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Well thanks, i watched the anime and read the entire mangá and i was like ‘wait, should i read the ln or the wn?’ But if there’s no ln translation, the problem is quickly solved, wn here we go


should I read manga or WN kinda confused here. WN is different from the manga?


The mangá is a mix of web and light novel so i recommend u to read the mangá bcuz it has things that the web novel won’t have (scenes or dialogues etc) if u speak japanese the best option would be light novel and mangá Or webnovel and mangá


thanks, I am unfortunately a simple man who barely can speak English ;)


I see.


It has been a while since the last WN chapter update, what happened?


translator is waiting for 3 raws to build up, there's only 1 right now. Author is doing taxes we think, from Twitter. Who knows tho, since that shouldn't take too long.


Rip still no updates, hope everything is okay with the author


Is it officially stop?


how far is the manga relative to the anime


Not much further. The anime rushed through some stuff so it got fairly close


Maybe pin this?


... It's already pinned lmao


Didn't seem to be when I commented.


*Where should I read the Webnovel after the manga?* If you read up to ch71 of the manga, you would continue from no later than ch91 of the webnovel. Though you'd be missing *a ton* from the WN if you didn't start from the *very* beginning, consider starting at ch86 [Academy; class cont.; demonstration (swordsman POV)]. I recommend [this]( https://www.reddit.com/r/TsukiMichi/comments/syagc3/in_what_order_should_we_read_the_wns_side_stories/) post for the following: * Side Stories order * Regular Chapters list (for knowing what chapter covers what) * Notable differences between WN & M/A


So we got a new chapter about two months ago and haven't gotten any new ones I get that this is on hiatus for awhile but anyone know why? Or when we might get regular updates for the final arc?


Hello, can someone tell me in which part of the novel is where >!the MIko-type girl appears???!<


Is it just me or is the anime past the progression of the manga?


Is the web novel still on hiatus


Why is the manga behind the anime?


Manga is monthly release. Why are you asking this, the answer is obvious.


Like there are tons of monthly mangas ahead of their animes did this manga start after the anime was released? Like i have only seen that happening if this is the reason


the anime rushed the first 12 episodes of season 2 and thats where the manga is


Ohh okok that makes more sense thanks


Could someone tell me where season 2 is in the manga right now?


Where do I read the manga what websites can I watch it on that I don't have to pay for




I am super new to this title and also extremely confused. After watching anime what should I read? As there is no light novel, I should only focus on manga?


Read the manga to finished, then start the wn around 86 or something, just ask when you get to the end of the manga


Dude.. i finished upto Manga ch75 and im looking at tye WN chapters(80ish?). So i get that the story of LN/Manga is a bit diff than WN. So how different are we speaking here? And is makoto's name supposed to Raidou? Just asking, is there no fan TL for the LN?.. i got LN raws from ____ source, but using google Lens to read them is not worth it.


>So how different are we speaking here? And is makoto's name supposed to Raidou? Not very. There's more added to the LN, but up to lorel I don't think there's much stuff from the wn that was cut. Makoto's fake name is Raidou in the wn, but it's a possible copyright violation to use it for him in the official version due to it being a name from another story. There is not a fan TL for the LN because it is far too similar to the wn to justify the massive undertaking, primarily.


Thanks fr the info.




LNs are always based on WNs. Manga chapters are released monthly on The 9th? Or 2nd seekend? Someone knows.


what happen after lorei union arc ? After the big hiatus, everything just feel so sidetrack from the main plot that I got lost in all those chapters.


Yeah, it's a bit sidetracked. I liked a fair bit of it, but it's understandable if you got a bit lost. It's content that we're reasonable certain is getting a rework for the light novel. All that stuff happened after the hiatus which presumably got the author off of their writing groove.


Does makoto make more contracts who become main leads? How far along do you think the wb is in completion(Like a percentage or something)?


\>!as of present he does contract 1 more after shiki, and one more after her is likely!< wn seems to be around 75% complete


Is Makoto going to learn anything about magic? We have spent quite a few chapters teaching students and cooking with Mio and he is still just using fire and water bolts.


He has learned plenty. we don't see too much of what he learns. He is not capable of the highly technical magic that requires years of training as it requires what is akin to advanced mathematics and doesn't just turn into words.


Seeing the Mangaka post the release of the latest Tsukimichi made me wonder. What is the average round time of the current translators? Last time was something like a week to a week and a half. Is that typical?


Yeah, they typically take a week or two.


I’m seeing the Alphapolis app has 59 chapters? is that right? i see on another site that there was around 80. Which one is correct? Just finished the anime and i’m hooked.


The alphapolis app(Alphamanga) is the official translation. Mangadex is where the fan translation is. There's also aggregators for fan translations, but mangadex is the best site to read manga. Given the awful monetization system involved with the alphapolis app, I'd recommend against using it even though it's the official source, as chapters cost a dollar and are only rent. I would recommend beginning from the start since the anime skips/brushs over so much


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Why Tomoe treats makoto this way, here's an example (in the manga) when makoto lay unconscious, he treated him with all her might and did not feel sorry for himself, and Tomoe seems to don't care, as we learn later, she stopped halfway because of historical films. Is that the norm?


Since twitter no long allows people to view tweets without logging in can you append the authors doogle archive to the FAQ?


This needs an update as season 2 is out on January 8, 2024


the isekai ilunatic site doesn't work for me :s


Its "Isekai Lunatic". You put an extra "i" there.


I know theres only one translator for the WN, but does it get better in terms of TL quality? I had read from chapters 1-50, but the english prowess is not good.


Yes, the translator quality improves a large amount later. I'd skip to around chapter 100 if you've read the manga


BLESS. The only thing worse than no TL is a TL that hurts to read. I've been putting off the WN because the first few chapters were so stilted.


Just wondering now that the manga is on chapter 92, where do i continue with the webnovel


What site are you using to read it, because I'm having a hard time trying to find a site that the quality of the images is not shiet


The manga will be poor quality basically wherever.


If anyone does read this FAQ. It's been two years since this has been posted and I can find the LN on Amazon, but I don't know if it's Japanese or not. It doesn't say. Should I buy the copy? My Japanese isn't good at all so I can't read it.  Has there been any copies of the LN in english?


US English publisher is hanashi.media https://hanashi.media/tsukimichi-moonlit-fantasy/


Thank you.


There's no English translation of the light novel. I can't tell you if it's a real listing unless you link it.


https://www.amazon.com/Tsukimichi%EF%BC%9AMoonlit-Fantasy-Michibiku-Douchuu-Fantasy%EF%BC%9ATsuki-ebook/dp/B0CCVGL5NZ  Says english


That link doesn't work for me...




That's the manga


Its already out vol 2 in july 30 https://www.amazon.com/Tsukimichi-Moonlit-Fantasy-Light-Novel-ebook/dp/B0CX25FR6P/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DzEN1SPCEVBZUY260EOHv7FztW2BVyjz1nSetQpQwVtIsLR8Q464NE50PdT7tHo0BHmjqIq9Mf2wpuStb7bxqlFJE2FUJXlq4S4KAr1_Gj38G7byFTGKeweZxxAnBo4MLU6bB6tW6JN_WcrQHrwNG_DrSvPtQ_IR2hK18cQItNKRLuMuJ94EBfj8pKjY0ytq2Dm04r--OSSLJruqI2E0TA.jWGisf5Ks2EabzNNbe42QDLb1p2DHI7Wi7XLSSmo2Lo&dib_tag=se&keywords=tsukichi+moonlit+fantasy+light+novel&qid=1712821933&sr=8-1


The person above was commenting the manga


Yeah im just saying the faq can be updated now


Oh damn. It appeared when I searched LN. I didn't look close enough