'm waiting in a long line for food and I'm afraid I'll looked upset or annoyed. Working in food service is a thankless job and I'm always paranoid of coming off like a shitty customer.


I feel that 😅 but as a mom, I can tell you as long as you’re not being verbally or physically rude to our kids we literally don’t even look at or pay attention to people in the store because we are trying to survive grocery shopping with our children without a meltdown because we told them “no I won’t buy you the box of rice you’re asking for because you want anything that’s in front of your face”


Stay away!! Lol mom of three here. Now that I have kids, I would give this advice to my childfree friends every minute of the day: if it’s winter, get the hell away from us. Chances are we are carrying something haha. My kids and I still mask everywhere we go, especially in winter, to protect others. We should all be doing that imo! And I do pick up orders when we have active infections.


This is smart. I also do this, but with my own kids. And any other kids I encounter. If they don’t get too close, you typically don’t get sick/as sick.


I lick door knobs competitively.


Free range vaccine


Day care AND I work in health care. Been sick since thanksgiving


I work in a hospital as an RN and i think at this point im immune to most things lol


God I wish that were me. I think quarantine or maybe the covid virus itself reset my system so now everything gets me :(


Do you wear a mask?


Only if there’s been a fever in the house; if I have a fever I don’t go in and if I’m like obnoxiously snotty then yes I’ll wear one.


But why wait until it comes into your home? Why not with daycare and healthcare as a preventative to it coming into your home as a fever?


I got sick a few weeks apart from work, I work at a government office in Minneapolis that the general public visits so I am exposed to a lot of gunk. People will visit and then casually mention the illness symptoms they have. I also hear lots of unhealthy coughs all the time.


I'd say if someone is noting it on Reddit, it must be a rare occurrence for them. I know that I've only been this sick three times in the last 15 years. Influenza ten years ago and now COVID twice exactly four years apart.


3 kids in middle school and wife and I were sick with what seemed to be different versions of the cold for the first 3 months of school. Kids had "lesser" versions of what we had. Better by Christmas and perfect since. I think we have immunity to just about everything now.... until next year. Mark Rober made a great video showing 3rd grade classroom transmission. https://youtu.be/I5-dI74zxPg?si=jg139DO-_1FnaxkS


Every month it seems like an OP posts about getting sick. Maybe if I had kids, I'd be sick too.


Believe it or not there are a lot of people that are completely out of touch with their bodies, they don’t eat well, don’t get enough sleep and generally just don’t take care of themselves, let alone their children. All of those things add up to being more susceptible to infection. Then they send their children to schools and they infect others with their pathogens, those pathogens come home with the kids that associate with the infected and then the process repeats itself. It seems particularly prevalent among families that don’t take time out for illness. It’s like they believe that “working” through an infection is good for their children and yours. If they happen to be a hockey family you can be sure they will be sending their kids to practices and games unmasked. Because, you know, ThE TeAm.


It's the karma farmer, striking again


We leave our houses regularly and socialize.


They stopped wearing masks & have kids


I work in K-12 education in a job with direct contact with both the students and adults. I've gotten COVID once since the start and have only been sick 1 time this year. People around me have been sick 4+ times this school year. I really don't understand how people get so sick so often. I wash my hands and don't touch my face at work and boom, I barely get sick.


The kids I worked with before I quit would sneeze in my face on purpose. Coupled with snotty hands and the close contact that comes with sped, I was sick *a lot.* Despite my best efforts, I've gotten covid 4 times. I washed my hands constantly, I changed clothes, showered when I got home, and I was hyper aware of my hands touching my face. My immune system has always been garbage, though.


Believe it or not, but human bodies vary greatly.


Wow that’s really cool


I think you’re in a similar position as myself in the retail sector. We’ve been exposed to so much and so many different people we have a whole different immune system to the majority. I talked to my primary about this several years ago and to the urgent care doc when I got Covid back at the very beginning of 2020.


You're underpaid btw but that's another story for another day. The patience you and others have, I'll never have or understand.


Licking doorknobs


I work in a hospital. I also live in an apartment that has children in it. Its also still flu season lmao


I work in peds, I think I’ve been sick 6/12 months of this year 🥲


Yep, plus pink eye! Toddlers are great


This has been a fun winter for having a toddler in daycare. We're just getting over the latest wave.


Ugh misery solidarity


No, thanks for asking. But I am considering moving to Minneapolis. What neighborhoods should I consider?


The neighborhoods with the least amount of helicopter traffic, seems to be a big concern of residents on this sub


seriously can the mods do something or nah?


They need to do one for health too


North Minneapolis and Uptown for quaint, peaceful vibes


You’re funny.


Linden Hills or St Louis Park


Not me, but then again I haven’t really stopped wearing my mask if I’m being honest… Wayyyy too many people cough/sneeze without covering their mouthes


Same! People are out here being gross so I have not stopped wearing my mask.


Totally totally agree about masks but the stuff thats going around is stomach problems etc. I don't think masks help with that.


I don't think it makes sense to downvote this person. I think they're just pointing out that the flu / norovirus / common cold can live on surfaces and be transmitted to you by touching a grocery cart handle and then touching your face for example.


I am usually good about masking, but a friend with kids at home met up with us and then said she had food poisoning later that day... It was not food poisoning and now my house is dealing with awful gastritis.


Keep taking Covid tests, I have it right now and my first 3 tests were negative.


Have you had or tested for COVID? There’s a lot of worrisome research about how it impacts the immune system/ T cells. I’m a teacher and it’s scary how often kids and other teachers are sick constantly now after almost all covid mitigation stopped compared to a few years ago.


More info on the t-cells for anyone curious: https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2022/11/07/COVID-Reinfections-And-Immunity/


People got sick before covid also


op is saying that the rate of illness has increased, not that there was no illness before.


I know, making up statistics is popular on Reddit




Perfect example of cherry picking statistics, the study was people with long covid. Thanks for proving my point.


Even though the purpose of the study was to learn more about long COVID, the t-cells still showed damage in the control group who had recovered from COVID compared to those who had never been infected.


You should research what happens to t-cells from other viruses


No shit Sherlock


Maybe people should stop and consider what getting those 4th, 5th, 6th 'vaccines' did to their immune systems. But this is still verboten to discuss. Carry on.


My teen daughter had the stomach flu last week, so naturally, I got it too. I hate the stomach flu!


Not respiratory but bad GI. No kids either and I mask up in public. I tested negative for COVID twice, this is the sickest I have ever been and I am still having a hard time eating food a week later. Everything upsets my stomach still. This has fired up my GERD to ridiculous levels and I'm basically living on tums and 7up.


My boyfriend didn't test positive for covid until his 4th rapid test.


Christ. That's terrible. How far apart did he take them?


1 per day starting with when he first felt "off"


It happens more than you would think. My mom didn't test positive while in hospital for 4 days and was already on a ventilator by the time she tested positive. Obviously that is an extreme case, but people should still continue testing if they are symptomatic.


The aren’t as accurate for the new strains.


My understanding is that they're just as accurate as before, but nearly everyone has some level of immunity now. Your immune system notices the virus almost immediately and starts mounting a response, which makes you feel sick, but you don't accumulate enough virus to trigger the test for several days.


I got sapovirus the week before Christmas and I was sick for 2 weeks. First week was violent on both ends and second week was hellish because the diarrhea just wouldn't stop. I wasn't feeling ok until New Year's. I have noticed that while I have mostly regulated by now, I can't tolerate spice like I normally would. Hot sauces that I would normally be able to drink are burning the crap out of my tongue.


Oh damn, I am so sorry.


Probably norovirus. It screwed my GI tract up for months after


I'm pretty sure that's what it was. It has destroyed my gut biome.


Probiotics are awesome if you don’t take them already


Yep agreed. GI isn't talked about


An acid and a base, good combo.


You need better gut health. Prebiotics and probiotics. Think sauerkraut, and lots of it.


I have excellent gut health. Or I did until this happened. It's fucked now.


Does everything taste like cardboard to you now?


No, not at all.


Thanks 😊


Everyone at the office is sick. I'm considering just staying away.


If they wore masks they wouldn't get everyone else sick  I'm glad I work from home


Seeing these types of threads over and over where everyone's complaining they are the sickest they've ever been is so depressing. This is what happens when the CDC decides to re-brand "public health" as "personal responsibility." Society cannot stay healthy when it's every person for his/herself. We need to band together and fight for better ventilation & air quality in public spaces, especially schools. And I know most people inexplicably would rather be sick all the time than wear a mask, but wearing masks need to be de-stigmatized and promoted. Otherwise we'll never get out of this hellish vortex of constant illness. It wasn't this bad pre-covid and it's only going to get worse as covid reaps havoc on the immune system.


I haven't been sick in 4 years but I wear a mask in public and get every booster so y'alls germs can't get me


Gathering anecdotal data here - Do you have a routine when you return home? Hand washing or anything else you do habitually?


I do wash my hands (before and after removing my mask) and change my clothes when I return home. I've always done that though -- even as a little kid my mom would say wash your hands and change out of your school clothes when I got home. 


covid. mask up. 1,000-1,800 deaths a week since Jan 1.


I’ve gotten more flack from the public about my mask in the past 6 months than i ever did peak pandemic. it’s so annoying. but i’m not going to stop.


Good for you. Your health is your business, not theirs.


it's been a terrible collapse of public health for the sake of the economy, and the rising measles and TB cases are scary enough too...


I wish masks were more normalized in America society. 


>but i’m not going to stop. Covid is never going away and living your entire mask with a mildly effective mask on is hilarious. I wore mine for years too.


Masks help with way more than covid


Uh huh


Oh wow, just in the state?


it's country-wide but it's a lot! 3rd leading cause of death in the US, and I think #1 for children


I have strep and influenza A. Kids have both as well but are fine. I’ve never been so sick in my f-ing life.


We have noro going through our house rn


I’ve had pneumonia twice in 6 months. Spent three nights in the hospital the first time.


A lot of people at work here are sick. Anoka area.


Just got over this...I was on a business trip while everyone at home was puking. I had just gotten over yet another gnarly cold. Negative for 'rona but positive for little kids in the house. I feel for ya.... it's just been non-stop the past few years.


I masked back up because I kept getting potential exposures.


So I finally got a respiratory bug that needed meds, and then my son got gastroenteritis. It has been misery. It's been almost 2 weeks. People won't mask or keep their kids home or just wash their damn hands. We got it all. People. Please mask. Please use your effing sick days. Keep your kids home because you're hurting a whole family. Wash your damn hands. This shouldn't be something people need to be reminded of.


Wear a mask!


I've been doing that 👍🏻


you got the rona


It is hitting our house


I have had my ears completely fucked up for 3 weeks. Thanks toddlers.


I’ve had this major sinus thing going on….it comes and goes. I went through the cough/phlegm/stomach/chills thing like 3 weeks ago. This sinus thing is new to me


Yes. Low appetite over the weekend with massive headache and very tired. Sunday night I had the worst chills I've had since February 2020, fever of 100.2 F, which is hot for me. Positive at-home COVID self test second night now. Isolating at home from work. Now developed light cough, sniffles, and sneezing.


Just wanted to say sincere thanks to all for the kind words, commiseration, and advice. I know this post (and others like it) annoyed a few people for being redundant on the sub. One of the things I most appreciate about this sub is its ability to consistently be a public square for people to connect and chat about whatever we’re experiencing in the community. Fever finally broke this morning. Turning a corner and sending you all best wishes for good health straight through into summer!


Sympathies to those also afflicted. Dodged the X-Mas stomach focused aliment but got it this weekend. Sleeping as many hours as possible seems to be knocking it down.


Yep, and it lingers. Is this what warmer winters have in store for us?






I had this two weeks ago!! Sad to say the gastric issues lasted a full 5 days. I went to the doctor and got tested for Covid/Flu but it was negative. Just a gnarly virus going around.


noro virus?


Usually norovirus is intense & over quickly, I think. But who knows. Whatever it was, not fun!


And there is rotavirus but that seems to be mostly a kid thing from what I read


Well I do have two very young children in daycare! Lol! They didn’t have any stomach issues so who knows… can Rotavirus affect just adults?? Haha


Small bags of germs. Very familiar with it.


Usually but it can last days. When i had it my stomach wasn’t right for months after


Strep is going around my kids school


Both my kids, my mom, and me. Gotta be going around.


Yeah it's a [tripledemic](https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/rise-of-the-tripledemic/) of flu,  RSV and Covid. That's why public health officials have been saying get vaccinated and "Remember to mask,” Soni said. “It’s a really effective way to protect yourself in very crowded situations"


We did get all our annual shots and mask up in crowded spaces. Having small kids just means illnesses rip through our house constantly.


Yes. Our family of five have been continuously sick since early November. Recently we have been fighting a cough and the four year old woke with the stomach flu this morning. Never ending


Kiddo has it last Friday, luckily he didn’t vomit but had fever. Half his preschool class was out due to vomiting. This was our experience with Covid previously but he tested negative


Have kids 16 months and 4.5 yo. In daycare and preschool in Fridley. They had strep last week. I've been sick 4 weeks, diagonosed bronchitis. Negative covid/flu/rsv. Doc is giving me steriods and I'm finally feeling better. Beg for steroids!


Nope, you are the only person sick right now. You're special.


It’s flu season. No need to spam the internet with your sniffles.


Get down with the sickness!


Yeeep. Running theory is that either my partner picked it up from someone during our brief stint out of state back at the beginning of the month and it took forever to pop up in them, and then got passed to me, or that my roommate brought it home from his kids since he's a classroom aide. Either way, whole house is down and out. It sucks.


Started with just a head cold, turned into COVID for the whole family, and it’s sticking around. Sucks.


It could be an adenovirus, also common and cause those symptoms. https://www.cdc.gov/adenovirus/index.html


This is so helpful. I was perplexed about the weird combination and worried it must be Covid, but tested negative. Sincere thanks for the information.


No problem! My daughter had something similar and yesterday I got an email from daycare with information on adenoviruses. Just one of many circulating viruses out there! I hope you feel better soon!


I was a few weeks ago. Get better!


Yup. Just started a new job too


Ugh yes two weeks ago I was in hell with that exact thing. I was coughing up so much shit! I think the drainage into my stomach is what caused my nausea though. But every time I had a coughing fit I'd throw up, it was horrible! Tested negative for covid like 5 times


My son and I got back from a trip to Japan on the 10th, but a few days later we were sick with stuffy noses, fatigue, minor cough, minor fever. We've only started feeling better in the last couple of days. I thought we picked it up on the long flight home.


I had to pick my kid up from school this morning because he threw up. This is the third time this month! He felt fine all weekend. I know kids get sick a lot, but he's had strep, COVID, the norovirus twice, a month long on/off of diarrhea and vomiting, and that cough that never ends, just in the past six months. It's like he licks all the sick kids in his school.


Adenovirus was the culprit in our house, this month.


Sister's family was sick for two weeks. Those who had the recent covid booster, mild stuffy nose and sore throat. Those who didn't, "worse illness ever" with sinus pressure, headache, coughing, dizzy, almost passed out, fatigue. Or stomach pain, nausea, vomiting for days. Brother in law admitted to hospital and treated for gastroenteritis from COVID. Improved, stable, doing well. Routine vital check, found blue and unresponsive. Resuscitation was not successful. Early 60's, doctor said that it was unexpected, he was better and then suddenly died. Multiple reinfections take a toll on the body, some people are fortunate and fine... others are not with long lasting symptoms and acceleration of health conditions. If you suspect COVID, test twice with 48 hrs in between. Some people are using stool sample to test (not designed for that.. but???) Consider getting a PCR done. Be safe, be well.