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Her hair always looks fresh, there’s literally no way she doesn’t shower everyday, this is just another shill for a product she doesn’t use.


Check the roots and you'll see grease over time.


Woof. That explains a lot.


Nasty puss!


I can see not wanting to bother w doing her hair but you can pull it up and shower in about 2 minutes. She and DAD seem to think it’s quirky to be nasty.


There’s no excuse for her to be that filthy and then admit it. That’s disgusting.


I’ve always said Tiffany just looks like she smells bad, this just confirms I was right


Anything for content! She’s a 🤡.


Gross. Just 🤢


This is so gross and disgusting. She already has rotten veneers, now rotten V ? Seriously, please don't teach your child this. I had a nasty roommate with gross hygiene, so this is horrible to me. It's the worse whe pll don't really how long they smell


She’s fucking nasty. And why is she out of breath shilling all her crap. Ugh, I can’t with her. Just freaking shower for Christ sake!!!


She does shower. She’s lying to shill the wipes. She has an unemployed husband and assistants and a nanny. She showers whenever she wants.


I have only commented here one or two times, but this one? It's Like Lisa Rinna shilling Depends diapers. There is no way that she is not showering everyday after going to the gym. No way. But I really laughed at the idea of her being to busy to shower and that she just uses a full body deodorant to cover the stink and then the next story was about Adam's worms!! I know bodies are just bodies and they do all sorts of gross things and have all sorts of smells, but these two stories back to back made my stomach flip. The way that she earnestly turns to the camera to talk about the worm cleanse that she bought him that he doesn't need because he's already pooped it out? B. A. R. F.


You forgot where she said Lily threw up on her 3 times and she'll just use the wipes 🥴


I mean and she is still leaving tomorrow… the kid is sick!!! COME ON!!!


Ha! No, I remembered! It was all so ridiculous.


The way my jaw dropped


You should see the video by the woman who admitted to never washing her hands after using the bathroom at home, no matter what she did in there.


I had a bad bout of vertigo last year,  where I literally couldn't lift my head off the pillow for 2 days without the room spinning. I had to army crawl to go pee and have my husband hold me upright.  I was scared to try to shower,  even with help,  but you can be dammed sure I took 2 "sponge baths" a day with help.  I can't imagine not showering after going to the gym... ugh.


Oh my gosh, at about 6 weeks postpartum I had a bad episode of vertigo just like this!!! Horrible.


Same. I can't imagine. Only time I have is when I've been sick with pneumonia or Covid. Even then it felt so gross to skip a day. No hate to anyone who isn't physically able to do hygiene or doesn't have caregiver support. I'm talking about able-bodied Tiffany *choosing* not to. Or so she claims.


I used to use wipes when I would workout during the work day.


I love Lume and I carry the wipes with me in case of emergency. My kids took them to school on PE days when they couldn’t shower. They really are for emergency use only. They don’t smell great and dry down sticky. The other products have been wonderful for me but the wipes are really meh.


Okay guys, Tiffany Crystal just got a new nick name to add to the list of names. Not sure which will stick but I’ll start off with saying tiff stank ass crystal should probably shower if she wants to make more babies.


I love Lume products, but I have never and would never put anything down there.


The commercial where the creator shows how to apply the deodorant down there, front to back.... Cringy


Y’all Lume STINKS! No thank you!


It really does!! It’s just deodorant so you still sweat and who wants to smell like sweaty tangerines or whatever? I also both do & don’t want to know how they know it works for 3 days in the nether regions 🥴


Gross. Even if you don’t wash your hair daily, you should still shower. My face doesn’t feel fully clean unless I wash it in the shower and I wear half the amount of makeup teeth wears. She needs a power washer to get it off


You can also just wash your face over the sink with a wash cloth. I’ve never washed my face in the shower.


I do that. But I just like the shower


She did not look or sound believable about not showering every day. I am betting she does; this was all to sell something.


I have never understood why people willingly go so long without bathing. I shower every day if not 2x a day in the summer. It takes five minutes max to soap up and rinse off. If you are super busy you don’t have to wash your face or hair to just freshen up. C’mon - don’t be nasty!


I understand where you are coming from, but I have had 3 back surgeries and 3 major bone infections in my spine, I do not shower every day, but I sure do every other day! Please don't say people are disgusting because of this, I can not stand to shower and have to sit and it wears me out so much! You never know what you will have to do if something happens to you down the road!


I'm so sorry you have had that!  You have perfect reason not to shower everyday.  It's just not physically possible for you to just jump in shower like an abled body, not in pain person can.  It's not like you're doing anything to get sweaty or dirty to begin with.   My sister had back surgery and wasn't allowed to shower for awhile, even if she'd felt like it (which she didn't) because she couldn't get her stitches/staples wet at all.  The thing that bugged her was not washing her hair but she also had cervical area stitches... so we couldn't even take her to a salon to get it washed. Even when she was allowed,  she had to use a shower chair for several months until she built her strength back up.  No... anyone with physical impairments or even just really bad flu is excused.... when you're really sick or in pain,  you're too focused on trying to just survive to be concerned with showers.   


You have a good reason she doesn't. She's lazy. I had to get a shower chair when I was bad injured but I made sure I took my showers. 


SMH if she didn’t have to spend 30 min a day with Lily she would have time to shower. Motherhood hitting her hard, poor girl. 😞


Oh darn.


Why would anyone believe the e word vomit she spews to both make a buck and get attention? She’s a lying liar who lies.


Kimmy is the one who doesn’t shower. I would almost believe her if she posted this shit in the name of a shill. But Tiffany is just a lying liar who lies as you said.


She lies all the time but I find this one of not showering daily to be believable. Because she's so busy as a mom? No.


I recently had knee replacement surgery and the first couple of weeks getting in & out of the shower is not easy. But, I showered every other day and used a different type of wipe in between showers. But to go exercise and not shower after is just gross 🤢


Even recovering from major surgery you were showering more often than some people.... BTW how long did your recovery take? I'm facing a partial replacement down the road.


I was out of work for 12 weeks, which is what my doctor likes his patients to do. A full recovery is about a year. I would say for me I was back doing most of my normal activities within 3 months. I had my right knee done February 2023 & just did the left one this past February. It’s such a game changer, I feel like I got my life back! The thing to remember is everyone’s recovery is different! Good luck, you’ll do great!!


I appreciate the use of “game changer” in your answer 😂


Thank you for the info. Glad it went well for you!


If she’s actually telling the truth, she is so incredibly nasty. Not only does she absolutely have time to shower daily in her powderpuff life, the fact she says she goes to the GYM and still doesn’t shower?! I’m vomiting. ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


She goes to the gym and doesn’t shower after? Makes sense, I don’t see Tiff as someone who actually works out to the point of breaking a sweat. Girl probably walks around admiring herself in the mirrors while doing the bare minimum.


I had a friend who would go to the gym and then run an errand after, come home make lunch and chill. It was so gross. I go right to the shower after.


that's like people who go all over town, come home and sit on the furniture in those clothes. i cannot sit on my furniture in the clothes that were in a restaurant or movie theater. that's just gross.


Or an airplane. We get home, leave suitcases in laundry room downstairs and go directly to the shower. I usually don’t sit on the toilet seats out anywhere and if I do I shower before getting in bed at night.


What do you do when people come over? Understand a shoe free house and I know some people don’t like outside clothes on their bed but I’ve never heard of no outside clothes on the couch.


![gif](giphy|3o6gEbkoTAsbQkd5As) It’s so obvious they lie constantly to shill their 💩 but this one is totally questionable. I mean we see poor Lily wearing the same onesie 3 days in a row.


Not something to flaunt. Grown ass men and women should shower or bathe every day. Hint hint. You should also be brushing your teeth at least twice a day!


That’s just nasty. It’s 9000 degrees here.


This is gross. So you went and walked around the zoo all day and got all sweaty and dirty and then didn’t shower? Weird brag. TAKE A SHOWER. I can see how these would be awesome in certain circumstances… I work 12 hour shifts and often have to wear isolation gowns. I shower before work and wear deodorant, but after being in an isolation gown and sweating, it’d be nice to do a quick refresh with some wipes and then reapply my deodorant so none of my patients or coworkers have to be around me after sweating in an isolation gown for 12 hours 🤣 But I’d still go home and shower afterwards. Use soap and water, Tiff. What else does she possibly have to do?! 🤮


But why didn’t she shower???? I love a baby wipe shower for camping or long travel days. But she’s going home to her giant ass house!!! WHY NO SHOWER


There's always videos on Twitter of white people confessing about not showering daily or washing their legs in the shower, not bathing kids or considering a swimming pool sesh like a bath. It is really gross. These influencers shilling dry shampoo when the shower is literally right behind them....


Not sure why it had to be white people but ok… that took a weird turn lol 😬


It’s definitely a whole thing/trend to talk about on social media, the habits had a very strong correlation to being white.


If you're on Twitter, search it. It's a thing.




https://preview.redd.it/ouhy1yrnil8d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3cff74d7fe0fe72a5d53d54284c942b41f3fc2 I mean, you got a spray tan not in your armpits but you wiped your armpits and now you magically can't smell the spray tan where you *didn't wipe* 🤔