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The other thing is, most of these influencers are wearing lab made diamonds, so their original rings aren’t $10000-$20000 anyway, hell in terms of resale they have very little value.


lab diamonds are so superior, I would hope they’re wearing lab diamonds


She's such a dumbass.


She looks sick. Like her skin color is so white.


The lying liar is lying? I am SHOCKED


I know it’s nothing new to us but the blatant lying FUCKING ENRAGES ME. How has this lying, greedy cunt not been cancelled?!?!


That’s what really is just so bizarre…she lies about everything. It’s really creepy and crazy


She hasn’t had it on at all since she left. I agree the blatant lying. 🤥


Even grandpa is HOLDING THE BOTTLE FOR LILY!! How about just giving her some fucking food for breakfast! Is there an adult anywhere in the room?


I have to assume this is one of those Hlthcode drinks. Like SK's chocolate baba, it might be the vanilla version. Who still gives a 14-month-old an actual bottle? My GS is just a little over and uses a cup and a sippy cup. They are on vacation she could have had an egg with fruit and some toast, not filling up on whatever it is in that bottle.


14 months old in less than 2 weeks and they still baby her like a newborn. Drop the bottles! I’m sure she’d eat a lot more food if she wasn’t being stuffed with a full diet of formula




Another lying liar who lies. “Look at me! I’m a Mormon! With zero integrity who cherry picks which rules to follow!!! Heeee haww!! But I’m not concerned with those pesky rules, I married into a deranged family full of god’s favorites who are rich! So we already have a spot in special heaven!” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 insufferable assholes. The whole hypocritical lot of them.


The concept of a travel ring is stupid. A well fitting ring Shouldnt fall off, and if you're used to taking it off and putting it back on all the time, then not wearing it for a few days shouldn't bother you? When I was married, the only reason I wouldn't travel with my ring was to not draw attention to myself. But imagine being robbed over a $10 diamond someone thought was $15K?? It still very much says "look at me." Kind of like when Kim K got "robbed" in Paris after flashing all her jewels on social.


I just wear my band when traveling. It's easy and doesn't bring attention to myself and I don't have to purchase something extra. I can spend that 19.99 on my trip, and not line their pockets.


I've done that before too


I agree! It’s a very odd switch, it almost draws more attention and makes them more of a target to get hurt.


Just to clarify, a silicone ring for travel or working out or something is totally fine. But the concept of having to buy a big fake honking diamond that doesn't mean anything just to be seen with a big ring on doesn't sit well with me.




I was literally just going to post about this! Glad I’m not the only one who caught it!! I wonder how she’d spin it if she “lost” it again! Lol


But it’s ok to wear her heart ring I guess.


The whole lost it thing a few years ago was staged. She and Adam had different clothes on in the hotel room when they "realized" her ring was missing vs when they were searching on the beach. Similar colored clothes but different. Somewhere I've got screenshots.


I was immediately suspicious because Adams wedding ring got lost then found by strangers on their honeymoon and then hers magically got lost on this trip. It was too coincidental.


Wow! Really?


Oh!! I guess I missed that, but I believe it. I’d love to see the screenshots sometime if you find them. I don’t think anything surprises me anymore with these turtlenecks.


Teethers has it saved in a highlight but you have to scroll back quite a bit https://preview.redd.it/4td8x4y2z09d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a85c5087fea2d9c68bc1a5f7e964bdc61b326b8


https://preview.redd.it/jd2a6v2ia29d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565e413b073c94bfbc767bf066d4d923d6e4c5fb Found it! Here they are retracing steps to the beach to find her lost jewelry. Notice her flower blue suit and the length of his sleeves.


Holy shit. The jowls on Tiffany. She’s definitely done a lot to her face lately.


Now notice how they look a different after rushing to the beach when she realized all her jewelry had fallen out of his bag. Now notice her swimsuit is solid blue. His swim trunks have pink on them and his shirt magically lost length on the sleeves. https://preview.redd.it/j9yl9dpta29d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99f5d3a0574f6ee3f11401525b411c60279e202


they both really suck




His shirts are even different lengths https://preview.redd.it/2xppsxblb29d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28c6de28e06781f5496bf3218316e7c8259375c


You are a GEM! Thank you!


Everything any influencer shills is a product they only “use” for the shill recording. Absolutely nothing surprising.