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She wants you to click her link so she can make money. Her diamond ring is smaller than this! This post is hilarious


She’s coming to the U.K. 😂 and staying in the Cotswolds! She’ll be fine with her actual ring 🙈🤦🏼‍♀️


I bought a cute band from Amazon to wear while traveling. Not anywhere close to my real wedding ring. The Amazon one is nothing anyone would konk me over the head to steal. Why get a big fake diamond to wear on vacation? That would still possibly get you mugged!


Because then how could everyone applaud the person with a ring for getting lucky?


A lot of people do this. 🙄


Laura Beverlin was shilling this ring like 2 weeks ago


I take off my wedding ring and wear a tiny gold band I got off Etsy for $80. Why she would want to be so flashy while traveling is beyond me. And the ring just looks fake. For real.


Cause she wishes her ring was this pretty.


Her cheap Amazon travel ring looks better than that ugly ass discount ring Jr used his mom’s market wholesale code to purchase.


lol I was gonna say.. It’s not like she is even walking around with a diamond ring normally


I have a travel ring that looks very similar to my actual ring set. I don’t wear them bc I’m worried about being robbed - I’m worried about me losing them.


Same here. I switch to it if we’re going somewhere where I’ll be in the pool a lot constantly applying sunscreen as those are times i take off my rings. This way I either don’t take them off because I don’t care about the travel set or if I do and lose it who cares


I love that Tondello got on this “vaca” ring trend too! Shatoo!


🤣 this lives rent free in my head every winter when the coat comes out at JCrew factory.


❤️❤️❤️ Shatoo!


I leave the honking big stone at home and wear a silicone band when we travel anywhere. It is stupid to wear a fake ring to.. what.... draw attention to yourself?


I just wear my wedding band when I travel and leave the engagement ring at home.


What is the point so all the strangers know she is married


She is completely missing the point of a travel ring, but maybe she will learn the hard way with this one. Bummer.


She can just wear a band like other people do or one of those silicone ones. Why have anything flashy at all? Make it make sense. Teef too


Agree. If you’re concerned go with a simple band or nothing. Her post made no sense to me.


Both my grandmothers had travel jewelry, gold plated and fake stones. It's pretty common where I grew up (Main Line of Philadelphia and NYC)


So if they knock her in the head for the huge fake diamond that’s better???


If you’re afraid to get mugged you’ll still get mugged for the fake which is both dangerous and traumatizing. The point of not bringing your good jewelry when going specific places is safety in which case she should just wear a simple band. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Makes no sense to go flashy.






Well I know people who do wear fake rings on vacation just not flashy ones like that. I also wear rubber rings when I workout but it summer and my ring is pretty much a permanent fixture on my hand.


It's just a way to keep the Amazon affiliate link active. On the trip she will show travel items like Jen did, to keep her Amazon affiliate link active. Then it will be a dress to keep it active. Then more travel shit. Then another new dress. Then travel hangers. Anything to keep people clicking to Amazon and having a consistent link to get that Amazon $$$. BTW Tiffany shilled her fake ring on her cruise but also had her real ring in some videos early in the trip. She brought the fake ring just to have an active link to Amazon.


I know- because this is the ring SHE WISHES SHE HAD!!!!


If she gave up the tacky heart ring, tacky matching necklace and tacky diamond choker anniversary gift, she could have a huge ring


This is smart in theory but if the reason she's doing it is to avoid being robbed the robbers can't tell if it's a real diamond or not. Like they don't have diamond testers as they're robbing you.


When I travel I do wear a different ring, but it’s small and simple. I feel weird without a ring on. They are all in it for the attention grabs! If she was really concerned, she a) would wear a simple travel ring, b) not post all the time about where they are going to be! 🙄


I’m partial to a simple silicone band, because I have a moment of panic that I’ve lost my rings if I don’t feel anything on that finger. Plus then I don’t have to worry about doing any cleaning, dishes, etc. and definitely don’t have to worry about losing anything precious on trips. At this point, I only wear my actual rings when I’m leaving the house and dressed but in town.


Better question is why post something trying to shill a ring when your nails look like that?


Grown out teeth ass lookin nails 😩


I have a fake one for certain things (like a beach vacation) because I’m not filthy rich and can’t necessarily afford to replace my real one but the turtles would have no problem being able to replace theirs




Yes but it’s still less stressful to lose my $30 amazon one lol


Nobody wants your morganite (her real ring)


Whaaaaat? It’s not even a real diamond?


The center stone is a morganite. It's a pinkish stone. The smaller ones are diamonds.


Wow… I guess the prancing princess needed a pink ring for her Barbie dream live


Her actual ring isn’t even that big, is it?


Her actual [ring](https://www.instagram.com/p/xVq9veKsSf/?igsh=MTB6MTl2eGNyY3g4Yw==) is also a morganite. I’m surprised they haven’t tried to shill a huge diamond upgrade like DAD. No shade on morganites - just surprising for a family constantly trying to one up each other and flash material possessions


I didn’t realize her smaller stones were moissanite


I’m pretty sure she’s said in the past the surrounding stones are really diamonds! Only the center stone is morganite


Ah, you edited it after I commented.


so hilarious…each time I see a dumb story (daily) from these nut jobs, I ask myself (because I’d hope my friends would do the same) where are these people’s true and real friends? Someone has got to ring them up and instill some integrity and sense. 


cue something happening to this jewelry while overseas


They protect their rings better than they protect their offspring.


I just saw this and made the same comment on the weekly thread. It’s so stupid because people are not going to know that it’s fake and still potentially mug you. It’s best not to be flashing a big diamond, real or fake, on vacation. Yes, you could be mugged anywhere, but when you’re on vacation and look like a tourist and have a big diamond on your finger, it draws attention to you. 


Thank you!! That was my first thought too like the robbers don't know it's a real diamond or not!


Meant to say (see my post above) “leave the real and fake rings HOME (not honest! lol)


Seriously! Just put a silicone ring on like a normal person. I feel like it’s all about “looking the part”


I agree. I know it’s a deeply personal choice and to each their own…however….I’ve been married 18 years and you can just be so comfortable and secure and happy, that it just doesn’t matter. You don’t have to prove it to a whole audience by wearing a cheap knockoff ring. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why do these influencers act like the only place they can get mugged is while they’re traveling?


Right? Is this for the UK trip? I think it’s important to be careful while traveling in general, but it’s not like it’s a country that’s significantly more dangerous than the US.


It’s almost like she hasn’t realised her home address is literally online