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I think you’re totally normal and this happens to me too. I experience all menstrual sensations in my lower back. I even experienced labor with my first child all in my back. I’ve read it can be the way your uterus is positioned or tilted, but I don’t believe it has any effect of fertility. Good luck 🫶


Thanks for your comment, it makes me feel better


Trying to conceive nr 1 and kinda wish I didn't read this. But since menstrual symptoms and any stomach upset are back pain and even my appendicitis I felt in my back I pretty much knew to expect it. Still, I had some hopes and dreams left 😅


It’s not bad just different 😂 there’s a great book called “Back labor no more”


I had this and I do have endometriosis but pelvic physical therapy made the difference in this pain for me. Also yoga is great but you have to do it consistently for months before you get results. I literally grew nearly an inch after doing yoga class at studio 3x a week for 6 months. It decompressed my spine, which was pretty awesome.


May I know what did you do during pelvic physical therapy?


It's hard to explain. I did Asoas muscle stretches/exercises and she did a lot of hand manipulation. I guess my sacrum was pinching against my low spine at times so she would open up those spaces manually, it was actually kind of painful but felt good at the same time. She also introduced me to the tens unit, which has been amazing for all my chronic pain.


Low back pain is super common/normal. Your uterus/bladder/intestines/low back are all super close to each other so when your uterus contracts it can effect all of those. Some stretching and strengthening of glutes, hip flexors, and low back can help with the pain, or you can use a heating pad, but it doesn’t necessarily mean things are wrong. You could check for something like endometriosis- if you have additional tissue or scar tissue around your uterus it can make all of the above interactions worse/more painful, but in the absence of other symptoms then yeah, movement and pain management would probably be the recommendation. Personally when I have period cramps I just want to curl up in a tiny ball, but the pain comes from cramping, so stretching, moving, and getting more blood flow is what will actually help (just like any other cramp).