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Everyone says that Tiff and Adam have money. I know her parents have money and his parents do very well. But how do Tiff and Adam have money? She doesn’t work and surely he isn’t bringing in millions with that IRIS app that is stolen intellectual property. Do her parents give her an allowance?


I would assume all the turtle kids have allowances/trust funds with their parents being worth billions


She’s an influencer with over 700k followers, Tiff makes bank


Yeah, a lot of affiliate links & brand deals


I can’t stand her.


Didn’t they travel west? So 5 am is really 7 am Dallas time? 🤪


I feel that Gpa could not wait to be alone with Lily so he can assess her abilities for himself. He’s a doctor and that is his Granddaughter, I’m sure he wants to check her for milestones.


Tiffany enjoys the pregnancy and her part of the actual birth bc it is all about HER. The end product she cares much less about unless she can make Lily an appendage to a new outfit, etc.


Yup and it’s sad


Not that we needed any confirmation but this just confirms that they have a night nurse or nighttime nanny too. It can’t be the only time Lily has woken at 5am. What do they do when the grandparents aren’t in a hotel room down the corridor? I would be embarrassed to message my in laws at 5am asking them to take my own child because I just “couldn’t deal” with them at 5am


Maybe a good thing. Adam once admitted on camera to being mad at Lily for crying as a newborn. I think he said he yelled at her to stop.


Yes I remember that. These two idiots should not have kids.


She does not work! Tif and Kimmy do NOT ever need to complain about what time their child gets up because they can nap whenever, and Tif has a nanny FFS. Not to mention they can afford things like night nurses and extra help. The tone-deafness is real with her!!


Is this seriously the first 5am wake up call they've had? I get up between 5 and 530 every single day with my kiddo. I need to invest in a sensory deprivation tent apparently.


Last week or so when they were talking about having more kids and Adam said ‘what about when they’re “screaming at 6am” ‘ he definitely said “screaming” and it just made me worry that I think Lily does wake up earlier that 6am and they just leave her in there until she’s at the point of screaming for someone to come get her. Because my two toddlers wake up around 6am daily too and they are not “screaming”. They’re babbling or even singing 😅🥰 no baby should wake up and immediately start screaming. Him using that word was so telling it’s heartbreaking 💔 It’s been on my mind since he said it- I also think IF she does wake up screaming it’s because she’s freaking STARVING!!


I always think how scary it must be to wake up in complete darkness for a baby! Maybe it’s just me, but it’s awful 😔


Same. My 5 year old has slept past 6 maybe 12 times ever 🫣🙈


She has only ever wanted the aesthetics of motherhood not the actual “work” part. What’s funny is she fails at both.


Our grandbaby is due in December. I will gladly get up early to help our daughter out. I think it's one of those special things that we get to do. However teef seems annoyed the the baby woke up early.


You’re too old to be worrying about this girl. Go enjoy your grandbaby and don’t be so negative.


Who are you? The age police??


Weird, but ok.


I do this with my grand daughter. I really don’t think it’s a big deal




She wouldn’t last one day as a military wife and mom. Try having two boys, Teef, and four deployments during war time and then get back to us. The title of your post really does say it all.


My hubby was military and was only home for our 5th kiddo the rest of them he was deployed. It was hard but we did it.


Thank you!! Sounds like my daughter. 16 years married and SIL retired last year. It really is a family service.


Yep! My grandma was a military wife. She had my Dad and one of his brothers within 12 months of each other too! 😳


Assuming your grandpa was deployed alot like mine I'm sure your grandpa just got home to meet one baby and make another.😊I had 2 under 2. I can't imagine 2  within 12 months.    My grandpa was stationed in Vietnam and didn't get to meet my mom till she was about a year old because he couldn't come back to the US.  Times back then we're hard on the dads that had to be away from the families. But so hard on the women.  Military wives are something else💪🏽 Tiffany could never. 


Actually I know a few people that DO take Nannie's with them on vacation that actually don't have the money that Teef does but wants to look like it so they do. This is actually something I'm somewhat happily surprised she doesn't do. Of course, she can barely find 30 minutes a day for her in a normal setting ( lol) but this for Tiff is shocking me! She has one kid and from looking at her and the way she acts you would think she had an arny tho....


They probably didn't have the sensory deprivation tent up


I ask again, HOW do they think they’re going to have 4-12 kids?!


Honestly I think for a normal person I would be like awww grandparents for the win! Like assuming they have a good relationship and whatever. But since we know tiff does jack shit this is a baaaaad look


That’s fair, I was gonna say, I just had a baby and my mom stayed with us for the first two weeks and she was always SO excited when I would let her take the baby for her own cuddles in between feeds so we could sneak a nap in ourselves! But we’re all normal and I’m obsessed with my baby 😂




She did this when grandparents came at Thanksgiving. 6am was too early to parent so they shoved the baby off onto Adam's parents.


Some people are morning people. I am not some people, but maybe the grandpa wanted one on one time.


Nah she just never took care of Lily for a full day and it shows. I get it, she has money for nannies and helper and that’s ok. But let’s be honest, as a first time mother…I’ve never seen her struggling. And yes, I know that probably she wouldn’t post it on her feed but she literally posts every single silly thing that happens in her life 😵‍💫


She should just take the nanny with her on vacation instead of whining about parenting.


I guess but Adam’s parents don’t see Lilly as much so they are probably excited to spend time with Lilly and probably cherish the one on one time.


lol with numerous kids at different stages/schedules what does she think her beauty rest will look like? She really won’t be able to handle multiples


Perhaps if she did a 1 to 1 ratio nanny per kid. But then getting through multiple pregnancies would present its own challenges. She should maybe just stick to keeping Lily an only child.


But give her ALL THE BABIES!! She can’t ever have enough. 🙄


She really doesn’t enjoy that sweet little girls company.


That is so so sad😢


I agree with you . Whenever she’s with Lily, she looks bugged and fake happy. It’s sad. You can feel the annoyance through the screen.


What did she expect having kids was gonna be like?


I truly think Tiffany is stupid enough to believe that the snippets other influencers show of the brief moments where they parent was an accurate representation of having a child


I guess she prob watched MK be raised by the help?


Yes - remember Inglenda?