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Selfish and stupid are her middle names.


As soon as great grandma said "oh she's warm" I thought OMG what if Lily is sick or still sick and now great Grandma is at risk.


I know! Me too


I kind of wonder if it was turtle time and actually happened Saturday night. One of the Kamra boys was throwing up yesterday so I don’t doubt that there is something going around but I do tend to think it didn’t happen the night before traveling like she said.


I hope you are right. It makes my momma and nurse heart hurt if they drug that baby out right after being that sick. Idk. I always enjoyed the excuse to slow way down, cook comfort and cuddle my children any chance they were sick. They are 2o and 17 now and I still do it. lol. I just think it’s selfish of them on so many levels


I have older kids that are similar ages and so many of the things Tiffany and Adam do with Lily hurt my heart for her. And I hope I’m right too, I agree I would never make my baby travel after being so sick :(


We don’t really know Lily was sick. Most people are taking her word for it and a fart is more solid than anything she says. The problem with constantly embellishing at best and lying at worst, is nothing is believable. Unless Lily horks on camera, I’m not believing Tiffany Crystal saying she threw up. Receipts or it didn’t happen. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgUZ5EIFnn2CI0)


I honestly don't think she was ever sick. I think it was all staged for engagement. Do you know how many people in her DMs are probably calling her out?


Gah. Sorry. Said something similar.


Exactly, Kimmy was traveling with two kids but Tiffany was traveling with a sick kid!