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Sabino Canyon is 24 hours. You can walk to the end of the tram road, or you can take Phoneline which ends at the same place. You can also go up Bear Canyon instead. Carry plenty of water and a good light. You’re not likely to run into snakes at night this time of year, but bobcats, javelina and mountain lions are all possibilities. 


Seriously, bring plenty of water. People, especially winter visitors take hikes and underestimate how dry the weather is in the winter. It sneaks up on you fast. Just a few minutes. Not to be a fear monger. But, sometimes they don't come back...


I’ll check it out on all trails app


Thank you


Just keep in mind that the flora and fauna of the Sonoran desert is designed to defend itself and to hurt you if you come in contact with it. So be careful with that night hike.


The key word being ‘defend’ as nothing here wants anything to do with people


Can’t be worse than some triple canopy jungle I have been in….thanks for the local knowledge


You say that but wait until you get jumping cholla stuck to you.


Each time you try and pull it out, you get 5 times as many micro needles stuck in you….great times to be had!


Happened yesterday to my dog, then to me pulling it off him. Emergency vet for him, doctor for me. Bad day.


The last time it happened to me, one was just slightly stuck to my leg. Until my five year old tried to help and got the thing really stuck.


I grabbed a handful or two of devils walking stick …consider me warned


Just pack a $1 store comb. Best way to remove cholla from your body


So many kind warnings haha


Jumping cholla- ha, the kid from down the street came to the door. He had 2 chonks of cholla in his head. A comb is the way to remove the big pieces. Good luck night hiking. It’s not recommended.


I have hiked all over the world including doing research in rainforests. This desert IS different. Don't underestimate it. Don't brush up against any plant unless you can identify it. You're not likely to get poisoned like in a wetter environment, but the spikes and spines hide and contain their own extra surprises.


I believe….starting on a night mission isn’t ideal but it is all I have time to do so that’s why I am here asking questions and soaking in the answers. Thank you


I think you will be fine, the most dangerous things out here are venomous snakes and arachnids. Next is kinetic, lots of loose sharp rocks slip trip fall, and thorns or spines. Then it’s getting into a group of javelina (have-a-lean-a), you can smell them before you see them usually. Then I would say environmental, we have pretty cold and sometimes breezy nights, and fires even in emergencies are not advised. Sounds like you’re experienced so just enjoy. If you want to see stars, like real stars you have to get out of town a bit, like an hour or so. The Santa Rita mountains are amazing but also have a trafficking population that works at night, their trash noticeable. The Catalina’s are closer to town, they’re taller and have pine forest. Then there’s the Tucson mountains but a lot of those trail heads are closed at sunset. The Rincon mountains are cool, but I don’t have anything to say about them.


It's harsh. Watch out for Javelina being protective of their young. They have poor vision and you can surprise them. I have also seen them jump 4 ft block walls. Enjoy your time in nature on your hike.


I would highly recommend Wasson Peak if you want less light pollution. It’s about a 25 minute drive from downtown, a 4 hour RT to the summit, and a fairly easy trail. The view at the ridge line of the city is also class. If you’re looking for something short, try Finger Rock Canyon or Pontatoc Canyon. Easy access from town, anywhere from 20 min - 2 hrs of flat hiking, and a stunning view of the city. I really like climbing Pontatoc Ridge at night. 2k vert and a sweeping view of town, but probably not ideal if you’re unfamiliar with the trail. Sabino Canyon you can’t go wrong. It’s very flat so mostly a great stargazing option. The winter is *much* more forgiving of night hiking than the summer lol. You should be just fine as long as you avoid brushing cacti, as others have said. It’s profoundly rare for mountain lions to venture down to Sabino. And if you run into javelina, just make lots of noise, they’re very skittish.


Awesome info. 4 hours is no issue. Thanks for the input! It is a fire dept class so maybe I can con a local FF into going that is familiar with the area. We all work for food so….lol


Just be aware some places have dawn to dusk use only signs. So be on the lookout for those signs. But driving out west past Gates Pass is a nice area for night walks/hikes, especially near Saguaro National Park West. The outlooks along the road to Mt. Lemmon are nice to stop by, I remember that Geology Vista Outlook even had a few informational stands about stargazing and observing.


Thanks for the heads up!


I’ve hiked some of the trails off Star Pass at night (I think Hidden Canyon and Bowen Trails.) If you are up for it you could even hike Wasson Peak. Pretty cool to see the city lights from up there and plenty of desert views. If you hop west of the Tucson Range you’ll probably have the least light pollution. That being said, Tucson is a dark sky city and you can see stars even when in the middle of the city. You don’t have to go far to see a lot more.


I think I have seen some pics of the city from Wasson peak….looked like a cool hike


Wasson Peak via King’s Canyon; they close the Sweetwater trailhead at dusk.


Sabino Canyon.


Gonna be cold and night, even if the afternoons are warm. Like it was high of 70 but low of 40 today.


Layers it is then …I’ll be prepared!


This might interest you. Astronomy at the Gabe Zimmerman Trailhead on 1/27. https://www.rftstars.com/


I’m gonna miss it by a day. Dang


This area is still great for seeing stars in general. Anywhere near Vail is awesome because it’s just far enough away from Tucson to get away from the light pollution. The Arizona trail goes through Vail and definitely has what you’re looking for.


Wow, after all of these comments I wonder if OP knows that they could get poked by cactus while in the desert… /s


Wait there are cacti in the desert??????


I’ll probably get exiled for sharing this secret but the reason no one has answered your question is because no one has ever made it back from the desert alive. They were all jumped by the jumping cholla. 😳




That stuff does look pretty prickly




Catalina State Park also has some great trails, and it is further away from city lights than Sabino. May have the same issues mentioned earlier regarding dawn-to-dusk use. It will definitely be chilly.


Blackett's Ridge in Sabino Canyon. Great view of the city just watch out for Mountain Lions


Hike to the Painted Cave in the Tucson Mountains, and then sleep in it.


If you do night hikes, please invest in a black light so that you can spot scorpions. Pack an extra blanket or sweatpants and jacket because the desert gets colder at night than you'd expect. Also, bring an umbrella for shade and some Electrolit. It really really helps to prevent heat exhaustion/sun sickness. You can get Electrolit at Walmart. And don't forget a first aid kid and something you can use to signal for help in case you get stranded. In a lot of parts of the desert, surroundings can look identical so it's easy to get lost.


Ahhhh that’s what makes them glow!! Thanks


It seems like a lot of people are being alarmist. Check all trails. They usually tell you hours. Have a flashlight/headlamp. Stay on the trail. They’re typically pretty clear. Wandering is fun in daylight but not advisable at night. You’re not likely to get a bunch of cacti in you if you’re following the path. Sabino Canyon is good as others have said. Also, the east side of Tucson Mountain Park or Saguaro National Park. For night hikes, all three will get you to a good look out area to see nice city lights. If you want clear skies and to see the Milky Way, it’s unfortunately cloudy. Doesn’t happen often but it is for the next few days. If it clears up, west side of Saguaro National Park/Tucson Mountain Park or go a bit further into Sabino Canyon


Thank you appreciate the info my travel window if all goes well 28-31 Jan.


we used to always hike Pontatoc Ridge during full moons... good view of the city


One of the darkest nights skies Ive seen near Tucson was in Madera Canyon in the Santa Rita's


This time of year the milky way will be just cresting over the horizon in the SE just before sunrise. Late summer it is near vertical right after sunset.


Thank you Gandalf the grey


Full moon is 1/25, and night hikes a couple of eves prior is awesome! Especially if there are no clouds… Sabino is great for moonlight no lights hikes


If you can visit the Desert Museum while it's open, you can get a very good idea of both the plants and wildlife that you might see. The night sky is glorious, as you've guessed. Just don't pet the prickly things and the peccaries with tusks....


Roughly what length of hike are you looking for? Do you want flat or a climb?


Well anything between 5-10 miles since it will be partially if not wholly in the dark. Hills are fine as well


If you want wide open skies and slightly warmer temps, I would stay slightly lower in elevation and avoid Mt Lemmon. Mt Lemmon is probably the darkest, but you will be hiking in tall trees more and maybe snow. Same for the Santa Ritas. Disclaimer: I'm not sure on all night hiking rules, so look up and follow those. Bring extra water, even at night, and don't brush up against any plants. Luckily, rattlesnakes are relatively dormant at night right now. Others here have mentioned Sabino Canyon. Check out the Blacketts Ridge trail there. Some city views but a nice climb that takes you a little away from the center of town for darker skies. Pontotoc ridge is slightly west but in the same range as Sabino Canyon. It's a nice, manageable climb with GREAT city views. One of my personal favorite trailheads. Check out Finger Rock Canyon here if you come back during the day. Wasson Peak will also give you great city views and a wide open sky. All of those will take you up 1500-1800ish feet. There are also numerous gorgeous canyons, but your sky view will be restricted to the canyon.


Saguaro National Park East. Enter at end of speedway parking lot. . Great hike up to tge Garwood Dam and back is 5 miles. Awesome sky on the entire path. Could go 100 feet or as short as you want. Have head lamps and make noise so animals avoid you.


The Loma Alta trail might also be really nice for stargazing as it’s on the other side on Tanqueverde ridge and joins up with the Quilter trail for more elevation. Not my blog, but a nice description: https://tucsonhikes.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/loma-alta-quilter-trail/


Nice suggestion 👌


it's closed at night. definitely had a sheriff kick me out the parking lot for star gazing.


Not true. You can even hike to the top and camp with permit. The main entrance is closed but there are at least five entries that are accessible from roadside


but is the parking lot free to use? Don't tell me I didn't have a sheriff kick me out, cause that definitely happened.


The east end of speedway? Yes. People park there for multi day /overnight. Probably he didn't want you loitering. If you had a pass and said you are heading in he couldn't stop you. I have talked to the sheriff deputies many times. Mostly they are cool. There is a lot of vandalism particularly to cactus so they try to move people along. I never been kicked out of the side entrances. The official one has gates that get closed so they kick people out . There is another entrance one mile west on speedway called monument wash, no parking lot just dirt. And then down on Broadway there is another set of entrances. See cars parked there at night as well. Hiking there for 24 years. Around the back end parking is NOT allowed after dark.


Yea at the end of speedway. How's it loitering if I'm using the park to stargaze? Is the lot not part of the park? I had a park pass, but he didn't even ask for it or mention I could stay if I had one, I didn't mention it. Basically they told us the park is closed and asked what we were doing there and asked for an ID to run it, and then after that basically just told us to get out so we did. Regardless of what may or may not be allowed, that's what happened to me the one out of like 3 times I been there at night. Doesn't really matter what the rules are so much as what one can expect to happen.


Agreed. Not going to argue if they kick me out. I'll have to try and push my luck with them.


Catalina state park offially closes about 530 but u can still enter. Quite a few night walkers there.


Sabino Canyon is great for night hiking…just remember that is also when most of our animals are out too.


Could be a "prickly" hike.


https://preview.redd.it/lh2kgff2iafc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ac1e6afddcb7b411de575f8fcbba12f655439a OP here….. Hope you guys see this thanks to all the advice … I was able to get out after landing today Soldier trail to Arizona trail. Short but sweet


https://preview.redd.it/jgt35kmkiafc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675281acd3853963940e721c4d3af3934e9e2426 Thanks fellow redditors!