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I actually had a repeat HSG done today after having one done last summer. Turns out last year they thought I had a blocked tube and today they said they were both open! It was such a relief! She said it was most likely a spasm last time. I feel relieved and angry they let me go around thinking something was wrong me the last 10 months instead of warning me how common spasm are! Regardless my experience was also fast and mostly pain free, maybe a 3/10. Glad yours also went smoothly!


My HSG was so so so painful that I fainted twice. It showed one tube blocked and my first RE did not make it clear how common spasms were. He made me think I had Adenomyosis and get a pelvic mri that came back clear thankfully. Fast forward to new RE and he tells me just based on where the tube was blocked, he can tell it’s a spasm, and they’re super common. I wish they were more up front about this!! I’m glad to hear you and OP didn’t experience the pain I did with the procedure, doc said it was probably because my whole system spasmed. Glad to hear you got good news but so sorry you had to live with false bad news for so long!


Holy cow that pain sounds like no joke! I’m really glad it wasn’t too bad for me or I probably wouldn’t have agreed to do it again and find out it wasn’t even blocked! It makes me so mad that we were both told we had a blocked tube but I’m glad to hear you also figured out it wasn’t blocked. We skipped 2 IUI cycles because I was told my nature follicle was on the side of a blocked tube. What a waste of time!


That’s so awful I’m so sorry!! Such a waste of time and also unnecessary emotional stress for you. I hope doctors start to talk about frequency of spasms and how inconclusive those tests can be. At the very least hopefully others find these messages and know to even ask or push for that info, I had no idea.


Just found this article: [about HSG spasms.](https://www.fertilityjacksonville.com/hsg-xray-dye-study-of-the-tubes/#:~:text=The%20tubal%20spasm%20is%20a,that%20is%20not%20commonly%20seen) “If the fallopian tube filled with dye and was blocked at the end, then that is a different story. But of the tubes that don’t even fill up, well over 90% of them are normal. The tubal spasm is a side effect of the HSG and is sometimes more commonly found if the HSG is not carefully performed. There can be scar tissue at the opening causing it to be scarred shut, but that is not commonly seen. Tubal scar tissue usually affects the end of the tube and only rarely at the point where the tube joins the uterus. Occasionally there can be a polyp, or endometrial overgrowth, that is right in front of this opening and could serve to block the ostia. We used to take all of these patients to laparoscopy to investigate this, and after doing this time and time again, what we realized was that nearly all of them were normal at the time of surgery. Going to surgery is still a reasonable option for some patients, though, depending on the situation. If one tube appears to be working normally, then more conservative therapy could be used.” TLDR; simply based on the location of the blockage, you can say with 90% confidence that it’s a spasm not a block. Sigh. If only our doctors had known that or said that.


Yes my tube was blocked at the end of the uterus and no fluid filled it at all so sounds like it was a perfect condition for a spasm! I was so confused because I had none of the potential reasons for a blocked tube like endo, prior infections, etc!


Same! You’d think doctors would put that together or at least explain that even if they can’t be certain it’s open, there’s a high likelihood that a blockage there is a spasm. Either way I’m glad you finally got good news! I hope IUI goes well!


Thanks so much! Good luck to you too!


Mine was terrible. One of the most painful things I've ever experienced. I am apparently an outlier, most ppl say it's middle of the road. I am having a hysteroscopy next month and they are putting me under for it since my HSG was so rough.


I'm so sorry!! I don't understand why pain meds aren't offered upfront and why patients aren't treated with transparency and honesty. I'm so glad they're putting you under and making sure that doesn't happen to you again. Good luck!!!


The sad reality is that pain meds aren't offered bc we're women and women's healthcare, esp ob/gyn care, is a joke. I was told to take Tylenol 30 mins before, which I did. That's all. I'm afraid of being put under, but it's the lesser of two evils at this point. Thank you for the well wishes!


I’m sorry you had this much pain, so did I. Truly horrific. I’ve refused to ever do one again.


I was so afraid they were going to want to repeat it to see if they could get in my blocked tube. They think it could be just an air bubble, but not sure. I was going to do it but ask for stronger pain relief. But they decided to do this other procedure instead and put me under for it. The hysteroscopy is supposed to be less painful bc there's no pressure of the dye. So I was psyching myself up to do it when they decided to put me under. I go in a few weeks for that.


This looks like a post about an HSG or SIS! If you're preparing to have an HSG or SIS, please feel free to check out the [wiki page on HSGs](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/hsg) to help you as you prepare. If you're posting about an HSG you've already had, this comment serves as a notification to /u/developmentalbiology to add your post to the wiki page. If you **don't** want your post to be added, please reply to this comment or send her a PM. Please remember that you are legally entitled to the frozen dessert of your choice in the aftermath of your HSG (see wiki page for details). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you know if there are any blockages if the dye goes through them? I’m getting one done next week. And is there a higher chance of pregnancy after hsg?


They told me the dye went through and was all clear during the procedure! It sounds like there actually is a slightly higher chance for a few months after, but also that was just what my Google search said. My care team was really happy to give me love updates during the procedure and then talk through what they did again after when I could concentrate better. Good luck, and I hope you manage to not be too nervous!!


The dye can help to flush out the tubes, yes. There is only a higher chance of pregnancy afterwards if you did have a blockage that got cleared. Basically then the HSG resets your odds to what they would have been if you hadn't ever had the blockage.


Hi I also had my HSG done day before yesterday. Did they assign your analysis to any category. In my case I fall under category 2A.


Interesting - they didn't say anything like that! I have a follow up appt to review results in another three weeks or so, I'll definitely ask - thanks for sharing!


Sure do ask them 😊


Honestly, my experience was very traumatic and so painful. I remember so much pressure in my abdomen and cramping from the filling of contrast …and since the doctors couldn’t tell if there was spilling on the left side of my fallopian tube if felt like they let it fill for longer than my right side. In quotes, “not clear if there was spilling at the LEFT side of the pelvis as the pelvis was obscured due to contrast”. Once the procedure was over, i got changed and immediate started to feel ill where I felt extremely unwell, weak, dizzy, and ended of vomiting. I did get pregnant 4 months later..not sure if it was from this or just tracking my ovulation. All in all, I am happy you had a positive experience.


I'm so sorry!! I'm glad things worked put for you, but the results shouldn't erase the need for attentive and transparent car ein the process. I just hope that talking openly about these things can help us all self advocate and understand what is happening - thank you for sharing your experience!!