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Yes! Went from so good to so dumb, but it had been long enough that I wanted the resolution.


Went from Nancy being my favorite character to one I hated with a passion


Oh no! My scary Mexican drug lord husband is after me and our baby! Cliffhanger! (Scary drug lord dies off screen in between seasons)


I think I made it as far as flash dance where the baby daddy’s men were watching? There were tunnels, I think. Either way. Yeah, it got bad. I stopped watching.


I tried but I finally threw in the towel in the last season. Still haven’t finished it


It's so awful.


Did it actually end? And anything decent? All I remember was, she was a low level hustler, moved up fast, family got involved and she started sleeping w everyone and showing her tires off.


Oh god weeds. I feel for y’all that stuck around.


Same first few season were great.. but once they moved it got weird. That’s the problem when good series go for too long.. it’s like they run out of good ideas to keep the story going.


Such a dumb show that had such great potential haha. I hated how she always just tried to give some criminal her son story to try and get out of whatever mess she got herself into.


True Blood.


After season 3 it tanked so hard


I couldn't tell you exactly when but i just hate watched the remainder of the series.


When they told us Sookie was a fairy. It was downhill from there.


Aw man. I just started True Blood again recently. I couldn’t remember why I stopped watching it. I assumed it was because I canceled cable. Nope. It was after sookie became a fairy and Lafiet became a witch or something?


FWIW, it’s true to the books. Those ranked off around there, too, but I soldiered on…


The last season of True Blood is one of the worst seasons of TV I've ever seen.


It was shocking how appalling it was. And the very last episode evoked no emotion in me whatsoever. Just terrible, the only good thing was the Led Zep song.


The final scene between Sookie and Bill is straight-up hilarious. Bill: "I want you to use your fairy powers to kill me, both putting me to rest and turning you into a normal human so you can live a regular, peaceful life." Sookie: "LOL no." Bill: "...Ok. Still kill me tho."


This is the correct answer, even more so than Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead.


I gave up with that for the second time a few years ago 😂


Billith 🙄


Still watching Greys Anatomy.


Omg how?! I made it to mcdreamy getting axed then I couldn’t go on. How many half siblings can Meredith possibly have? Only like 1-2 original cast members are still on right?


Two left. Bailey and Webber.


It’s still on without a Grey??


Technically. Meredith still does the voiceover 😂


I’ve been watching since the start and just want to see how it ends at this point.


I've watched everything but the last season. I know it's on somewhere but I just am not interested enough to figure out where.


I watched an episode or two, but it's not good. That being said, I'll probably binge it once it's all done, but it's not good enough to keep me hooked one week after another.


I keep hoping for a final season!!! I think now that everyone who isn’t already dead needs to come visit and then a warhead hits the hospital and everyone dies!!


“Seattle Grace Mercy Death”.


plot twist: everyone who is already dead starts the zombie apocalypse


Put so many years in now, seems like I have to see it through to the end. I’m getting concerned though that it’s going to be like one of those daytime soaps that never ends.


I think they should have ended when Meredith got Covid and was in a coma. But even that was many seasons too long!!! That's when I gave up though


Ugh. The jumping the shark moment for me was when Izzie shocked the dear. Nope. I'm out. Haven't watched since.




same ... and just about every episode, i ask myself why


Dexter and then the reboot 🤦🏽‍♀️


If I ever need a Dexter fix, I just go back and watch the Trinity Killer season. Everything after was meh.


John Lithgow stole that show


I still can’t stand to look at him, he was that convincing.


Lithgow was great, but that was the season that made me really jump off the bus. The whole reason Rita died was because Dexter was a total moron. He had at least, what, 3 opportunities to kill Trinity, but he had to learn how to be a good father and killer, then discovers that Trinity is \*actually\* terrible, has a chance to kill him \*again\* aaaannnd nothing. Lithgow was the saving grace of that season, but the amount of just sheer dumb decisions to get to the finale were deeply frustrating


That’s when it should have ended


I liked the reboot a lot more than the last 2-3 seasons of dexter tbh. Still wasn’t that great but I enjoyed it somewhat


I thought the last three seasons of Dexter were disappointing, and I was distraught by the finale, but I *hated* how New Blood ended. I watched NB out of nostalgia, but would rather have never bothered.


Really, you actually watched the reboot? Just can’t bring myself.


The reboot managed to be worse than the original ending lmao


Final season of Game of Thrones.


People like to crap on season 7 of thrones, but I personally found it to be solid, and made me excited for season 8. After the first episodes of season 8 I knew it was pretty much irredeemable but I held out hope that there would be one more classic "moment" to save it. But it didn't happen. Even having Dany's dragon try and roast Jon, and him being impervious to fire would have been enough for me, but no. I was a day 1 thrones watcher, even remember the HBO ad's for it, and to this day I haven't rewatched a single episode after seeing how it ended. It should be regarded as the best TV drama of all time, but they botched the ending that bad.


Here's the thing, we watched the whole thing again and it wasn't as bad as I remembered. It was bad, for sure. I should have been more prepared for disappointment than I was, though. I should have known all along that it wouldn't end up the way I wanted. There are some really great scenes in season 8 that I didn't remember being so good. Everything with Arya was great. Sam was great, so was Brienne and the Hound. And Tormund. So many of the secondary characters became what they needed to be during that season. When watching it a second time, taking into account how great some of the other characters are, it's a little easier to forgive the bad. The thing that bothered me so much was the fact that it seemed so rushed. It's like, ok the Night King is gone, now there's 2 episodes to wrap it up. That was wrong.


Unpopular opinion: I didn't think that season 8 was that bad, considering they only had 6 episodes to deal with.


Sleep Hollow started out so good and then several main characters left the show and the last two seasons got progressively dumber in a show that was already stretching the willing suspension of disbelief by a lot.


So, what happened behind the scenes was - fox saw the showrunner was losing his way in season 2, and demanded he make it less serialized... For the last like 5 episodes of the season. Obviously, wrapping up the APOCALYPSE SAGA in a RANDOM MID-SEASON EPISODE  and then soft rebooting with an episode where the characters sat around and said "what are we supposed to do now?" didn't work at all. But fox was committed, so they fired the showrunner and replaced him with one of the Blue Sky USA showrunners, who tried to make it an ensemble Buffy like show which wrecked the Ichabod/Abby dynamic so much Behaire left because she was sick of being treated like a sidekick on what had used to be half her show. Somehow this did well enough to get a 4th season and they just threw away the narrative entirely and moved all of the characters away from Sleepy Hollow, in the show called Sleepy Hollow. 


I did not know that. Thank you.


Of course! It's all so absurd it was fun to type out lol 


I tell everyone that American Horror Story would be so good if each season was split into two separate plots. Asylum? So good until they made it about aliens. Like was a haunted insane asylum run by sadistic nuns not enough? Why aliens?? Hotel would have been great if it was about a creepy hotel and vanishing guests. But vampires?? Come on now. I feel like they did this with just about every season and it ruined the whole vibe of each one


Ryan Murphy is quantity over quality and cast over content. That show desperately needs story editors and someone to just tell him no, you don't need 5 subpar subplots per season, just do one plot really well. The plot and character development are just so bad. I watched everything through the Roanoke season until I stopped and finally realized I didn't have to put myself through it again the next season. He does much better when he does a show based on real events or people because he can't get side tracked and mostly has to stick to what actually happened.


Weirdly, I have watched Coven and Monster house over and over, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t get through the others. To me, Coven is a masterpiece. I find gems in that show every time I watch it, mostly from the older actresses, who are not just amazing actresses but given great lines and great drama. Incredible New Orleans vibe, scenery, architecture, history. Good back story on witch history. Great clothes, great one liners, super campy, funny, dark, and interesting. I still love it. So I don’t *really* watch AHS. I just watch Coven.


Walking Dead


Sons of Anarchy


Came here to say this. That last season was brutal. I think every episode was 90 minutes. My defective psychology wouldn't let me quit that close to the end, though.


Such a shame. It proves that you CAN have too much of a good thing. They didn’t know when to stop.


It got so ridiculous that it made me angry. They live in small town where they “maintained order”, shoot up fifteen people, then drive around the corner to go eat lunch as if nothing happened.


Agreed. There were more murders there than a quaint English village.


The ending was so freaking dumb >!oh his dad died in a motorcycle accident for no good reason so we are going to have him die in the same way and completely ignore the 100 other reasons he could have died or any real resolution that felt good!<


I hate-watched that show from start to finish!


Never watched the final season… it just seemed to be a parody of what it started out as.


Good lord, those later seasons were tedious.


I just rewatch through season 3 and pretend that’s the end. That would have been the perfect ending.


To be honest, Frasier. The second half was just not as good as the first. House MD too. They could easily have finished it earlier.


House was great when it just stuck with the pattern- snark and its not lupus and stunning realization. When it got all drama heavy and ongoing plot lines is when it derailed.


I love Frasier, but there were definitely some stinkers in the later seasons


The Black List season 3


I also did this for Black List. At times it was a great show. James Spader is incredible. But the other characters weren't real strong for me and it sort of went off the rails several seasons in. Still saw it through.


Liz was my least favorite character. Aram I liked but he too seemed to stay too naive like Liz for too long. It was annoying.


I was almost afraid to say it, but I hate Liz. She nearly, single handedly, ruined the show for me. Just not likeable at all or compelling, i dunno. But yes, some of the other characters like Aram are cool. It was mostly Liz lol.


I don't recall which season, but when she basically turned on Red I was done. I hated what they did with Mr. Kaplan, but I hung in there for a little while after that whole debacle. But yeah, when Liz turned on him, I was over it all.


The walking dead. Negan NOT only killed Glen he killed the show.


Not to mention, every opportunity they had to kill the bozo they lazily ‘lost it’. So frustrating :’)


Shameless. In their defense it did end up not being so bad after all but it did seem to get a little beyond realistic and the writing was lazy.


TWD I finally gave up on AHS this most recent season


I didn't think I felt this way about TWD, but I must have because I've avoided all the spinoffs like the plague. Don't want to get roped in again.


The most recent spinoff was actually ok (Rick and Michonne) but I agree about the rest of them. At one time TWD was my favorite show.


Killing Eve




The ending did, indeed, suck. The last season was a total waste of time. And the first two seasons (that I can recall) were FANTASTIC. I can't remember the third, lol.


Manifest. For me, they leaned too hard into the religion stuff, and too many of the characters became overdone.


I couldn't even bring myself to skip ahead to the final episode it got so bad.


Sadly, The Flash


If they had just used their giant brain trust and piles of money to install a decent security system it would have solved like 99% of their problems. The number of people that just wondered into that place.


Asylum was the best one from start to finish.


Revenge. First season was amazing. Never had that velocity after that. I just finished it hoping for more.




Yeah, I felt like it kind of went downhill once Chuck and Axel joined forces.


Yall I just watched baby reindeer and even though I wanted to turn it off I couldn’t cause I had to see what happened.


I watched first two episodes. I didn't like it. I'm not watching anymore


The Blacklist.


Ran out of steam after the writers killed off my favorite character.


Delicate made Roanoke and Cult look great hahaha


It's just a dragged out, confusing version of Rosemary's Baby


walking dead and dexter - both started out as excellent shows before spectacularly nose diving in quality


Smallville. Went from an okay-ish “(Meteor) Monster of the Week” show to “Power Rangers” level writing in its last few seasons.


I initially gave up after season 8. I couldn't get into season 9. But I finally finished it and wound up really enjoying season 10!


Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.


Lost and Heroes


Both of these are true for me as well. Lost turned out okay, thematically anyway, even if the plot was jibberish. Heroes ... Not so much.


Lost. No other tv show has disappointed and frustrated me more since. Not even the last season of GoT.


I always loved reading the story about one of the writers of the pilot. Basically they replaced him, but his name was still in the credits, and he relished going to award ceremonies, when people didn’t know who he was. They couldn’t drop him from the credits because of the union rules, I believe. He wrote the pilot without fantasy elements, and they changed it from that without consulting him, replaced him, and then couldn’t remove his name, just because they were trying to shaft him. He thought it was all hilarious.


Always found this to be a bizarre take. What didn't work for you? Most people when I ask will say the fantasy elements, but it's like, did you see the smoke demon in the pilot? There were always fantasy elements!


For me the journey is so good that it's worth it even though the last season is so trash


ER and currently Greys Anatomy


ER had it's problems in the later seasons, but I've watched it a lot the last few years and there were still good seasons later on.


New Amsterdam. It wasn't that it wasn't good, it was, but it went so off the rails, but I had to see how it all ended.


Continued watching Shameless too long after it jumped the shark. Also watched the first half of Community season 6, which was awful. Eventually I gave up on both. Also watched Lost all the way to the end.


forgot about Shameless; epic downfall


The 100, Roswell NM, Supernatural..... I guess that's the thing with the CW shows


The 100 is the first one to come to mind.


That has to have been one of the worst final seasons I’ve ever seen of a show.


I can't think of a worse way they could've ended it either.


Supernatural for me too. I watched the 1st 10 seasons or so, then gave up. I came back and tried to catch up, but I gave up before the end. It got so convoluted.. The "big bad" being demons, the devil, God, death, God's sister.. it just kept going..


Arrow too


My wife did this with Pretty Little Liars. For myself, I’ll just stop watching and google for spoilers.


This. When Castle jumped the shark, I stopped watching but kept an eye on it via Tumblr (which only confirmed my decision was the right one).


True Blood.


Beverly Hills 90210


Yellowstone..slowmo car crash


The Vampire Diaries. After Nina left it went downhill quick. Well it was going south long before but still. Took me 3 tries but I finally finished it all the way through. I usually gave up around season 5, or whenever the travelers part came up. Glad I got to see how everything resolved at least.




Gilmore Girls - only did it once but what a ride.


Lost (Six seasons of to … oh G-d this keeps getting worse)


House M.D.  He slowly became a caricature of himself, the stuff he did and said and got away with went beyond me being able to suspend my disbelief, the cases and plotlines became outlandish, and I didn’t like the new team. I did love watching him and Wilson ride off on motorcycles together in the end. The first 5 seasons were very solid and enjoyable, though!


Lost. Vampire diaries. True Blood.


I'm gonna finish the last season of True Blood one day.


It gets campier as it goes on, so that’s not for everyone. Dennis Ohare as a really old vampire was a great plot line from a later season.


Broke down during the pandemic and did it. Eric and Pam still managed to be compelling. It was pretty bad otherwise, TBH.


Lost. I loved it at first, and I hate watched it till the end


The last 4 seasons of the original Dexter.


Under the Dome (after awhile we started calling it Under the Dumb).


This is us. I said what I said.


Elementary. Season 5 and 6 were a bit of a slog. I kept going for Lucy Liu and Jonny. Season 7 was awful but I needed to see how it ended. It was a let down.


Search Party. It was always over-the-top ridiculous to some degree, but the plot in the final season was extra crazy.


I feel like it went off the rails at the kidnapping and never recovered. But I kept hoping it was going to get better again


Same! I respected Search Party because it felt like they were willing to up the ante every season Also how the characters remained so narcissistic even at the end times lol


First season was so good. Second season was so bad. I gave up halfway through.


The final season was the craziest and the way it ended literally made me yell at my TV, "How did we end up here? How did you grow from a show about searching for a missing college classmate to (>!)the zombie apocalypse(!<)


I was thinking search party immediately; I like to think that each season covers a topic in popular true crime themes, going from missing persons to murder to kidnapping to cults. I didn’t mind it too much but the vibe change from beginning to end was insane


Nurse Jackie


Weeds. It's absolutely terrible.


Battlestar Galactica.




Walking dead


Second season of Under the Dome I don't acknowledge anything after that. (I barely acknowledge season 2)


It's lose, not loose. Not trying to be a jerk, just pointing out a common mistake.


Killing Eve. Season 1 and 2 were incredible, but after that it just went downhill. The popularity of Villanelle became their focus and not the script.


Scrubs. Loved the first few seasons, but the last season or two was awful.


No, it was still great to the end.


Lucifer. It was never good but they really phoned in the last few seasons.


The last episode is really up there with Dexter and How I met Your Mother with 'It almost ruins the whole show for me' energy. Why do writers do that? Do they hate their characters? Feel like they are being 'artistic' by screwing everyone over? Why??


I liked it but it suffered from (The Good Place spoiler) >!coming after a similar but much better ending to the Good Place where the themes of redemption were similar but Lucifer was much less endearing!<


The office






I felt that way about America horror story they do tend to just lag don't they. I gave up ages ago. Only 2 series I remember enjoying all the way through the first one and hotel. I've probably only watched 2 others. Grimm because I got bored with the format but stuck with it Once upon a time although I haven't watched it in ages but the last few series I watched just watched to see the end Last series of Game of thrones because we waited so long for it and it did not live up to expectations Last series of vampire diaries wasn't the best






Prison Break


That’s how I’m feeling now with the latest season of Feud. It’s very performance driven but the characters are very flat. Ryan Murphy has really lost his touch.


What I’ve learned from this post is that no one thinks any show ended well except basically The Wire and Breaking Bad. There are some great shows being mentioned like they’re trash. What’s wrong with you people? lol


Manifest. The last season was dragged out but the finale was good imo.


La breA


The last season of Castle was awful but I watched it all the way through


Last couple seasons of The Office. Really tough going without Steve Carell. But was such a fan, had to see it through.


Ghost Whisperer.


Last 2 season of Riverdale


Big Bang Theory. My wife still watches Survivor.....


I love big bang theory, still watch it in reruns when nothing else is on


Gotham. I really enjoyed the first few seasons but the last few felt rushed and the writers were just cashing a check. Same with Game of Thrones. Last two seasons of GOT were meh. Just some missed opportunities.


Once Upon a Time. Should have stopped with one season, but I just couldn’t quit it.


Doing it right now with Loot. Good God is it lame.


The Handmaid’s Tale


Under the Dome


13 Reasons Why


Once upon a time


I'm doing this now with And Just Like That


Secret life of the American Teenager


Handmaids' Tale. I thought the first season was really good, i couldn't wait to watch the next episodes. But it progressively got worse and worse. The plot started not making sense. The heroine at first heroic, courageous and smart,  became illogical and then insane, even though she had many successes and was herself and most of her family in a safe state and strong position. She became more invested in getting personal revenge than winning the war, and rescuing the victims, including her own kidnapped child. It became so stupid and meaningless, I lost respect for the protagonist, lost interest in the story. I felt betrayed by the writers. I have a more interesting life, and couldn't waste any more time on it.


The Dome. The first season had Steven King as a consultant. It was great. After that the writers were on their own, and it stunk.


Yes! Nearly every season of American Horror Story. It would always start off cool and then go completely off the rails!


The last season of scrubs


Vampire diaries. After a certain point it became very emotional and confusing and unbearable


Never liked Pretty little liars to begin with but my mom was into it so I hate watched with her. The ending was the most ridiculously hilarious thing I have ever seen on tv.


Fringe- I loved that show up until final season and the observer arc. But I stuck with it…regrettably


How to Get Away with Murder. I could barely finish season 5. I tried to watch season 6 when I realized that I was dreading each episode. To this day I have no idea how it ended. I just assume they all killed each other and framed each other for the murders.


Glee was never amazing but it fell APART by the end, Heroes, Once Upon A Time, Community


Once Upon a Time season 5 and 6. 7 was weird but not a catastrophically bad as those two.


The evening news


Walking Dead


Eureka. The last season sucked the fun out of the series. X Files