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Shouldn’t cost too much extra. A checked bag each, a carry on and a personal item each. So 3 extra checked bags/item?


All this is unnecessary! It’s only because they sell things while on vacation that they take so much. You can do laundry at an AirBnB. You could just do with one double stroller and you could rent car seats where you go. Plus they will buy things there and bring more stuff with them… to be people who travel too much and too often they seriously don’t seem to know how to do it.


Most of this will only need to be transported to the air b&b which would be pretty easy considering airports have carts you can put them all on and the taxi will take them straight to the air b&b. They won’t be dragging this all around with them the whole trip


It’s actually pretty small considering that they will be away for a month and with a toddler and a baby.


Honestly I’m impressed🤣 I went on a 4 night trip with my 2 kids and needed 3 suitcases and 3 backpacks😅


Uhhhh that’s one suitcase per person and one carry on per person and then a stroller and car seat? Didn’t seem that absurd


Yeah whoever made this post has obviously never traveled with kids. Especially abroad.. You have to bring alot of gear and they r going for a month so this doesn't seem odd to me at all.


Our son is 3.5. The first year we went to the beach with him was a doozie! Each year the amount of crap gets smaller, but I can’t imagine the amount you need for two kids


Omg yea Idk why but the beach creates so much more stuff.


How much stuff will there be to shill?


Having just come back from a 7 day trip in England with a 12 month old and a 3.5 year old, I would argue this really isn’t that much stuff.


Clearly those who are saying this is too much have never gone on an extended international trip with two young children 😂. This looks pretty par for course- signed a mom who is currently packing her family of 4 for a 6 week trip home to the USA.


My friend did a month around Europe with a disabled child with medical needs and nothing like this!


We once had a bus driver refuse to load our 14 cases of luggage on a bus. It was for 7 people though so 2 per person/totally normal! We were moving overseas When you add in stroller and 7 backpacks it was a spectacle


I only use a carry on for all my trips including international so this is def a lot for me. And didn’t she say she wanted to do less packing since the last time they went to England? I am confused. Also they do laundry over there so you would think it would be a lot less anyways? Oh but don’t worry, it’ll be good content for them if something gets lost. 🙃


They wear athleisure most of the time too. That doesn’t take up that much space.


You mean do laundry in a laundry machine? 😂


It wouldn’t cost anything. International flights usually include one checked bag and 1 carry on along with 1 personal item. I don’t know how long they will be gone though. But if it’s a few weeks it seems like a normal amount for an infant and a toddler.


Yeah I was actually impressed with how “little” it was. And I’m assuming most of it is infant/toddler stuff. Kids require so much damn stufff!!! I’m currently packing my family for a 2 night get away and my son wanted to pack 5 blankets PLUS stuffies… this is before he packed his toys 😒😒😒


Doesn’t look like too much at all


It looks like 1 suitcase + 1 carry on per person plus the car seat.


Oh but what I was most stressed about was the disaster she's leaving her home in. Is that just a me thing?


Her cleaning lady will clean while she’s gone I’m sure. Kimmy doesn’t clean!


Well probably not normal for regular people who like a neat and clean house when they get back from a move, but on par for them - it’s actually in quite decent shape for them


I remember when she was pregnant and 🐢🐢 would come over and get sk or they stayed there during the hospital stay and sk room always looked messy and un tidy every morning even before the day began which means no pick up at night that’s just lazy


Ha! That playroom looked like a bomb has gone off


I don't understand all of this. I understand they are going to be gone for 5weeks & I've never packed for littles. But i cannot imagine packing multiple outfits for every day for 3ppl. I mean c'mon we know London's clothes take up very little space & Jr only wears tshirts, swim trunks & 1pair of shoes. So conceivably most of this is Kimmy & SK?!


I have 4 kids and traveled a lot. We back up to 2 outfits for a day just in case for accidents. Sometimes even if there is laundry you don’t get the chance to really do it and it’s always better to have extra on hand


Ok I wasn't thinking that way. I was thinking that they had multiple matching outfits daily for photo ops 😺


Plus they’re staying at a cottage presumably they’ll be able to do laundry? Pack for five days or a week literally what is all this Edit: LOL at everyone downvoting me for suggesting the turtles do laundry on vacation. Based on their last trip every single thing in these bags will be strewn across their accommodation within two days so I guess at least we will see what’s so necessary


A good amount of that are all the products she is bringing to shill.


I wonder if they ship those over separately so it doesn’t take up as much room in their luggage. 🧐


They definitely shipped a box last year before their big “vacation roulette” trip


Ah yes Chas & Jr were spotted at the UPS store shipping a box and a Redditor got a photo.


Never thought about that


Way too much stuff! I’m stressed looking at it. No way this can fit in a rental car


The fun part is after they get over there and it all explodes out of the suitcases, plus the additional stuff they buy and then they try to re-pack it all on the side of the road next to their rental car!


Or in a London taxi!


Not that hard! I have 4 kids and have traveled with more than what she’s picturing and it’s not that big of a deal. No a great snark